Chapter 17
"Why are you so calm?" Loki asked with exasperation and pain in his voice as he was working on your wrists in the med room on the main floor. "You shouldn't be ok with what happened... I literally hurt you. You should be mad at me, hate me, think I'm a monster..."
"Loki, I have dealt with this literally my entire life. Werewolves are volatile and moreso when something triggers awful memories like what happened to you. I'm an Omega. One of my jobs is to walk wolves down from the killing edge when they're lost to the memories of soul wounds. I remember being five and having the scariest biker dude you have ever laid eyes on bawling his eyes out in my lap because he was having flashbacks of a war from over 200 years ago. I have been doing this since I was five, so I know exactly what that was upstairs and I know how to walk a dominate down from the killing edge when they're lost to those memories. I also know it wasn't your fault," you reminded him, reassuring him again. He leaned over and kissed your forehead.
"How did I ever find you, little wolf?" he asked softly, lovingly.
You grinned at him. "Tony threw a wolf in your cell downstairs," you reminded him with a smirk and earned a laugh for your efforts.
"And you didn't eat me," he replied dryly.
"Nah, Tony was much more appetizing," you replied, laughing. "The wolf really doesn't like him."
"Well, shellhead is stupid," Loki remarked. You sneezed at whatever healing salve he was using on your wrists. He hadn't listened the last ten times you had told him that the wounds would heal by the morning and he didn't need to bother with all of this. He had said he was just putting a bandage on them. The healing salve determined that was a lie. But it hadn't been a lie when he said it, so your nose hadn't caught it, or you would've fought him harder. While he had been making the healing salve, you'd asked Jarvis for a couple favors, which he did since you'd befriended the AI.
He bopped you lightly on the head when you tried tugging your wrists out of his lap. "Sit still. Impatient puppy," he scolded lightly. You huffed and stuck your tongue out at him, but let him get back to work, only grumbling a little in impatience. You had better things to do with your night. "There, done," he finally announced. You took your hands back from him and stared confused at the bandages.
"Loki..." you grumbled, about ready to tear the damn bandages off already. Instead of just wrapping the wrists, covering the black and purple marks, he had wrapped bandages all the way up to your palms like those carpal tunnel wrist braces, and he'd done something so the bandages were supporting and immobilizing your wrists.
"Hush, love," he stopped you before you could start whining too much, or remove the bandages he'd worked so hard on. "The bones were weak, nearly shattered. You don't want them healing wrong." You sighed heavily and tested how much movement you had. It was next to none. Great.
"Loki, I can't do anything like this," you whined. "I was going to make you a cake to cheer you up," you pouted.
"Much as I love your cake, I much prefer your wrists healing properly," he reminded you gently, but there was a smile in his eyes.
"You're just doing this so you get to take care of me," you grumbled, calling him on it. He didn't deny it and you huffed, but couldn't argue, since he was probably right, even if he was being annoying about it. You touched the necklace around your neck. "You remembered it couldn't be silver," you commented softly, touched that he had remembered.
He laughed. "Of course, little wolf. I couldn't have you catatonic because of my present. That was not the reaction I was going for." His words got a laugh out of you too.
You stood from the chair in the med room. "Well, we can at least go find something to eat," you told him before heading toward the kitchen. He laughed and came with you, his arm around your shoulders.
You spotted Thor as you were walking through the living room on the quest for food. You ducked out from Loki's arm and went to Thor, wrapping your arms around his neck in a hug. "You're home too!" you greeted him brightly with a kiss on the cheek.
"Lady Wolf," he greeted you fondly. You let go of him and bounced back to your feet. He was so big that you had to stand on your toes to hug him properly. "I brought you a-" he started, but stopped when he saw the bandages. "What happened?" he demanded, grabbing one of your wrists so he could look at it. You yelped and tugged it back away from him.
"It's been a rough night," you replied. It wasn't a good enough answer, but that was all you could say without telling him what happened or lying. Thor was good at spotting lies too. He'd grown up with Loki.
"You did not do this to yourself?" his voice was gentle, but the question was a demand.
"One, it's a bruise. Two, no I did not do anything to myself," you replied firmly, nipping that idea in the bud.
"A bruise with healing salve and that many bandages?" Thor demanded. You sighed heavily.
"Thor..." you protested. He just stared you down. Damn alpha types never gave up. "It was an accident," you finally said, but wouldn't look at him. You wouldn't throw Loki under the bus.
"What did he do?" Thor demanded, catching on to what you refused to say. "And do not think to protect him," he added firmly.
"It is entirely my fault," Loki jumped in. You glared at him.
"Hush, you. I already told you, it's not your fault," you reminded him again. Damn, Thor, you'd finally gotten Loki calmed back down and out of his self-deprecating spiral.
"Lady Wolf, explain this, quickly," Thor ordered. You rolled your eyes.
"I was napping in Loki's bed. I didn't expect him home and he didn't expect me there..." you started. Before you could get any further in the explanation, Thor had moved, stepping between you and Loki, pushing you back behind him for safety, and was on Loki, holding him off the ground by his throat. "Thor! No!" you shrieked, running over to help Loki.
"You injured a woman under your protection!" Thor boomed in a rage you had never seen out of the usually jovial man. "You swore an oath to protect her, and you injure her? Where is your honor, brother?"
"Thor! It was an accident!" You protested, grabbing one of Loki's daggers. You knew where he wore his dagger sheaths, so it was no trouble to find one and grab a dagger. You held the dagger to Thor's throat with a practiced movement, though it was impressive you could even hold the dagger with how your bandages were bound. It was only stubbornness that kept you from dropping it. "Drop him Thor. It was an accident. Nothing more," you told him firmly.
"You are not just saying that to protect him, Omega?" Thor asked you firmly.
"No. I swear. It was an accident. Now, put him down. He is not forsworn. His oath was not broken," you added. Thor glared a moment longer, but eventually set Loki back on his feet.
"Are you alright?" you asked Loki, wrapping your arms around him. Thor finally seemed to accept that it was an accident with how you were still acting normal with Loki.
"I'm fine. It takes more than Thor holding me by the throat to injure me. That was a calm conversation coming from my oaf of a brother. Besides, the question had to be asked and the accusation had to be made," Loki explained, shrugging at the rules of honor. He took his dagger back from you and resheathed it. He held you tightly to him for a moment. "Thank you for coming to my defense, stupidly brave little wolf," he teased softly, but you heard the warmth in his tone. It meant a lot to him that you would stand up to Thor to defend him.
"Lady Wolf, I saw your note on the cold box refusing any of us entry," Thor pouted. You laughed.
"J, can you order three large pizzas and a brownie-pie from the pizza place? You know how we like them. Charge them to Tony's card," you asked loudly enough that Jarvis would be able to hear you.
"Yes, Miss," Jarvis' voice replied.
"Thanks, J," you replied. You turned to the boys to explain the note. "I have a giant welcome home feast planned for tomorrow. Everything for it is in the fridge and I needed to make sure no one stole anything. I wasn't expecting anyone home early, but..." you hadn't exactly trusted them all to stay away either.
"We decided it was best to return after Loki killed a woman he his bed," Thor explained, and finally put together what had happened between you and Loki tonight. You gave him a look before he could ask again if you were really alright, if it was really an accident. "He was riding the killing edge when he found you in his bed, didn't he?" Thor asked softly instead. Loki growled something about being in the room and able to hear his idiot brother. You gave Thor a single nod. Thor looked horrified, clearly wondering how you had survived the experience.
"I'm an Omega, Thor," you reminded him. "I have years of experience bringing people back from the killing edge. I bring calm, balance, and stability, and I have brought many a werewolf down from awful memories and being trapped in pain and horror. It's part of who and what I am. Besides, for some strange reason your shy silly brother loves me. He told me as much," you stuck your tongue out at the spluttering Loki, who obviously had not intended on telling his brother he had told you those words.
"An impressive feat, indeed, Lady Wolf," Thor replied. He picked up a small box from a nearby table. "As I was starting to say, I brought you a gift back from Asgard," he told you with a bright smile, obviously proud of himself.
"Thor~" you sighed. "You guys weren't supposed to bring me souvenirs," you protested, but took the box from him. He knew you had to protest, while you knew that he felt he had to bring you something. You opened the box to find a beautiful little wolf statue. Loki was looking over your shoulder to see what it was. "It's lovely, Thor, thank you," you told him. He looked pleased by your reaction.
"Wolves are well loved on Asgard," he told you and ruffled your hair. "And in the Avengers tower," he added kindly.
"So it appears," your voice was soft, touched by how much they truly did seem to care. "So, rock, paper, scissors on who has to get the pizzas from the delivery person?" you asked. Neither boy would actually let you do it.
"I will get the pizzas if you will pick out a movie for us to enjoy," Thor offered.
"Deal," you replied and went to the DVD rack to pick out something for you all to watch. "Have you guys seen Night of the Wolf?" you asked. It was a werewolf movie and one of the better ones. You'd watched it way too many times with the pack. Neither of them had, so you got it set up and curled yourselves in a pile of cushions and blankets on the floor. Thor at your back and Loki your little spoon. He would never admit to enjoying being the little spoon, but you knew he did occasionally. He liked to feel safe and loved too, especially on a night like tonight when his balance and calm were so fragile. They were both shocked and laughed when you raised your head and howled along with the wolves in the movie.
When the pizzas finally came, you all moved back to the couch. The three pizzas were devoured with not a crumb left behind and you and Loki shared the delicious brownie thing. Thor claimed he didn't much care for sweets, but you knew that wasn't entirely true. He was happier with you and Loki being happy enjoying the treat than the happiness he would have gotten from insisting on some for himself.
A lot of cuddles and a couple of werewolf movies later, it was late enough that Thor decided you all needed to find your beds, and rudely threatened to carry you both there if you didn't behave. You and Loki both snarled at him, but you were yawning, so you agreed that it was time for bed. You walked Loki back to his room, but didn't go inside. "You're welcome-" he started.
You shook your head. "I love you, Loki, but not tonight. You can't stand me in your room or bed tonight. I don't say that maliciously, but it's the truth. My presence would hurt you and I'm not going to force you to face that pain,"
"But you've been lonely for days..." he started.
"You spent a lovely evening cuddling with me on the couch and in the pillow pile. You've done your job and taken care of me, oh mighty god," you teased. "Now go see what the annoying puppy did for you," you gestured to his room. His eyes widened in horrified shock that you had done something, until he remembered that it was you and you'd no more hurt him than he would hurt you. He stepped inside and just turned to you, sensing the difference, but not understanding how or why, or obviously being able to put a word to what you did.
"I asked Jarvis for help and he got one of the iron legion up here. There's cleaners the wolves use, to remove the... scents I guess is the closest you would call them, of psychic trauma, pain, and in this case, of the presence of a woman in your bed. The wolves use them mostly as a magical way of hiding our presence from the humans, but they worked in this case too. Your room is clean and safe, Loki, just the way you need it tonight, no sign of any presence in there but yours." He looked touched when he finally realized what you had done and what you were willing to give up for his benefit.
"Thank you," he said softly, unable to think of anything else. You pretended you couldn't see the tears in his eyes. He was obviously trying to hide them.
"Anything for you," you replied. After a quick kiss goodnight, in which you didn't dare cross the threshold of his room, you made your way to your own bed for the first time in days. You weren't alone in the tower anymore, so you could be alone for a night without feeling lonely, especially when your cuddle needed some alone time to regain the last of his balance.
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