Chapter 61
The next few weeks in Asgard flew by. You spent almost every moment with Loki. The pair of you explored the gardens. He took you to the markets and showed you the sights of the city. You explored all of his favorite places in Asgard. You also spent plenty of time with his mother and Thor and his idiot friends. You sparred with Lady Sif and she taught you new techniques. She was the goddess of war after all and an excellent fighter. She was also used to training the female warriors on Asgard, and was a good teacher for you.
You still couldn't believe the reactions of the people to you. You were expecting to be well known because of your relationship with Loki and your friendship with Thor. You were used to being famous on Earth for being part of the Avengers, so it was nothing new. You expected some deference since you were being courted by one of the princes. You were not expecting them to practically worship you. The people you saw actually looked disappointed if you weren't wearing your wolf ears when you were out among them. They wanted to see the wolf and she loved every moment of it. She loved that these people loved her and praised her, just for being her.
You were also a little surprised to find you were perfectly safe in the palace. You were expecting it to be safe, of course. You weren't expecting the hoard of servants to see to your every possible need. You weren't expecting guards to walk you wherever you wanted to go if Loki wasn't around, or for servants to give you directions and be so helpful. You weren't expecting the nobles to go out of their way to offer to help you with anything and everything you could possibly need.
Loki had said you would be treated like a princess.
He hadn't lied.
One morning, Odin called Loki to do something for him. Some magic that was vital for the realm or defenses or something else you didn't understand. What you knew was that you were losing Loki for the day and he had to spend it in the company of Odin. So he was going to be in a terrible mood when he finally got done with whatever spell Odin wanted. Plus he would be power drained which would just put him in a worse mood.
But you didn't know what to do with a day in Asgard without him. An hour here or there without him wasn't bad, you could entertain yourself that long, but an entire day? This wasn't your home, much as everyone was nice to you.
Thor came over to you after breakfast. "Lady Wolf, Lady Sif, the warriors three, and I are going out to hunt an elk for the feast tonight? Would you care to join us?" He asked you with a smile, offering you an activity for the day.
You nodded enthusiastically. "Sounds like fun! The elk is being used for dinner, right? Not just a trophy?" You would hunt to eat, but you refused to hunt simply for sport. If it was sport and a meal, that was also a different story. You had standards on hunting, but Thor seemed to understand that.
He nodded. "The elk is specifically to eat at the feat tonight," he reassured you. You nodded and bounced in delight.
"Let's go, then!" You told him brightly, grabbing his hand to tug him to wherever the hunt was starting from.
He laughed his big booming laugh. "Alright, Lady Wolf," he gestured to his friends and you all headed out to the stables so they could get their horses. You would be going on foot, which was a relief as you still didn't ride well. The warriors were all chatting and joking all the way to the stables and still when they'd mounted. Fandral offered you his hand, an invitation to ride behind him when he saw that a horse wasn't brought for you. You grinned at him and shifted into your wolf form. Everyone laughed at Fandral's shocked expression. You howled at him and barked a laugh when his horse shied and tried to bolt.
Thor led the way to the path in the royal forest with you trotting along beside his horse. He stopped once you'd entered the forest. "We last saw the elk around here. Do you know what elk smells like?" He asked you. You sniffed around, and whined when you couldn't get a good scent. Thor dismounted and held out a tuft of fur for you. "Here, try this," he told you gently. You sniffed the fur and sneezed when you had the scene. Thor chuckled and remounted while you sniffed for the trail. A minute later you wagged your tail with a soft yip and rushed off into the woods after the elk. The warriors and Thor were on your tail. It was a fun chase through the woods and at the end, you found the huge buck. "Careful," Thor warned you, but it was too late for such nonsense. The boys shot arrows at it, but before the elk could flee, you'd leapt for his throat and had him dead on the ground before he knew what was coming. You stepped aside to clean your muzzle in a nearby stream while Thor and the boys dealt with the elk.
They all congratulated you and themselves all the way back to the palace.
Loki picked out a lovely green floor length dress with long draping sleeves and a golden belt with a soft golden wrap to go over it for you that evening. It was wonderful and gorgeous and so soft and elegant. "Lo, this is too much," you protested.
He chuckled and kissed your cheek. "Nothing is too much for you, my darling," he told you warmly. He was dressed extra well tonight too.
"Is something going on tonight?" You asked him, wondering why the extra formal finery.
Loki shook his head. "This is just the last big feast before we return to Midgard. We'll have a smaller family dinner tomorrow night and head back the next morning," he explained and offered you his arm to escort you to dinner. As per usual, you felt like a princess with him. It was a sharp contrast from the barely civilized girl he'd met last year.
Dinner was fantastic. The cooks had done amazing with the elk you and the warriors had taken down, plus about twelve thousand other dishes for the occasion, before dessert. The desserts were to die for. Loki was in residence and the cooks went out of their way to make sure all of his favorite desserts were included. You loved how he lit up in delight as each new dessert was presented to him.
When the last of the dishes were cleared, Loki stood and offered you his hand with an elegant bow. "Would you grant me the honor of a dance, my lady?" He asked you formally.
You grinned and took his hand. "The honor would be mine," you replied, enjoying his silly gave of the extra formality. The pair of you made your way out onto the dance floor and Loki swept you into an elegant dance. You enjoyed every single moment of your dancing the night away.
Near midnight the last song for the evening was played, a slow romantic song. You and Loki danced it in the very center of the dance floor, with all of the other couples slowly circling around you. The music stopped suddenly and all eyes turned to you.
But you weren't paying attention to what everyone else was doing.
You were focused on Loki.
He took a step back from you.
And dropped to one knee.
He was on one knee.
I would be beyond honored if she will agree to be my wife when I ask it of her Loki's words from the beginning of this trip replayed in your mind.
It didn't erase your shock. Even though he'd said it then, you hadn't quite believed it, not until this moment when he was on one knee in front of you, holding an open ring box in his hands.
"My love, my darling, my little wolf, I have cared for you since the moment I met you and my love for you has only grown in the time we have known each other. We have been through our ups and downs and, through it all, I have realized that I never wish to spend another moment of another day without you at my side. I never thought I would find a friend on Midgard and not only have you become my best friend, but the light of my existence, and I cannot imagine a life without you in it. I wish nothing more than to spend the rest of our days together. So my love, will you do me the immense honor of becoming my wife?" He asked. You saw the vulnerability in his eyes, but you also saw a sense of surety. He wouldn't have asked you in front of the entire court, in front of the entire court, in front of his family, if he hadn't thought you would agree.
"Yes!" You replied when you broke through your shock. It wasn't enough to tell him. "I want nothing more than to marry you," you added, though those words still weren't enough.
Loki lit up in delight. The ring box vanished and he slid a gold ring with a gorgeous diamond onto your finger before he stood and kissed you to the cheers of the entire court.
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