Chapter 25
"Pleasepleasepleaseplease?" you begged, bouncing between your friends, who had been gathered for a quiet evening in the living room.
"You should just give in," Loki suggested calmly from next to the elevator, where he was waiting patiently for the others to give in and do what you wanted. "She is not going to stop until you do,"
"Make her stop," Tony whined at him when you bounced in front of him to bother him.
"Please, Tony!~ It'll be fun!" you pouted at him. Thor was the first to give up and go join Loki by the elevator. Smart man.
Tony thought about it. "Fine, if tomorrow night you sit quietly and don't pester us to death about something," he finally grumbled.
"Yay!!" you kissed his cheek and hauled him to his feet.
"A quiet evening tomorrow," Clint told you firmly. The rest of the team echoed the sentiment, but finally, finally they all agreed to come with you.
"Yay!!" you bounced over to Loki and linked your arm with his. He chuckled and lifted you by the waist to spin you around, making you giggle. "Will you-?" you gestured to your friends once he'd set you back on your feet. "So they don't just hide in their rooms?"
"Yes, darling," he replied warmly and held you to him so you didn't go bouncing around annoying everyone again.
"What are you asking him to do?" Tony asked suspiciously.
"You have to go in costume," you reminded them. You'd been over this already. They all grumbled at you, but promised to go put on their costumes and meet you downstairs in five minutes if you didn't sick Loki on them. You squeed and agreed.
"And who are you supposed to be, love?" Loki asked you when you were in the elevator heading down to the fancy cars you were going to take. He was dressed in his New York armor again.
"I'm me," you replied, pouting at him.
He chuckled. "Obviously, silly little wolf." An instant later your wolf ears were out.
"See? I'm me. I'm part of the team too, right?" you asked softly. He chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
"Of course you are,"
The team arrived within five minutes as promised and you all piled in the cars.
"Why are we agreeing to this?" Tony grumbled when he saw how crowded the theater was, and how many people were in costumes.
"Because it'll be fun," you reminded them. "And because I promised to give you a nice quiet evening tomorrow where I don't annoy you,"
"Annoying puppy," he grumbled.
You all got out of the cars and walked into the theater together to whispers of 'no, that can't be them', despite that everyone was carrying legitimate weapons, including Cap's real shield and Thor had Mjolnir, and of course Stark's suit was real.
"Have any of you actually seen the Avenger's movie?" you asked when you found seats all together, with plenty of popcorn to go around.
" We kinda lived it," Clint replied.
You roared in laughter. "This is going to be as fun as bringing Lo to it the first time. At least you guys know about Rocky Horror already, so you have some idea what to expect,"
You made them all compete in the lookalike contests. Of course, Ironman was the first one up. Tony flew to the stage and won hands down, receiving a little Ironman plushie for his effort. The plushie ended up in your lap. Your group was outed then, and won the contests easily, though the Thors started arguing among themselves. The moderator of the contest finally had to see which of them was worthy of picking up Mjolnir. So the real Thor won and brought you back a Thor plushie as a prize. Loki teleported down to the stage when the Lokis were called, held a dagger to the moderator's throat, and teleported back when the plushie was handed over. The crowd was cheering at his antics. Bruce nearly lost the Hulk lookalike contest, since he was just wearing his lab coat, having been dragged from the lab, but he was so shy and scared of being dragged in front of everyone by Tony that they gave him the Hulk plushie for legit having the best costume. Nat didn't go down for the Black Widow contest, just handed the plushie to you. You hadn't seen her move, but she had stolen it from the moderator.
You had the whole collection of plushies in your lap by the time the contest was over.
The team was in shock when the movie started. They weren't expecting the popcorn throwing, or any of the other antics of the crowd. They weren't really expecting people to quote all of their lines. They really, really weren't expecting the entire theater to drop to their knees when the Loki on the screen told them to kneel. You kept a tally of how many times they whined that the actors look nothing like them. It was a lot. So much so that the enter theater started cheering every time one of the real Avengers whined.
At least they were expecting to have to stay after the movie and sign autographs for the fans.
You left the theater late that night, your arms full of plushies, laughing with the team about the movie and the experience. They had all had fun, even if they did grumble about it.
"Wolf girl, would you stop using the Iron Legion for your chores?" Tony demanded. You turned to face him very, very carefully. You were currently balanced very precariously standing on Loki's shoulders in an attempt to reach the top of the tree in the living room. You and Loki had spent the morning decorating the tree. The others came through and helped occasionally, and now you were attempting to put the star on top.
"Stark, if you make her fall, I will throw you out of that window," Loki took a hand off of your ankle long enough to point to the defenestration window. His hand was back to steadying you an instant later. He didn't like at all that you were standing on his shoulders.
"How did you even get Jarvis to let you use the Iron Legion?" Tony demanded, ignoring Loki. You leaned forward and managed to balance the star on the top of the tree, though you were standing on your tip toes to do it.
You lost your balance, nearly toppling forward into the tree. "Y/N?" Loki's voice was worried as you tried to regain your balance. You overcompensated and fell backwards with a shriek. Loki spun in a blur and caught you before you could hit the floor. "Y/N, are you ok?" he demanded, holding you too tightly out of worry and fear.
"I'm fine," you reassured him as he set you carefully on your feet. You kissed him and turned to Tony. "I made friends with Jarvis. He said I could use them," you grinned at Tony while he spluttered.
"Jarvis and I will be having words about that..." Tony grumbled.
"I had to send Christmas presents to certain members of the pack. If I don't, then they can claim that I can't afford to and try to bring me back. I had three options. I could either drive to the compound and deliver them in person," Loki and Tony both glared and snarled at that. You inclined your head that they proved your point on why that option was out. "I could pay to have them shipped, or ask Jarvis for a loan of one of the Iron Legion to deliver them. I chose the Iron Legion. It's a show of my strength and the strength of my friends that I could have one of them do such a menial task. Werewolves are all about displays of dominance, and that was a huge one I pulled."
"Fine..." Tony grumbled, but knew you were right.
You flipped the switch on the tree and the lights turned on. You took a step back with Loki to appreciate your handiwork. "It's beautiful," you said, watching the lights.
"Yes, darling, you are," Loki told you and kissed you in the light of the tree.
Christmas Adam (known better as Christmas Eve Eve or December 23rd by normal people) you sat around under the tree with the team exchanging presents, drinking eggnog, and watching stupid Christmas movies. They were all leaving in the morning until after New Year's. They'd also been up to something since the Christmas party, and they wouldn't tell you what it was. Loki and Thor were staying at the tower with you, so you'd all agreed to exchange presents on Christmas morning instead of tonight.
You had made everyone scrapbooks of memories throughout the past year. They included silly pictures of the team courtesy of Jarvis, important missions, courtesy of Jarvis and some illegal access to SHIELD's files, and other odds and ends of memories they would all like. They spent a long time going through them, laughing and reminiscing as they did. They all loved them and you saw how much it meant to them and how many tears they were trying not to let anyone see.
Christmas Eve you spent with Loki and Thor watching Christmas movies and singing along to carols. You handed them each a wrapped present. "I thought we weren't exchanging presents until tomorrow?" Loki commented, but it was a question.
"We're not," you agreed, but blushed. "It's a silly tradition my mom came up with when we were kids. Every year on Christmas Eve we all got one present to open before we went to bed," you gestured to the presents. "I thought I'd share the tradition with you,"
"You should have told me," he replied, obviously feeling bad that he hadn't participated.
"Next year. This year it was a surprise," you told him with a grin. The boys opened their presents to find new pajamas. "I told you it's a silly tradition. Mom wanted us to have nice pajamas for the pictures on Christmas morning."
"Ah, this I can help with," Loki grinned. He used magic and you were suddenly wearing a new pair of soft pajamas, a long green shirt and long green flannel pants with green fuzzy socks. You smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you, they're lovely," you told him, marveling over how soft the new pajamas were. The boys changed quickly and came back, curling up with you to watch the rest of the Christmas movies and fall asleep on the couch waiting for Santa.
You woke early the next morning and woke Loki and Thor to open presents. "It's tradition to get up too early," you reminded them. Thor took less convincing of that fact than Loki, who wasn't exactly the most awake in the morning. A couple of kisses got him awake. You passed out their presents or scrapbooks. You then handed Loki another wrapped present. "Sorry, Thor, boyfriend gets more presents,"
"Of course," Thor replied with a smile, happily flipping through his scrapbook.
"Love.... you didn't have to get me all of these gifts," Loki protested. You kissed him.
"Stop that. I love you and want to shower you in gifts. It makes me happy to see you smile," you reminded him. "Now open it!" you gestured to the wrapped present in his hand. He unwrapped it to find a fancy hardcover notebook. He raised an eyebrow, but opened it to see that it was already written in.
"Is this what I think it is?" he asked, flipping a couple of pages, looking over your carefully handwritten pages.
"I don't know what you think it is, I'm not a mind reader, silly god. It is a story I wrote. Completely fictional of course," you replied sarcastically. You'd been working on that book, painstakingly writing a story about werewolves that would tell him a lot of secrets you couldn't actually tell him, but you could write them in a story, as long as you included fake information as well. It was a very careful balance.
His eyes widened when he realized what it really was and what you'd done. "Thank you, darling. It's perfect," he smiled and nearly settled down to start reading. You nearly had to take the book from him to get him to stop and pay attention to you and Thor.
"Oi! You can't read things I wrote in front of me, that's just weird,"
He laughed and set the book aside, though you saw how much he wanted to start reading it.
Thor gave you a blade as long as your arm. He said he hadn't known what a proper gift would be, but that every lady deserved a fine blade to defend herself with. You thanked him warmly. It was sweet of him to get you anything at all.
Loki gifted you with a beautiful gold charm bracelet. It only had a few charms so far, a green glass bead, a dangly charm of his helmet, a dangly charm of a little wolf who looked like it was howling, a snowflake, a little tiara charm, and a beautiful black bead that looked like it had the night sky in it. "Loki, it's gorgeous," you told him, cooing over the bracelet and the charms.
"I am glad my lady is pleased. It has also been spelled like your necklace so you won't lose it changing forms," he added proudly. He had explained that he could spell really small things to stay with you, but clothes were beyond him yet. He was looking into it. You kissed him very, very well, well enough that he purred softly at the kiss. You smiled, always enjoying making him purr.
"Very pleased," you replied with a grin. The gift was gorgeous and had been so thoughtful. He helped clasp it around your wrist.
You spotted one last gift under the tree. "What's this one?" you asked. The gift had your name on it, but no name of who it was from. You didn't recognize the handwriting, which meant it definitely wasn't from Loki. You opened it curiously to find a long thin box. Loki watched over your shoulder, equally curious. You opened the box and snarled, staring at the silver collar in the box. It was definitely a collar, not a necklace. There was no question. Because you were stupid, you touched it, as if your brain was trying to convince you it was real. You yelped in pain and dropped the box. Loki took your hand, conveniently kicking the box away in the same movement. Thor picked up the box, saw the item inside and it was promptly gone. You didn't ask where it had gone.
"Damn, that silver must have been pure," Loki commented, looking at the finger you'd touched the collar with. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed the spot that had been burned by the silver. His cold lips eased the pain of the burn. "Better?" he asked with a hesitant smile.
"Much," you replied softly.
You picked up the piece of paper that had fallen out of the box. It only had one word on it: Soon. You growled at the piece of paper. Loki took it from you and it burst into flames.
"Never, love," he told you gently and pulled you into a hug. "He's never going to hurt you again. Are you sure you would not like for me to go get his still beating heart for you?" he asked with a malicious grin.
"It's Christmas. Not today," you replied.
He sighed heavily and looked put-upon. "Fine. Not today," he agreed, but he and Thor both exchanged a wary look. They were going to find out how that box had gotten into the tower, but for now, they were going to distract you with fun and family.
The day was spent playing video games with the boys and you all ate a huge Christmas dinner together that evening.
Your days without the rest of the team were spent with your Asgardian boys, practicing combat skills, playing video games, going out shopping and to the movies, just having fun. You went ice skating with Loki, took both of the boys to the zoo. Thor enjoyed spending time with you when he was invited, but didn't press to be included. He also spent a lot of time with Jane. You tried to include him as often as you could, so he could see more of Midgard and his brother.
New Year's eve you sat up watching the New Year's eve show on TV and when the clock neared midnight went up on the roof to watch the fireworks over the city. You kissed Loki when the clock struck midnight. You had explained the tradition was for good luck. He seemed to mind oh so much.
The rest of the team returned the next day, looking all the better for having visited their families for weeks on end. Still, they wanted to spend time with their Omega and you all watched a movie in the living room. You showed them your presents from Loki and Thor and they told you about their families.
"Oh, Y/N, we heard from Director Fury. He wants us all to go to the Helicarrier next week. There's some kind of massive mission he's working on, and he wants to meet you at last. He's been meaning to, but he's been kinda busy running SHIELD. He promised to keep the Helicarrier in the airspace of your territory, so don't worry about that. We leave Monday," Cap told you and the team in general. It was an order of a mission, but you still agreed to the trip, because Cap seemed to be expecting an answer.
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