Crowley Eusford | part 2
(Y/n)=Your name
I went out from hause smiling. Finally I wasn't forced to see Ferid and to make me bleed from that monster to survive. I had someone else that handled my needs, but he didn't do that for personal advantages, but because he loved me. I smiled, happy. Yes, a month had went by, but it was one of the best of my life. "(Y/n)!" I stopped recognizing the voice and the figure of the vampire who was coming closer to me. He lifted me in the air holding me tight. "I've missed you, princess." I laughed. "It hasn't passed so much time since the last time we saw each other, Crowley and than... What is this story about the princess?" I looked at him suspicious. "I thaught to be your Charming Prince (Y/n)." I blushed. He came closer, rubbing the point of his nose against mine. "I think you're right." The vampire smiled binding me in a deep kiss. "It doesn't worry you the fact that everyone could see us ?" Crowley sighed. "Not at all. I've told you once and I'm repeating it: nobody, except from me, can touch you and I want that to be clear to everyone." I sighed. "Rather...(Y/n)?" "Yes? What is it?" The vampire took a deep breath. "I want to see you more." "Crowley... I think that more than this would be impossible, I mean when I have some free time I'm always with you and..." "Wait. Actually I have an idea. Come living with me." I stopped and looked at him with wide-open eyes. "Crowley..." He came closer taking my face in his hands. "Think about it. We'll be always together. Me and you." "And my family?" "Why do you speak about that now?" "Are you going to explain them that I come living with you?" Crowley rolled his eyes. "You're no more a kid. If we speak calmly, they'll understand." "Let's hope."
Obviously I was right. No parents could look favurably upon a move of their daughter to her boyfriend's home, moreover if he was a vampire. And yet, somehow, we managed to be convincing. So I found myself living with the vampire I loved.
"And this is our room." The first thing I noticed was the tester bed in the middle. "Do you like it?" "Yes, yes..." Crowley hugged me from behind. "(Y/n) I'm so happy that you're here." He gave me a kiss on my neck. I shivered. "Place your things where you want... From now on this room is also" "Okay, thank you." I whispered. "I'm sorry, but I need to check something, I'm coming back immediately." I nodded. When he left me alone I found myself observing the bed with a strange feeling and with a question I couldn't get out of my mind: how many probabililities there were that we would have used that bed to sleep?
I stayed quite trying to find a solution, but I had no decent idea. Then, comfortless, I lied down on my bed waiting for the return of my so-called Prince Charming. "(Y/n)? Are you already sleeping?" I lifted myself a bit sitting down. "No, don't worry." He smiled at me and he came closer sitting near my legs. I felt my heartbeats quicken. He placed his hand under my neck and moved me closer to him kissing me. He pushed me on the bed and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He moved leaving a trail of kisses on my neck. Maybe he only wanted to bite me. His hand went down on my thigh. "C-crowley..." "Tell me." "W-what d-do you want to do?" The vampire removed his hand from my body. "I'm sorry..." He shook his head and moved away. "Crowley... It's only for this that..." He took my hand in his. "(Y/n)." I looked at him with fear. "It's only that it's too early to..." I was interrupped by the lips of Crowley placing on mine. "And I don't want you to think that you're here only because I want your body or for other reasons. (Y/n), you're here because I love you and I can't live without you. And moreover I don't want to force you to do nothing you don't want to do... We'll have time for certain things, when you feel ready. I can wait." I placed my head on his chest with tears in my eyes. Crowley wrapped me with his arms. "I love you too, Crowley."
Requested by @TheQueenNash
I hope you liked this new chapter and I would like to say to all the people who requested something that I haven't forget your requests and I'll work on them, but, as you probably know, it takes time and my problem is that I haven't so much time lately, so I have to ask you to be patient, you are going to have your request done soon or later. I'll try to do my best!
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