Olivia 'Sombra' Colomar- It's Complicated (a)
Amelie stormed through the halls of the Talon complex, leaving no door un-slammed. You sat on the hard sofa as to avoid her wrath, she stormed up to you and raised a suspecting finger, her face only inches from your own.
"Do you know where she is?" Her teeth were clenched and her eyes narrow. You raised your hands in front of you, even though if she did decide to attack you, there was next to nothing you could do about it.
"If I knew where she was, I would tell you." She stared into your eyes and let out an inquisitive growl before turning around to continue on her warpath.
"Where the FUCK did you go Sombra, get your ass back here." Sombra appeared behind Amelie, as if out of thin air.
"What are you gonna do about it? Huh?"
Before Amelie could turn around and confront her, Sombra had disappeared with just a wave of her hand.
"Jesus Christ Sombra, you're pissing me off, I'm going to beat your ass is what I'll do, you know you crossed the line, now stop hiding." Amelie's voice had become distressed and agitated
Amelie clenched her fists and threw them at her side.
Sombra reappeared behind Amelie, but she could not be fooled twice, her years of ballet became useful when she spun around and grabbed Sombra by the collar of her jacket.
"Change it back... NOW." Amelie pulled Sombra close to her.
"Change what back?" A very loud, snorty laugh shot out of Sombra's mouth and her head rolled backwards. Amelie pulled Sombra even closer, until their noses were touching.
"My Facebook password... change it back or so help me god you won't see tomorrow." Sombra pushed Amelie off of her. "Well, if you didn't pick such an obvious password *cough* Gerard33 *cough* then it may have been a little harder to change your relationship status to 'it's complicated' wouldn't it?" Amelie grunted and growled at Sombra who was standing there, a proud smile stretched on her face and her arms crossed. Her look of glee turned to stone as loud footsteps came charging down the hall, a bellowing voice shot from the corridor.
"What the hell is going on here?" Akande shouted at the two who were bickering like sisters. "I am trying to concentrate in here and all I can hear is you two at each other's throats." The footsteps got louder and more powerful as Akande grew closer.
"Well... I'll be going...' Sombra waved her hand and once more hid in the shadows.
Written by Aaron.
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