Chapter 37
You woke to male voices arguing. "You were supposed to protect her! We trusted you with her care, even though you're not a wolf. I trusted you with Rachel!" Samuel's voice was yelling.
"I am protecting her," Loki snarled the reply.
You weren't quite awake yet, opening your eyes was hard, but your arm itched, such a silly little annoying thing. You reached over automatically to scratch it. Loki's cold hand was on your before you could. "Don't, love," he told you gently, warmly. You forced your eyes open and looked up at him. You were in the medical room with Loki on one side of your bed and Samuel on the other. You saw the IV needle in your arm and reached over again to rip the damn thing out. You didn't, couldn't, why was it there?!? It needed to be gone. "Darling," Loki's voice was pained, gentle, attempting reassurance, as he took your hand again to stop your frantic desperation to get out of here. "You have to leave it in a little longer. It's only been an hour. Samuel insists that whatever that is, it will counteract the silver poisoning, it seems to be working, but you have to be patient, little wolf," you growled. Patience was not one of your virtues.
"Annoying god," you grumbled at him, but stuck your tongue out so he'd know you were joking. He smiled and kissed your forehead. "Where's Rachel?" you asked, worried about her safety. Both men sighed and growled about Omegas. You worked to sit up and Loki helped you. You could still feel the silver in your system a dull burning ache, but at least most of the drugs seemed to have worn off. Your left hand was heavily bandaged from where you'd sliced it open to break through the compulsions.
"Lady Natasha is keeping her company in the living room," Loki told you.
"Is Nat going to survive?" you replied with a smirk. You and Rachel had taken down two Asgardians a couple of days ago.
He chuckled. "I believe so. They are playing video games and enjoying destroying teenage boys who are rude to women over chat,"
"What happened with the wolf?" you asked finally when they weren't volunteering the story.
"Your mate did not keep you safe," Samuel growled. His chair flew across the room in anger and embedded itself in the wall after being viciously thrown. Poor chair, it hadn't done anything wrong. You reached over calmly and took his hand in yours.
"It wasn't Loki's fault that someone broke into our house," you told Samuel. "I'm only still here because of Loki's protections," you added firmly. It was only Loki's shields that had kept you even remotely safe. Samuel finally seemed to relax, a result of a mix of your words and your Omega powers.
"Stark checked the security footage. The wolf snuck in through the garage and used Stark's own voice to gain access to the building, as well at the floor plans from Jarvis. Stark is fixing that security flaw immediately. The wolf headed straight to my room, bypassing where the rest of us were. We didn't even know he was in the building until you sent the alarm." Loki kissed the top of your head. "Thank you, little wolf. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you actually called for help instead of trying to take him on your own," he pressed his lips against the top of your head again, wrapping his arms around you. "I don't know what I would have done if he had gotten whatever it was he wanted with you," you tilted your head up to look at him. They didn't know what he wanted yet? Had Loki killed him already? "The others were waiting for you to wake before we begin questioning him. Don't worry, he's not going anywhere until he's been questioned," Loki added quickly with a malicious glint in his eyes. Ah, they had just been waiting on you. You deserved to know why he had been after you.
"What'd you do to him?" you asked Loki suspiciously.
"He made sure the mercenary could not escape," Samuel replied, actually sounding impressed. That didn't ease your concerns. Loki was overprotective and vicious when something he cared about was threatened. You were definitely in the realm of something he cared about.
"Are you up to being there when we question him?" Loki asked you gently, concerned that the 'questioning' might become violent. "You can help Lady Natasha and Lady Rachel harass the teenage boys if you do not wish to be there," he added for both your sake and Samuel's, so you'd know you'd be safe no matter what you chose.
"I've never met that wolf before in my life. I want to know why he did this," you told them firmly. They both nodded. "Can this come out now?" you asked about the IV as you started two swing your legs out of the bed.
Loki sighed in exasperation and kept his hands firmly on your shoulders. "Not yet," Samuel spoke up so Loki didn't have to keep being the bad guy here. "That was a shit-ton of silver he dumped in you. That dart was dosed for one of those macho mercenary wolves," he glanced over the IV in it's weird Stark-tech contraption around your upper-arm instead of a traditional IV bag. At least you wouldn't have to drag an IV pole around with you. "About another hour. Be a good puppy and leave it alone or I'll let boyfriend spell you back to sleep for another hour." Loki would do it too, and not feel the least bit sorry.
"Fine," you grumbled and stuck your tongue out at him. Samuel ruffled your hair affectionately.
"Don't scare us like that again, little sister," he told you.
"I have no intentions. I'm sure Stark will be ramping up security after this. You don't have to worry," you told him as Loki came around to help you from the bed. You were unsteady on you feet and every movement burned. Damn silver.
"I hate seeing you in pain, little wolf," Loki said softly. "Why don't you just let me carry you?" he asked equally softly.
"Just until we get to wherever this asshat is," you agreed. "I can't let him see me as weak," you added at Loki's raised eyebrow.
"Very well," he relented and lifted you carefully into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck. He turned and kissed your forehead. "Stop worrying," he scolded you lightly. "Your weight is nothing to me and it doesn't bother me to carry you. I like you safe in my arms and not in undo pain," he reminded you as he swept from the room. Samuel followed behind, only since Loki was actually showing him the way. He was a dominate and wouldn't allow himself to trail behind otherwise. You smiled when the second you were out of the med room, Samuel had moved to walk beside Loki .
He strayed off when you reached the living room so he could kiss Rachel's head. She and Nat were shooting people on the giant TV screen with Clint cheering them on and teenage boys cursing and yelling in the background. You giggled at Nat and Rachel's behavior. Rachel looked up at Samuel briefly when the match ended. "Having fun?" he asked her warmly.
"So much fun! Natasha is great at beating up the annoying boys who think girls shouldn't play video games!" Rachel beamed.
"Thank you for keeping her company," Samuel told Nat, who nodded in reply as they got back to their game. Samuel chuckled, kissed Rachel's head again, and followed Loki to the elevator.
Loki set you on your feet after he'd stepped off on the lowest floor where the detainment cells were. The rest of the team were gathered around a table in the middle of the open room which the cells surrounded.
"Why isn't he locked up?" you asked Loki as you took his arm so he could escort you to the table and politely not comment about you using him as a crutch.
"It was unnecessary," Loki replied maliciously.
As you stepped up to the table, you realized why it was unnecessary. "Where are his arms?" you asked stupidly, staring at the mess of a...thing that used to be a werewolf.
"Over there," Loki replied pleasantly, pointing to one of the containment cells.
"And his legs?"
"Over there," he pointed at a containment cell opposite the one with the wolf's arms. The wolf was just a torso and head, which had had the shit beaten out of it. A head that was very much cursing everyone out, but also very much alive.
"How has he not bled out?" you asked, curious more than disgusted. You probably should have been disgusted that your boyfriend had literally ripped this man's arms and legs off, and you knew that was exactly what had happened, but you were a werewolf, and vicious natures kinda came with the territory.
"Magic," Loki replied, still perfectly pleasant.
"That asshole ripped my arms and legs off!" The wolf was yelling, staring terrified at Loki. "He ripped a wolf to pieces. What the fuck are you?!"
"I am a god, and you injured my lady," Loki told him calmly, his arm possessively around you.
"Why'd you attack us? What did you want with our werewolf?" Cap asked him firmly. The guy shut his mouth. "If you don't answer, her boyfriend, the god, is going to become displeased,"
"You do not wish to see my brother displeased," Thor added. The wolf gulped, finally putting together that the entire Avengers team was pissed at him and none were going to defend him from Loki's rage.
"Brother, would you mind?" Loki asked, indicating you with a nod of his head.
"Of course. Your lady is safe in my care," Thor came over to where you were standing and wrapped his warm strong arm around you, holding you safely to his side so Loki was free to deal with the wolf without having to worry for your safety. He and Thor didn't always agree, but he would always trust his brother with anything, including your safety.
You heard the wolf's extremely soft "oh shit" as Loki moved to a better position near the wolf's head.
"Tell me why you did this," Loki purred maliciously, staring into the wolf's eyes. Tony and Cap both tried to hide disturbed looks at Loki's change in personality. They hadn't seen this side of him since the events in New York. Thor didn't seem concerned, though.
"I was paid!" the wolf yelled, terrified of Loki. You wondered what else Loki had done to him to get him this terrified of Loki.
"Who would pay you to attack our wolf? What price was worth taking on all of us?" Cap demanded.
"Not to attack! Abduct. I don't know who it was. I was paid $250,000 up front to abduct the girl during winter's moon and deliver her to the buyers." You were numb with shock that you were supposed to be kidnapped and sold. Why on earth? Because there weren't that many females wolves. Unmarried ones who were eligible to be claimed and of marriageable age? Even fewer. But who the fuck would risk Loki's rage? Basically every single person on the planet would know you were dating Loki, it was all over the tabloids and every piece of social media that covered the Avengers. They had to know Loki would be enraged and would tear the whole goddamn world apart to get you back if that's what it took.
Didn't they understand that?
"And who was trying to buy my beloved?" Loki drew the man's attention back to himself with the question. His voice was still a seductive purr, but had such malice to it that there was absolutely no doubt of his mood.
"I don't know! They just gave me an address. I was to steal the wolf-girl, drug her to the teeth, and take her to that address in chains. Their representative is supposed to meet me at 3am with the other half of the money,"
"Where is the address?" Samuel demanded. The wolf rattled it off. It was about an hour's drive from the tower, at the border of the territory. "Shit, we don't have time to drive there," he said glancing at the clock which indicated there was only ten minutes until the rendezvous time.
Loki glanced over at Thor. "Her safety is your responsibility, brother," Loki told Thor firmly with a glare. Thor inclined his head and held you more firmly against his side.
"She is safe with me," Thor replied. "Go, brother,"
Loki made his way over to Samuel. "I will teleport us there. Try not to throw up when we arrive. The trip is an experience the first time, but I still dislike cleaning the mess off of my shoes..." he grumbled, as if that were the important thing right now. Everyone just stared at him, but you smiled. Of course the trickster was easing the tension around him with a joke. It's what he did. You'd noticed the habit in his dealings with Thor. When tensions got too high between them, Loki would crack a joke to ease it. "Darling, stay with Thor. I love you and we will be back soon,"
"Wait! Lo! You smell like me. If you use an illusion, or shapeshift, the buyers won't know the difference at first," you told him in a moment of brilliance. Werewolves relied on their noses. While Loki didn't smell entirely like a werewolf, he'd picked up just enough of the scent from you to fool them long enough that they wouldn't bolt before Loki and Samuel got to them. Loki's eyes widened at your inspiration and in a moment he and Samuel were illusioned to look like you and the mercenary.
"Smart little wolf," he praised, which sounded weird as hell as his voice came from your body.
"I love you too," you replied warmly, making no move to leave your safe spot next to Thor. Loki nodded approving of your reassurance to him that you weren't going to be stupid while he was gone.
Samuel gave Thor a plaintive look. "We will watch over Rachel," Thor replied without having to be asked. Samuel nodded appreciatively. Loki clapped him on the shoulder and the next moment they were gone.
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