Tekhartha Zenyatta- A Promising Student (a)
The way the villagers treated you and your group was horrendous. Ever since the omnic crisis you had received nothing but hate and hostility from most humans. Many of the small shops and inns would either not let you in or add atrocious price increases to their stock, making it in-affordable, the monastery had only given you a small amount of money the basic provisions it required. It was not their fault they were like this though, they were a generation that had been raised with an inbuilt mistrust and malice against people like you, you forgave them as you knew that one day, humans and omnics would once again live in harmony, you didn't know how long it would take to get there but you knew your work with the Shambali clan would help the world become a better place. The few pieces of clothing you could find to give to the monastery were donated by the few townspeople that didn't completely hate you and your kind, the tattered old robes weren't much but they would be enough to give replacements to some of the older monks.
You deviate from the crumbled footpath as you always do, to cut through the forest. The crisp, golden leaves were plucked from the tree by the wind and swirled around the dense forest, dancing around your feet. Hopping over the large tree roots that grew over the ground, you sensed a disquiet in the air. You held your hand up to get the attention of your group.
"Be cautious" you warned.
"I know you are here, reveal yourself at once." You call out, scanning the dense woodland ahead of you. A group of five or six omnics glide down from the trees around you, hitting the ground without making a sound. The omnic who you presume is the leader steps towards you, his threatening stance has no effect on you, you do not fear him or his gang, the monastery has had you in rigorous training for this exact moment since the moment you found yourself at their gates all those years ago.
"You will place your money on the ground, you will place your sack on the ground and you will leave." The omnic's face covered by a thick, black bandanna that slightly muffled and distorted his voice.
You fail to move, you and your group stand strong, you will not give in to such a threat. The leading omnic steps forward, leaving his face mere inches from yours.
"I will tell you ONCE more, you WILL place your money on the ground, you WILL place your sack on the ground and you WILL ... LEAVE."
Once more you fail to move or give in to any his ridiculous commands. The omnic, dressed in ragged, torn trousers and a thick, dark grey hooded jacket with the hood pulled up reeled back and proceeded to throw a punch. The strike was swift and well placed, but you easily managed to step to the side, leading the omnic to almost fall over due to the momentum he had created. The other attacking omnics lurched for your group, however they were quickly dispatched and left unconscious, they did not stand a chance.
The leading omnic regained his composure before attempting to kick you in your side. Once again it was swift and had immense power behind it, you managed to grab the omnic's leg and lift it, causing him to topple onto his back.
"Your spirit is strong but you are undisciplined, your strikes are as swift as the coursing river and you have the strength of the great typhoon, but you are uncalculated and foolish.", you look down on the defeated omnic, pushing his chest down with your foot as he tries to stand. "Remember, in anger, you defeat only yourself and one cannot survive on strength alone. You have a warrior's heart, but you need to be able to control yourself. There is a place for you in our monastery. We can teach you our ways and you will have a chance to hone your skills. I can tell you will make a promising student. Open your mind and embrace tranquillity as the iris embraces you." You remove your foot from the omnic's chest before leaving an outstretched hand towards him. He grabs your hand but before you pull him up you have one question to ask him.
"What is your name... student?"
The omnic pauses and looks at the ground before removing the hood and bandanna.
"My name is Tekhartha.... Tekhartha Zenyatta."
Written by Aaron.
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