When Marley woke up on September 1st she could feel the dip in the space next to her in the bed so she knew at some point of the night Finan had woke up and got in her bed. She looked over to her clock which read 7:30. There wasn't a chance in hell that she was going back to sleep so she turned to face her brother who was still snoring, she pulled him in and hugged him trying not to wake him up.
When she heard the sound of dishes clanging she got out of bed putting on her socks and making her way to the kitchen to find Hope cooking breakfast.
"Morning sweetheart, could you go and get your brothers up please" she smiled and carried on.
Marley loved her Nan helping when she could but at the same time she couldn't stand it, it felt like whenever she was here she would try and take over and it made her skin crawl. Marley had a way that she liked to do things and hope did everything the opposite way, she also hated that she tried to take care of Jamie and Finan. That was her job.
"James wake up, Nans made us breakfast" she said as she hit him with a pillow.
"What time is it" he groaned.
"Time to wake up" she smiled sarcastically.
With James walking half asleep behind her she went to her own room and woke up Finan who had the same look on his face that James did when he first woke up.
"Come on kid, let's eat" she ruffled his hair and they all joined Hope at the table.
Halfway through breakfast Remus came in and took a plate of food to the bedroom for Faye and then joined them to eat what was left.
"Okay we have a busy morning but I've packed all of our bags so all you two have to do is get ready" Marley said as she cleared the table.
"I could have done it myself" Remus protested.
"No, no dad you couldn't or it would have been done already" she gave him a knowing look and then headed to the bathroom to shower.
She held her wet hair up with a clamp and then went into her parents room to check on her mum before they left. She was asleep which wasn't a surprise so she sat on the edge of the bed next to her and just looked at her for a minute before rubbing her hands over her eyes and moving the stray hair off of her mums face. She stood to leave but was stopped by her hand being grabbed.
"Are you leaving for school Marley" she said quietly.
"Yeah soon, we'll be home for Christmas though" she leant down and and kissed the top of her head. "Try not to stay in bed please mum, Finn needs you" she left the room.
When they had to leave Finan held back his tears and held on to Marley as tight as he could. Marley let a tear slip and cupped his face.
"I'll write every couple of days and be home before you know it okay, I know it's gonna be different this year but Nans here so you'll be okay" she kissed his head. "Remember to feed mum if she won't come out of her room and if you need to you can give aunt Mary a ring she's still out of the country but she gets back soon, in a week or two I think"
"I'll be okay and I can handle mum don't worry I learnt from you and your the best"
"I love you Finn"
"I love you too marls"
"Don't I get any love" Jamie called with a hand on his hip.
Finan gave him a hug and then hugged Marley again.
Remus said goodbye to Finn and too Hope and Hope assured that the three of them would be fine and they finally left piling all their stuff into a taxi and off they went.
Marley had been doing this for 3 years now and she had a routine and having her father tagging along was making it rough to follow. He insisted that he would get the trolly for the trunks and then almost tried to get them to go to the wrong platform. The last straw was when he messed with Marley's coffee habit.
"You drink too much coffee marls why don't we go straight to the platform" Remus pleaded as she stood outside the coffee stand in the station.
"Oh you didn't just say that" Jamie took a step back and covered his face.
"No dad!" she stomped "I don't drink too much coffee and even if I did drink too much coffee, that is not your business" she was shouting and poking a finger into his chest. "Also I get the coffee addiction from you after all"
"Okay okay, sorry" he held up his free hand. "Get me a cup too if your getting one"
"For fuck sake your a hypocrite" Marley stormed away to order two coffees.
While she was ordering the drinks Remus had to sit down and rub his hip that was still sore.
"Dad why haven't you got your stick" Jamie looked his dad up and down.
"It's in my trunk I didn't think I'd need it"
"You always need it, even more after the full moon"
"Just leave it Jamie I'm fine" he half snapped.
"Your not but whatever" he rolled his eyes.
"You look like Marley when you do that" he smiled.
"Here" Marley handed him the small cup of coffee while she had the large.
"Really" Remus raised his eyebrows.
"You made me angry, you get the little cup" she smiled, "now chop chop we don't have all day train leaves in 30 minutes" she proceeded to talk leaving them to hurry along behind her.
When they got to platform 9 3/4 they left Remus in a compartment by himself were he got comfortable and drifted to sleep. Marley walked with Jamie until she heard a girls voice calling his name. She turned to see a girl with dark hair that was tied into a high pony and she had the brightest blue eyes.
"Jamie, I got a compartment down the train and I was wondering if you'd like to sit with me" she smiled and then looked from Jamie to Marley.
"And you are" Marley stood infront of Jamie protectively.
"Marls stop it" Jamie nudged his sister, "Astoria this is my sister Marley-mae, marls this is Astoria Greengrass"
"Oh, Daphne's little sister" Marley smiled, "looks like you got the nice eyes" she smirked.
"For gods sake marls" he ran his hand over his face.
"Well then little brother I'm off to find issy and sue, bye love you" she kissed her brothers cheek before leaving, "nice to meet you pretty eyes" she called back to the two.
It took her all of 5 minutes before she found her dorm mates sue was sitting on the floor playing with issys cat Timmy.
"Well well well look who decided to show up" issy said looking up from her book.
"I really thought about transferring to bauxbattons but you both know I couldn't walk round in that poncy blue dance costume they call a uniform" Marley cringed.
"Well I think you would look absolutely stunning in it" sue smirked and stood up and they both gave Marley a hug.
"So where is he I thought you'd be inviting him to sit with us" issy half laughed.
"Urgh definitely not, it's bad enough that my dad has to teach me a class. Im not introducing him to my friends" she shook her head.
"He can't be that bad if Dumbledore's letting him be a professor" sue said now sitting opposite her.
"He's always been a shit dad so im expecting him to be a shit teacher as well" she took a long swig of her now cold coffee.
"That's enough of the morbidity, now do you want to know how I spent my summer or not" issy giggled.
When they were almost at hogwarts the train stopped in it's tracks and Marley's blood ran cold, it was almost like someone had cast a ice charm on the train. Marley's brain instantly went into panic mode and the only thing she could think about was her brother. She opened the door to leave but was instantly hit with a black cloak that felt like it was sucking the life out of her and she blacked out.
By the time she'd came too the train was moving again and she had been bundled in blankets and when she opened her eyes she was met with her brothers face.
"Jamie" she said hoarsely
"You okay marls?" He helped her sit up.
"I'm fine, what happened, did that thing hurt you" she frantically started checking him for marks.
"No I'm good relax" he half laughed. "Issy came and got me when it had gone. What the hell was it"
"A dementor I think" issy said from were she was sitting opposite the girl.
"Dad just left he had to go and talk to the driver but he told me to give you this" he handed her half a bar of chocolate.
"Oh god does this mean you both met my dad" she covered her face and then looked at her friends.
"It does, sorry love" sue smiled.
"You need to get changed we're nearly there" issy said as she fixed her robes.
"I need to get back I left tor by herself, if you want to come and see me after the feast just let yourself in, the password is serpent" Jamie held her hand and then stood too leave.
"Wow slytherins aren't very creative are they" Marley said about the password earning laughs of her friends.
By the time Marley had changed and made selective adjustments too her robes they were pulling into the station and the three girls got of the train and into the first available carriage they could find it was only occupied with another ravenclaw from Jamie's year. The girl had wide eyes and long blonde hair but all the focus was on the bright red toadstool earrings she was wearing.
"I love your earrings, your Luna right" the girl looked up from her magazine in shock. "I'm issy and these are my friends Marley-mae and Sue"
"Luna Lovegood? Doesn't your dad work for the quibbler" Marley said excitedly.
"Yes he does" the younger girl smiled.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you, I love your fathers work" she shook the girls hand.
The trip to the castle was rather bumpy but Marley was preoccupied by luna who was letting her read the latest edition of the quibbler.
This years sorting was quick mainly because Marley chose to zone out the whole time and she wished it would have lasted longer because now Dumbledore was up at the fron introducing her dad to the school as the new defence against the dark arts teacher. The majority of the upper ravenclaw table all turned to her clearly making the connection so she just put her head onto the table hoping to do what the ghosts do and just float right through it.
"Ooo daddy come to help you with your school work Marley" Michael corner teased from across the table.
"Micheal what's that on your tie" Marley answered making him look down.
"What- nothing" he looked back up just as Marley reached over the table grabbed a hold of his tie and pulled so it choked him and then she pulled his head down and it banged quite hard on the table.
"Watch your mouth shit head" she smiled and turned back to the front.
She zoned out again until the food appeared on the table, the thought of it made her nauseous so she excused herself and left with a few people watching as she had to open the rather large double doors.
The second she made it to her common room she felt at ease and her head started to stop pounding, she quickly changed into her pyjamas and got in bed and surprisingly fell asleep quickly probably down to exhaustion.
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