When Marley woke up she sat and watched her brother for a while, he looked peaceful when he was sleeping and she wanted to keep that image in her head. The full moon would be up in a few hours and the boy she knew would be hidden beneath a wild animal. As Jamie turned in his sleep his top had rolled up and she could see the angry scaring across his spine, she took a deep breath and thought back to the night he'd gotten it.
It was the second moon he'd spent outside with their dad and they hadn't worked out all the kinks yet, Jamie's wolf had been trying to play and Remus' took it as a threat and tore him open. When the pair of them returned Marley remembered how she had to try and stitch him back together, for days they didn't know if he was going to make it.
"Stop it" Jamie grumbled pulling his top down and snapping Marley back to reality.
"Stop what?" Marley asked as she crossed her legs.
"Thinking about it, I'm here and I'm fine you don't need to worry" he rubbed his face and sat up stretching.
"I'm always going to worry" she frowned.
"I'm a big boy marls I don't need you too" he smiled at her.
"Yeah okay, you'll have changed your tune by morning" she rolled her eyes and hopped out of the bed.
"Are you sending a letter to fin today?" He asked.
"Yep just going to grab some toast and then I'm off to the owlery" she nodded.
"Send this too please, saves me the trip" he opened his desk draw and handed her an envelope.
"Fine only because you look terrible" she took the letter and put it in her bag.
The last thing Marley could be bothered doing was getting changed here and then having to change again when she got to her dorm so she decided she was stealing the pyjamas.
"Harper" the girl banged on the post of the opposite bed.
A mumbled sentence that she couldn't make out was groaned back to her and she shook her head.
"I'm going to the owlery do you need anything sending off" she pulled the covers off him.
"There's a letter on my desk could you take it for me please" he sighed sitting up.
"Yep, see you later you two" she kissed Jamie's head and headed out.
When she was nearly knocked off her feet by Pansy Parkinson she dropped her bag and heard a loud crash from inside.
"There goes my books" she threw a hand to her forehead.
"How many books have you got in there that was loud" Pansy passed Marley back her bag.
"Oh I think I've got 25 in there at the minute" she said in thought.
Pansy started laughing but stopped when Marley looked confused, "oh your serious, 25 books! Why do you have that many" she gasped.
"I've got next years textbooks and if flitwick finds out they're in my dorm there'll be hell to pay so I keep them in my bag" she explained.
"I can just about keep up with the stuff we're doing this year, do you have a spare brain in that head of yours" Pansy placed her hand on Marley's head making her jump.
"Well if you need any help studying don't be afraid to ask" she gave her a smile and left the room heading for ravenclaw tower.
She thought both of her dorm mates would still be asleep but issy was sat with Timmy on her lap at what was meant to be her desk that she had transfigured into a dressing table. She was using her wand to style her hair but stopped when she saw Marley in the reflection.
"And just where have you been" she said playfully.
"I was studying with Blaise and then I slept in Jamie's dorm" she pointed to the pyjamas she had on, "hence the outfit"
"Why are you so chummy with the slytherins all of a sudden" she wiggled her eyebrows
"I'm not"
"They sat with us at breakfast marls" she turned causing the cat to mew loudly and jump off her legs, she widened her eyes. "And now your having study sessions with Blaise zabini"
"Well his dorm is quiet and all's you two can talk about is Sirius Black" she started to get changed.
"He's a mass murder who has escaped an inescapable prison, how can we not talk about it"
"It's annoying he's not going to come here"
Issy carried on with her hair and Marley mae woke sue up who even though she'd been asleep longer than anyone in the castle she still looked exhausted.
"Come on, there's not gonna be any lemon curd left" Marley groaned at her friends.
"It takes time to look this good" issy grinned.
"Isobel you spend too much time infront of that mirror" sue said as she linked arms with Marley and they headed to the great hall.
After they had breakfast the three girls made their way to the owlery, it was freezing and the two girls regretted agreeing to go along with Marley. They told her they'd wait at the bottom of the stairs for her and she started half running up the steps. It was always colder at the top and Marley didn't mind because she was usually alone.
The only sounds that can usually be heard are the odd hoots from the owls but there was chatter coming from the top room and Marley groaned. Expecting to see some first years she opened the door and walked straight into a rather hard back.
"Fancy seeing you here" Blaise's voice echoed off the stone.
"Blaise, Theo" Marley side stepped looking for a suitable owl, "what are you two doing up here"
"Blaisey boy had to send a letter to his mummy" Theo joked.
"Piss off Nott" Blaise smacked the back of his head.
"I'll be downstairs if you need Me" Theo laughed.
Once Theo had left and Marley had sent one owl off with her and Jamies envelopes, she found harpers tawny owl and sent his off too. She turned back to Blaise who was leaning near a window.
"I was wondering if you were going to hogsmeade next weekend" he asked.
"Mhm, are you" she nodded.
"Yeah, would you by any chance want to meet me in the three broomsticks" he smiled as they walked down the spiral stair case.
"I have to help issy get some supplies but I can after"
"Good, we could meet at about 3 if that's okay"
"Sounds good" she smiled.
When they got to the bottom Theo was standing flirting with issy and sue had a book in her hand. But the two flirting jumped apart as Blaise and Marley reached the bottom. The boys said goodbye and headed off in a different direction and Marley told the girls about what Blaise asked her and issy insisted that it was a date making Marley groan and sulk about the fact she unknowingly agreed to a date with Blaise Zabini.
When it was about to start getting dark Marley excused herself from her friends and made her way to the slytherin common room to meet Jamie. She said hello to Pansy who was sitting with Draco and carried on to the boys dorms. She knocked and Jamie opened the door and told her he'd be ready in a minute so she decided to go next door and get her robes from Theo.
"Hello, Theo?" she called as she walked through the door that was half open and looked around.
"Not here" mattheo said as he crossed the room.
"Do you know where he is?" She crossed her arms.
"Not mine or your business" he practically spat.
"We'll do you know where he put my robes" she tightened her arms as he rolled his eyes.
He got out off his chair and opened the wardrobe rooting through it and proceeded to throw her robes too her.
"There, now get out" he sat back down.
"You don't have to be a dickhead all the time mattheo, get that stick out of your arse you might actually have some fun" she fumed before walking back to Jamie's room.
Jamie gave her a weak smile trying to put on a face that showed he wasn't about to tear himself apart. The siblings walked to the hospital wing were madam pomfrey was waiting with their dad.
"You going to be okay tonight James" Remus placed a hand on his sons shoulder earning a low growl.
"Can we just get going so he can get comfortable" Marley glared at her dad.
"Do you have your potion Remus" madam pomfrey gave his arm a rub.
"Yep, tastes absolutely vile but at least it works" he gave her as much as a smile as he could.
"Can we maybe not talk about the fact you get to have a nice night in your office while I'm out there in the shack" Jamie snapped.
Marley could see the look in his eye and took a hold of his hand, "poppy we're going to start walking down" she gave the mediwitch a small smile and rolled her eyes at her father.
When they were out of ear shot she started to hum the tune she usually hummed to him when he was in a bad mood or ill and she felt the pulse in his wrist slowing down. Madam pomfrey caught up with them and they went into the shack together.
"I'll be in the hospital wing as soon as you get back okay" she stroked his slightly saturated hair.
He just nodded not wanting too speak in fear that he might be sick.
"I love you James" she placed a kiss on the top of his head and she could already feel the dampness of the hot and cold sweats that usually took over his body.
Jamie just looked up at her and she didn't need him to say anything she knew he was telling her he loved her with the look he gave her.
Her eyes welled up as her and madam pomfrey walked back through the tunnel. She hated having to watch her brother go through this and it filled her with rage too even think about the fact that Remus didn't have to suffer at all while Jamie was quite literally breaking every bone in his body all because of him. It broke her heart and made her hate her dad even more.
By the time they had gotten back to the hospital wing it was dark and the moon was lightning up the sky, as she had done last year madam pomfrey made up a bed in the far corner for Marley to stay in and she gave her something to eat and some tea. And then she waited.
Marley-mae tried to force herself into some sort of sleep but it was no use at all, her gaze was fixated on the the window of the hospital wing where she had a full view of the setting moon. When it was gone from the sky completely she sat up and hung her legs over the side of the bed, she could hear madam pomfrey in her office so she hurried putting on her jumper and a pair of jeans followed by her shoes and socks. Pomfrey shook her head and tutted when she saw Marley sitting awake and fully dressed at the edge of her bed.
"did you get any sleep at all?' madam pomfrey asked as she gestured for Marley to follow her.
"not a wink" Marley yawned, "did you?" she gave the older woman a useless attempt of a smile.
"I couldn't manage to get any myself no, grab the stick please" pomfrey instructed as they approached the whomping willow, Marley grabbed the long branch from the ground and handed it to the older witch.
After the walk through the tunnel and waiting for the protective spells to be disabled Marley was practically bouncing from one foot to the other, she was told to let madam pomfrey see to him first incase he had any serious injuries which made the girl roll her eyes but she respected the mediwitch's instructions so that she was allowed to continue this routine. This was the worst part, the aftermath. Seeing her baby brother lying all broken and bruised on a crappy little mattress, Marley wished it was her that had gotten the werewolf gene and not him. she would have done absolutely anything to protect him
"go ahead Marley" madam pomfrey instructed as she waved her wand over the boys leg.
Slowly she approached Jamie, still cautious of the lasting wolfish qualities that occur with every full moon. "hey baby brother" she stroked his head and he stared to stir.
"marls" he managed to whisper roughly.
"I'm here, you okay?"
"leg hurts" you could hear the dryness in his throat so Marley used her wand to fill up a cup with water and she lifted his head for him so he could take a sip.
"you dislocated your knee, but" madam pomfrey started only to be disrupted with a rather gruesome popping sound, "I've just fixed it" she smiled at the two.
"will he be okay?" The girl asked finally tearing her eyes away from her brother.
"of course he will, a few cuts and bruises but other than that" she clapped her hands together and stood, "now lets get you back up to the castle"
The mediwitch flicked her wand and Jamie was transferred to a levitating stretcher. Marley held on to his hand as they made their way back to the castle just as the sun was about to rise. once pomfrey had treated all of Jamie's wounds she left the siblings alone and Marley crawled into the bed with her brother. she looked down the bed and frowned at him.
"what?" Jamie looked at her in confusion.
"I used to be longer than you" she pointed to their legs where it was quite clear that Marley's were a lot shorter than his.
"blame it on the growth spurt. Or your coffee addiction, it stunts your growth you know" he laughed and nudged his sister.
"oh I don't know about that, I've been drinking it for as long as I can remember and look at me" they were interrupted by their dad who gestured at his unusually tall and gangly body.
"hi dad" Jamie smiled making his sister roll her eyes.
"how are you doing?" Remus asked his son.
"better, You?" he questioned.
"well I'm as good as I can be" he lifted up his walking stick as if to prove to his son that he wasn't being stubborn and suffering through the pain that was walking without it.
Marley scoffed and sat up jumping off the bed, "it should be fucking you having to lie in the hospital bed" she spat at her dad.
"what?" remus looked at his daughter with a fierce scowl.
"you heard me don't play dumb" she laughed humourlessly. "you think its fair that your tucked away all cosy while my brothers suffering!" her voice was getting louder and louder.
"watch your mouth Marley, don't say something you'll regret" Remus argued.
"don't worry I wouldn't fucking regret it, honestly your nothing but a joke" she revolted
Suddenly Marley had to duck as Remus launched an empty water jug at her and there was a loud sound of glass smashing on the wall behind her. Jamie tried to jump up but the pain potion took away his ability to use his full strength.
"dad what the fuck" Jamie shouted.
Remus looked at them and ran his free hand through his hair letting out a careless huff of air. "what? she can't get away with speaking to me like that" he tried to defend him self.
Madam pomfrey who had just appeared looked at the smashed water jug and the family of three who all looked like they wanted to rip each others heads off, she put her hand on her hips before talking. "you" she pointed at Remus, "in my office now, Marley you can come back later but James needs his rest" she gave the girl a sympathetic smile.
"love you" Marley kissed the top of Jamies head and stormed out the hospital wing as quick as she could.
The young witch was so angry she didn't really know where she was going and some how she ended up on the other side of the castle and she was quite confused at how to get back to the Ravenclaw common room. "for fuck's sake" she shouted as she slid down a nearby wall and put her head on her knees.
"don't tell me you study here aswell?" she heard a voice say and looked up to see Theo.
"I'm not in the mood for jokes Theo" she took a deep breath.
Theo held up his hands in defence, "you look terrible what's up" he said truthfully earning a deadly glare.
"I haven't slept for over twenty four hours, I have a headache from actual hell, my dad is the worlds biggest wanker, oh and I don't have a clue how to get back to my common room" she said without breathing and then tears started flowing and wouldn't stop.
Theo looked taken back by the outburst but sat down next to her anyway and put a hand on her knee. "well Marley-mae I unfortunately can't do anything for the shitty dad Department but I get that trust me" he shook his head, "but I can get you back to your common room so you can sleep"
Marley looked at him in utter shock and nodded, "I suppose that would make us even on the whole getting home safely thing" she tired to put on a smile and wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks.
"come on then" Theo held out a hand as he stood up and then pulled her up too.
"thank you Theo" she said after a few quiet moments.
"just being a gentleman of course"he said making her scoff.
"why are you walking about this early anyway?" she asked curiously considering it wasn't even 7am yet.
"I like to run before the suns up and then have a shower" he shrugged.
"full of so many surprises aren't you Nott"
"you don't know the half of it" he smirked just as the got outside the entrance to the tower, "tell that pretty little blonde friend of yours I said hello" he winked.
"not a chance" she shook her head, "and her name's Isobel!" she had to half shout as he started to walk away.
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