Angela 'Mercy' Ziegler- Sick (a)
"How are you my sweetie?" Angela swept into the bedroom carrying a tray with a bowl of hot soup on top.
"I am okay... It really is just flu Angela, there is no need for combat medic Ziegler to come out again like it does whenever I cut myself."
"No no no." She protested, placing the soup over your lap as you sat up. "You need looking after, so you will be looked after." She kissed your forehead, her cold lips felt good against your burning forehead. She pulled a chair up next to the bed.
"I am not leaving until you eat." She twirled your flowing hair around her fingers soft, delicate fingers. "I will force feed you if I have to. Trust me, the soup is delicious, it will perk you up in no time at all."
"Fine." You lifted the spoon up to your lips and let the aroma fill your nostrils. The first mouthful was bliss, the first food you had been able to keep down since yesterday's breakfast.
"Oh, my Angie. You did not make this, I know you, and I know that you can't cook, at least not this well." You kept on shoving spoonful after spoonful of the delicious concoction into your mouth.
"This my häsli is a secret recipe passed down to me by one of the finest grandmothers in the world."
"But..." you asked, finishing off the last of the soup "your grandmother can not cook?"
"I never said it was my grandmother..." she picked up the tray and kissed you on the nose, it tickled ever so slightly, causing you to sneeze and causing her to giggle behind her hand.
"Oh no..." she took a tissue from her pocket and handed it to you, still laughing gently.
"What am I going to do when you get sick? I'm never going to be able to live up to these standards."
Angela chucked boastingly. "I haven't been sick in years; my immune system is superior." She flexed her biceps triumphantly. "Not to sound gross, but I have been all over the world with Overwatch and have come into contact with most of the diseases known to man." You shot her a shocked glare.
"No you twat, I have not come into contact with those disea-" Before she could finish her sentence she was interrupted by a very loud and obnoxious sneeze that fired from her nose.
"Superior im-"
"Do not finish that sentence Y/N."
Written by Aaron.
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