Chapter 3
Harry's POV
Hermione, Ron and I sat in a compartment on the train, just about to arrive to Hogwarts. All of us had changed into our school robes.
I was almost late missing the train, a nightmare I've had since the war, kept playing on repeat last night and I overslept this morning. However, it worked out in my favor, it would seem. I did not get a lot of people staring and gawking at me or running up asking for autographs because they had already made it into their compartments and seemed to think I was not returning this year.
Though this is not true and I really am going back to Hogwarts for one more year, it's nice to go a little while longer before people started pestering me.
I haven't heard who was coming back. I know a large chunk of my friends are, but beyond that, I don't know.
Rumor has it a few Slytherin eighth years have decided to return, but I don't know who exactly.
I do have to admit that I am curious if Malfoy decided to come back. If he did then returning students will be in a world of shock. Though, I hope they don't treat him like the Daily Prophet has. We might be enemies, but he's been through enough, some punks in school should not be adding to it.
Anyways, I ended up visiting the Weasley's before I left and they seem to be doing okay, everything considered. Percy has still refused to apologize to his parents after everything he pulled with the Ministry, but the others think he'll come around. He's just too prideful at the moment. Eventually, I think he will, especially since he quit the Ministry shortly after Dumbledore's death, but sometimes it's hard to really understand what he might be thinking.
George is having a rather difficult time, though. Of course, I don't blame him, he literally lost his other half. I think I would be an absolute mess if that happened to me. He has been keeping the shop open though, so I'm hoping that's a sign that he'll be okay, or as okay as he can be. I know he'll never be the same again.
And it's all my fault.
If only I had been quicker, smarter. If only it had been me and not him.
During my visit with the Weasley's, I could not stay long. Thoughts of my failure kept penetrating my mind and I was lucky enough to get home before I caused an extreme amount of damage to the living room, destroying a large portion of the room.
Luckily, it wasn't too difficult to clean up, just a bit of magic will do and it's like nothing ever happened. Other than the fact I obtained quite a few cuts and bruises.
The door to our compartment opened and three people came in. Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood.
"Hello Harry. I thought you wouldn't be returning this year." Neville commented. The three sat down, Ginny beside me, Luna next to her, and Neville next to Ron on the opposite side with Hermione.
"Decided it might be good for me, I don't suppose someone is out to kill me anymore, so that's comforting." I replied.
Neville nodded his head in understanding.
"Is everything alright, Harry? You have quite a few wrackspurts flying around you." Luna commented in her dreamy voice.
I frowned at her comment. People may think Luna is loony, but she is always spot on when it comes to reading people, I'm amazed how more people have not noticed how observant she truly can be.
"Yes, sorry. I suppose I am a little nervous returning to the school." I lied. The room might be filled with all of my closest friends, people that I easily trust with my life, but we have all been through a difficult year. I want them to enjoy themselves, not worry about how crazy and unpredictable my life seems to be.
The majority of my friends were satisfied with my answer and did not question it, however, Hermione did squint her eyes at me, probably trying to find any hint of lying, which undoubtedly she will pick up on eventually. I can never keep secrets from this girl.
"Well, we all expected that, really. It's going to be a very odd year." Neville said.
"It will be nice to know what a normal school year is supposed to look like." Ron commented. The others nodded their heads in agreement.
The group of friends continued on with the conversation, discussing what they hope will happen this year and what Hogwarts now have in store, but I stayed out of it this time. Instead, I focused my attention back out the window, watching as we passed quickly over blurry figures.
During this time of solitude, I pondered how I would do my research at the school. Whenever there was a need to hit the books, Hermione was the first to jump for the opportunity and so, I don't really know where I should begin looking. I know I will spend free periods and time away from everyone to look for more information, maybe even into the night. After all, I still do have my invisibility cloak and I still intend on using it.
I wonder if the Marauders map will still work, even with all of the new construction done to the place, but I won't know until I have tested it out there. I know a good part of the school still remains the same, but a lot had also been changed, they had decided to upgrade it a little during the renovations and I heard from Hermione that they decided to implement a new wing purely dedicated to the returning eighth years.
"Harry, we're here." Hermione pulled me from my thoughts and re-focused my attention out the window to see we were at the Hogsmeade train station where we will load up on the carriages being pulled by thestrals, where I have a strong feeling a lot more people will actually see them this year than previously.
"Go on ahead. I'm gonna try and avoid the crowd for a little bit longer." I said to my group of friends.
"Want me to wait with you?" Ginny asked. Her and I did not work out in the end. I had broken it off a little after the war, knowing I was no longer the same person before the war had officially started. Ginny had a hard time accepting it for awhile, but now seems to be talking to me again, unlike before. Though, I still think she is holding on to some hope that I will change my mind.
"No, it's alright. I'll meet you all there soon." I said, not standing up along with the others.
"Right, see you at the feast, Harry." Ron said and the group left me to be alone, Ginny casting me a sad expression as she departed.
I waited about ten minutes in the compartment, not daring to step out until all of the noise had disappeared.
I poked my head out just to be sure that I was alone. When satisfied, I stepped out and eventually made my way off the train.
I stood right in front of the last step from the train, my hand still on the rail as I looked around me. I found one carriage left behind and thanked Merlin for it. A part of me assumed I would have to do some walking and I'm glad that will not be the case.
"Come on, they all have to be gone by now." I heard a voice say behind me.
I froze. I purposely waited to make sure I would be alone, however, I had been wrong. Who would still be here after everyone had already left?
The voice that spoke sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it and before I even had a chance to really try to move out of the way, I felt something collide with my back and I fell onto the ground.
My glasses flew off my face and landed somewhere with a light thud, but I couldn't tell where. "You've got to be kidding me." I mumbled under my breath, feeling around for my glasses.
"Potter?" That same voice called again. This time I recognized it instantly. Draco Malfoy.
I decided to just ignore him for the time being and continue searching for my glasses.
They couldn't have gone that far.
"Seems like he came after all." Another voice called. It sounded male, but I didn't recognize who it was really, even though I have heard it before.
Probably a Slytherin friend, if anything.
Someone kneeled beside me and seemed to pick up something. "You dropped these." Malfoy said, quickly slipping the glasses back on my nose. I now saw his face more clearly along with Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, and Millicent Bulstrode.
Those must be the only eighth year Slytherins returning.
I'm kind of surprised to see Malfoy had decided to come back, after all.
"Thanks." I muttered and stood up, heading towards the carriage.
It was only then that it dawned on me that there was one carriage, which meant all of us would be sharing it.
That's fantastic. I'm super excited for this awkward ride with people that I've never gotten along with. I could just die again!
Obviously, time has not eliminated my sarcasm.
I sat on the carriage and the group of four followed right along after.
"Hello, Potter. Fantastic seeing you again." Blaise commented sitting down across from me.
"I can't tell if that's genuine or sarcasm." I responded, not really looking at any of them.
"Take your pick." He said.
I crossed my arms and chose not to respond, reminding myself that I need to stay calm in all situations or I might end up regretting it.
"You look different, Potter. The war seems to have taken it's toll on you." Parkinson remarked, a little salty. She has never really liked me all that much, but the feeling is quite mutual.
"Yes, well. That's what war does to you. Of course I don't expect you to understand." I commented rolling my eyes at her.
"What did you just say?!" She said angrily, looking as if she was about to stand up and pull out her wand. Both Zabini and Malfoy stopped her though, before she actually could.
I honestly don't know what her stand was in the war or if she participated at all, so I probably went too far with that comment. Then again, she is the one that wanted to throw me to the devil himself last year, so remorse is not something I particularly felt at this moment in time.
"Let's not start a fight, shall we? After all, the war is over. It's best to move on." Zabini seemed to try and dilute the tension floating between all of us now.
I kept quiet. The four seemed to move on as well and began talking amongst themselves.
We were nearly arriving at Hogwarts, but I had noticed that through the entire conversation the Slytherin's were having, a weird sensation of someone staring at the back of my head, began to irritate me.
Finally I whipped around and stared at Malfoy. "What are you staring at, Malfoy?"
He shifted his gaze. "Nothing." He responded.
I rolled my eyes and turned back ahead of me.
"Why were coming off the train so late?" Malfoy finally ask a question directed at me after a moment of pause.
I sighed. "I could be asking you the same thing." I retorted.
"I asked first."
I glared at him. "Probably for the same reason you are. Avoiding other people." I said, irritated.
"I thought the chosen one would've loved the attention of everyone. You know, being the savior and everything." Parkinson said with a wave of her hand.
I scoffed and shook my head, deciding not to respond. I'm already getting agitated and that's not a good thing.
Who was I kidding? It's gonna take a miracle for me to get through the week without blowing up a classroom, let alone last a whole year without doing so.
Silence fell on all of us. I wasn't facing the group and so I had no idea what was running through their minds.
Hogwarts was now in sight, and the next year of our lives will be conducted behind it's large walls. One could only assume what would happen in that span of time, but no one really knows for sure, do they?
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