part 15
Dont mind rasazy doing that pose
(I did not draw that)
Selever:math is just another word for depression
Rasazy:*walks up to selever holding a plush monke*
Rasazy:HELL NAW!!!!!!!!!!
Just imagine selever saying. this but errape only
Selever:gOt MiLk
Sunday:[visible confusion]
Rasazy:*puts hair tie on arm*
Rasazy:iM a BaRbIe GiRl,In A bArBiE wOrLd
The tv:BeCoMe A eGg DoNoR
10 seconds later
Sarvente:*goes to fridge*
Sarvente:*takes out eggs*
Sarvente:I'm a good person
Rasazy:*banging a toy hammer on to a box selever is sitting in*
rasazy:*bangs head on stair thingy*
sarvente:omg are you okay rasazy!!!!!
rasazy:*laughing and crying*no :(
sarvente:your head is bleeding
rasazy:wAiT wHaT
sarvente:just kidding
sarvente:rasazy get up
rasazy:*gets up*
sarvente:theres a bump on your head
rasazy:how big?
sarvente:*puts apple on rasazys head*
sarvente:*puts rasazys hand on her head were the apple is*
sarvente:that big- LMAO
rasazy:thats a apple-
*music playing*
selever,ruv,peakek,and boyfriend:♫︎stop it! :D♫︎
ruv:♫︎before i break your legs♫︎
peakek:♫︎i said stop it! :D♫︎
Ruv,peakek,and boyfriend:♫︎or we will...♫︎
ruv,peakek,and boyfriend:♫︎shaaave selevers head♫︎
selevet: ayo what-
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