Mei-Ling Zhou- An Unexpected Visitor (a)
The research station was a nice place to live, but it did not come close to your hometown. It had been two years since you had been allowed back home and you intend to use your time as wisely as possible. For you, this means long walks on the seashore.
The sun bearing on your face was a much better comparison to the harsh, bitter winds of Antarctica. The singing birds that filled the sky sang a much nicer song than the whirring and beeping of the data processing machines. It felt nice to not be weighed down by the thick coats of the Ecopoint. A tropical drink in your one hand and the leash of your golden retriever, Amber, who you had missed so much over the course of the research program.
"This is the life, huh, Amber?" You looked down at the panting dog, who you had cared for since she was a puppy.
The tranquillity of the moment was broken, as the ground starts to shake. Thoughts start to race through your mind.
"An earthquake? A tsunami?" You think to yourself "... Talon? No... it can't be".
You look back at Amber, who just sits there and stares at you.
"You need to wake up Y/N." Amber tells you, stone faced.
"What the FUCK is going on?" You yell, still panicking and waiting for your impending doom. The last time you checked, your childhood dog couldn't talk.
"Y/N, please, you need to wake up, I need you" The voice was strangely familiar, was it... Mei? Another researcher at the Ecopoint? Once more a thought pops into your head.
"What the FUCK is going on?"
The world slowly goes black around you as you lose consciousness.
You re-wake in the Ecopoint on your shoddy mattress, it must have all been a dream, a lovely, cosy dream. You go to close your eyes again, hoping to return to the warm beach. Suddenly you are violently shaking, are you still in a dream?
Looking to the side and placing your glasses on, you see Mei, a research associate you had become quite close with over the years.
"Mei... it's..." You check the alarm clock that rests on your bedside table. "Half four in the morning, is it another spider?"
"I'm so sorry for waking you, sorry, sorry It's just... I think there is" she begins to whisper "an intruder in the camp."
"Mei..." take sit up on the edge of her bed, tapping the empty space next to you, she takes your offer and sits next to you, you take her hands "we are in Antarctica. There is nobody else her-"
Your reassuring words are uninterrupted by an incredibly loud bang, you think it came from the cafeteria but you weren't too sure. You look at Mei, tears start to form in the corner of her eyes.
"See, I told you, please help, I'm so so so so soooooo sorry for waking you but I'm so frightened."
Your heart starts beating faster and faster as more bangs and crashes are heard throughout the camp. You stand up from the bed, push Mei behind you and start to walk to the source of the noise, moving as quietly as you can. You were right, it is coming from the cafeteria. The shadow of a man appears on the far wall, he must be at least seven foot tall. Mei gasps behind you and takes a step back, she just stands there, frozen in fear.
"Are you coming?" You ask her, still keeping an eye on the shadow, whoever this person is he is ravaging your food supplies.
"No... I will... uumm... watch our backs, in case any more come." A fake smile of confidence appears on her face, followed by a thumb up from her, but her hand is trembling.
"Okay, wait here then." You have no idea what you are going to do if confronted by the intruder, but you hoped for the best as you stepped forward.
"I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE" You yell out, hoping to scare the intruder away. There is no response, you don't even know if he heard you, he just continued to attack the food stockpile.
"HEY, I SAID I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE, COME OUT OR IM COMING IN, I'M ARMED AND DON'T THINK I WONT USE IT." The same thing happened, you obviously don't actually have a weapon, so the next best thing to do is to run in there, grab something like a pan and just try to hit him before he can hit you.
You run into the canteen, pick up a saucepan and with a yell, lift it above your head, ready to strike the thief. But... there is no thief, there is... nothing in fact. You can still hear something rustling around underneath the counter, where the crackers were kept.
You jump around the counter, lifting the pan above your head once more. What was waiting for you was not quite what you had expected.
"Mei, come in here, it's not bad I promise"
A trembling Mei appears from the doors, the poor thing, she must be petrified. Her eyes scan the room as she slowly makes her way to you. You turn around to face Mei.
A very loud gasp escapes Mei's mouth, followed by a squeal that leaves you deaf for a few seconds.
"A PENGUIN." She yells. "Can we keep him? Please please please please please PLEASE can we keep him Y/N?"
"only if you can think of a good name for him." Of course, you were going to keep the penguin, after all, your camp needed a mascot. Mei let out a long inquisitive "Hhhmmm."
A large smile appeared on her face as an idea came to her mind.
"What about ... Pippa."
Written by Aaron.
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