○Chapter 18○
(Grab-N-Go Gas Station----->)
I'm what my mother considers a kid, so I don't know much about life. Or to be more specific, love. What I do know is that it's quite entertaining once you're the observer and not the observed. Whenever someone would tell me how helplessly and embarrassing Inasa and I acted towards one another in pining, I would roll my eyes and brush it off. But now, it makes so much sense. Honestly, I'm somewhat embarrassed. Somewhat.
I could never be embarrassed by Inasa, not truly. It's kind of pathetic how my new favorite pass time is watching these two idiots running around in circles. It's a boring day here. Instead of sitting at home and finishing my book report, I'm heading to the nearby gas station to purchase some snacks since I'm running low.
Gathering up my wallet and phone, I head out the front door before mom or Auntie Inko can ask where I'm headed. Instead of walking like the broke bitch that I am, I hop on my baby blue bike and ride off into the almost unbearably warm afternoon. The soft hum of my bike tires spinning helps me relax while passing by several homes and large trees. Some yards have clusters out and about, which is reasonable considering what time of year it is.
By the time I'm pulling up the Grab-N-Go, the sun has burned from its warm, golden yellow to a soft, tangerine shade. Perfect. There's nothing more satisfying than a night bike ride to myself. Hearing that ever so nostalgic ring when the door opens urges the corners of my lips to curl slightly.
"Oh hell, no. Get the fuck outta here, peppermint."
I snap my gaze at the offending tone. Behind the counter stands a tired, lonesome man. His eye bags scream out indifference to his pale skin. Dark, purple eyes meet mine and I can't help but give an acknowledging nod. Before I can say a snarky greeting, someone beats me to it.
"Oh no. Now I'm stuck with the Mind Fucker and Scar Face." Shinsou and I lock gazes, inwardly groaning as I turn to face Monoma.
"Hey, hall monitor! Give anyone a write-up for not having a foot up their ass?"
I let out a loud, startled laugh as Monoma's face burned crimson at Shinsou's comment. He lets out an agitated huff and stomps over to the counter. "Shut the hell up. You act like I'm happy about being a hall monitor."
Shinsou just raises an inquisitive brow, but Monoma blatantly ignores it and walks around. In his arms, he gathers several chips bags, candy, and a few bottles of water. I just slowly glance towards my dark-haired friend, but rather than our eyes meeting in confusion, his trail in Monoma's direction. The dark violet irises shrink as he pays close attention to the blonde moving around at a fast pace and grumbling about some kids being tutored. When a very enraged Monoma approaches the counter, he dumps his things across the plastic surface and pulls out his wallet as Shinsou rings him up.
I slowly begin to inch away, heading towards the slushie machine to seem occupied. There seems to be a shift in atmosphere and I can't help but glance backward. Monoma silently struggles with his money and Shinsou just stares blankly. He doesn't seem annoyed, but rather holding back from saying something. Monoma lets out a small curse and Shinsou chuckles, earning another glare.
"Here, idiot. You're tugging too much. Just..." He reaches over, gently lapping his fingers over Monoma's. Monoma continues to grumble, not noticing the space between them decreasing more and more.
"Stop! I think I can handle my own wallet. Come on, just let go..." Monoma's words die in his throat and they make momentary eye contact. They stare at one another in silence for a moment before tinting red and chuckling at the predicament.
Eventually, Monoma managed to pay Shinsou, and the two bid goodbye. I watch from the reflection of the slushie machine as Monoma jogs outside, hops into his car, and drives away. Shinsou, not so subtly, watches him make his way outside. Slowly, the taillights to his maroon 59' Chevy Corvette fade in the distance the farther he drives. My overworked friend lets out a deep sigh after a few moments of silence. I quickly grab myself the snacks I came for and head over to the cashier's counter. Slowly I stroll up to the counter, letting out a low whistle. Shinsou raises his head in surprise and I smirk knowingly.
"So. That was different from your usual interactions with the hardass hall monitor."
"Geez, Todoroki. I thought you left." I just roll my eyes at the change of subject.
As Shinsou begins to scan my things, I make a mental note to pay close attention to his interactions with Monoma from now on. After paying for my things, I run out before the sky can fully darken. Hopping on the bike I wave to my sleep-deprived friend and take the route back home.
. . .
I've done it again. I am a genius. As usual, the day started with me struggling to find the faith in humanity to get out of bed. Only to be dragged out by Natsuo and Touya. What pricks. Then followed a very dramatic yet poetic if I do say so myself, fall in the shower. School was boring as usual. But as I biked off to Yoarashi's house, I noticed bright blonde hair walking alongside someone. They had an all too familiar hat that failed to conceal some large, purple curls. So, I might have taken a detour or two before heading to my boyfriend's house. It was for the greater good I reasoned with myself. Yet, I couldn't help but feel like a stalker. Regardless, I had my right to investigate the matter. All my favorite shows were on hold and these two nitwits owed me big time for several favors. Such as sending homework answers, rides, etc.
Pressing on the brakes, I stop in front of a large house. It looked new, but yet so barren. The house itself was nice, the grass cut evenly and a brand new car sitting in the driveway. Yet, it seemed no one was there. No personality, no additions. The neighboring homes weren't much better. But truly, it was the silence that set me off the most. No kids running around, no dogs barking, nothing. I cautiously set the bike to stand and snuck around the place. After glancing around at the front, I slowly inched over to the fenced-in backyard. There, two figures sat on pine lounging chairs and sipped away at some drinks. They seemed relaxed, happy. So I decided to leave. Let them have their moment. After all, it wasn't like I didn't know what was going on.
Once, I had experienced the same thing with Inasa. Running off with the group, but only talking to him. Spending time alone at his place, making homemade ice cream, and ranting about cars. It all felt so amazing. To have someone. Someone who gets you, who likes you for you. They listen to your woes and you in turn listen to theirs. It's about communication and commitment. Even if things get hard, are you willing to throw it all away because of an argument? Sure there are boundaries and breaking points that are completely valid. But for now, I choose the man who makes me feel like I can fly. So what if I'm young? More opportunities to learn.
Just as I was readjusting my backpack and hopping onto the bike, I heard some murmuring and movement from the door. Hurriedly, I pedal towards India's house. I doubt I could handle the shame of being caught stalking the two of them. They would never let me live it down. Fortunately for me, I seemed to have left at just the right time. Letting myself slow down and calm my beating heart. The bike tires spin rapidly as I turn towards the right block. Within twelve minutes I reached my destination. Inasa standing barefoot on his front porch, his shirt complementing his physique and his jeans hung low. As I approached him, I noticed the pout resting upon his face.
"Hey, you." I greet hesitantly, running up and hugging him tightly.
"You're late. I got worried something happened after the fight at school. So I called and you didn't answer." Wincing slightly from his words, I feel shame and guilt seep in. I have been trying to improve my communication and make Inasa more comfortable with me. But I still have a lot to learn apparently.
"I'm really sorry. On the way here, I got sorta sidetracked... I should've texted or something. Honestly, I didn't mean to make you worry. For some reason, I just... forgot.' Inasa lets out a small sigh and I hang my head low.
"Sho, I really like you okay? Recently, we've been trying to make this workout. Sure I'm upset, but I can see why you didn't answer. Just please at least text me beforehand? So I don't lose my shit again." Letting a few giggles slip past my lips, he embraces me before we head inside.
I'm grateful to know and be with someone so patient and understanding. Sure we do have our issues and maybe that patience runs thin here and there. But it's his will to try that reassures me. Besides, he's way mature for his age. If any guy is willing to work this much and try this hard for me, I'd be a fool to turn him away. Inasa leads me into the living room and I bring out my bag of snacks I brought over. He seats me closer to him and I bask in his warmth. After he covers both of us in a nearby blanket, I turn my attention towards the television. It's playing a rookie relay race from way back when. But for once my mind isn't too keen on watching a race. I've got a million things to do today. And yet I can only think of one thing.
God how could I have been so idiotic. My grades weren't the worst but if I bomb this test, there's no way my mother won't notice or get a concerning call from the school. Goodbye to sneaking out! There's no way she won't keep me on lockdown. My social life will be over! Not that I have much of one, but I'll be so bored. Not to mention racing. Oh my sweet heavenly drug that frees me of all responsibility and rationality the world pummels down on me. Everything depends on this test. I throw off the blanket and dash towards my backpack. Inasa startles from his sleepy stature, raising his head and blearily looking around.
"Shoto? What's wrong? Why're you running around?"
"NO TIME! I forgot about the test in Mr. Chu's class tomorrow and I can't get less than a B!" I call out as I grab my textbooks and some drinks from the fridge.
Just as I'm about to apologize for bailing tonight, I feel a strong, comforting warmth surrounding me. Arms wrapped around my torso and pulling me back, Inasa's nose nudges some of my hair away as he leaves soft pecks. Lips trail down my neck and to my collar as I groan softly. Now wasn't the time for this. I have to push him away. Yet, I refuse to move or push him away. Things feel so calm and domestic right now. Why ruin the moment? So I allow myself to close my eyes and move my head to the side. Inasa smiles against my skin and trails his fingers lower and lower until he reaches the hem of my shirt. There, he hesitates before diving under and stroking my pale skin.
"Inasa... not now. I-I've gotta... gotta study. Oh my gosh..." I feel my mind cloud with a pleasurable haze. But, my chem test. As much as it disgusts me to push away this gorgeous man, I do it. With my soul dying inside.
"You could study here. I have my textbook. Besides, I should do that too."
That's all it takes to persuade me to stay. Inasa is amazing at helping me understand concepts. There were a few trials and errors, but we eventually got the hang of it. Besides, I really wanted to continue spending time with him for as long as possible. The last time we hung out, just us, was about a month ago. Pure torture, let me tell you. As much I love my friends, private time with your significant other is vital. When we're together and it's just us, I swear I could fly. He lies down with me, allows himself to be more vulnerable than he is with the others. Walls come crumbling down and I become introduced to someone else. Yes, they are similar in characteristics and physical features. But he's more open about himself. He shares his dreams, struggles, hopes, and thoughts with me. I do the same. It's amazing how much you can learn from someone with a late-night talk.
That's how I initially fell for him. It started with a series of late-night talks while our friends raced at the track. We would find a nice, comfortable spot where I could try and nap while he kept a lookout in case anyone stopped by. The last thing any of us needed was an arrest on our records. We may have been misfits by night and in private, but we were just broke nerds at heart. All of us had hope and dreams for our futures. Some of those included college, and getting sent to the police station was an absolute no. Also, our parents would kill us. Try explaining to your Japanese immigrant mother that you put your whole future in jeopardy; just so you could illegally street race with your older brother and his questionable friends. Yeah, I would rather jump off the Golden Gate Bridge, naked. Fortunately, there hasn't been an occurrence where I've been tempted to do that. Yes, some came close, but none so far measure up to that threat.
But those times when it was just us, on the other side of the bleachers, just being around one another. Every moment of it was magical. All of my life, the closest person to me was Midoriya. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. But there still seemed to be some sort of barrier between us. We weren't completely open or honest with each other. Yes, he is my best friend, but even friends have their privacy. With Inasa, that barrier slowly faded away the closer we became. In the beginning, when we first met, I was hesitant with him. He was this new kid who gave off the bonehead jock vibes. His friends and himself were very loud, abrasive, and not to mention, popular. Everyone kept their eyes on them. On him. We happened to share a few classes. But in them all, I avoided him like the plague.
I hate attention. Nothing else to it. It makes me feel awkward, judged, and exposed. Besides, why would I give up my precious time and effort for people who don't even say hello to me? Exactly. That's when my best friend comes in. See, Shinsou already knew Inasa as a respected teammate. But he didn't truly become a part of our little group until the end of Winter Break. Since I failed to take interest in Inasa by then, imagine my surprise when our surprise guest came to our movie marathon. At first, I was immensely irritated. Everyone was aware of my stance on people like him, and everyone was usually somewhat uncomfortable around the popular crowd. SO WHY THE HELL DID THE GREEN-HAIRED FUCKER INVITE HIM? It wasn't until later when everyone was setting up for the movie and I began preparing the snacks, I realized what was happening. Inasa Yoarashi was another one of my best friend's strays. He always had a soft spot for loners.
Lots of time has passed since those days. But now, I've learned to be better and more accepting of others. I admit, there was a large bias for those who had larger social rankings than I. It's thanks to my friends and Inasa that I learned how wrong I was. Yes, a majority of them suck immensely. But that doesn't mean everyone is a horrible person. Besides, I didn't always put my best foot forward around those people. Today, I can stand proudly by the side of those I love most and say that I am working to become a better person.
Suddenly, a warm hand brushes against my own, and my eyes drift towards the sensation. I make eye contact with Inasa and he shoots me a sly smile. I can't help but bite back my own and raise an inquisitive eyebrow. It's only when I notice him motioning towards the end of the hall where his bedroom resides that I understand. It's been a while and I'm pretty confident in my memory skills. So I quickly shut Inasa's textbook before taking off with him, laughing and pulling one another close as we ran down the hall. But of course, as soon as I get worked up, his parents' return. Thank god his mother insists he keeps several quilts in his room to hide my b- actually, that's not important.
A smile makes its way to my lips. Those were the days. When the biggest problems were with Inasa and my grades. God how I long for the simplicity and innocence of my youth. Back then, it seemed I had almost everything figured out. Now, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I quit my stable job, forced my best friend to do the same, and we're currently living in a tiny apartment. Living the American dream, am I right? Honestly, tell me, am I a failure? So early in life and I feel so tired. I can't give up. Not yet. For him. I'll hold strong for him. He would've wanted it this way.
I take a last glance at the gravestone. Its name stares back tauntingly at me. Another wave of tears makes its way to my eyes. I swallow harshly and fight the large lump forming in my throat. He would have wanted me to stay strong. Laying down the kiku flowers, I pay my respects once more and straighten up my attire. He loved it when I tried to look my best. Always called me a little gentleman. It's almost as if he's still here. How I wish things were different. My overwhelming longing to lunge myself at the person who is long gone. Death sucks. Letting out a small, watery laugh, I turn away as if to hide my tears. Perhaps another day I can leave the cemetery with a dry face.
A/N: Hello everyone! I know it's been forever and I apologize for the delay. Honestly, I have been writing but a majority of updates I forget to upload. But thank you all so much for your patience. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I love you all. Please remember to love yourself and how amazing you are. Because your life impacts someone. Also, remind yourself that your life is in your hands. So do what makes YOU happy. Bye now! Please vote and have a good day 💖
- Author
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