Chapter 27
The old wolf chuckled his laughter kind, amused, a grandfather indulging his grandchildren. "So you do remember me," he commented to the shocked Asgardians.
He looked to you and ran a hand over your hair. "Hello, little Omega," he told you kindly. "No need to bow so, come on," he lifted you back to your feet, then settled you in the chair next to his. You were still dazed and enthralled by his power. He took your wrist to look it over and saw the red marks from the silver bangle. "Poor dear, no wonder you're so out of sorts. Sit quietly for a minute, eat something, rest from the silver. We'll talk when you're feeling more like yourself." He dropped your wrist and stood, setting a plate in front of you from the offerings on the table. You picked up one of the sandwiches on the plate he had set in front of you.
Loki was glaring and the rest of the team was staring at the exchange in shock. You were quiet and subdued for once, doing what you were told. "What have you done to her?" Loki demanded, trying hard to keep his voice calm.
"My presence overwhelmed her after the silver poisoning. She'll be alright in a minute. Wolves heal fast once they've been fed," he reassured Loki calmly, seeming to take no offence from the accusation.
Loki still came to your side. You looked up at him and smiled, laying your head against his arm, since he was standing close enough. He seemed to relax at your automatic move to cuddle or reassure him with touch. He leaned down to kiss the top of your head. "Are you alright, darling?" he asked softly.
"I'm ok," you told him when the first sandwich was gone. The red mark on your wrist was fading and your head was clearing. You took Loki's cold hand and it cleared more.
The old wolf looked over at you. "Feeling better, little Omega?" he asked.
You nodded a bit sheepishly. You'd never felt anything like that power before. "Yes, grandfather," you replied formally, looking down away from his eyes.
"Grandfather?" Tony's mouth blurted without any conscious thought. That's kinda what Tony did. The team had all filed around the room, standing behind chairs at the table. They would take them once they had determined that this wasn't going to turn into a fight.
"Some explanations would be appreciated, sir. All we were told is that you would be able to help Y/N with the issues with the pack," Cap tended to be the most diplomatic of the group, so he took charge and spoke up.
"And I can," the old wolf agreed. He was back to standing by his chair at the head of the table, "I have taken many names over the years, but in consideration of our Asgardian friends, I will use the one they knew me by,"
"You two know him?" Tony demanded of Thor and Loki, who both nodded.
"We met on one of our first adventures to Midgard. We were, what, 150? 200?" Thor started, asking the question of Loki.
"Something like that," Loki agreed, trying to remember too. He was standing behind you with his hands on your shoulders, a reassuring presence for both of you.
"We and some of our friends came to Midgard to drink and have a good time for a long weekend. We were all quite drunk when we came across Fenrir and his wolves,"
"And you almost got us killed by attacking him," Loki grumbled, a fond smile on his face as he remembered.
"He was a giant wolf who came too close to our party. What was I supposed to do?"
"Not hit him with Mjolnir?" Loki suggested dryly. "Literally anything besides hit him with Mjolnir,"
"So after a wonderful battle, he turned back human and we drank the rest of the weekend away with him and his wolves in celebration of our newfound friendship. I never thought we'd see you again," Thor directed that comment to Fenrir.
"Nor I, you," Fenrir agreed. He turned to Loki. "I do apologize for those stories saying that you're my father. They helped me keep control of the wolves back then. I wasn't expecting the stories to stick and still be around all this time later..."
"The stories of what?" Loki demanded, spluttering indignantly and in rage. His hand flicked automatically to summon a dagger, but he couldn't with his powers bound. You placed a kiss on his other hand, the one that was still on your shoulder. He grumbled, but didn't try to attack Fenrir again, reminded by your kiss that Fenrir was here to help you, somehow.
Fenrir shrugged. "None of the wolves would challenge the word of the son of a god. It was a logical story to tell."
He turned to the room at large. "I am Fenrir, the oldest of the werewolves and ruler of them all," he watched your shocked expression. "Yes, that is one of the reasons I wanted to meet you, Omega," he said sadly. "It seems my Alphas have forgotten the punishments for breaking my laws. It has come to my attention that the state of the packs has deteriorated, and my presence and active involvement is needed again to get them in line again."
He took his seat again and turned to face you, ignoring everyone else in the room as they sat too, besides Loki who stayed standing behind your chair. You were sitting close enough to Fenrir that your knees were touching. You flushed and wouldn't meet his eyes. "That you do not know of my presence is a crime, that you do not know our proper hierarchy is equally a crime. The proper hierarchy is that I rule over my pack, which is made of every Alpha, plus my wife and children and some other wolves who need a different situation to thrive than a traditional pack. Each of those Alphas in turn rule their packs and are supposed to report to me on the state of the packs. It seems, though, that some of the Alphas are trying to slip my control.
I will be calling a meeting, calling them to order, but I would like your testimony first. Your testimony cannot be contaminated through orders by your Alpha, or any dominate. What is the state of your pack? Why are you living with this people instead of your kinsmen? Tell me child, tell it all and tell it true, this old nose can still smell a lie."
"Yes, grandfather," you replied meekly. Loki's hands on your shoulders were reassuring. You took a breath and began the tale. It took awhile to tell him everything. You admitted the beatings and abuse for not being a 'proper' Omega or a good submissive wolf. You told him of the arrangements to marry Jareth and how very much you refused to allow it, how Sarai had left so she hadn't had to marry him. You told him of the Winter's Moon after you'd turned 18 and how you'd left the next day after Jareth had tried to take advantage and force himself on you. You told him how you'd been hiding at school, trying to use the five year rule to become a lone wolf. You told him about saving Pepper Potts' life, getting outed as a wolf (though as a mutant who could turn into a wolf and not a werewolf), and living and working with the Avengers who were your new pack and family now. There was a hint of desperation in your tone at the last that he wouldn't try to take you from your new family.
"Do you have any testimony to add?" he asked the rest of the team. They all jumped in with stories of your help on missions, how much they loved having you around, how they'd found you somewhere safe to spend the full moons, and just wanted to keep you safe from the pack and make sure you were happy. They also told stories of things Jareth and the pack had done to you while you'd lived with the Avengers. Every story ended with a tone that none of the team was going to let Fenrir take you without a fight.
"I love her and you are not taking what is mine," Loki told him simply, but with a hard edge to his words.
Fenrir laughed. "I have no intentions to take her from you. In fact, it is a good thing that this little Omega in particular is living with you and in the spotlight. The werewolves will have to announce our presence to the world soon. Technology is advancing too quickly and we won't be able to hide forever. To have an Omega working for the Avengers in the public spotlight will only aid the public's view of us when we do come out,"
"You said you can help her with the pack?" Cap asked again.
Fenrir nodded. "Like I said, my pack is formed of all the Alphas, plus those wolves who do not do well in a traditional pack structure. Every wolf is supposed to know of my leadership so they may call and petition to join my pack, or call me for aid. My sons and I are also all dominate enough to facilitate pack transfers so no one has to suffer like you have. Believe me, I will be dealing with Ferris shortly for his crimes, and the rest of the Alphas to make sure they are all in line. We can't have rogues like this when we're out to the public. There will be a wolf-hunt if they see us as monsters.
What I can offer you is a place in my pack. You don't have to leave here. Don't have to leave your family. You won't have to answer to Ferris or any of your old pack again. You'll live like a lone wolf, but have my power and backing if you need it."
"But you would have control over her," Loki snarled. You touched his hand before he challenged Fenrir, which would be stupid without his powers.
"I control all of the wolves, Trickster. Even as a true lone wolf she would have to answer to me. Joining my pack gives her protections a lone wolf would not have," Fenrir explained. You and Loki both nodded at that and the others relaxed. You were both human-shaped lie detectors.
"I thought pack transfers had to be approved by both Alphas," you said softly.
Fenrir chuckled. "Usually, but not when it comes to joining my pack. I can take any wolf into my pack directly. One of the perks of ruling all the wolves,"
"And you won't take her from us? You'll let her live her life?" Cap demanded in overprotective team-dad mode.
Fenrir nodded. Cap glared. That wasn't good enough for him. "I swear she will be allowed to live where and how she pleases, within general werewolf law of course. She will be free to work with you if she chooses, choose her own mate," he added with a quick glance at Loki, "I expect the same courtesies in return that I expect of any of my children. I expect you to check in and tell me how things are going, answer or return my calls quickly checking up on you, to inform me if you are travelling, to come to my home for the yearly pack meeting in June, and to call on me if you need assistance. I would also ask that if you hear of any wolves who need help that you let me know,"
"Wolf-girl?" Tony asked when you didn't confirm the truth of Fenrir's words quickly enough. You nodded sharply. Loki mirrored you.
"It's true. Every word," you answered, still shocked by the sudden offer that would fix all of your problems. "Really? You would do that for me?" you asked softly, scared that he would change his mind, not want a defective Omega in his pack.
"Yes, little Omega. It would be an honor to have you in my pack. Will you join me?" he asked, offering his hand.
You placed your hand in his with tears in your eyes. "Thank you," was all you could say in reply. He gave you a warm grandfatherly smile.
"Then let us make the transfer. Shall I kick your friends out?" he asked warmly. You shook your head.
"There's no need," you replied. You spun your chair around to face Loki and stood in the same movement. You kissed him and reached around him to the dagger sheath hidden at the small of his back. You broke the kiss and stuck your tongue out at him as you took the dagger from its sheath. None of you had been allowed to come on board armed, except Nat and Clint because they had security clearance. You didn't break the rules, trying to appear like a good little gentle Omega werewolf to Fury. Loki didn't follow such silly rules and you knew he was carrying daggers as usual, especially since his magic was bound, and of course you knew where he usually wore dagger sheaths.
"Darling, what are you doing with that?" he asked, but didn't stop you from taking it, even while Fury started yelling with lots of cursing for the fact that he'd even had it.
"This kind of pack magic is blood magic," you explained, but that didn't ease his worries, so you kissed him again. "It'll be fine, I promise," he still glowered. "Loki, I swear. Now stop glaring, stubborn god," you teased him.
"Annoying puppy," he replied and kissed you again.
You turned back to Fenrir when Loki was calm. Agitated Loki could be homicidal, especially if something or someone he loved was in danger or perceived danger. You offered Fenrir the dagger hilt first. He had also stood when you were retrieving the dagger. "Sorry about him, he's overprotective," you smiled at Fenrir, who chuckled in reply.
"Of course he is. I expect no less from the man courting my daughter." Wolf titles were weird at times. He could call you 'daughter' since you were female and younger than him and he was adopting you into his pack, but one of the proper forms of address for him was 'grandfather' due to his age. It was strange, but as with most things about the wolves, it was one of those things you just kinda accepted.
Fenrir smiled and made a cut across his hand. He handed you the dagger back and you made an identical cut while Loki snarled behind you. Fenrir clasped your hand in his. "With this blood I take the Omega Y/N into my pack. I free her of the binds to the Hudson River pack and offer her the safety and protection of the Alpha pack." You felt the mystical ties you didn't understand snap away from Ferris and tie you to Fenrir instead. The old ties had felt like greasy corrupted strings. The ones to Fenrir were there, but not oppressively trying to control you, more a welcome connection, a tie to him, his family, and his pack. You could feel the welcome coming from the other wolves in the pack and heard the song of joy at having a new member. "Welcome to the pack, daughter," Fenrir told you as the tears of joy spilled from your eyes.
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