René Simm
(Y/n) walked quickly to her house, without looking around, if she had done it she would have seen many more shadows and figures than there were. She tried not to think about it and go straight home, thinking about when she would be safe under the blankets. It wasn't advisable to turn at night in the capital and it was even less for a girl, a prey somewhat more tempting for some vampires. She was about to reach her house when a hand took her arm. The girl tried to scream, but immediately another hand locked on her mouth, preventing her from producing the slightest sound. "Have you seen René? I bet this is a delicacy..." (Y/n) felt something cold caressing her neck. "... You should try it!" And the vampire who was holding her pushed her forward. The girl found herself against the chest of another vampire, to whom she clung in search of support. She lifted her gaze and found herself staring at a pair of red eyes, while the vampire had laid his hands on her waist and seemed intent on not letting her go.
René looked briefly at that fragile creature, then returned to watch Lacus. "I'll leave you René, I recommend you, have fun!" (Y/n) shuddered to those words. As soon as Lacus had turned away René left the girl, who kept looking at him with eyes full of fear. The vampire tried to smile at her. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. May I know your name?" "(Y/n)." Answered the girl uncertain. "I am René. Come on, I'll bring you home, at least nothing will happen to you." The girl then went home with the vampire at her side, occasionally throwing a glance in his direction, but he always seemed lost in his thoughts, almost bored. She wonder why he decided not to bite her. She always thought that all vampires loved feeding directly from the source. "Thank you very much." Whispered the girl. "Go inside. And try to avoid going around in the night, you might not be always lucky." And he went away. (Y/n) remarked his figure while he walked away. Then she sighed and closed the door.
René tried to avoid the questions of Lacus when they were revisited, but the other vampire was little enough to understand how things really went, in the he knew René well. "Next time then I'll think about it." He said laughing. René sighed, though in fact he wasn't very much in agreement with the decision of Lacus, especially because he knew that the victims of Lacus were usually not able to see a new day. And as it might seem strange and irrational, he would be sorry to see (Y/n) die like this, just under his gaze.
A few days later, the vampires once again met the girl and, even though it was day, Lacus decided that he wouldn't get away from this occasion a second time. René noticed too late what the friend's intentions were and, suddenly, he found himself observing Lacus while he sank the canine in the neck of (Y/n). He gulped, uncertain about what he shouldt do. He decided to intervene, he threw himself on the two, separating them and holding the poor girl in his arms, she was fainted now. Lacus reraised. "What the heck are you doing..." "I'm saving her from your deadly bite!" He screamed against the vampire and went away, leaving Lacus astonished, René had never criticized him, at least not so animatedly. It wasn't from him.
René brought the girl back to her house and settled her on the bed. While she was still unconscious, he medicized the wound, although he had to admit to himself that her blood had a very good smell. He passed the tongue on the canine and took a deep breath. It wasn't time to think about certain things. He tried to focus on the girl's face, she was really pretty while she slept. Despite the aggression of Lacus she seemed so serene. He bent over her and stroked her cheek, movinging a strand of her hair. He smiled mildly and laid his lips on the forehead of the girl. At that instant (Y/n) opened her eyes. It took her a moment to record what was going on, even less to blush. René noticed her awakening and turned away. "Well awakened. How are you feeling? Does it hurt your neck?" (Y/n) lifted up sitting on the bed. "I... I'm fine. I think." "I'm glad you feel good. And I'm sorry for what happened..." "But you saved me... Why did you do that?" René watched the girl without answering and she lowered her gaze, embarassed. "You had no reason..." She whispered. "It would be a pity if something happened to you, don't you think? Someone could suffer and feel your lack, don't you think?" "All the people who loved me are dead, I have no one who really cares about me." René moved to the bed next to her. He understood how she felt not to have anyone who really loved you, for him, before meeting Lacus, it had been so. No one had ever cared too much about him. "What if I care?" He whispered kindly. (Y/n) turned in his direction with lucid eyes. The vampire approached the girl's face until their noses touched. He heard the girl's beats become more erratic, he approached her even more and joined their lips in a kiss. (Y/n) closed her eyes, surprising how easy it was to be able to let her go to the kiss. René broke from her, then he laid his forehead on that of the girl and took her hand in his. "You look so different than the other vampires, you're so sweet..." "With a girl like you I couldn't do anything else." And he kissed her again, this time with more passion.
Requested by:
2-Mikaela [Part 2]
3-René Simm [Lemon]
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