Chapter 66
"Darling, you can't just keep hiding in the tower forever," Loki told you one morning, when you hadn't left the tower weeks later. You missed Asgard desperately. There weren't protesters outside your house on Asgard. The people worshipped you. You could actually leave your house without fear for your safety.
Ok, maybe not. There were all sorts of monsters and such on Asgard.
You weren't sure the people outside the tower were less of monsters than the creatures on Asgard.
"Lo, I can't go out there," you whined at him from where you were sitting on your shared bed, reading. "The protestors haven't died down yet." There were tears in your eyes at the idea of having to go out and face the crowd.
Loki sat next to you on the bed and wrapped his arms around you. "Shh, darling. It'll be alright. Fenrir wouldn't ask you to do something that would put you in harm's way," he reassured you. "I'll be with you the entire time, but you need to get out of this tower, you cannot just lock yourself away from the world,"
"I've been busy helping your mother plan our wedding," you tried feebly to protest. You had been working with Frigga on wedding plans, she'd been communicating with you via ravens. It was true you'd been working with her, but it was just an excuse, it wasn't really taking up all of your time.
And Loki knew it.
"Darling," he scolded gently. "Not only does Fenrir want you to be an ambassador for the wolves, which involves leaving the tower, but it's not healthy for you to be cooped up inside all day every day. You have not seen the sun in weeks. Come, we'll take a walk in the park," he bid you, sounding desperate to get you out of the tower, even for an hour.
You sighed and nodded. "Alright," you finally agreed. You were getting stir-crazy not leaving the tower in weeks. Loki stood, pulling you up with him before you could change your mind. Your wolf ears and tail were on display and despite that you were tempted to vanish them, you knew that would be disobeying Fenrir's wishes.
Loki led you out of the tower. You hesitated at the line of protestors. "You're safe with me, darling," Loki reassured you. "I'll protect you through anything, any danger, any toil, we are in it together, my love,"
You could handle it, together. You nodded and took Loki's hand tightly as you left the tower, trying to ignore the protesters and go on with your life. It was a simple outing to the nearby park. You'd been there plenty of times before. You hadn't realized how much you'd missed the feeling of the sun on your skin until you were back out in it. Loki noticed your longing look at the wide expanse of grass near the pond.
He chuckled. "Change forms, love. Go run. Show the people there is nothing to fear from a wolf," he bid you warmly, his voice a soft purr in your ear.
"You'll stand guard?" you asked nervously. After you got past the protestors, most everyone was leaving you and Loki alone.
"Yes, darling. As well as throw the ball. And brush out your fur," he promised, summoning said ball. You succumbed then, shifting to wolf in one smooth movement as Loki threw the ball. You leapt after it, catching it and brining it back to him. You barked happily as he took it from you and threw it again. You ignored the attention you were drawing, though most of the attention was from kids. Loki didn't stop them from watching, or approaching you. He even let some of the braver ones throw the ball, though you were careful with them to drop the ball back at their feet instead of pack in their hands. Just in case.
Loki brushed out your fur and let the children pet you. You were showing the world that you weren't a feral creature to be feared. The children and parents slowly relaxed when they realized that you hadn't changed from the Avenger they knew.
Word, video, and pictures spread of the omega wolf and how you weren't the vicious creature the protestors tried to claim. They just needed to be reminded of that fact.
Which meant, you were back on active duty.
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