Gabriel 'Reaper' Reyes- Not Her (a)
Reader POV
It's a relatively warm night at overwatch headquarters, you lay there on the hard bed, struggling to get to sleep. You look over at your alarm clock, it reads 03:30. You can't figure out what was wrong but you know something was off. You look around at the other new recruits that you share a cramped accommodation space with, all snoozing away in dreamland.
You look at the open door as you see a shadow approach.
"Probably just somebody using the bathroom" you think to yourself, seems as it was the Overwatch headquarters, nothing really exciting ever happens around here. The shadow grows larger as it gets closer, the air starts to grow cold. You pull your blanket up to your chin to compensate. The shadow grows ever closer as it comes to just out of view of the large windows that looked onto the hall outside of the accommodation. However, to your surprise it is not a person that works past, but an ethereal being, not like anything you have ever seen before.
You track the strange being as it effortlessly glides across the hallway and out of sight. Being the genius that you are, you decide to investigate. You never really were the sensible type. You climb out of bed and quickly walk to the door that separates the living space from the hallway that contains the creature. You quietly opened the door, you have no idea if this being was dangerous but just being in its presence makes you incredibly on edge and uneasy, so It's probably best if you just track it for now and worry about a confrontation later.
Slipping through the door, you notice the being take a left turn, towards the medic's bay. "Maybe it is injured?" you think, hoping for the best outcome for this situation. After mimicking the beings travels for about half an hour, you somehow lose track of it. Luckily a trail of icy cold smoke is left behind wherever it goes, so you are able to track that instead. You finally catch up to the vaporous creature, it is standing in front of the door that led to Angela Ziegler's living space.
Before your eyes the being materializes into a black robed human. His face ornately decorated with a white mask that resembled a skull of some variety, you can't quite tell from this angle. Your heart starts to pound and you start to sweat profusely as you recognize the person as Reaper. The notorious Talon agent. Reaper was a merciless and unlawful mercenary, he showed no empathy for his crimes and would stop at nothing to get what he wanted, no matter the cost in money or lives, seeking vengeance for what Overwatch had done to him.
Shivers run down your spine as all of the awful things you have heard of him come racing into your mind. Talon were renown across the world. These people had no remorse for the atrocities they had committed. Explosions, assassinations, kidnappings of world leaders, they had no limits. If there was money involved, so were they.
"I need this door open Sombra." Reaper whispers in a husky, deep tone. Hearing his voice makes every hair on your body stand on end and sends a chill through your bones. After a few seconds, the doors slowly lurch open to reveal a sleeping Angela, known to most people across the world as Mercy.
After letting out a deep sigh reaper walks into the room, not making a sound and pulling a large gun out of the breast pocket of his robe jet black, hooded robe. He stands over the sleeping woman who resembled an angel, for a few minutes, staring intensely at her, before placing the gun a few inches away from the back of her head, gently squeezing the trigger, but heavily hesitating to pull it completely.
Reaper POV
"Pull the trigger" you thought to yourself "she means nothing to you, she is just another piece of scum. Pull the trigger and be done with it before you throw away your shot." You go to pull the trigger but another voice interjects in, your old voice, from when you were still Gabriel, you hadn't heard this voice since the explosion.
"No... you know this is wrong, you know that you can't kill her. Stop now, leave, turn your back from this wretched place and don't look back. Tell them the mission failed and that you were caught and had to make a quick escape."
"NO... you wretched fool, blow her brains onto the bed sheets and be done with this"
The voices in your head fought like cat and mouse, the devil and angel on your shoulder.
"She saved your life, she may have turned you into this monstrosity, the least you can do is walk away, pretend like this never happened until you and her meet again."
"That doesn't matter, you know why you came here, you must not stop until they are all dead."
Flashbacks appear in your mind of the explosion that led to you becoming the infamous Reaper, you couldn't remember much except being held in Angela's arms, tears streaming down her face as she worked hard days and long nights to save you. Lying on the operating table that night, you had accepted death and was ready to move on, but she kept piecing you together into the abomination that you are now, but she did what she could, not realizing the monster that was laying in front of her. As always, she was just trying to help, to save the life of her best friend.
Your hand starts to shake and beneath the mask, tears stream down your face as you lower the gun.
"Reaper come In, did you get the target?" You hear the familiar voice of Sombra through your earpiece.
"I was caught, I had to escape through the air vents, but I'll get her next time, she can't run forever"
Written Aaron.
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