Chapter 19
Your first mission with the team came a couple of weeks later. You were partnered with Loki for it. Cap said it was because your powers were complimentary, though you had a feeling that it was because he knew Loki would keep you safe no matter what happened. You didn't mind getting to spend time with Loki regardless.
"Stop bouncing, puppy, this is a job," Loki reminded you patiently as you sipped on coffee at the cafe you two were sitting at as your part of the surveillance. You had your hair tied up and hidden under a hat. Loki had toned down his appearance too, trying to blend in today. There was also a glimmer of illusion around him, not enough to make him look like someone else, but enough that people wouldn't look too closely and see that he wasn't ordinary.
"I've got eyes on Vincent," Cap announced over the comms. "He's heading into the cofeeshop." You turned slowly and saw the man enter the room, a thin guy wearing an expensive suit with a muscular thug with him. The one in the suit was Vincent, the Hydra agent Cap was after. You scented the air and got the man's scent. You'd be able to track him when he left the coffee shop, which was the plan. The pair got their coffee and left.
You and Loki stood shortly after they did and strolled carefully, casually after them. The others were trailing them too, but Cap had wanted you to get the agent's scent in case you needed to pick up the trail again. You ended up at a nearby warehouse. "Go in carefully," Cap's voice ordered. "We're right behind you. Be careful, but don't lose them,"
Loki teleported the two of you to the roof of the building. He'd also used magic to he was in his battle armor instead of the jeans of his disguise. You slipped into the building through the door to the roof and made your way carefully down a flight of stairs until you got to the big open room of the warehouse on the walkway overlooking the main floor of operations.
The scent hit you as soon as you entered the main room. "Shit," you muttered softly and took a step back, getting out of sight and scent range.
"What is it?" Cap and Loki asked at the same time.
"They've got at least one werewolf working for them. Maybe two, though I didn't get a good enough scent," you told them. "And he's here,"
"Are you ok for this mission?" Cap asked.
You steeled your spine and nodded, though Cap couldn't see you. "I'm the best one to take on the wolves," you looked at Loki "but not like this. I'm going to have to change forms. You guys all know what I look like as a wolf, right? Please don't shoot me," you added with a smirk in your voice. You sighed and mock-pouted at Loki. "I was hoping to go at least one mission without ending up naked on it," you whined at him. Nat laughed in your ear. Less than a minute later you were a wolf, walking into the main room on the main floor of the warehouse with Loki invisible at your side. You'd bet that the goons downstairs probably couldn't tell one wolf from another. It was a safe bet, though Loki insisted on staying close in case your bet didn't pay off.
"Damn, looks like Vincent got another wolf to work for him," someone commented when they saw you. "Though this one's runty compared to the others." You growled at him, displaying your impressive teeth. "No offense meant, sir," the man told you quickly, dropping his eyes like you were a dominant wolf. "Open the door!" he called to someone on the far wall.
"They're meeting downstairs," the man told you. You bobbed your head in a nod and headed for the door that was open now. Loki kept the lock from reengaging on the door when you'd slipped through. You followed Vincent's scent down the stairs.
"The others are inside as well and heading down to join us through other warehouses," Loki whispered from next to you. You'd had to give up your comm when you'd shifted. You nodded to let him know you'd heard him.
The stairs let out on a huge underground room. No one was there except for one of the wolves in human form. He looked over when you and Loki slipped into the room. You'd separated to potentially attack him from different directions if you couldn't slip past him. He raised his gun, pointing it directly at Loki. "Show yourself," he ordered, reaching for a radio. Loki shimmered back into view and the radio on the wolf's side crackled when Loki's bolt of magic hit it. We didn't need him calling help. He steadied the gun pointing at Loki.
You stepped in between Loki and the wolf and growled, drawing the wolf's attention to you. In a normal pack, in the normal way of things, a werewolf would never harm an Omega. You were hoping for that instinct now. He just stared in shock. "Omega," he said softly, reverently. He wasn't of your pack. You'd never seen him or smelled him before. He must've been a lone wolf, especially to have never encountered an Omega. He held his gun out away from him, holding his arm far from his body as he knelt and laid the weapon down. "Parlay?" he asked softly, gently, kindly. He didn't use the full ceremonial words, because you were in wolf form and he didn't know if the wolf was in control or not. You sat and wagged your tail in reply, accepting the parlay. "Please, I will not fight you. I will let you pass, unchallenged, Omega. Please, do not kill me for doing my work," you stepped forward and licked his cheek. You saw the bliss, calm, and peace in his eyes. You stepped away from the wolf and gestured to him with your head. Loki knocked him out with magic in the least painful way possible. At least that's what he promised you later.
You picked up Vincent's trail and followed it through the maze of the lower floor of the warehouse. You found him in no time in a room with the other wolf and other agents and guards. Luckily this was the only entrance to the room. Unluckily, the wolf was in wolf form. The guards had Vincent and the others under the meeting table in moments and the wolf lunged for Loki. This wolf was hesitant to attack you as well. You growled and launched yourself at the wolf, grabbing it by the throat before he could attack Loki and throwing him with all of your strength into the guards.
Loki took care of the human guards while you battled the wolf. He trusted you to keep him safe from the more dangerous adversary. Between his magic and years of combat experience, the guards were no match for him. The wolf outweighed you by a hundred pounds of muscle, as all of the males did, and stopped being hesitant of you being an Omega after the first attack. The fight was vicious and brutal, and Loki finally saw what werewolves could really do. The wolf was a hulking brute, but you were smaller and faster and had fought all your life against hulking brutes. He had no idea how to fight you.
So he fought dirty and went for Loki after he got a lucky hit on you and threw you to the side. He knew you were an Omega and would go out of your way to protect your companion. He had actually gotten Loki's arm between his jaws before you tackled the wolf hard, ripping at his throat and face while you backed him further away from Loki. It had been fighting dirty to make you fight less cautiously, but he had angered you and the wolf, and gave you the opening you needed. You finally took the wolf down when you got under him and crushed his windpipe between your jaws. He'd heal, but it would take a long, long time to heal from that and he wouldn't get up to bother you again anytime soon.
The rest of the team joined you a moment later. "Sorry we're late, we couldn't find our way through the maze as fast as the wolf," Tony indicated you. You nodded and went to Loki to make sure he was ok.
"I'm fine, little wolf," he teased and petted the top of your head and scratched behind your ears. "Are you injured?" he asked. You hesitated on that one. There were scrapes, bruises, and a couple places where the wolf's teeth had gotten you, but nothing major. "Anything I need to worry about?" he clarified. You shook your head. "Good," he petted you again and turned to the others to see what help they needed.
"Y/N, if you can manage it, you should change back. It's better to leave here human," Nat told you. You huffed, but had been practicing shifting back and forth faster with less time between, so that wasn't such an issue. Unfortunately, there was the slight problem of clothes. Yours weren't exactly nearby. Loki draped a cloak over you. You licked his hand and began the change back to human. Loki supported you, steadying you on your feet as he helped you stand again. It still took a lot of energy to shift again so fast.
"I'm ok," you told him as you held the cloak closed firmly with one hand. "Any chance you have my clothes?" you asked him. If this was going to be a common thing, you were going to have to figure out a better clothes situation. Shifting without them was a problem. Loki smiled and handed the neatly folded pile of clothes to you. You dove into your clothes, your back to the room and Loki's cloak covering you as you did, years of practice kept you decent while you did.
You saw the werewolf was rousing. He shouldn't have been coming around this quickly. He should have been down for days. He was an Alpha, you realized. He was pulling strength from his pack to heal. He somehow lunged to his feet, going directly for Loki. You shoved Loki aside hard and took the blow yourself, despite that you had no armor from the teeth and claws. He hesitated when your blood was spilled in earnest, his teeth in your arm. You grabbed his throat in your other had and squeezed. He let go of your arm, howling in pain as you reinjured the wound you had inflicted on him. Loki and Tony both attacked the wolf at the same time, blasting him with magic and repulsors from two different directions. It only paused the wolf in his attacks on you.
"Loki! I need a dagger, silver!" you called, raising your hand as the wolf lunged for you again. Loki tossed you a dagger, which you caught and drove as hard as you could into the wolf, wherever you could reach from the awkward angle. He howled in pain and passed out again, half on top of you. You shoved him off of you and got back to your feet. "We need to bind him before he wakes again," you told the others. "He's only healing as fast as he is because he's an Alpha and pulling power from his pack," you added when they looked at you confused.
They helped you bind the wolf, using ducttape over his muzzle and tying his paws together. They handcuffed Vincent and the other Hydra agents and led them all to the SHIELD vans parked outside the warehouse. Loki settled the cloak back over your shoulders after he'd tied a quick bandage around over your arm, promising to look it over better when you were home. The cloak wasn't covered in blood, unlike the rest of your clothes. You leaned on him as he walked you to one of the SUVs waiting to take you home. You were exhausted after the battle and shifting multiple times.
There were press waiting outside as well, which the group all pointedly ignored. It was a very impressive feat to ignore press shoving cameras and microphones in Cap's face, but he did it so well.
"You saved my life today," Loki told you softly on the trip back to the tower, sounding impressed, or honored.
"I'm sure you could take down the werewolf on your own, you're a mighty god after all," you replied, teasing in your voice, dismissing the praising sound of his tone. He probably could had done it faster, except that he'd been hindered by not being able to risk being bitten or scratched.
"You saved me," he insisted.
"I protect what's mine," you replied tiredly, not guarding your words. He smiled and pulled you closer in the backseat of the SUV.
"I love you too," he replied and kissed the top of your head.
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