Shivaay entered the gates of Oberoi mansion. He stopped his car in front of the main gate and threw the car keys to one of his gaurds and asked him to park the car.
Shivaay reached home and saw his dadi waiting for him in the living room.
D- Arey Billu, you came?
S- Yes dadi, but why are you waiting for me? You should've had dinner and your medicines by now. It's very late and staying up late at night is not good for your health.
D- Billu, don't start again with your health nonsense. I am totally fine.
S- Dadi but...
D- Shut up billu. Now Let's go and have dinner.
Shivaay sighed in disbelief and nodded his head.
They went towards the dining table and sat down on their respective chairs.
The maid served them dinner and they started having their dinner.
D- Billu, I think it's the right time.
Shivaay looks at her confused.
S- For what, dadi?
D- I think it's the right time that you should get married.
S- Not again dadi. You know I don't want to get married now.
D- Billu, but you have to get married one day or the other, then why not now? Anyways, I am getting old and I also want to see your bride. I also want to play with my great grandchildren.
S- Dadi, but I am sure that the girl whom I will marry would marry me for my money and status. I don't want to marry someone who will hurt your emotions. All the women I know are just behind me for my money and it's the truth, I believe that every girl just wants money and status, nothing else. So it's good that I stay away from those selfish girls. Dadi, you're my highest priority and I don't want anyone to hurt you. Okay.
D- Billu, you are wrong, not every girl is behind money and status, some girls also respect family and values. Their highest priority is their family and they can do anything for their family.
S- I just hope that you knew the real face of the world, dadi.
D- Oye khoteya, I didn't grew old without experience. I've seen more world than you so trust me, one day you will meet a girl who will break all your ideologies and you will be head over heels for her. That day your ishqbaazi (love) will begin and I feel that the day is not far.
S- Oh dadi, please. You and your ishqbaazi (love) lessons.
Dadi chuckled at him and patted his cheeks lovingly.
D- My billu.
Shivaay helped dadi to stand up from her chair and took her to her bedroom.
S- Now it's time for your medicines.
Dadi scrunched her nose in disgust.
D- Billu, I don't want these stupid medicines. I am perfectly fine.
S- Dadi, you have to take your medicines. No arguments.
Dadi sighed in disbelief and had the medicines.
Shivaay made her lye down on the bed and covered her with a blanket.
S- Now sleep.
D- Billu, please get me a grand daughter-in-law.
Shivaay sighed.
S- Good night dadi.
Dadi looks at him frustrated.
D- Tu na khote ka khota hi rahega. (You will always be a donkey.)
Shivaay chuckled and left the room after switching of the lights.
D- Oh God! Please send a girl in my billu's life. He doesn't show his miseries to anyone but I know he need someone to share his happiness and sorrow.
After praying for her beloved billu, dadi drifts into sleep.
Shivaay came inside his room and loosened his tie. He made an espresso for himself and took the cup to swimming pool.
He stood near the pool and his thoughts drifted towards Anika.
He took out his phone from his pocket and dialled Khanna's number.
S- Hello khanna.
K- Yes sir.
S- There is a girl named Anika and I want to know everything about her. Each and every detail. Get it.
K- Yes sir. You will get all the details in the morning.
S- Good.
Shivaay disconnects the call.
Anika was sitting in the ward beside Sahil's bed while he was sleeping soundly due to the effect of medicines.
A nurse came inside the room and told her that doctor wants to meet her.
Anika nodded her head and left the room not before kissing Sahil's forehead.
Anika went to the doctor's cabin and knocked the door. Doctor asked her to come in and have a seat.
A- Doctor, is everything fine with Sahil?
Do- Anika, you are aware of each and every detail of Sahil's condition.
He is in the final stage of leukemia and if we didn't operate him soon then we might lose him.
A- Doctor, how much this surgery will cost?
D- I think 3 lacs. We have found a suitable donor already whose bone marrow is matched with Sahil. I think we need to hurry up.
Anika nodded her head.
A- I'll arrange the money within 2-3 days doctor. You just start his treatment.
D- Ok. Good. Don't worry. He'll be fine.
Anika nods her head as some tears rolled down from her eyes and she left the cabin.
A- How will I arrange such a huge amount in such a short span of time? I have only 1 lakh rupees in my savings. How will I arrange the rest of it?
She went towards Sahil's ward and glances at his pale face. She caressed his hair.
A- I'll try my best to arrange the money. I will do anything to arrange the money because you're my highest priority.
She didn't realise when the sun rose and the next day appeared.
Chanda entered the room with Anika's breakfast.
C- Anika, have your breakfast.
A- No Chanda. I'm not hungry. It's good that you are here. Please take care of Sahil. I have some important work so I had to leave.
C- But..
Before Chanda completes her sentence, Anika left the room. Chanda sighs in defeat.
Shivaay was getting ready for office when a maid barged into his room.
M- Sir.. Sir.. Wo... Wo...
S- What happened, Maria?
M- Sir, wo dadi's condition is not good. She is falling short of breaths and she is huffing and panting.
Shivaay looks at her shockingly.
S- What?
He immediately ran out of his room and asked Maria to call the doctor immediately.
Shivaay entered Dadi's room and saw her struggling for breaths.
S- Dadi.... Dadi... What happened...?
D- Bi....ll...u...
S- Dadi, don't worry. Doctor is on his way.
After some time, dadi got back to normal. In no time, doctor entered the Bedroom.
He checked Dadi and frowned. He looked at Dadi with confusion and she glared at him and signed him to play along. Doctor mentally facepalmed himself.
S- What happened doctor? Is she fine?
Do- Umm.. I think her Blood pressure raised due to some stress. I think she is getting very stressed about something. Please don't give her any stress otherwise it will be harmful for her health.
Shivaay nodded his head and Doctor left.
Shivaay sat beside Dadi and held her hand in his hands.
S- Dadi, what is troubling you? Why are you stressing yourself so much?
D- Billu, you know what I want and you know my worries as well. I want a life partner for you who will walk along with you in every step of life. I want you to get married. Please Billu. I am getting old and I don't know when the time comes and I di.....
S- Dadi please don't say like that.
Dadi chuckled lightly.
D- Billu, please get married. Assume it as my last wish.
S- Dadi.... Fine. If you want this, then I'll get married.
Dadi sat up on the bed in excitement but then she realised that she was acting sick few minutes ago so she clutched her head and acted as she is feeling dizzy. Shivaay got tensed and made her lye down on the bed.
S- Dadi, please take rest. I am going to office. Something has come up. If you need anything, you will immediately call me, okay?
Dadi nods her head and kissed his forehead.
Shivaay left for his office.
PRECAP- Shivika's wedding contract.
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