Jamison 'Junkrat' Fawkes- The Bank (a)
You look at the bank teller, she was cute, her curly brown hair bounced on her shoulders and she had a light speckling of freckles on her cheeks that emphasized her rosy cheeks.
"I would like to make a deposit please..." Looking at her name-badge, you find out that her name is Lottie, "...Lottie." You gesture to a cheque in your hand and slide it under the small acrylic window that separates you. The teller takes the cheque and reads it, punching information into the small computer that sat to the side of her.
"That's no problem..." She looks back down to the cheque as a smile appears across her face "...Y/N." You can feel yourself start to blush, this always happened when you spoke to a cute girl, you were determined to get it right this time though.
"So, Y/N, can I ask where this came from? It is just we don't normally see cheques for four dollars."
"Oh... that..." You start rubbing the back of your neck and a nervous laugh escapes. "Well..., it's kinda mum and dad saving the day again with rent money, it was either that or food and I know what my choice is."
Lottie's face quickly turned to stone as you felt a tap on your shoulder, you felt somebody lean close to your face from behind.
"I know what my choice is mate, how about your lady friend here leads me to the vault in the back and I have myself a little explore back there?"
You turn your head to see a little man, with wild, light blonde hair that was blackened at the tips. A huge smirk cropped up on his charred face, his shirt and trousers were ragged and stained. Lottie let out a scream before slamming the emergency button, sending shutters crashing upon the desk.
The mysterious man leant on a small table that held a plant, he started fiddling with the leaves.
"Well," He looked at you and shrugged, "that is just rude, I thought I was rather polite."
He pulled a small block out of his pocket that had various wires and buttons attached to it. "I tried to be polite." His tone became mocking as he started fiddling with the small object. "Just be polite, don't start with explosions blah blah blah blah." He let out a large sigh as he walked over to the shutters. He attached the small block and pushed a few buttons, the block started letting out a series of beeps, he looked back at you.
"You may want to... umm." He started rubbing his stubbly chin.
"Oh yeah... run."
Written by Aaron.
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