Chapter 1: Flash Backs
T/n=Town name
Y/n=Your name
F/c =favourite colour
S/f/c= 2 favourite colour
L/n=Last name
M/n=mom name
List will go on later
This is my first fan fic so don't hate
Your pov
Hi my name is Y/n.I live in a town called T/n. I was happy there until one day Zane came to our gates and said "I am looking for a girl named Y/n to marry. If you do not get her your town will be on fire in less then 7 minutes. "My mom who was near by said no! And that I would never marry a man like Zane. My little sister icy was near and she was very sick at this time with a flu that has been going around. Befor I knew it my T/n and M/n were on fire. "Icy come on!" But I was to late she was on fire. Soon as I knew that I ran to my home that was F/F and white. (Change if you like white). I packed a bag that had my Phone,My locket with a small heart shaped picture of my mom and icy in it, A F/c shirt with blue jeans and S/f/c Shoes with F/c laces,Food, and water. In my F/c backpack and ran as far as I could until I saw a village. I saw a guard with blue eyes and sandy blonde hair.And one with brown hair and blue eyes. I came up and said "H-Hello my name is Y-Y/n." I was a very shy person for as long as I could remember. Well ever since I was born! "Hello there ms Y/n!" Said the guard with brown hair "I'm Larance." He said well looking at me like a creep. (Why is Larance under lined! That's the way aphmau spells it!) "M-M-May I stay in this village?" Gah! I'm so weird around boys I have always been like that too! That's when the guard with sandy blonde hair spoke up. "You may you just have to talk to our lord Aphmau." He said in a very careless voice. "Wow so rude" I mumble. "What did you say?, Oh also I'm Garroth head guard of this village." Garroth said a little nicer then he last did. "Thank you Garroth I'm Y/n." I say as cheery as I can. Then they take me to a very unique house.It was purple and white. There was also a playground. "Is this were lady aphmau lives?' I ask, "Yes she has one child but he has the flu so she would probably like you to stay out of his room." He says seeming to cheer up. Just then a lady who I think is the lord came out. She had Black hair with hazel eyes. "Hey their Garroth and Larance! And uh friend who's name is?" She asks "Hi my name is Y/n, May I stay in you village?" I ask. "Yes you may Y/n come with me I will get you a house." She cheerily says. We walk to a place that has 4 houses. There was 3 houses that has someone in them. I could tell because in one house I saw a Cat Girl? In the next house I saw a blonde girl with black glassse In the last house I saw a girl with fiery hair and a dress. "Here is your home Y/n!" Aphmau says walking towards a nice wood and cobble house!"Thanks so much Lady Ahpmau!" I don't even hear what she says next because I rush in my house.
~Time skip from yours truly~
I am sleeping in my nice warm fuzzy bed that is F/c when I fall into a deep deep deep sleep
I was in my t/n with icy when I saw my House up in flames.
Zane ran up to me then I was knocked out cold. I woke up in a
Cell when a girl comes up to me and she says "Y/N hurry up your going
Be late get in you wedding dress!" I look at the girl and I
Run out when she opens the door. Then I some how
Teleport to outside of the gates. I run for it seems
Like hours when I see icy and my mom running to me
"Mom!" I say but then she and icy run up to me and try to kill me.
Garroth runs up and knocks them out. "My hero....."
Hey there reader! I'm Jenna aka jennalovesmc and I hope your happy 'cause this is like I don't know..... WOAH GUYS OMG 800 words! See ya
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