Day 1: Arrivals
A lady is best served with a little dose of love every now and again (and hopefully again) across the decades (or millennia). It helps to keep the soul active. If there is no chance of love, may I suggest a good vacation with a side of rum? - from the stolen letters of Dame Cinzia
Hello, I've landed. Walking out now. I consider the message for a moment before sending it.
It takes a moment before my phone buzzes. I glance down to check the message. Aloha, welcome to Maui. On my way now.
I came here with one clear objective: fucking relax. It has been one year, five months, and twenty-three days since my last vacation. Of course, not all of it is my fault. Some of that has to deal with circumstances best not brought up when there is that one clear objective in mind, and forgetting is part of relaxing sometimes.
The wheels of my new suitcase hitch along the airport tiles as I push a strand of curly brown hair behind my ear. I was smart enough with my packing to only have carry-ons, so it was easy to side-step the other passengers on my way to find my ride to the hotel. Never-ending work trips can do wonders for a woman's ability to pack light.
Wind and daylight assault my jet-lagged senses as I move past the people grabbing their luggage to the road. My eyes take a moment to adjust as I scan the line of cars waiting. Near the end, I see a chestnut man in a Hawaiian shirt with tattoos spiraling up his right arm, standing beside a black Mercedes. He pulls out a sign, Paige Byrne.
"Push away the thoughts," I mutter, moving quickly towards the man. His eyes meet mine, and I give him a small wave.
The driver nods towards me, immediately taking hold of my roller. "Hello, Ms. Byrne. My name is Koa. I'll be your driver today."
"Thank you, Koa."
Koa quickly transitions from opening my door to putting my bag in the trunk. This is the type of vacation I need. No thinking.
"Two weeks of not worrying," I smile to myself.
My boss, Tammy, didn't make much of a fuss about my extended vacation. I've accrued enough PTO to be out for six months straight. The two weeks I'm taking isn't that much in comparison. I just might need to check—nope! Tammy said to tune out, and so I will. No need to get my boss mad at me for not listening to her by not relaxing. That shit-roaster of a case is finally over. I can breathe. I can sleep. I can not check my phone every 10-15 minutes to wonder if the world will fall apart because I'm not being a productive part of it.
"Just go get the fuck out of here, Paige," Tammy smiled, flashing perfect teeth with just a hint of her coffee addiction. She casually leaned against the doorway, checking the split ends of her auburn hair before turning her full attention back to leaning against the doorway of my office. "I don't want to hear from you for the next two weeks. We can discuss your next assignment when you get back."
My fingers paused on the keyboard; double-tasking is a habit that's hard for me to break. "So, my next assignment is already—"
Her hand flew up, so I could only see her palm and the back of well-manicured fingers. "Not your problem at the moment. Just get the report done and leave. Have a great trip!"
I lean my head against the car window, watching trees and farms give way to blue waves crashing against a black rocked coastline. Simply saying "blue" doesn't really do it justice. I just don't have the mental capacity after ten hours of travel to provide more mental juice than, wow, that's beautiful blue water.
My hands clench on my phone momentarily before opening it and typing "shades of blue" in the search engine. I might be on vacation. That doesn't mean I have to give my mind a break. Ocean blue, bay blue. My eyes dart up to glance across the horizon. Yep, teal blue. They are all there. A shade or so off the paint cards listed, but still close enough. I would hate to be anything but exact, even on vacation.
Wait, mental rest might be how humans relax. Tammy seemed to imply it. But implication and facts are two different things. Maybe, in this instance, I don't have to be exact. Just approximate the colors of what I see. Acknowledge the beauty of it. Repress the need for further analysis and a twinge of heightened anxiety. Then, let it go.
No one I meet on the beach who forces me into conversation will want my explanation of how volcanic rock becomes an island worthy of habitation. Nor will they like me to discuss the migration patterns of whales. I can be sure of this because Tammy becomes zoned out, and a glaze covers her eyes when I talk about these things for long periods. Or, she nods, smiles, waits until I breathe, and then tells me to look at a video of cats to distract me. Thus, I shall have to intrinsically enjoy the knowledge obtained before and during my travels.
"I'm so good at vacationing," I mutter to myself.
A wry smile spreads across my face. After much research, I have discovered that the best way to make my brain shut down, besides cat videos, is cliched romance novels. The steamy, over-indulgent, and unattainable storylines will cleanse away any thought of work. That, with the relaxing rhythm of waves... I can hardly wait. This is what being a successful adult with no children and no partner is all about.
My eyes flash towards a part of the ocean in the distance, where a crest of white water rises and falls, following a large splash.
"Is that a whale?" I whisper, causing the brown eyes of the driver to flicker back to me and then towards the ocean.
"Oh, yeah," he says. "They're everywhere right now. Watch for little puffs of water in the sky; eventually, you might see one jump."
"Cool," I whisper.
Koa shifts slightly in his seat as if the silence affects him. "Is this your first time to Maui?"
I shake my head. "No, my parents used to bring me here as a kid. It's been a while."
The driver nods his head and doesn't press any further conversation. I lean back and let the scenery transition from beach to domestic. A cobwebbed infestation of memories slowly emerging from the depths of my mind.
Koa coughs slightly. "Did you come before or after we got the dragon on the Big Island?"
"After," I mutter. "Have you seen it?"
"No, a few people see it out hunting occasionally. They think it might lay an egg near Mauna Loa. It's becoming a whole thing to have the area protected now."
My eyebrows furrow. "Is it in a lava tube?"
He nods.
"Wouldn't the egg just burn up?"
Koa shrugs. "We don't know. The Hunters Guild research department sent a crew out a few months ago. There are rumors of a hatchling in Iceland, so they're researching the connections."
I nod my head and shrug. "Makes sense."
The Hunters Guild will take care of most things nowadays. For better or worse, they provide the balance. We just get the leftovers.
"I'd also recommend staying away from the mermaids near Hana. They are not aloha."
"Noted," I smirk. Why would I want to mess with those creatures anyway? They'd take one look at me and see dinner.
We turn off the main highway towards some homes. I take a bottle of water from my bag and drink it slowly.
"So, what do you do?" Koa asks, stopping the car to let some pedestrians pass. "Sorry, didn't see you drinking."
I swallow and smile, shaking my head. "No worries. I'm a consultant that specializes in non-human and human relations."
"Ah, so a lawyer?"
I shake my head. "No, I didn't have the patience to study, but I work with them frequently."
"Vampires?" His grip tightens and loosens on the wheel.
"Sometimes, but not all the time."
Koa clears his throat. "Well, we had a problem with them a few years back. Not as bad as that London situation—"
"Yeah, that was crazy," I agree, trying not to get into that conversation.
No consultant wants to discuss a situation that can cause humans to have tension with non-humans. It doesn't really help with business.
I bite my lip as we turn the corner along the two-lane road. A line of cars with photographers casually waiting on the side of the road. My eyebrows immediately knit together in annoyance as I sigh. Usually, locals will park here for beach access, but not today. Whoever has caused this ruckus better be worth it.
"Celebrity?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.
Koa shrugs. "Isn't my business. Usually, some of them make it up this way. Where you're staying, you might see a few."
"Joy," I mutter with a sigh.
"Not a fan of the rich and famous?" Koa's eyebrows raise at me with a glint of humor in his eyes when glancing at me in the rearview mirror.
I shake my head. "It isn't really them. Just all of the extra attention that comes with it." My hands unconsciously move in a circle while I am talking.
Koa nods his head as the car slows down. He turns into a long drive with ferns and flowery bushes lining the road. Employees in crisp uniforms wait along the circle drive.
"Here we are, ma'am. I hope you enjoy your vacation. Please feel free to text me if you need another ride," Koa says, stopping the car.
A man in a crisp uniform opens my door. "Checking in?"
"Yes, Paige Byrne."
"Welcome to the Moana at Kapalua Bay, Ms. Byrne," the man says as he moves towards the trunk where Koa is now removing my bags. "Please feel free to wait in the lobby. We will let your service manager know you have arrived." He motions along the walkway towards the building.
"Thank you," I nod, feeling odd about not being helpful and oddly at ease by not having to handle a single thing.
I walk towards the main doors along a narrow walkway with koi swimming in a pond on either side. My eyebrows raise as I step past a little boy, motioning at the fish while pulling on his mother's hand. The open doorway leads into a lobby with a balcony that looks out onto floor-length windows and ocean waves. To my right, a large brown wooden front desk hides three women. A bellhop approaches the desk, whispering to them while motioning toward me.
A blonde-haired woman, probably in her early to mid-twenties, approaches, holding a purple and white flowered lei. "Welcome to the Moana, Ms Byrne."
I bow my head slightly as she drops the flowers over my head. They feel like velvet against the back of my neck, and I can't help but smile.
"Please, follow me this way. My name is Lydia; I will be helping you this afternoon. Would you like a welcome tea or mai tai?" She leads me away from the large brown front desk towards a brown leather love sofa with a coffee table in front of it.
"A mai tai would be great," I smile.
"Of course," Lydia nods as I sit down. "I will be right back with your drink and welcome folder."
I just nod, suddenly feeling out of place as a woman in a designer sundress walks by. Sure, I can afford the place, but most of my clothing will be bargain buys from last season. Heck, I only chose this place because of a last-minute deal. It still feels silly to pay my monthly mortgage per night, but... I turn to look at the view behind me and sigh. It seems like the perfect place to relax and unwind.
"Here you are, Ms Byrne," Lydia says, placing a little tray with a rolled warm towel and a small glass on the table.
"Please refresh yourself," she motions towards the towel, and I pick it up. "Now," Lydia continues as I pat my face. "Here is a map of our facilities. You will see that there are three pools. These two are open to families," she points to two blue areas on the map. "And this one is for adults only. We also have an adults-only hot tube near the pool right here." She pauses. I nod while picking up my drink. "There are sunscreen stations near all the pools. Please feel free to use them because they are reef-safe." The mai tai tastes sweet and strong. I smile as she motions towards the coastline. "Any of these chairs and casabellas are first come, first serve from 9 am until 4 pm daily. Just let one of the employees know where you would like to sit."
I nod, finishing my mai tai in a final swig.
Lydia's long fingers point to some spots on the map. "We have three restaurants on the premises. Breakfast is served from 7am to 11am at the Oceanfront, which is right here. You can see each one's specialty if you use the QR codes. I would suggest calling for a reservation if you would like to eat the Lua Pele or Umi. Any questions thus far?" I shake my head. "Great, you will be staying in room 1402, which will be here near the adult pool. The bellhops are bringing your bags there now. Is there anything else you would need?"
"No, thank you," I smile, taking the offered map from Lydia's hands.
"Okay, well, if you go past the front desk, there will be a set of stairs or an elevator. You can take that down to the first floor and turn right. This will lead you to your room. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay."
I rise from my chair and turn to see flashes of camera lights as a man surrounded by three large men in all black walks into the resort. Lydia's breath hitches beside me.
"He's here," she breathes, rushing back to the front desk.
Light laughter and "Welcome, Mr. Florimonte" flitter into my ears like little bells. I bite back a groan at the flirtatious nature and hurry to escape the whole affair.
"Excuse me," I mutter to a large man holding a camera.
He ignores me, and I'm forced to use more strength than appropriate with a human. The man stumbles forward and drops his camera. It falls to the ground with a crack. He doesn't seem bothered, ensnared by the man in the center of the commotion.
"Weird," I mutter, walking past the front desk.
My feet pause, feeling my attention tugged to look behind me. A thin golden thread pulls me. My eyes follow the thread to the man at the center of it all, and I can't turn away. For someone getting in the way of my sleep, there isn't anything unique about his black locks and chiseled jaw. Vampires are just as attractive. It helps them when hunting. The bright blue of his button-down highlights his tanned skin. So, that is positive. And his arms, well, they're nice too. A flash of light breaks my concentration, stopping me from going any lower.
Stop it, Paige. I chide myself, only to have that damn golden thread tug at me again. My delinquent eyes glance up to meet the man's ocean eyes appraising me. The swirl of blues changes momentarily towards a sea green before returning to ocean blue. I instinctively reach towards the thread and cut it. Then, slam a silver mental shield down over my thoughts. His eyes widen as the shade settles on a lapis blue. I walk on, leaving the women at the front desk to fuss over him.
Thank goodness I looked at that color chart on the way here, or those shades would have bothered me and kept me here longer. No need to get caught in that honey trap.
Wait, is ensnarement a better term? A yawn fills the stairwell as I move towards my room. Nope, no need to pull out the dictionary. I'm on vacation and don't need to worry about my vocabulary or swirling blue eyes.
Word count: 2699
Note from the author: Thank you so much for reading! If you're interested in more about this universe please go read "Emilia Vos and the Swipers' Tale ."
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