Shinya Hiiragi
(Y/n) sat in her office and began to browse the thousand papers she had to work on. Probably she should have worked till late morning. She heard knocking at the door. "Come on!" "Hi, (Y/n)... Oh, I see you're overworked, Kureto must be in a good mood!" The girl laughed. "Yes, Shinya. It's probably for that." Shinya came up and sat down in front of the girl. "How about if I pick you up for a lunch together, later?" The girl's eyes lit up. "Yes! After spending the whole morning with these horrible cards it would be beautiful!" "Perfect, then it's decided. See you later (Y/n)!" "See you later Shinya!" The girl managed to get to work with greater enthusiasm, anticipating the time she would pass with Shinya. She couldn't wait. About eleven o'clock and a half someone else knocked at the door of her office. "Yes?" This time it was Kureto Hiiragi to cross that threshold. "Ah, Kureto." I almost finished..." She blocked after the man rammed on her desk another stack of documents. The girl silenced, understanding perfectly what she would mean to her. "Kureto... Soon I should go eating... I'll finish it when I get back..." But from the man's gaze she understood that she wouldn't be able to follow her plans. "I need you to system the documents as soon as possible. If you eat a sandwich, you won't be forced to loose a whole hour to loiter around. Don't look at me like that. When you're done, I promise i'll let you go home." (Y/n) mumbled a yes in response, in fact she wasn't paying much attention to Kureto, but she was thinking of Shinya, she would have been forced to abandon him and she didn't want him to think that she wasn't interested in going out with him. She sighed. All the blame was for Kureto and his cards.
"(Y/n)? You haven't finished yet!" "Oh, Shinya... Kureto brought me some more papers and so..." Shinya snorted. "We just missed that troublemaker." He paused a moment to reflect. "Don't worry. I have the solution!" And he rushed out, leaving (Y/n) quite confused. She shook her head and resumed to work, but after a dozen minutes Shinya returned to her office with bags in his hand from which came a great smell. The girl rose from the chair. "Did you get me lunch? Thank you!" "Wait!" Ruled Shinya, pulling away the bags from the girl. "This one has a price." (Y/n) raised her eyes to heaven. "It was obvious that I would pay you..." Shinya laughed. "Not a cash price." "Oh..." Whispered the girl blushing slightly. "Tonight we'll have the lunch we missed with a real dinner. Do you accept?" "Yes." "Well, now try to be fast, otherwise Kureto won't let you go any more. See you later!" "Later!"
"Here are the papers." Kureto gave them a look. "Perfect as always (Y/n). And, as I promised you, now you're free go." When the girl reached the door the man stopped her once more. "Are you free tonight?" (Y/n) turned to Kureto slowly. "Really..." "I'd like to invite you to dinner at my house." Kureto got up and he came up to the girl. "Kureto I..." "You don't have to feel embarrassed, you'll see that..." "I'm going to dinner with another person, I'm sorry." And she went out before the man could ask more questions. Kureto stayed a moment to fix the door. How was it possible for someone else to invite her out? And just on the same day? He smiled thinking that, most likely, it was an excuse invented by the girl at the time. Could she be so shy?
When she went to the rendezvous with Shinya she decided not to talk to him about what happened with Kureto, after all she cared only for Shinya. "It was a beautiful evening (Y/n)." "Yes." Whispered the girl. Shinya took her hands among his. "I also wanted to talk to you. Look... I don't see you just as a friend, but as something more. I like you very much, quite a lot. Every time I'm with you I feel so good, as if all the problems suddenly disappear. Only thanks to you." The girl smiled. "I too would love that we were not just friends..." Then Shinya bent over her, joining their lips in a sweet kiss.
The next morning they came together, hand in hand. Kureto noticed almost immediately this novelty between the two and was even more upset in seeing the two kissing. Shortly thereafter he rushed into the office of (Y/n). He wanted explanations. "Kureto what is it?" "What is it? What is this story between you and Shinya? How is it that you randomly put yourself together after I asked you to come to dinner with me?" "It's with him that I had to go to dinner. I'm sorry Kureto, but..." "I thought that..." Whispered the man. "I don't know what you thought Kureto... But... I am in love with Shinya." Kureto looked at her surprised and then, without telling her anything, he left that room. (Y/n) sighed. At least the situation had settled right away. So she could fully enjoy her story with Shinya. Her boyfriend.
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