E r i n || Books
01. Erin x Shy! Male! Reader
You two are opposites.
That girl behind the glasses - Erin. She's a big shine of jolly. Plus, she's full of wisdom. We could say, she's a nerd, yeah?
That might have hit hard. .
You? You are just a ordinary guy, nothing interesting in your life. But we could consider a guy being shy interesting, yes? Maybe.
You were shy and quiet - no cooperation with other people. You would even hide yourself behind a tree, avoiding others.
But hey! Never fear! There is something you guys have in common; books! Both of you love books! You two would quietly share some cool facts - makes you happy all the time. Same goes for Erin, too.
Erin used to prank you ever since you came to their camp. There was one time when you thought there was something flying in the sky - only to be attacked by her little turret.
As time goes by - everything was completely normal. You two were still sharing facts with other, Erin was still pranking you now and then.
But everything changed.
Ever since Erin told you to do something for her, everything went wrong. It was mostly like a situation of life and death. At that point, it was always a shouting match between two of you. Until now, that is.
"Hey, Erin? Can. . I talk with you for a second?" You asked shyly, and gently, of course, slowly crumpling your shirt. The feeling made you anxious - and uneasy.
"I'm. . busy." She said, quickly grabbing her turret, and put it into her hands. Erin let out a sad sigh, but go with the flow anyways.
"Just. . a moment!" You convinced her. You sweat, completely nervous. A lot of thoughts came into your mind.
How will I act?
Will she get mad at me?
Will she ignore me?
Those thoughts swirled around your head endlessly. Erin sighed in defeat. She released her turret out of her hand, and stood up.
"Okay, what?"
Remember what I said earlier? She used to be a big shine of jolly? Like I said, it changed. She used to be happy with the others, but with you, like a whole different person.
"Can we. . hang out with each together like we used to be? Look, I'm sorry about what happened before, I couldn't do it. I was weak. Nothing interesting. Period." You apologized, in a now firm voice.
You acted cool in front of her for the first time, making you smile and satisfied in your mind. Somehow, Erin just stared at you blankly.
She let out a loud 'tsk' and passed right through you. Like you never existed.
"I'm done with this. . " Erin thought silently, making her heart ache, as usual. Even her injury hurt.
Erin slowly walked through the night, everyone sleeping peacefully. She sat beside you, being ready for a beat up.
Unfortunately, you don't know that this is going to happen, since you were asleep as well - snoring loudly.
Erin pinched you in the cheeks hardly - making you moan in pain. Erin froze for a moment, and continue doing it.
Erin's face slowly flushed in embarrassment, but she didn't even dare to hide it. She just smiled warmly, and eventually rubbed your forehead gently.
"This better be worth it."
She let out a relieved sigh, and eventually head back to her sleeping bag.
In the morning, you stretched your ams and looked around. You could see Erin's book was open. You could see some writings from afar. But you didn't even try to look at it. Who knows? She might pinch you to death.
That hurts, trust me.
You let out a sigh and decided to wander around camp. Over to a little upper part of north, there was a little billboard with a map on it. Beside it, there were big stones with ancient writings in it. You were curious what it says, except, you can't read it - but you bet Erin can.
You remembered Erin, the moments you had together. Whenever she smiles, you start being talkative as ever, not the introvert type. It always make your heart flutter as soon you hear her giggle, or see her smile.
The memories were interrupted by a call of your name.
"Y/N! Where are you?"
You head back to camp, seeing Erin was just reading a book, while the others did the usual things. Usually, you would hang out with Erin, but's that's a no-no for you now.
"Hey." A emotionless voice said to you as it tapped your back.
"Gyah!" You exclaimed, backed away from her. Meg, just gave you a blank look. She let out a sigh.
"You have nothing to do?" The sniper interrogated, licked her heart shaped lollipop.
"Yeah, I'm hella bored. . " You admitted out of your shyness.
"Why won't you hang out with Erin?"
"You are such a dumb girl. ." You said in frustration. "Something happened between us, okay?"
She scoffed. "Like what? Break up or something?"
You coughed, exaggerating it. "Wait - what - no! "
"You guys have some serious relationships," The braided girl said, walling away. "Eh, not my problem. See ya."
You let out a loud groan, but just shrugged it off. You look over Erin who's eye immediately turned to the page of her book, while you doubt she was listening.
'You were listening, Erin.'
You sat in front of her, while Erin started to release a pissed off aura. But you give her a smirk - an evil one.
You opened a book, making Erin curious as ever. But she resisted it, and continued reading her own book. You tries reading some words aloud, distracting her. Yet, no luck.
'It isn't working. .'
You continued to do it for about four minutes, and that's when she had enough.
The engineer stood up, and whacked your head with her book. You let out a large 'ow'! While she pinched your cheeks, twisting it 360°.
"Wait - it hurts!"
"Shut it!" The gun user said, stopping it. She stormed off, while Meg and the others - were staring at you blankly.
Erin stopped whacking you in the head, and dropped her book.
She clapped happily, her face forming a cheeky, fake smile.
"You guys can continue doing your stuffs now~." She said, while she narrowed her eyes at you and shot you an icy glare.
You gave her an apologetic face, while she gave you an 'hmph' sound. She stormed off, yet again, leaving the others staring at you with anxiety.
"(Name) must be harding have a hard time. ." The others thought, all of them giving you a light chuckle. You pouted at them and rubbed your head. As soon as you pressed it down, it made you moan in pain.
"Damn you, Erin."
Erin continued to storm off in the forest, leaving the others behind. The only thing that is with her is her book, and her turret that flew up beside her.
We could say, her turret has a mind of its own.
"I feel so, miserable." Erin said, grabbing her turret and wrapping it around her arms. "I didn't even think before I act."
Her turret nods slowly in agreement, making Erin chuckle.
"I gotta admit, (Name) is kinda overreacting, and exaggerating sometimes." Erin articulated, rubbing her turret.
You ran over to the direction where Erin stormed off, making you pant and sweat due to exhaustion. Over, you could hear some talking, voices, and chuckles in the north.
You walked closer, seeing Erin who was rubbing her turret in her arms. It made you smile happily. Your heart starts to pound, making you embarrassed. You are an introvert, after all.
As you were about to take another step closer, you accidentally stepped on a twig. The sound alarmed you, making you rush over to the trees.
Erin looked over to the multiple directions, north, south,east, west. She saw nothing. You let out a relieved sigh-
"Who's there?" She said firmly, grabbing her gun. Her turret start to fly beside her, two of them ready for a beating.
"Oh fudge no.." You thought.
Then, Erin's eyes widened as she saw a familiar looking face. You looked over, it was Meg who was calling you.
"Oh~. Heya Meg! Sorry to frighten you~." She apologized, rubbing the back of her head. Meg just scoffed, while you try to resist your laughter. Somehow, Meg grabbed Erin's hand, and smiled.
"Uh, let's go, Triss will kill us."
You ran back to camp, arriving before Meg and Erin arrived. You tried hiding your face with your book. You could hear some girl laughs, doubting that it would be Erin, and the others.
You kept thinking about Erin, lately. Ya know, her cute giggle. . her smile. . her wisdom. ..
You sighed just by thinking about it.
"Hey." You heard a familiar voice said.
"W-What?" You stuttered. Of course you were shy.
"You want to meet Erin, don't you?" She predicted.
"Y-Yes. . " You replied slowly. It became obvious for the others, and they want you to meet her.
"Fine then."
Later night, you kept twisting and turning, unable to sleep.
You sat up and let out a soft groan. You looked up to the stars.
"Hey, what if I don't sleep? Yeah? That's a brilliant idea!" You thought.
Later at the morning, you now had dark circles below your eyes. Triss and the others gave you a anxious face. Triss asked you if you wanna go, but you said, sure! But she just left you behind.
You continued to read your book, when you felt a sudden tap on your shoulder. You looked up, it was Erin. Who was looking down, yet she was holding her book up.
"You. . wanna read books together?"
Your eyes lit up. Did Meg did this? Perhaps, she persuaded her! Sweet~!
The sun was now setting, and you and Erin were still dying of laughter! The others were looking at you weirdly, but Meg just gave you a smile.
You gave Meg a 'thank you' face, and she just smiled, and bowed. She left you two alone.
"Hey, (Name). . can I show you something?" She called out slowly.
"Sure, what is it?"
"I have a trick, lean closer." She commanded. You obeyed her, but you never expected this.
She grabbed your chin and kissed you on the cheeks. She let go, and you flush down to embarrassment. She gave you a warm, encouraging smile.
"You never cease to amaze me, (Name). Everyday, even when I'm mad at you, you are still willing to apologize to me. It's obvious. And you are getting smarter and better everyday, and I like that about you. And I hope you're still gonna do the same."
Then, she kisses you again in the cheeks, you let out a relieved sigh.
It all started with a certain book, that hooked two of you.
I know this sucks xP
I hope you guys like this one shot! I know, it's not 5,000 words, but meh. It's kinda...worth it? Anyways, see ya!
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