2# - Dziwadło angielskie
Well... I decided to write something in english, so there we go it will be a back story of one of my OC...
Warning many english mistakes, it will be corrected...
Meet Sekiyuni, the broken girl who wanted to be human
I... remember how it started, there was nothing... pure black color around me and silence... I was first existence before something started forming, and i gave it a try... Killing myself this way.
Why Killing myself? Well... Lemme just tell this story to the end.
Im Sekiyuni Raksha Chaos Kagetsuki. I earned all these names over time i was on earth.
All these years of emptiness i was wandering, searching for something like me, something that can help make living thing... Already in this emptiness felt lonely, i wanted somebody accompany me... That was how it all started, by my little wish. I saw little lights appearing, that was stars, and bigger one stars are called planets... One of this planet is earth... It was interesing one planet not like others, there appears something like water, some plants. I decided to help it all grow that earth started its life, plants are living things right? So first lives were on earth... Later there appeared first animals i was so excited to watch them, even i played with them. They were my first friends... and last ones but i didnt knew it. It was nice, i felt that im living too i wasnt empty i had some happiness from that... Funny, Chaos and creating world haha... good joke when im thinking about this now. I always had in mind 'im Chaos' and i questioned myself if im doing good as Chaos, if its my duty to do... Well, i didnt care about it. Some days later after making earth full of living creatures there appears a new thing...
H u m a n s
It was interesing when i saw new creatures, more intelligent than animals... They could talk normally like i talked with my little friends. I helped those humans at start... but they betrayed me to evil creature that just appeared... He was laughing at me. "Chaos? Hahahaha good joke, you are Chaos? ur too good for these fucking creatures, u have to destroy, u have to be a fucking parasite for this creator who appeared with you!". These words shocked me, Somebody was born at the same time when i? I wasnt able to meet that thing, we were walking others ways not having chance to cross lines. Even if i didnt saw that thing i knew one, i wanted to help it make this place even better. Theres where ways got complicated. I was living on earth for years now wandering all over the world not even here, there were also other worlds, dimensions and stuff... The largest 'world' or maybe 'dimension' was anyway Chaos, which i closed for safety other things. I started to hear about the creator. People started to have a religion... Where i was this one bad, when the truth is i wasnt. I was thinking 'Why this is happening... Why i am bad to them... Im good one... right?' I started to hide myself under large coats, living in shadows still caring about earth and humans even if they were talking bad about me... Untill this day came.
I meet the "Creator" - Yaksha. He wasnt a normal good creator, yes he did good job creating world... but his personality was... horrible to this role what he got, like we got into wrong ones... Like im Creator, hes Chaos but whe have opposite things. He just get to me and there started all the discuss.
"Hey there little girl, what are you doing there?"
"Eeeh... ur Creator right?" I said it without playing around, cuz i felt hes nor a human.
"Oooh... U know this? Poor thing, u must be Chaos one? What a failure of Chaos helping me with earth GOOD JOKE FOR A CHAOS!" he said laughing like this other evil thing who made first humans betray me...
"You know what? Your duty is to DESTROY this world, to MAKE THIS ALL LIVINGS DIE! TO BRING APOCALYPSES TO THIS EARTH YOU LOVE! YOU ARE THE BAD ONE AND ITS YOUR DUTY!" He said it brutally telling me the truth what i am... I was looking at my hands not really believing... I helped many humans, i had good heart so i was thinking why i need to destroy them? cant we live all together in h a r m o n y ? That was good question but... Merciless truth just stabbed me in my heart.
"Ara, ara, araaa such a pity, ur too innocent to be Chaos, why the hell im a Creator when i could just destroy this world right now with your power..."
"You wouldnt do this! I wouldnt let you!"
" You think you would have a more choices than watch in despair how your precious world disappears? It would be funny... to see breakdown creator girl but well, if you will breakdown it wont be funny as Chaos." he said and he just was looking at me like im an insect.
"Listen girl... Maybe im a Creator, but i will make your life a living hell, no more happiness for fucking Chaos." he said and he started to walk away
"What are you planning to do?"
"I. will. break. you." he hissed with somehow amusing and dark laugh.
I knew one, i needed to stop him i cant be like this always, i just was weak against him... he had this dominance at me right now and he can do what he want... I needed to grow up, and i needed to take it in my own little hands... but that was too late, he already spread that Chaos thing is bad, and hes good one there, but it was him who had no mercy for poor souls, i felt these souls pain... They didnt do anything wrong, and they got 'kick in ass' from that creator and they always were falling to hell... He wasnt allowing to enter heaven, even if he allowed then that must be a soul of beautiful lady... I dont wanna go deeper into what he was doing with them. He created these illness and messaging people that im the bad one who sent that and that he will help them... but i didnt had power to stop him from his act... from his game. One day i saw people near my little house... Screaming... "get out you witch! Daughter of Chaos! Get out! and die leave us we want live our lifes to the end! You bitch!" These screams repreated in my head... They setted fire on my house... This was my first death as human. I burned alive i didnt do anything to these people. Days later i reborned, I started life once again i had a calm start, i had meet Kagetsuki family, they wasnt humans. I meet there Ren Kagetsuki, Tharianna Kagetsuki, Glutamine Kagetsuki and others Kagetsuki members, that was very big familly and they was for me like my own family... Thats why i got my last name - Chaos Kagetsuki.
Ehh... I helped Ren with his big problem with controlling himself. He was the one who was born from human tears, rage, sadness, sorrow and other bad feelings, he was 'evil' thing, but somehow he was very nice... i was one, who could stop him from going insane and kill many lives... I remember when i was playing with him...
"Reeen!! Wait for me!"
"You have short legs Seki!"
"no i dont have short legs im not used to long runs yet!!"
"Dont lie!"
We were laughing and screaming at each other while running like idiots in Kagetsuki's garden but Ren was faster than me and he caught me before i could catch him.
"Ren! Let me down!"
"Nope, You go with me"
"Ren its not funny i wanna go on my own legs!"
"Nah, it will be faster if you got carried" I pouted i knew i hadnt the best condition especially after long running so i just let him get me back to house. He was the only one who was that near in relationship with me. I Loved him as big brother... but this times has ended soon, after attack on Kagetsuki house, i said my farewell to them running away with a tail of attackers who wanted to get rid of me. On empty field i started to fight with them i was using only my bare hands and legs where they used magic, seals and other stuff... That was unfair battle, and i saw Yaksha somewhere smiling at the view... I was covered with blood, my own and these things.
"Huh little lamb is fighting back? Cmooon die again. i wanna watch you dying this time" he said with horryfing smile
"No fucking way!" I yelled at him and i started to fight more, kicks there, punch there, throwing them on each other, but still i had human limits... I couldnt fight more, but these things get away and i looked at oh so called "Creator"
"Well, you fought kinda impressive, so i wanna end your second life myself" he laughed when i stand up
"Its not over..."
"Girl, ur nearly falling at these legs!" he laughed at my state, but i had this adrenaline in my vains and this will to survive... I had my "big brother" and best friend and others now... I need to be strong for them... This is moment where my marks, characteristic things started to show all over my body shining on diffirent colors, and then they faded again.
"Hoooo, so you awakened Chaos? or maybe... Raksha?"
"Wait... Raksha?"
"You really dumb idiot girl, you probably have similar name to mine. Didnt something in your head called a 'name' some days after birthday?"
"..." I stayed silent cuz i got the flashback and i just reminded that situation to myself... it was a Raksha name in this memory, about what i totally forgot...
"Your so fucking fast idiot" He laughed once again at me and fight started, but that was one sided fight... These creatures helped "Creator" to immobilise me and them...
I was dead again. Even when i was dead i heard voices, familiar one... I thought "NO! Kagetsuki family came! I dont wanna involve them! I dont wanna them hurted!" They break through these "Creator's Slaves" and... They saw me, all in blood, dead and then i heard a 'snap'... That was Glutamine, who got his breakdown, he was close to me too, Ren was near breaking down, but Tharianna and Tharian got him not to break... it would be hard to tame them two at once. Glutamine was kinda destroying his body to became killing machine. he was killing all remaining Slaves, and he caught Yaksha, before he could flee away.
"WHAT YOU DID TO SEKIYUNI YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" He was screaming while he was punching with full force and merciless. Creator was laughing like idiot instead of coughing with blood.
"So... Little Raksha found a family huh? better for me... Easy way to break her.."
"YOU MONSTER YOU WANT TO MAKE HER HEARTLESS WHEN THE MOST PRECIOUS VALUE IN LIFE ARE EMOTIONS!" he was growling and hissing talking at loud tone with venom in his voice.
"Leave her alone... or i will make sure i always find you when u will reborn to kill you again." Glutamine said crushing Creators bones to small pieces. I forced my unconscious, dead body to move itself i needed to stop Glutamine. My voice wasnt reaching him i could only get body to him and i caught with my dead body's arms Glutamine leg
"Glutamine... stop this" I said it in his head
"Its enough..." I added after some silence
Glutamine wasnt moving for a while and then he dropped Creator body and got my body in his arms, he got back to normal, Creator also was dead but i knew he also will come back.
Days, months, years passing, people still eating from Yaksha's hand these lies, i was dying in all possible ways and more of my humanity go away same with my emotions i was sometimes visiting Kagetsuki's family... Until final day...
This was a day when i got my mental breakdown.
I died once again, but this time i was moving, feeling nothing else than hollow, emptiness and rage. I attacked humans who were my killers killing them without any mercy, they were afraid of me. I heard Yaksha laugh in distance that was doing 'applause' for my 'true Chaos' awakening. I get rid of my killers and their families and i came to this "Creator"
"Time to get rid of you."
"Wait wait wait, we can talk it we will destroy this world together to zero and create it again and destroy others---"
"You think i will be enjoying having buddy to destroy worlds dimensions and people? are you idiot?" I laughed insanely at him grabbing him by neck slamming to random abadoned building
"Are you fucking serious?!~" I started laughing louder enjoying my every punch that crushed his bone, i enjoyed every wound i made on him. I started... to be a monster. I got out all of my powers, all of my weapons to just enjoy long torturing of someone who made me be this way... I let him escape i wanted feel more of this bloodlust... I wanted to play with him as long as possible... This happens that i played with him for like 2 weeks... before i killed him with satisfaction and then my targets were humans. I was comming to town on my killing spree... That was the biggest killing spree in all history... Kagetsuki's familly arrived to place where i was currently doing my killing spree and they were searching for me, especially Ren, i always was by his side even when he had his snaps, so he wanted to save me this time. They found me all in blood, eating hearts of my victims and i looked at them with insane smile... Ren remember this smile to well. He got to me but i stabbed him with knife, i wasnt controlling myself, and he stayed... There started the fight with Ren i didnt give him any chance, in this 'form' i had better condition even than Ren, so he used other plan... well its stupid plan but worked so well. He just hugged me and allowed me to hurt him as much as possible,, but then i realized what i had done... One good thing that Ren cant die, because i wouldnt forgive it myself. I tortured him... i was hurting him so much, and he stayed even when other Kagetsuki was saying him to go back
"Your so stubborn... i hurted u so much..."
"I kicked your ass many times too, so ya had your repay Sekiyuni"
"Its your new name... Try to live like human with this name for yourself"
We laughed at kicking my ass part and then i recovered Ren, but one thing was worrying me...
I didnt feel anything.
"Well... im no more human..." I said without emotions and everybody was staring at me i wasnt crying... i wasnt able to cry after my feeling... Ren stayed by my side for a moment and then we just get from there under cover of night. Days passed i tried to bring back my emotions... Results was always same - Nothing. I started wandering again, repairing what i have done to humans and what "Creator" fucked up that allow humans to know the truth about their "good creator". There were two sides of humans, who was believing me, and who was believing Creator. I wont force anybody to be on my side, i have done bad things, but im repairing it, Creator wasnt. I decided not to stay with Kagetsuki's to let them life their lifes not to worry about me i wisited them often anyway, so they let me go even if Ren was protesting at first... I still remember how Ren react me at first, now it really changed from unfriendly not nice to caring one.. He still have his sharp words and stuff but hes still nicer than before. Wanderer life come back and then i meet Tulvir by somebody, well i talked a lot with him and other person and i leave them and their bussiness going my way then i found guild... its "Otaku" i joined them because why not to try befriend with people and try to became human again...
So this is my story im still little broken girl which i was im trying to get out of my emotionless state... I want feel human emotions once again... Maybe someday i will be able to experience them again... and maybe i will have familly? My point is to help others even if im bad one for somebody.
Introduce - Sekiyuni Raksha Chaos Kagetsuki and rest Kagetsuki's chars.
Story of her names:
Chaos - She had this name from the beginning
Raksha - Yaksha and Sekiyuni were born at same times so they had to be called similar and these names appearedin their head some time after birth
Sekiyuni - Ren give her this name that would match people names and allow her to pretend life as human with other humans
Her first name is Raksha instead of Chaos
Personality, mental disasters etc.
(some words can suit all of them too but i just lost them rip so i cant fully write personalities)
Her personality was changing since her 'human' lifes and 'stages',
"Childhood" - She was carefree, happy little girl with great dreams of living in harmony, she bring light for many lifes, innocence
"Teen" - Careful, scared, closed in her own world, she was doubting her dreams to became true, her faith in her goals, she was freaking around, depressed
"Adult" - Possiblity of insanity attacks, split-personality sometimes, yandere, evil, she can be nice but better not get in her way sometimes, she feels bloodlust when her victim is escaping from her, she cant control herself sometimes, she still is trying to help people, try to find her 'lost' emotions, when shes insane she can be stopped only by somebody near her heart like big brother (Ren) or someone who she would 'love' someday.
Sekiyuni often change her look but we can see her most in this ones
Ren Violence Kagetsuki
Story of his name:
Violence - he has this name when he appeared for first time as an existence
Ren - Tharianna Kagetsuki named him Ren when she got him under her care when he was still young
Personality, mental disasters etc.
For unknown person - Rude, not nice, ironic, 'bad boy'
For friends - Caring, overprotective, helpful, he will kill anyone who hurt somebody dear to him. On some mental breakdowns he was begging to kill him
Glutamine Kagetsuki
Story of his name: Unknown
Personality disasters etc.
Hes a secret person his personality knows only those who had his sympathy one we can say, sometimes , he was originally a weapon before he evolved himself into human looking creature
Tharianna Kagetsuki
Story of her name: Glitched files about her name
Personality and disasters: Error, error, nothing found in database
Tharian Kagetsuki
Nothing found in database
I dont own any of these arts credits to pinlin (green haired boy is her work) and pics of Ren and others i got from internet except for Tharianna picture i made it in kisekae
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