Chapter 38
Cap and Tony continued asking the wolf questions. He was trying to be cooperative. You had a feeling that he didn't want Loki to get word that he wasn't. You wondered again what the hell Loki had done to him while you were unconscious. Besides rip his arms and legs off obviously. Thor watched the clock. "Hmm, I'm surprised it is taking Loki this long," he commented after about twenty minutes. "Don't fret, Lady Wolf. Loki can handle himself and he has backup,"
"Thor, kindly step away from the table. I would hate for my Lady to get blood on her," Loki's voice came from nowhere with a maliciously pleasant tone. You had no idea how someone could have a maliciously pleasant tone, but Loki did in that instant. Thor stepped back from the table, bringing you with him. Tony and Cap scrambled backwards too, taking Loki's warning to heart.
An instant later, Loki and Samuel teleported back in with Things that used to be men. Both Loki and Samuel were covered in blood. Two of the men-shaped things had been werewolves. The third was less brutally injured than the others, in fact he was mostly ok, besides his legs being completely broken in multiple places.
"I'm sorry, darling, I would have done a better job with that one for you," Loki indicated the third man, who was crying over his injuries, though the wolves were much worse off. "But he is human and I did not want him dying too quickly,"
"You're a fucking lunatic!" one of the wolves protested. You stepped closer to see what Loki had actually done to him.
"Perhaps, but you were planning on buying my lady like an object," Loki replied maliciously.
"Father, we have come across a plot that you needed to be made aware of immediately," you heard Samuel on the phone. "A mercenary wolf attempted to kidnap Y/N tonight. We have him in custody. Don't worry, he's not going anywhere. He was paid to abduct the Omega and deliver her to an address. We met the buyers at the rendezvous location. They are also in our custody. Trust me, father, Loki has made sure none of them are going anywhere. They told us that there is an auction tomorrow. We're working to get the location out of them. They were supposed to be auctioning Y/N, and it sounds like other wolves off. I'll keep you informed," Samuel ended the call and shoved his phone in his pocket.
"Did he know anything else?" Loki asked about the first wolf, the one with no arms and legs. Cap shook his head. Loki roughly threw one of the other wolves on a different table. "Let's see what you know,"
"No! You lunatic! Just kill me an be done with it!"
"No, I am a god, and your plans have harmed what is mine and threatened to take her from me. You will tell me every single thing you know about the auction, about your motives in stealing my lady away. Then, if you are very, very lucky I will kill you, I will kill you slowly, intimately, in every way you fear, and you will be begging for death long before I give you that final release, you mewling quim," Loki told him viciously and you saw the terror in the man's eyes. Gods, what had Loki done to him? He looked more like a bag of meat than anything that resembled a human. "But, perhaps, if you tell me the tale quickly, and truthfully, I shall find it in my heart to be merciful,"
The wolf started spilling his soul, rattling off everything about the auction. Wolves from all over the country, mostly mercenaries and lone wolves would attend the auction tomorrow. He gave the location too. Female wolves who had been abducted or sold would be there as well as human women. The human women were there to attempt to turn them after they were sold. Obviously, they went for a much lower price.
"We have to put a stop to it," you told them all firmly when he stopped talking.
"We will," Samuel and Loki both reassured you.
"Ok, it's driving me crazy, what did you do to him?" you asked Loki curiously, stepping up next to him to look at the man he was intimating.
"Oh, this? It's just a little spell that turned every bone below his shoulders to dust. I hear it's quite painful," Loki told you pleasantly and kissed your hair.
"Yes! It is, you lunatic!" the wolf replied.
"And him?" you gestured to the other wolf who was whimpering in pain. Cuts seemed to keep opening on him, over and over and over again. And he had no skin.
"Exsanguination spell. I should have picked something less...messy, but it is such fun to remove the skin while the victim is still alive,"
"So how are we putting a stop to this auction?" Cap asked, focusing on that instead of what Loki had done. That was a wise move.
"If they see anyone showing up who shouldn't be there, they'll flee before we can stop it," you told them. Wolves were secretive. "Plus, they would invoke the silence before a gathering of that size,"
"No," Loki told you firmly, seeing where your argument was going.
"There's no other way,"
"No way," Loki replied even more firmly.
"Loki," you glared up at him. "You saved me from that fate. We have to save the others."
"Care to enlighten the rest of us?" Tony asked, trying to decide whose side he was going to take. Also not barfing at the mess Loki had made of three werewolves and a human.
"No," Samuel agreed with Loki, catching on a moment later.
"Samuel, you know we have to," you reminded him.
"Tell the rest of us!" Tony protested louder.
"The only way to sneak into the auction is to make them think we belong. Samuel, Loki, and I have to go. We can only bring two others and be able to protect you from the Silence,"
"You're not going," Loki and Samuel both growled at you. You ignored their growls and Samuel's instinctive attempt to force you to back down with his wolf's dominance.
"You need me there. They're expecting two wolves and a human to deliver me to the auction. You can sneak in with no one the wiser, but only if you have me with you. Then you can put a stop to it and find the leaders and make sure this never happens again," you told them firmly.
"NO!" Loki and Samuel both yelled, but Cap, Tony, and Thor were more reasonable. They trusted you as a member of the team.
So you called Fenrir and told him your plan while Loki and Samuel were both lecturing about how you weren't putting yourself in that kind of danger. You handed the phone to Samuel when you were done explaining your plan. "No, Father, we cannot send an Omega into that situation during Winter's Moon! No, we can't. No... No!" His eyes glazed and you heard the direct order. "Fine," he handed your phone back to you. "Father says she is to go. It's our best chance. He will meet us there once we have arrived and you have secured the scene so no one at the auction can escape,"
"No," Loki growled, glaring at you. You went to him.
"Loki, I know you don't want me in danger, but I can't live with myself knowing that these girls are going to be sold and if I don't do everything in my power to stop it from happening. I know I'll be safe with you and Samuel there,"
"And Thor," Thor said. "I will play the human in this charade. We will keep Lady Y/N safe, Brother. On my honor, I will keep her safe,"
Loki finally turned and glared at Thor. "If anything happens to her, I will kill you myself,"
Thor inclined his head. "Naturally, but I am not concerned. Nothing will happen to Lady Y/N with all three of us watching for her safety,"
"If she even looks like she's in danger, you better get her out of there. I don't care who or what else you have to leave behind. Save her," Loki ordered firmly, essentially telling Thor to leave him behind and save you if that's what it took.
"Loki, it'll be fine," you told him and stood up on your toes to kiss him. "I'm not weak or helpless, but we're the good guys, the Avengers. We have to put a stop to this kind of wrongdoing."
"And you won't be alone. The rest of the team will be on the jet as backup. If things go South, we'll jump in. We can't let them get away with selling women," Cap insisted.
Loki kissed you lightly. "I still dislike this," he sighed, accepting that it was happening whether he disliked it or not. "If you are injured, I shall be quite cross with you," he finally relented.
Rachel, Cap, Tony, and Clint piled into the jet. Samuel wasn't willing to leave Rachel here alone with the captives, even though they were in no shape to hurt anyone, or move.
The IV was removed from your arm. Loki and Samuel changed into clean clothes. You didn't bother, though you were in your pajamas. It sold the act. Samuel drove the SHIELD SUV with Thor in the passenger seat. Loki would place further illusions once you got closer. You curled up with Loki in the back, letting him hold you and worry over you while you drove closer and closer to the auction.
You still couldn't believe that he had relented to you going, but realized that as much as he wanted to keep you safe, he wasn't going to throw you in a cage to do it. He wasn't going to clip your wings. He would come with you while you did what was necessary, and you would protect each other together.
"I love you," you told him softly.
"And I, you, darling," he replied and kissed your hair. "Please don't take any unnecessary risks on this mission. Don't forget that you are without your powers,"
"I won't. You just need my help to sneak you in and keep a hand on Thor if I can do so safely so he is not affected by the Silence," you reminded him. You knew your role in this well. It was your plan.
So why did it feel like something was going to go drastically wrong?
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