Chapter 20
The team was impressed with how you'd taken down both werewolves. Tony wouldn't stop laughing for days at you taking down the first one by licking his cheek. "He'd never seen an Omega before," you protested when Tony had laughed too many times. That comment didn't help.
Cap kept analyzing the footage of your fight with the Alpha. He hadn't seen you fight in wolf form as it was too dangerous for you to spar as a wolf. The chances of accidental injury to the team was too high and you wouldn't risk turning any of them. You didn't know what he was doing with the information, but he was impressed with your fighting too.
The night of the next full moon landed at the end of finals week. Whoever designed the schedule just wanted to torture you apparently. It was a nasty, awful, terrible combination of events. Add to that your internship and a boyfriend who did stupid things for attention when he was bored or lonely and you were dead by the time the moon fever hit the day before the full moon.
You somehow made it through your last final, though you'd pulled an all-nighter between studying and entertaining Loki. He'd pouted until you beat him at Mario Kart at 3am, since you were awake anyway, he thought you were lonely and up to playing with him. He didn't understand finals and the amount of stress you were under, which you obviously hid from him. You didn't want him to worry or be upset.
You tried to shove away the haze of fever while you were taking the exam, drawing even more strength from your wolf as you did. You'd been draining the wolf's strength and stamina all week to keep yourself going, to keep up with your obligations. She was as tapped as you were, but you somehow pulled through the exam. She didn't understand finals anymore than Loki did, but she understood you had to get through it.
After you'd delivered the report Pepper needed, she ordered Happy to drive you home. "I'm not sick," you protested. She knew what was wrong with you just as well as everyone else did. "And I'm not shirking," you protested harder. You were never going to get hired on at the end of the internship if you couldn't keep up with your obligations and stop missing work.
She gave you a look that she had obviously perfected through using on Tony when he was being stupid and stubborn. "I know you're not shirking. You came in dying of a fever that I know isn't contagious. I got the report I needed. That was the only thing for you today. Go home, you're my best intern and I will see you the day after tomorrow. Happy, make sure she eats something when you get her home," she added to Happy. Happy escorted you from the building with his hand on your back before you could protest again. He finally left you alone once you were settled on the couch in the living room at the tower with a bowl of soup and a stupid daytime judge show playing on the TV in the background.
You must've fallen asleep watching TV on the couch because you roused to a cold hand on your forehead. "You're burning up, love," Loki's voice was past concerned and had gone straight to actively worried. "The moon fever wasn't this bad last month." His words had you opening your eyes and looking at him. "Hello, Lady Wolf," he greeted the wolf who looked out of your eyes kindly and with the same love and care with which he spoke to you. The wolf was awake and in control.
"Mate," she greeted him warmly in reply. Your voice was huskier when she spoke, another indication that you weren't awake and Loki was playing with the wolf. He was momentarily taken aback by the greeting and her choice of address, but he brushed it off quickly. She was more simplistic than you were. He smiled kindly and laid his cold hand on your neck, making her moan in pleasure.
"Why are you so sick, Lady Wolf?"
Your expression turned confused and you tilted your head, just like you would have done in wolf form. "The moon calls us," she finally replied. She couldn't handle complex questions or emotions.
Loki thought about that for a moment and thought about how to get her to tell him the answer he needed. "Last month the moon did not make you so sick. Is this Winter's Moon?" You still hadn't told him what that was. He hadn't pushed, yet, but he was worried enough to ask you now.
"No. This is not the season for Winter's Moon."
"Then why, darling?"
"We're tired," the wolf moaned, as close to whining as she got. Loki obligingly flipped the hand on your neck over so it was cold again. "We and... big tests... work. A mate to keep happy. We're tired and the moon calls." The wolf tried her best to explain. She didn't understand the concepts well enough and it was hard for her to find the words she needed for such silly human things.
Loki's expression fell. He understood her well enough. "You burned yourself out all week with finals, work, and entertaining me," he said softly. He hadn't paid enough attention. He hadn't paid enough attention to how your eyes had been blue all week as you were drawing on the wolf's strength. He had expected that you would tell him when you needed to rest, and had failed to realize that you wouldn't, not if it would hurt him or deny one of your obligations. He put it all together in an instant. "Alright, Lady Wolf, time to wake up the human half. I'll get some dinner into her and then you can rest. We'll play tomorrow,"
She smiled at him. "Good mate," she added. Slowly your eyes turned green again.
"Loki?" you asked him softly, not quite remembering the conversation he'd had with the wolf, though you weren't surprised to find that he was sitting on the edge of the couch you'd been napping on with his cold hand on your neck.
"Love, you're burning up. You should be really sleeping, not napping on the couch. And you should be resting in my room where it's cooler," he told you softly, concerned.
"You weren't here," you replied softly. You weren't supposed to tell him that was the reason you were napping on the couch instead of his room, but you couldn't remember why. Stupid fever was higher than you'd thought.
He just looked at you, finally understanding, finally putting your careful behavior together. "You've been might careful not to be in my room without me, haven't you, little wolf? And you managed to do it in such a way that I wouldn't notice what you were up to." His tone was impressed. You'd made sure he hadn't found you in his room again and had only entered with him and express permission. It had been difficult, but you'd done it for his mental health's sake. "Impressive, but the game is over, darling. I appreciate that you want to protect me from painful memories, but your presence will not trigger those memories again. You're welcome any time, with or without me. You're my love. You're mine and under my protection, and safe with me and from my memories," he told you softly, pulling you into a hug.
"I didn't want to hurt you," you whispered.
"I know, darling, I know, but you won't. Ever again," his voice was also a whisper as he held you in his cool arms. "Now be a good puppy and let me take care of you so your wolf can play tomorrow,"
"Aren't you going out with the team tonight?" you asked. You thought Cap had called him on a mission, something he insisted your skills wouldn't be a good fit for, though you had a feeling it was because he knew you'd be suffering moon fever.
"After dinner," he replied as Clint called that dinner was ready. Loki stood and hauled you to your feet. "You could help, you know," he teased, since you'd barely moved at all to help him. You laid your head on his shoulder in reply, moaning softly from the ache in your head and the heat of...everything. "Come on, love. You need to eat something," his voice was concerned. You tried to perk up, to reassure him, but you couldn't. Loki managed to get you to the dining room and sitting in your usual spot.
The rest of the group was as concerned as Loki. Cap actually came over to feel your head. "I run warm anyway," you reminded him before he got too worried. Werewolves ran warmer than humans on good days. The fever you had tonight would be deadly to a human, since it was kicking the shit out of you.
"And you killed yourself with finals and work all week," Loki added, placing a bowl of Clint's vegetarian chili in front of you.
"I still feel better that you're not going out with us tonight. You're in no shape-" Cap started, obviously worried despite your reassurance.
"I know, Cap. I'm going to bed after dinner. My last final was today," you promised, forcing yourself to perk up, tapping the wolf again to not worry your family. "It was just a rough week because of finals. Bad timing is all. I'll be fine." You picked up the spoon and managed a couple bites of the unappetizing chili. Loki watched and cajoled, trying to get you to eat more. You hadn't eaten more than a few bites of soup all day and the entire team knew you ate as much as the Asgardians.
"You said this chili is vegetarian?" Loki asked Clint down the table, an idea obviously coming to him, after you couldn't stomach more than another bite of the stuff.
"Yeah, Laura's on a vegetarian kick to try to get the kids to eat more vegetables," Clint replied, confused where this was going. "She swears it doesn't taste different..."
"But would be unappealing to a wolf," Loki supplied, his idea confirmed in his mind at least. He vanished the bowl of chili in front of you and a perfectly cooked steak appeared instead.
"You didn't say you could do that!" Tony protested from his end of the table. It was an impressive skill. Loki ignored Tony's outburst.
"Lo, I appreciate it, but-" you started protesting that you weren't hungry. You were embarrassed by all of the attention, but the wolf couldn't take your eyes off of the meal her mate had provided. Damn wolf. Loki chuckled and cut a piece off of the steak, waving it tauntingly under your nose, very, very carefully. The game he was playing was dangerous and you realized what it was with his next words.
"Come play, Lady Wolf. I brought dinner for you, as promised," he was calling the wolf to the surface. It really was a dangerous game, but would be rewarding in his mind if he got the wolf's predatory instincts up enough to get you to eat and make sure you had strength, but not enough to risk harm to him or the others. It was a very dangerous game.
The partial shift was instantaneous, but Loki showed no fear or disgust, as per usual, at the monstrous hybrid form. The others were even getting used to the sight, though they didn't see it nearly as often as Loki did. At least they were pretending not to watch the exchange in fascination. The wolf darted forward and snatched the offered morsel off of the fork Loki held. He didn't seem surprised at all, just smiled when you moaned in pleasure and reached for the fork. You were aware, but the wolf was the one actively in control. "Good mate," she praised. Loki chuckled at her simple, but effective praise, and handed the fork and knife over, returning to his own meal. She offered him the last bite of the steak, holding it out on the fork to him.
He smiled and ate it off of the fork in your hand. "Thank you, Lady Wolf," he told her with a warm smile, appreciating the gesture from the wolf, and knowing how much it meant for her to offer him the last of her food. She faded back to the back of your mind, taking the partial shift with her. She was full and happy and ready to rest now. You wouldn't be able to tap her again until she had.
The group had finished eating by then. "We need to get going," Cap told them all. Loki stood and you moved to follow him, to see them off, because that was going to happen.
"I'll meet you up there," Loki told him. Cap nodded, understanding that you were the delay. The team all told you to feel better as they headed for the elevator. Loki swept you up into his arms. You yelped and protested. "Hush, love. You need to rest," he told you softly. You opened your mouth to protest again, but just laid your head on his shoulder in exhaustion and overheatedness instead.
"Are you sure, Brother?" Thor asked as Loki was reaching to open his bedroom door. You must've dozed off in his arms, since you hadn't remembered getting on the elevator. You didn't open your eyes, letting both of them think you were still asleep. This conversation wasn't really meant for you after all.
"I am,"
"You remember what happened last time you returned to find her in your bed," Thor pressed the issue, concerned over your safety.
"I do, and it will not happen again. Her presence will not trigger those memories again," Loki insisted, shifting you slightly so you'd be more comfortable. It was a careful, caring gesture.
"How can you be sure? She loves you, brother, with all that she is if I am any gauge at all, or else the wolf would not..." he didn't have the words for how your wolf treated Loki.
"Yes. She does. And I her, brother. Her presence in my life has healed those old wounds. I swore an oath and I will keep it or you can kill me yourself if I don't beat you to it,"
Thor obviously considered those words. "Very well, brother. Kindly do not make me kill you. It would upset mother," he teased, his voice returned to his usual booming jovial tones. "Don't take too long getting her settled. The mission is waiting on us,"
"Go away Thor," Loki replied with a smile in his tone and stepped into his room with you. "You can stop pretending to be asleep," he told you teasingly. You opened your eyes and smiled, feeling the relief of the room that was so much cooler than the rest of the tower.
He chuckled. "I have slept beside you how many nights, little wolf? I know what your breathing sounds like when you are asleep," he laughed and set you on your feet.
"You could've let me get my own pajamas," you mock-grumbled at him and went to his dresser to find something to wear besides jeans, perfectly at home in his room. He actually looked pleased that you just helped yourself. Now that you were in here, you weren't leaving unless you had to, not until the moon fever passed. You found his favorite tunic from Asgard and put that on, you'd worn it before and knew it hit you at mid thigh, perfectly decent to sleep in. You hid shyly in the bathroom to change, which Loki didn't comment on.
"You look better already," Loki told you when you returned. That you looked better didn't stop him from picking you back up and laying you gently in his bed. You would have protested, but he was so worried about you that you didn't have the heart, besides, he'd already carried you upstairs, another few steps wouldn't hurt.
"Thank you for letting me stay," you told him softly, the comforting chill of the room already drawing you back to sleep. He pulled the blankets up over you. It should have made the heat of the fever worse, but somehow they were comfortably cool, just like the rest of the room.
"Anything for you, my love," he told you and leaned down to kiss you. You felt the chill of ice down your spine when his lips touched yours and moaned in relief and pleasure. He broke the kiss and thought for a moment. "Do you trust me?" he asked softly.
"Of course," you murmured, having trouble keeping your eyes open or focused on anything.
His form shimmered into his Jotun form. "Trust me, love," he bid you softly, though you hadn't reacted to his change, it was just another side of him, just like the wolf was another side of you.
"Always," you replied. He leaned down to kiss you again, which he'd never done in his form. He was usually so careful about keeping to his Asgardian form. His kiss was timid at first, but deepened when you didn't react poorly. You melted as ice filled you, soothing the fever in one excellent kiss. When he broke it, you could actually see your breath. "That was an excellent kiss," you told him, a purr in your voice as your eyes fluttered shut.
"I am glad my lady is pleased," he replied with a smile in his voice. He kissed your forehead, no longer as ice cold, so he must've shifted back to his usual form. "Rest, love. I'll return as soon as I am able,"
"Love you," you murmured, succumbing to sleep. You didn't stay awake long enough to hear his reply. You woke briefly while he was gone to find that he'd left tea, a book, and a slice of chocolate cake for you in case you woke while he was gone. His gestures were, as always, more than enough proof that he loved you. You did sit up long enough to drink the tea and eat the offering of cake, before cuddling back into the bed that smelled like him, and going back to sleep, finally feeling at peace and some relief from the call of the moon.
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