6 months later...
They say that the gods and goddesses feared us mingling with other creatures because of the way it would change the balance. And the world requires balance. Maybe that is why the Hunter's Guild has really been formed. Or, perhaps, these are just the thoughts of an old lady. — Entry from a long-lost diary
The sun creeps in through the blinds of the tenth-floor window. I shift slightly in the bed and feel Zale turn beside me. His hand reaches and pulls my body close to it.
"It's too early," he mutters.
I laugh lightly and run my fingers across his arm. This isn't earlier than usual, but we were up later last night. A small smile forms on my lip at the memory.
"You're the one that didn't want to go to sleep," I quip.
Zale burrows his head into my shoulder. "No regrets."
I turn over to face his blue eyes. "Me too."
Last night, we made our first public appearance. After six months of dating, I finally agreed to walk with him at an event. We haven't started spouting poetry and "I love you"s, but so far, this has been enough. It was a premier for his latest movie, and for the most part, I just stood back as the cameras flashed.
"You did amazing," Zale whispers. "And you looked stunning in your dress."
I smile and grab his hand. "It was a lot more fun than I expected."
"I'm glad."
I know Zale continues to be cautious about how much he exposes me in his public life. On his final day in Maui, we spent most of the day discussing the balance we both wanted. And, as much as I hated it, I knew I would have to compromise some of my privacy for him. But these mornings and our time together outside of the cameras made it worth it.
The pink pearl jingles on my bracelet as I pull back the covers and leave the bed.
"Come back!" Zale groans.
I shake my head. "No, I need to shower and get moving. Some of us have to work on Thursdays."
"Lies! Commoner lies!"
I roll my eyes as I go through my morning routine at his apartment. Twenty minutes later, Zale is still lying in bed when I emerge from the bathroom in a towel.
"Your phone keeps buzzing," he sighs. "It looks like an international call."
"Probably spam," I mutter while opening my overnight bag.
Zale rolls onto his side. "You know that you can just leave some clothes here."
I nod while dressing. "Yes, but which ones? What if I want them on the days that I'm not here?"
"Then, we buy duplicates," he says. "Or, you choose something else to wear."
Our eyes meet, and I can see him challenging the logical lists I'm creating in my head. He raises an eyebrow, and I turn away.
"I'll consider it," I mutter, pulling my shirt over my head before walking to the bed. I pick up my phone and look down at the number. "Who the heck—"
The words stick in my throat as I read the text message. Hey Paige, long time no see. This is Emilia Vos. I think you'd be interested in my latest case. Wanna meet me in London?
I look up at Zale, who is now sitting up with a look of concern on his face. "Wanna go to London?"
He shrugs, "I'm always down for another vacation." Zale pulls me down to his level. "Especially one with you."
I smile, "Let's try to get into less trouble this time."
Zale shakes his head, "no promises."
I respond to Emilia, Let me put some PTO in. Zale says he can't wait to meet you.
A moment passes, and she likes my message.
I smile up at Zale, "To London, we go."
Word Count: 617
Total Word Count: 21,067
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