Chapter 8
"Loki, I'm going to the bookstore. Wanna come?" you asked, holding up the keys to one of Tony's expensive cars. Loki wasn't officially on house arrest, but he still didn't venture out alone often, or possibly ever, so whenever you were going somewhere he might be interested in, you always offered to let him come along.
"You require a protector on your outing?" he teased as he set his book aside and stood to join you.
You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him in reply. "No, silly Trickster. I'm going to protect you while we're out," you replied.
He huffed. "I am a god. What on Midgard could you possibly have to protect me from?"
"Your army of fangirls," you replied with a grin.
He just stared at you. "My army of what now?" he asked incredulously. You cocked your head in reply.
"Seriously? You've never been on tumblr? You have an entire army of fangirls, who are quite obsessed with you. Hell, they even call themselves Loki's Army," you told him.
"That cannot be true," he protested, unwilling to believe that he had fans.
"Loki, you know damn well that I can't lie to you anymore than you can lie to me." Loki was the god of lies and could tell when anyone was lying. You were a werewolf and had the same skill. You two were no longer allowed to play two truths and a lie with anyone. Ever. Especially on team bonding night. "Phone?" you asked him, holding your hand out. He passed his phone over to you obediently. Within five minutes you'd set up the app and an account for him and showed him how to search through the tags. "I would highly recommend that you keep the safe search on. There are quite a lot of people who ship you and Thor...." you told him with a mischievous smirk.
"Does 'ship' mean what I think it does?" Loki asked, not wanting to believe that it did.
You nodded and grinned. "It means exactly what you think it means,"
"They do realize he is my brother. And a disgusting oaf. Also why do I have...fangirls?" he tested out the new word. He obviously felt unworthy of fangirls. He was used to being considered the villain.
You laughed. "Because you're tall, dark, and handsome, silly. And they think you're tragically misunderstood because of the Avengers movie,"
"" he asked, equally confused by that concept.
You sighed, you knew he'd seen movies before, you'd watched some together with him in the last few weeks. "Yeah, they made a movie out of the events in New York. There's actually a whole series of movies about the team now. I'll show it to you later, but do I have to prove to you that your army is real?" He called your bluff. He shouldn't have called your bluff. You got a short video clip of him and announced that he would be at the bookstore in a half hour to meet members of Loki's Army. You posted it all over social media with all of the appropriate hashtags.
"They will not come," Loki told you firmly. You laughed and linked your arm with his to head out of the tower.
"Why don't we go test that theory, Trickster?"
"Fine. Annoying puppy," he teased you in reply. He tended to call you that when you were being particularly silly or annoying. He was always teasing when he did.
You drove to the bookstore, as Loki still hadn't learned how to drive. He spent the trip scrolling through the Loki's Army tag with childlike glee. He was one to call you an annoying puppy...
There was a horde of fans waiting outside of the bookstore. "Told you," you announced to Loki as he stared at the crowd. "C'mon, oh high and mighty god, your fans await."
You got out of the car and he followed to go meet his adoring fans. He was shocked and confused, but signed autographs and took pictures until the number of people in the crowd got too much for him. They were actually being reasonable and had formed a line to meet him, after some ushering from the bookstore proprietors. Loki gave a quick glance to where you were standing on the sideline, behind where he was signing autographs, away from the line of fangirls. They wouldn't have seen the pleading look in his eyes, but you did. He was overwhelmed and needed rescuing. You made your way over to him, shifting just your ears so everyone in the crowd would know who you were, even out of uniform. Fluffy wolf-ears on top of your head were hard to fail to recognize. You heard the comments of recognition of you and your powers.
You stood up on your toes to whisper in his ear when you reached him, he leaned down to oblige you. "Do you trust me?" you asked him in a whisper. This game was dangerous and you had to be extra careful. He inclined his head, trusting you to get you both out of this situation. You turned him to face you and bravely kissed him, it was a chaste kiss, your lips barely meeting, for all that you made it look like more. You heard the moans of sorrow from the crowd as they gave up their hopes that he would choose them to kiss...or more. "I'm sorry I have to pull you away from your fans, love," you announced loudly enough to easily be heard by the crowd. "Cap called us back for a mission." The fans were disappointed, but you 'dragged' Loki away from them and back to the car.
"Told you that you have fans," you teased when you were safely in the car, fully human again.
"I shall not make the mistake of doubting you again," he replied formally.
You flushed at the reminder of what you'd done to get him out of there. "Um... sorry about my method for saving you. It was the easiest solution. The girls would give up easier if they think you're taken, romantically. I would have never kissed you without consent...." you babbled as you drove, firmly keeping your eyes on the road.
"Thank you for rescuing me. You were correct that there are some things on Midgard even a god can use saving from. And I do not mind your method in the least. There is no need to blush so at one tiny kiss, little wolf," his voice was light and teasing.
You ended up stopping at a different bookstore on the way home to pick up the book you had originally left the tower to find, all while trying to convince yourself that you weren't interested in the god romantically, nor he in you.
"Pretty please?"
"The physical attractiveness of the please will not get me to agree, annoying little puppy," Loki grumbled at you, almost legitimately annoyed with your antics this time. You weren't giving up though.
"C'mon, Loki~! It'll be fun," you pleaded with him again.
"Whatever she wants, just give in before she annoys all of us to death," Tony suggested helpfully for once, not looking up from the blue screen he was staring at.
Loki huffed and grumbled. "Not a chance," he replied sourly, not looking up from his book.
You took the book from his hands, standing in front of him where he was sitting on your couch. "Loki~~" you pouted.
"What are you wearing?" he asked instead.
"My costume for tonight. C'mon!" You took his hand and started to haul him to his feet. You could have pulled him to his feet easily if you really wanted to, but you wanted him to agree to come with you instead.
"Y/N, what are you trying to convince Loki to do?" Thor asked, obviously trying to decide which of the two of you he was going to help.
"There's a midnight showing of the Avengers movie tonight. It's at the Esquire, that old campy theater in town. There's a costume contest before the movie and all sorts of fun during the movie. I'm trying to convince Loki to come with me in his outfit from New York so he'll be in costume," you explained to Thor, still tugging ineffectively on Loki's hand.
"That is still a terrible idea," Loki grumbled, planting himself firmly on the couch.
You sighed. "Fine," you gave up, not wanting to really upset him. You wouldn't make him go. Loki looked suspicious. He expected you to come back with a different tactic. "Then I'll see you after the movie," you told him as you pulled the keys out of your pocket. His hand was around your wrist an instant later.
"I'll come to the movie with you," he told you firmly.
You rolled your eyes. "You're only invited if you come in costume. It's no fun to be the only one in costume," you reminded him. You'd brought this point up already.
"I can accompany you instead, since Loki does not wish to," Thor offered, willing to save his brother as per usual.
The team felt better when you didn't go out at night alone. They still saw you as helpless girl instead of remembering you were a werewolf. It hadn't quite been a month yet, and they hadn't seen you under the full moon. Usually only Loki saw your wolf form around the tower. Plus you were an Omega and the superheros all had Alpha personalities, though they weren't werewolves. Their instincts were to protect those they saw as more fragile, and your being an Omega triggered that instinct, even if you didn't need their protection. "You don't have to, Thor. I'm old enough to go see a movie by myself," you reminded him. The entire team glared at that. Annoying Alpha-types.
"Fine. You win, little wolf," Loki sighed and got to his feet. He used magic to change into his battle costume from New York. You sneezed, the magic tickling your nose as per usual. He chuckled. "Happy now?" he asked. You grinned and bounced up on your toes long enough to kiss his cheek.
"Very!" you replied with a grin and took his hand to drag him out to the movie, pausing long enough to wave to the others on your way to the elevator.
"Go be annoying elsewhere," Tony grumbled half-heartedly from where he was looking over some technical document on the blue screen in the air in front of him.
You got to the theater in plenty of time for the festivities. The Avengers movie had a cult following that nearly rivaled The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Loki kept his hand firmly clasped around yours, unwilling to lose you in the crowd. You got seats and the festivities started. They went through each of the Avengers doing costume contests for silly gimmicky prizes. You dragged Loki to his feet when the Loki costume contest started. He hesitated at leaving you alone, but let himself be ushered up to the front of the theater. He could teleport back to you if there was a problem. You saw his glare when he somehow came in third place. Uh-oh. You nearly jumped to your feet to stop him from stabbing the judges, when he used magic to conjure his golden horned helmet on his head instead. The crowd roared in applause and the winner of the contest gladly gave up her prize while she knelt to the real Loki. All of the Lokis in the contest knelt to the real Loki. You laughed as you took pictures of the ridiculous sight. Loki teleported back to the seat next to you and handed you the trinket prize. It was a shot glass that had Loki's helmet on one side and on the other said: If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.
You were grinning throughout the entire movie as people quoted lines, threw popcorn, roared like the Hulk, flashed blue flashlights every time the tesseract was on the screen, Captain America shields were banged, fake Mjolnir's were raised in the air, and blueberries were tossed and eaten during the science bros scene. Everyone got out of their seats and to their knees when the Loki on screen demanded the crowd to kneel.
Loki looked shocked to not only see the events of New York on the big screen, but also to hear people in the crowd saying things he had said in their best imitations of his accent at full volume. "Aren't they still upset over what happened?" he whispered in your ear.
You shrugged. "It's been over two years. Besides, Thor made it pretty clear that your actions were because of mind control. And this is New York. People are used to there being superheros covering every block of town and things still happening here. The world was saved, so everyone celebrates that fact in their own way. The movie was made to be a mix of fun and a tale of true events. People were either offended or loved it. More loved it than didn't, and now it's a cult classic, which leads to chaos like this." He still muttered something about the strange behavior of Midgardians, but didn't look nearly as uncomfortable. He wasn't hated. "That actor looks nothing like me," he complained. You laughed that thatwas the part of the movie he protested. You also had to explain to him that the movie producers had gotten a lot of their material from the SHIELD files and security tapes Nat had dumped on the internet.
The evening was going splendidly until you smelled another werewolf as you and Loki were leaving the theater.
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