Day 5: A little pink pearl
Never underestimate the importance of your emotions when on a mission. It can be the thing that brings you to safety or kills you. — A Brief Introduction for Hunter's
The sun warms my toes as we lay under the shade of our casabella. Zale currently has one arm behind his head while his hand holds a book in front of him. I glance at him from behind my sunglasses and place my phone down to rest my eyes. I've spent most of the day accessing databases to learn about mermaid and sea creature law. I stretch my hands above my head and reach for my glass of water.
"Taking a break," Zale comments, glancing at me.
I nod. "Yeah, my eyes are getting tired from the screen, and I'm starting to get a headache."
Zale laughs lightly, turning a page. "I didn't know your dirty books—"
"I wasn't reading a dirty book," I huff, quickly regretting it as he closes his book and turns to look at me.
"Oh?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. "Do tell me what you were so engrossed in, then, if it wasn't something sexy?"
My cheeks heat at the suggestive tone and twinkle in his eye. "I was researching mermaid laws."
The twinkle in his eyes dulls as his smile falls. He shifts his body to turn towards me and grabs my hand.
"You don't need to do that," he whispers.
"Yes, I do."
Zale grabs one of my hands between his. "I'm the one who contracted you, and I'm saying it isn't needed. You are already doing enough by putting yourself at risk."
I snort. "This is what I do. I protect my clients in every way possible by knowing what I'm against. Be it law, societal norms, or the assailant." My fingers tick off the different areas as Zale smirks at me. "Don't forget I have formal training at the Hunter's Academy."
"But, you didn't—"
"I didn't graduate by choice," I snap. "They wanted to use me in ways I didn't feel were appropriate. There are only so many times you can see your friends from previous classes become stars on a wall before you decide the death isn't worth it."
Zale squeezes my hand while giving me a soft smile. "I'm sorry you lost so many friends."
His lapis eyes crinkle at the edges as his fingers run along the back of my hands, causing a heat to form near my heart and race toward my belly. I lick my lips and swallow, trying to find words for the empathy he's showing. A buzzing causes me to pause and turn, reaching for my phone.
"Huh," I mutter, looking at the unknown number on the screen.
"Someone just sent me a photo."
I open my phone and go to my messages. A smile forms on my lips as I look at a photo of Zale holding my hand.
I meet his questioning gaze. "Promise me you won't react. Just smile and continue to hold my hand."
Zale nods, and I show him the photo. A hiss of air escapes from his forced smile as he looks at it. Then, another picture is sent. I laugh and kiss Zale on his head before ruffling his hair.
"I'm going to go to the restroom. Please go back to reading your book," I say. "The best thing to do is not to show a reaction. She obviously wants us to react so that she feels in control of the situation."
"But, what if she follows you?" He asks, grabbing my hand.
I shrug. "Then Ondine finds out what it smells like when I poop." Zale smirks. "Also, what it's like when I fight back."
Zale kisses my knuckles as I slip on my sandals and walk away. He shouldn't see how frazzled those photos made me. But I can handle this. My job is to handle this.
My business in the bathroom takes a little longer than I expect between the self-talk to build myself up, and actually—you know. I also spent the time coming up with some funny lines to lighten the mood. Sure, Ondine is close enough to take pictures, but it doesn't mean she will do anything.
When I see that our casabella is empty, any funny one-liners die on my lips. I sit down casually and scan the shoreline and water. Nothing. It wouldn't be good to look concerned if Ondine is watching me. This is all just part of the plan.
I lean back against the chair while opening my phone. No message. Could Ondine have reacted and done something to him? Surely, he had enough control of his powers to defend himself if so. Not that a mermaid couldn't do any damage, especially if Zale just relied on his good looks to get by.
"Oh no," I groan. "Z does do that."
Sure, Zale has plenty of muscles, and it looks like he is training. But he can probably only do some stunts. Zale isn't adequately trained. He doesn't know what to do if cornered or—I'll just give him a few more minutes.
A few more minutes turn into thirty and then into an hour. I try to distract myself with my book, but I keep going back to scan the horizon for some sign of an annoyingly attractive man with lapis eyes.
"It's been three hours," I mutter. "Where could Zale have gone?"
My fingers flip the screen from my book to begin a text message. It isn't clingy to send a message. It's just part of my job. I worry my lip between my teeth for a moment before—
"Is it that spicy of a message?" Zale asks.
I immediately shut my phone and look up to see his skin glistening with sprinkles of water. "Where did you go?"
His head leans to the side as he smiles. "Were you worried about me?"
I press my lips together, exhaling through my nose. "Part of my job is knowing where you are to protect you."
"I thought the man protects his lady in your novels."
"Zale," I sigh.
Zale meets my gaze, and whatever he sees makes him pause his teasing. He sits down and takes my hand to give it a brief kiss. "Sorry to worry you. Next time, I'll leave a note."
"If there is a next time," I shrug. "You're leaving in two days, right?"
He nods. "But there's always tomorrow or the next morning," Zale smirks at me. "I'm sure I can find plenty of ways to make my girlfriend worry."
I roll my eyes while stretching my legs. "How long do you want to stay here?"
Zale groans while stretching his hands above him and letting them hang over the back of his chair. "I'm not sure. Do you want to eat in the rooms or at a restaurant tonight?"
"It could be smart just to stay in the room," I shrug. "Let Ondine make the first move."
Lapis's eyes stare into mine, crinkling slightly at the side. "So, your room or mine?" My mouth goes dry as he leans in closer.
"Uh," I exhale. "Wh-whatever you would like."
"Whatever I like?" Zale smirks, lifting a finger to tuck a wayward hair behind my ear. "Darling, don't tease me."
My cheeks flush as I pull back slightly. "You know I didn't mean that."
His low chuckle sends goosebumps down my arms. It will do no good to lecture myself right now about letting him get to me so quickly. Reacting more than I already have will only make him tease me more. The best action is to simply pick up my book.
"Oh, don't ignore me." Zale pouts. "Not after I found this for you."
I glance over to see him holding a pink pearl in his hand. "That's beautiful. Where did you find it?"
He shrugs and motions towards the waves crashing in. "Oh, over in one of the reefs when I snorkeled for a little bit. Here, take it."
I pick it up and roll the pink oval in my hand. The tiny grooves sparkle in the sunlight.
"It's really amazing," I smile, offering the pearl back to him.
Zale shakes his head. "No, it's yours."
"But I couldn't take this from you. You're already paying for my meals and drinks, and this would be too much."
His lapis eyes search mine for a moment before flicking down to my lips and back up. I can feel my heart rate steadily increase under his examination.
"No," he shakes his head, focusing on his phone. "It's the right thing. You'll see."
I close my hand around the pearl and smile. "Fine. I guess I'll trust you."
Zale returns my smile for a moment while responding to a text message. "You ready to head in?"
"Sure," I smile. "When do you want to meet for dinner?"
I glance at the time on my phone: 5 pm. It would be nice to spend some time alone in my room to freshen up.
"Would 7:30 work?"
I nod, slipping on my sandals before grabbing my bag. "Sounds good to me. I'll meet you in your room then."
Zale smiles while throwing on his button-down. "Then, it's a date."
I can't help but return his smile as my stomach knots at his words, date. I'm in big trouble if this man can make my stomach knot by just mentioning a work date. Yes, some time alone in my room to organize these thoughts will be very, very helpful.
A few hours later, I lay in my bed, showered, and was still confused about why Zale had given me the pink pearl.
I turn over and groan into my pillow, crunching one of the many pros/cons lists under me in the process. Or, it could be my logical analysis of whether this was a real date or a work date.
"I need more friends," I moan. "Or, at least, a psychic. Someone who can just tell me the answer."
I turn to look at the clock, 7 pm. Well, might as well begin to get ready.
My feet hit the floor as two sets of footsteps sound above me.
"Must be getting ready for the dinner," I mutter, then pause.
What they bring up can help me know what to wear. I rush to my door and use the peep hole to spy outside. I couldn't see a golf cart.
Dang it! Maybe no one will notice if I crack the door open to spy. I wince at my idiocy as I slowly creak the door open.
"It was good to see you again," a female voice says.
"You too," Zale replies.
He has another woman. My emotions go from shock to hurt to anger as I lean against the wall to peek out the crack of my door.
"Try not to be loud on your way out," Zale whispers.
There is a pause and shuffle of feet before the woman walks down the stairs. I see her tuck some black hair behind a pale ear before she walks away down the path. Her sandals clang against the concrete with each step.
I slowly close the door and lean my head back against the wall.
"Damn," I hiss. "I'm such a fool."
It's probably the embarrassment that makes me begin to cry. And then, the anger over being so dumb is what makes me throw away my lists after tearing them apart. I almost throw the pearl away but pause. Instead, I dump it into my purse.
Then, I crawl into bed and lie down. Thirty minutes later, I ignore my phone buzzing and the knock on my door fifteen minutes after that.
"Paige!" Zale yells. "Paige, answer the door, or I will break it down!"
I sigh and pull myself up. I pull a fluffy white robe around myself before opening the door.
"Paige," he sighs, relief flooding his worried features. "Thank goodness you're okay. I thought—wait, you don't look so good. Are you feeling alright? Let me—"
Zale stands in a blue button-down and khaki shorts. He is handsome, like always, reaching to pull me in. I step away from his touch, using the door to provide a barrier.
"Sorry, I might have eaten something bad at lunch."
"Oh, okay. Do you want me to—"
I shake my head. "No, it's fine. I'll just stay here tonight and see you tomorrow."
Zale's hand clenches beside him before he shoves them into his pockets. "Okay, I hope you feel better."
"Thanks," I mutter and shut the door before he can say anything else.
Before he can try to make me feel anything else.
Word Count: 2,034
Total Word Count: 18,354
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