Chapter 2
You must have fallen asleep, because the next thing you were aware of was waking in a strange bed in a strange room, surrounded by a scent that was most definitely not yours. It was male, but smelled like a crisp winter's day and snow, definitely not a scent you usually associated with men, but there was the underlying scent of maleness to it as well.
You snapped awake, sitting bolt upright, the disassociation of the strange scent jarring you all the way awake and spiking your panic. You took in your surroundings in an instant. The room was physically cold, but plushly decorated, most of the decorations were bookshelves, crammed with books and...scrolls?
"Easy, love. You're safe," came a warm male voice from next to you on the bed. You looked over and saw Loki sitting on top of the blankets against the headboard with a book in his hands. You remembered your earlier interactions which this man and relaxed, sitting more comfortably against the pillows, the blankets pooling in your lap. He smiled when you had relaxed. "Are you feeling better?" he asked gently.
You nodded. "I told you I'd be fine after a little rest," you reminded him.
He held up a hand that was wrapped in a bandage. "That did not stop you from biting me," he grumbled. You blanched, horrified.
"Oh gods, I'm sorry!" you moved more swiftly than he was expecting so you could unwind the bandage and check the wound. Werewolves were fast. It was mostly healed already and the teeth imprints were definitely human teeth, not wolf teeth. You breathed a sigh of relief and began rewrapping the bandage for him with practiced movements. Werewolves also tended to get injured a lot, especially the stupid males, so you had a lot of practice bandaging wounds. "I'm so sorry," you repeated, ashamed of what had happened while you were asleep. "That's a poor way to repay someone being nice to me," you grumbled at your wolf, who had obviously been in control and scared. "What happened?" you asked him.
"You do not remember? You were awake," he seemed to soften at that, concerned when he realized you hadn't actually known what you'd done.
You shook your head firmly, needing to correct that assumption quickly. "I wasn't awake. The wolf might have been..." you explained, though not sure he would actually understand unless you told him more about being a werewolf.
He thought over your answer, pondering what he remembered of the experience, and what your words might mean. You doubted he had any more experience than the rest of the outsiders with werewolves. "Look at me, love," he bid you softly. You pulled your gaze from the blankets in your lap and turned to him. He placed his cold fingers under your chin gently and tilted your head up so he could see your eyes. "Your eyes are green now," he commented softly.
"They were blue?" you asked, understanding what he was getting at. He inclined his head and let your chin go. "My wolf's eyes are blue." It was rare among the werewolves, just as it was in the wild. He looked interested, or at least he didn't seem angry. "She must have been scared. Sorry," you said again.
"It's no trouble. I heal fast as well. It happened when I was tying that bandage. The wound had begun to bleed again," he gestured to the one around your arm. "Apparently your wolf does not like being bandaged..." he commented dryly.
"You didn't have to stay-" you blurted quickly, knowing he'd gone out of his way to stay with you so you'd feel safe. You also knew that, despite the fact that he was sitting on the bed with you, nothing more had happened than him putting you to bed and apparently re-bandaging one of your wounds.
He chuckled. "It would have been illogical to leave, seeing as this is my room." You just gaped at him. This was his room?!? He shrugged, amused by your reaction. "It seemed equally illogical to spend the time in one of the spare rooms which are sparse and bare when mine is much more comfortable." You opened your mouth to protest again. "I promised you my protection. I could not do that effectively without staying by your side,"
You huffed, annoyed by how wolf-like he was acting. "Well, I've been thoroughly protected. Time for me to find some real clothes and go home," you told him with a smile and climbed out of the bed. He was up and at your side in an instant.
"You are joking, right?" he demanded. You huffed at him again. Snarly overprotective male.
"Not about the clothes," you finally admitted. "Though, I figure I have to stay here at least until they interrogate me on what happened today," you shrugged, not looking forward to that part. Outsiders weren't really supposed to know about werewolves. Maybe you'd figure out how to leave before they could, though Stark could find you. You were an intern in 'his' company, he knew who you were. "Then I'm going back to my life." He didn't look convinced, but that wasn't your problem. "Now, any chance there's a cache of extra clothes around here?"
"Are you going to try to run away the second you are dressed?" he asked dryly.
"Would you blame me if I did?" you retorted. "I saved a woman's life and got thrown in a cell for my efforts. What'd you do to end up there anyway?" you asked curiosity stalling your tirade.
"My brother had to return to Asgard for a few days. Stark decided that I could not be trusted without Thor's influence. Like my idiot brother dictates anything I do..." he grumped.
You laughed. "My brothers are all idiots too. I understand." You saw that he wanted to pry, but was too polite to do so. "So? Clothes?" you asked. His tunic was fine for sleeping in, but you needed pants to leave the tower.
"At least wait to make your escape attempt until after you've eaten something?" he asked in reply.
You nodded after a moment of pretend consideration. "That's fair." You needed to eat something desperately. Werewolves did not do well without food and you'd skipped at least an entire meal today, plus all the snacks you snuck all day so you didn't gorge during meals and make people think you weren't human. He smiled and held out his hands. With a shimmer of green magic, there was a bundle of clothes in his hands. The magic made you sneeze, tickling your overly sensitive nose. You stared in awe, surprised that clothes just appeared in his hands. You knew it was real magic too, you'd never smelled anything like it.
"They should fit," he commented, amused by your shock as he pressed the bundle of cloth into your arms.
"Sorry, I've never smelled magic before," you blurted out.
"Smelled?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. You flushed, wondering how he'd disarmed you into discussing werewolves with an outsider.
"Werewolves have an excellent sense of smell..." you explained as simply as you could. You looked at the bundle of clothes in your arms. "Is there somewhere-?" He gestured to a door on the wall behind you.
"The bathroom is through there." You nodded and ducked into the other room to change. The clothes fit perfectly, just a simple pair of jeans and a dark green shirt. You were surprised how well everything fit. You stole his hairbrush and fixed the mess your mane of hair had become. Finally feeling presentable, you stepped back into the other room where Loki was waiting.
You set his now-folded tunic on the bed. "Sorry, I should have washed it before returning it, but that doesn't seem possible at this juncture..."
He chuckled. "That's not a problem." You had caught his eyes appraising your form when you reentered the room. You weren't offended, he wasn't rude about it. "So, little wolf, are you ever going to tell me your name? As I said, Stark did not think it necessary to tell me when he dumped an injured wolf in my care...
"You haven't introduced yourself either," you replied with a smirk. You obviously knew who he was, but you could call him on his lack of manners. He smiled at your teasing.
"You are quite correct, lady, and I apologize for my lack of manners. It was a terrible mishap on my part. I am Loki of Asgard," he offered you a polite elegant bow.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Loki of Asgard," you answered with a smirk at his antics, when he rose from his bow. "I am Y/N of the Hudson River pack." For now you added to yourself. You shouldn't have given out your pack as part of your introduction, but Loki obviously already knew you were a werewolf. You reached out a hand to shake his. Instead he lifted your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles.
"The pleasure is mine, Lady Y/N,"
Your stomach growled, ruining the moment, but making you both laugh. "Come, lady, let's see what we can find to eat before your wolf decides to take another bite out of me." He gestured toward the door that led out of the room. You flushed, reminded that you had bitten him while you were asleep.
"Sorry," you murmured, but walked with him. He opened the door out of the room and bowed you out of it.
"It's alright. It is nearly healed," he replied with a grin, but his expression fell when he saw yours. "I was teasing, love,"
"I know, but I feel bad my wolf decided to bite you. I swear I'm not a monster!" you added, voicing your fear that everyone would you were a monster for all the things you'd done today.
"I know you are not a monster," he stopped in the hallway and sighed. You saw him make a decision. His form shimmered and you sneezed again at the feel of magic in the air. He chuckled at your adorable tiny sneeze. When you opened your eyes again, he was still standing there, still the handsome slim man with shoulder length raven hair, but his skin was blue, his eyes blood red. "Believe me, love, I know a monster when I see one," he told you, his voice hesitant and nervous. You were shocked by his appearance, of course, no one in their right mind wouldn't be, but you saw the vulnerability, and saw his nerves at showing this side of himself.
"You're no more of a monster than I am," you replied and knew the words to be true.
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