Ferid Bathory | Wildest dreams
This is a songfic based on the song Wildest dreams by Taylor Swift
(Y/n)=your name
He said "let's get out of this town"
Drive out of the city
Away from the crowds
I thought "heaven can't help me now"
Nothing lasts forever,
But this is gonna take me down.
An accidental encounter. That's how all had started, but what else could I have done? To survive in this world you have to be ready for everything. And Ferid Bathory was the only possibility to have a better life. Certain the price to pay was high, but in the end it was only some blood. But I've chosen the wrong person. And I was making the wrong decisions. That vampire has always charmed and frightened me at the same time. "I can bring you out of there, I can make you see the outside world, away from the crowds." "Out?" I asked distrustful. "I thought that the outside world was an inhospitable place for us humans..." He lifted my chin up, looking at me straight in the eyes. "You don't need to worry, my dear. I'm there with you." And I would never been able to tell him no... I wanted to go away from the crowds, we were going to be alone and this quite thrilled me. "Are we going to be alone?" I asked. He smiled at me. "Yes. Only me and you." "Okay." I whispered. Now if it was the right or the wrong thing it hasn't importance. This "relationship" wasn't going to go on forever. I must take advantage till I could.
He's so tall and handsome as hell
He's so bad but does it so well
The more we went on the more I felt involved. Maybe I will have suffered because of him. And not less, but he was so handsome and irresistible. Everytime I saw him he spellbounded me with his gestures, with his words. And everytime it ended in the same way. He caressed my cheek, then going down along my neck. I shivered. "It's time, my dear." And I nodded knowing what was going to happen. My heart quickened his beat when I felt his tongue on my neck, followed by the moan I couldn't contain the moment Ferid sank his fangs in my neck, wraping his arm around my waist, nearing me to him. It hurted and I felt really weak. "It's delicious." He said to me smiling. Then he kissed me, a passionate kiss full of desire as his hands caressed my body. Yes, maybe he was a monster, one that didn't care about nothing and nobody. And yet sometimes he seemed so sweet and sincere. The kind of monster that can make fall in his arms a naive girl like me.
I can see the end as it begins
My one condition is..
I was really naive, but from the very beginning something was clear to me: our story hadn't a future, it couldn't have it. Because he didn't take this seriously, not as I wished he had. In face of it I went on with seeing him knowing the fraility of our relationship. But there was something I wanted. The only thing I knew I could get.
Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress
Staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your
Wildest dreams... Wildest dreams
I wanted he to remember me, but not a simple memory. I wanted that, in the future in ten, in a hundred or in a thousand years, he would remember me like that: with a nice dress, rosy cheeks, red lips, staring at the sunset while he holds me, as if I were really important for him, as if he wanted me near him, as if it could never end, as if it was forever and this kisses and this caresses weren't only illusions. "Do you really love me?" And he kissed my head. "Sure." But he never told me "I love you" and deep I knew that it wasn't true. I knew, but that was sufficent for me.
I said "no one has to know what we do"
His hands are in my hair
His clothes are in my room
And his voice is a familiar sound
Nothing lasts forever
"No one has to know what we're doing." What would they have thought if they would have discovered us? If they would have known what we were doing? What would have thought the other vampires if they would have known that the seventh progenitor had a relationship with a human? And what would they have thought about me? But nobody could understand what I felt. "Don't worry, (Y/n), everything will stay between us, nobody is going to know this." And he started to kiss me, interwining his fingers in my hair. I knew what he wanted and I also knew what I wanted from him. I wanted him, I wanted to feel his hands on my body, to feel his cold caresses, to feel him inside me. To feel his touch, strong and tender at the same time. His whispers in my ear and his voice were now familiar sounds. I gave myself up to him completly, evev if I knew that this couldn't go on forever.
But this is getting good now
He's so tall and handsome as hell
He's so bad but does it so well
When we've had our very last kiss
My last request is...
It seemed that it was going well, that it was getting better. Maybe we could do this, we shouldn't have to separete. He was always handsome and impossible, ready to make me feel the most incredible feelings. He was always a sadic monster... violent, but soft in his way. But now I could see the end, we had gone too far. "(Y/n) I belive that it isn't impossible to continue...it starts to arouse some suspicions and..." I placed a finger on his lips placing a hand on his chest. I didn't want to hear his apologies. I prefered to spare myself from this. But I couldn't stop the tears that were on my cheeks. Ferid took my face in his hands. "This is our last kiss (Y/n)..." Here what he told me before placing his lips on mine, we both knew what was going to happen next, but also I had a last request...
You'll see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burning it down
Someday when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow you around...
We were together hugged each other, our legs twisted. I tasted these last moments of pleasure near Ferid, thinking that, nearly, all had come to an end and that I will never had the possibility to clung him again to me. I felt still hot and I was short of breath, but I felt that also for him was the same. I dared to caress his chest with my hand, feeling him shiver under my touch. I went down caressing his figure till Ferid stopped me holding my hand in his. That was the confirmation. He couldn't so easy forget about me and I knew that the memories of our nights would have hunted him forever after leaving me. All these memories bound to different feelings would have followed him. I could feel it.
Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress
Staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just pretend
"Will you remember me, right?" I asked while his arms hugged me. While our bodies were still near. He looked at me with his enigmatic look. "Why should I forget about you?" And he kissed my forehead. "With that dress, rosy cheeks while I stare at the sunset?" I asked hopefull. "Just so,my dear." And I smiled at him. Maybe he was lying, but I knew he was going to remember me.
I still saw him, but only from far. I saw him nearing other girls and I knew what he was going to do. But I was sure about it, in ten, in a hundred and in a thausand years he was going to remember me. He was going to remember all the nights spent together, my rosy cheeks and my smiling red lips. That was enough for me even if I knew that it was only in his wildest dreams.
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