Your pov:
I was at the library trying to find an interesting book I've read just about every book in this library. Ranging from fiction to nonfiction usually avoiding the mythology because I wasn't a big fan of all the mythical creatures Angels, Gods and Goddesses, and yadda yadda yadda but today I decided to take a shot at it. I was searching for a book when I saw a book on archangels but it was on a very high shelf which was no problem since there was a ladder nearby I climbed it and grabbed the book.
"Excuse me miss?" I heard a masculine from below asked startling me.
I jumped and squealed and fell off the ladder. I was bracing myself for impact when I realized my landing was a bit softer than expected.
"You can look now you're safe." the masculine voice chuckled.
I opened one of my eyes to realize that I was in the hands of a very attractive man in a black suit and a long black jacket. Hazel-green eyes and long shaggy hair.
"Oh um thank you." I blush.
He lets me down the minute I was standing on my own is when I realized exactly how tall he is. Compared to me he was a giant!
"Archangels huh?" he asked picking up my book.
"Oh um yea I was never really into all this mythology and stuff but I've read just about every book in here so I'm gonna give it a shot," I say smiling
He scans through the pages and hands me the book."Looks interesting ." he smiles.
"Yea I hope it is."
"Are you (y/n) (l/n) Vivian Burkes neighbor?" he asked.
"Um yes, that's me why?" I asked.
"I'm Agent Rhodes, I regret to inform you that she passed last night."
I gasp in shock. "What happened?!" I asked.
"That's disclosed information I'm afraid, but we were wondering if by any chance you heard any strange activity coming from her house any hostile behavior that you might've witnessed from her noticed any change in her behavior recently before her death?" he asked.
"I'm afraid not Vivian and I was never that extremely close I'm afraid the only time we would talk is when I would go on my weekly jog every Monday morning at 7. She jogged every single day at that same time," I admit.
"Oh well thank you for your cooperation." he hands me his card."If you happen to remember anything or something pops-up call me it doesn't matter when."
"Ok I will," I say smiling.
"You have a nice day," he says.
"You too."
We walked our separate ways.
When I felt a big gentle hand placed on my shoulder. I turned around to be face to face with agent Rhodes again.
"Here's my phone number maybe we can have coffee sometime before the case ends," he said smiling.
I tuck my hair behind my ear." yea sure id like that." I say smiling.
I sat down and read the book and it was pretty interesting.
That night...
I was being attacked by some creepy looking... guy? Entity? I didn't know what the hell to call it all I knew was that I was scared shitless and I was praying that ill make it out of all this alive!!
Right before the creature was about to take my life.
Someone burst in the back door and I heard a shot go off. It hurt my ears. But the entity was gone.
"Sam grab the girl!" I heard a voice call out. Next thing I know I was being lifted off the ground by someone.
"Hey relax you're safe." I heard a familiar voice say reassuringly. I looked at my rescuer and it was.
"Agent Rhodes?!" I say shocked.
"I'll explain in the car," he tells me he quickly carries me and puts me into an Impala and gets in with me. I scoot on the other side and cover myself up I was in nothing but a lace pantie set and a silk robe.
The shorter guy who I am guessing is his partner jumped in front and sped off.
"What the hell was that?!who are you people?!really cause you sure as hell ain't FBI!!" I panic.
"(Y/n) relax and let me explain."
he tried to reach for my hand I pulled away quickly.
"We are hunters we hunt demons, ghouls and ghost. I'm Sam Winchester and the guy driving is my brother dean"
"So what the hell was that thing in my house?!"
"Ever heard of the hookman?" dean asked.
"Of course it's a stupid legend I used to tell it to my friends to scare them!"
"He's real and he's targeting beautiful single women like yourself." dean flirts he looks at me through the rearview mirror and winks.
"Haha ha..ha."I faint.
Sam's pov:
"Was I just that handsome or was that shock?" Dean chuckles.
"Seriously dean?"
He looks at me and realize how serious I am and clears his throat and the smirk disappears from his face. Soon we arrive at the motel and I carry her inside we do some more extensive research on the hookman.
"Dean I got a lead A guy named Tony Phanz died 7 years ago in a crane accident," I say. "He was rejected so many times that he resorted to stalking single women one day he was following one of them and she leads him to his inevitable doom."
"Does it say where he was buried?"
"Yep, Silent hill cemetery."
"Let's go."
"Wait." I wake (y/n) up.
"Where the hell am I?!" she asked
"Hey look you're at our motel you're safe."
I grab the chair I was sitting in grab her by the arm gently and sit her in the chair dean throws me the salt and I made a salt circle around her.
"No. No this is a joke it has to be what kind of joke is this?! a fucking salt circle?!" she yells
"Believe it or not it's the simple things we overlook every day that can save your life now don't step out of this circle for anything no matter what happens,"I tell her
"Look at me! I'm in a lingerie set and a silk robe not exactly clothes can you at least give me something to cover myself up with?!" I sigh and go through my bag and throw her one of my flannels and dean and I leave.
"Wow, Sammy I had no idea you were into the feisty ones." Dean joked with a smug grin.
I roll my eyes at him."Can we just get this case over with we have bigger problems here."
We speed to the cemetery. Soon we finally arrived we find the grave and start digging as fast as we can. I hit something hard with my shovel we stop digging and break the grave open dean pours the salt.
Your pov:
I put on the flannel even though it was way too big for me.
A harsh gust of wind goes past me.
I breathe heavily I see smoke come out of my mouth.
The lights go out.
The same thing that happened to me at my house." no. I'm safe Sam said to stay inside the salt circle I'm fine I'm in a happy place in a happy place!" I ramble to myself closing my eyes but when I open them. There stood the hookman.
"I'm safe I'm fine you can get me."
Yea sure be like the stupid chick in movies (y/n)!
"No, I'm fine."
He used his hook to break the window open and the wind blows some of the salt away.
"Ok now I'm screwed." he teleported in the circle and put the hook to my neck.
I cried knowing for sure this was my last moment on earth.
The pressure of the hook against my neck got heavier and I could feel my skin slowly breaking
When the hookman let out a painful cry and I watched as he dissipated in flames.
"Am I safe?"
Sam's pov:
We drove back to the motel to see (y/n) asleep in a ball on the chair the salt circle ruined and the window was broken.
I wake her up."hey you're safe we can take you home." I tell her
She gets up."So no more freaky deaky hookman is after me?" she asked.
I chuckled."yea no freaky deaky hookman is after you." I reassure her.
She hugs me." please take me home." she says exhausted.
Dean and I drive her home.
I walk her inside.
"Well um, I guess this is goodbye," Sam says.
"Sam I'm not exactly really all that comfortable yet I'm still in a bit of shock could you maybe stay for tonight?" she asked.
"I mean sure I guess I could."
"Dean I'm go-"
"Go get her tiger." dean winked.
"See you tomorrow morning," he said getting in the Impala.
Soon we both go to sleep I slept on the couch of course.
"Sam!" she called.
I got up and ran to her room.
"Whats wrong?!" i asked her.
"I cant sleep every time I close my eyes all I can see is hookman."
"Scoot over,"I tell her.
She does so I get in bed and cuddle with her.
She giggles.
"I didn't think id get here with you this quick we haven't even had that coffee yet." she jokes.
I laugh lightly and look down at her she looks up at me and time went slow and within an instant, her lips were on mine. It was a soft gentle kiss. She climbs on top of me never breaking the kiss. I remove my flannel off of her one thing lead to another and before I knew I was on top of her.
The next morning..........
I woke up with my arm wrapped around her small frame while her face was buried in my neck.
We were both naked.
I felt her shift.
"Good morning," I say.
"Good morning." she replies."well this isn't how I pictured it but could you go for that coffee?"
I chuckle."yea I really could."
She gets up and throws on my flannel and goes out of the room.
I get dressed and joined her in the kitchen. She had two cups of coffee waiting at the table.
I grab a cup and take a sip.
She fixes us some pancakes and bacon and we eat.
Afterward, we clean up the little mess left after the whole hookman incident. I hear the impala roaring outside.
She walks me to the door
"So you really have to go?" she asked.
"Yea hunting is a Nation-wide thing," I tell her.
"So this is it? I'll never see you again after this?"
"As much as I hate for it to be the end I don't want you to see what other nasty things are out there."
She sighs.
I look at her and smile." you still have a piece of me though." I say.
I point at the flannel.
"Oh I'm guessing you want this back," she says.
"No! No, keep it. Plus it looks cute on you."
She giggles.
"Well, I guess its time for me to go," I say.
"I guess so."
"You have my phone number call me if anything bad happens ok?"
"Ok." I turn around and walk off and open the Impala door Dean looks at me as if to say.
'Now you know that's not a proper goodbye!'
I sigh and run to her then pull her close and kiss her passionately she giggles.
"Whooooo Sammy got some!" dean yelled. I pulled away blushing. She giggles more.
"Be safe Superman," she said.
"Same to you Damsel."
"I'm no damsel but..I'll except that."
I get in the Impala and we drive off I watched her become a tiny spec in the dust soon to be a distant memory. I wanted to jump out of the car and run to her and just beg her to come with us but she's better off and safer far away from me.
9 months later....
"Ok ma'am we need you to push one more time!" the doctors encourage me.
I push as hard as I can squeezing Castiel's hand and let out a painful scream as tears stream down my face.
Then I hear a cry. "Its a girl!" the doctors announce.
I smile at Cas. "I guess you were right cas."
"I'm always right."
"Most times don't get too cocky sir!" I tell him exhausted.
He smiles and touches my forehead and heals me.
"Thanks, Cas."
"No problem."
I watch as they take her out of the room to her cleaned up.
Soon the come back with her.
"She's a quiet one." the nurse says she hands the beautiful baby girl over to me.
I look at her yet to open her eyes but yet so beautiful with a head of brown hair like her father.
"Have they stitched you up yet?" the nurse asked
"Oh, yea im fine!"
"So does papa wanna hold the baby."
"Oh im not the father im he-"
"He came here to support me he's my best guy friend." i interrupt Cas knowing he was going to say something along the lines of being an angel he freaks enough people out as it is. "But do you want to hold her?" i asked.
He smiled and he gently takes her into his arms. "Hi there small human. Im Castiel."
I laugh."he has a way with words." i say.
"What are you going to name her?" the nurse asked.
"Delilah Marie (L/n)....."
"You know if you can somehow manage to get the father up here sometime he can sign the birth certificate you can just sign his last name and he can sign later that way you dont have to g through all that court stuff."
"Thanks for the tip." i say smiling.
Soon after they test her and make sure shes healthy which castiel made sure of we left the hospital three days later.
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