Chapter 4: First family outing!
Your pov:
I woke up to the sound of the loud alarm going off and someone with their hand wrapped around my waist.
I turned around realizing it was sam. I turned off the alarm clock and looked at my watch.
"Oh fuck!" i got up.
Delilah was late for her bus i ran to her room to see she's fast asleep.
I didnt want to wake her she just seen her father yesterday so i let her sleep i go back to the room and look at sam he was awake.
"So im guessing you have to leave this morning."
Right then i hear the familiar roaring of the impala.
We get up i walk him to the door.
"Here you go sammy." dean says handing him his bags.
"Wait im soo confused sam arent you leaving?"
"I talked to dean and we decided to take a week off so im staying here with you guys i you dont mind."
"Of course i dont mind Del will be ecstatic!"
I hug him and dean drove off.
"Ugh im so tired."
"Then lets go back to bed." he carried me there i giggled.
"What about school?"
"She can take today off." i say smiling.
"In that case i have a day planned for us first you need some rest." he kisses my forehead and laid beside me i blushed then drifted off to sleep.
Sam's pov:
I woke up to see Delilah she was getting ready to tap (y/n). I get up slowly trying not to wake her.
"Hey sweetheart whats wrong?" i asked her.
"I missed the bus mommy forgot to wake up for school."
"Thats because you get to skip school and hang with me for the day." i say smiling.
"Yay!" she says.
I put my finger to my lip."shhhh we have to be very quiet so mommy can sleep ok?"
She nodded.
"Lets go make breakfast for mommy."
We ran into the kitchen and Del helped me find the ingredients and pots n pans for the food.
"Can we make mommy a cake?" Del asked
"Sure wheres the cake mix?"
"We dont have any."
"Then how about we run to store really quickly and grab some?"
"And icecream?!" she asked excitedly.
"Yea and icecream."
I grab the keys and we put on our shoes and go to the nearest store and get our few needed items.
Your pov:
I woke up and sam wasnt there i figured he was in the bathroom. I went to wake up Delilah and tell her that she gets to skip school. I went in her room to see bed was empty and not made. I went into a small state of panic.
"Del?" i questioned.
No answer my heart beat faster the milisecond as horrible scenarios of what possibly happened to her flash like a horrible memory.
I run checking my office and every place i could look. Yelling her name.
I started freaking out when i realized she and sam weren't in the house i just started crying. I grabbed my phone about to dial sam when i heard the door open and there they were no scars or bruises they were fine.
I drop the phone and fall onto the floor and hug Del tightly.
"Woah what happened?!" sam asked worried.
"When i woke up and seen you guys weren't here i almost lost it i thought something bad happened." i say as tears just continuously fall down my face.
Sam brought me into a hug."hey we're ok. We just went out to the store to get a few things for breakfast dont worry we're ok." he strokes my head calming me down then he kissed my forehead. I blushed.
"Ugh im sorry guys i went into mommy mode." i say wiping my eyes.
"Its ok mommy." del hugged my waist because thats what she could reach. I smiled. "Ok so what are we cooking for breakfast?"
"We? No no Del and i will cook you are staying in bed." sam says.
"What?" i say.
"You heard me mommy bed for you we will bring you breakfast." sam says.
Delilah giggles and tries to push me towards the room.
"What if i dont wanna go?" i whined.
"Then ill just have to make you."
I knew what he was gonna do. "No not again mommy doesn- ah!"
Sam slung me over his shoulder and carried me to the room Del giggling while following.
I playfully stick my tongue out at her and she does the same sam places me on the bed.
"Stay here and watch tv and relax we will bring you breakfast when its ready and." he took my work phone.
I gawked."no work calls!"
"Yes no 'work' today we are going to have fun today no work or school." sam says walking out the door Del following close behind.
"Wait for me daddy!" she giggled.
So i just grabbed a book from the office real quick and just read for a while. Soon they finally are done and they come in with a bunch of plates.
I sit up. "Woah ok breakfast buffet much guys?" i joke.
"We didnt know what you like Del says she rarely ever sees you eat and well i havent ever seen you eat ever so we just guessed. They placed a plate with eggs, bacon, grits, pancakes, toast and sausage.
"Sam are you sure this is for me?" i asked.
"Absolutely sure."
"Yknow a simple omlet wouldve been fine." i joke.
"Oh well." sam says we all sit on the bed eating breakfast together sam cracks a joke and i look at Del as she laughs and her eyes glow with soo much joy. I smile at her joy.
"So Sam what are we doing today?"
"Its a nice day outside wouldnt you say?" sam asked.
"It looks nice outside havent been out there yet." i say
"Well Del and i have and i think it would be nice to go to the beach."sam says smiling.
Del starts jumping on the bed luckily we got rid of all the plates by then. I laughed.
"Oh and before we dare to forget Del and i made you a surprise."
I gave him a skeptical look." its in the kitchen he took my hand and lead me to the kitchen the whole time i got butterflies. Something i havent felt in a long time am i really ready to let someone back into my life romantically?
"Tada!" Del says and on the counter i see a beautiful cake:
"Aww you guys made this for me?!" i said in awe
"Yea mommy!" Del says.
I hug del."thank you munchkin!"
Then i look at sam."you helped too." i wrapped my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist And kissed my cheek i blushed.
Oh god hes doing it again. Making me fall for him i cant no i just cant!!
"So um lets get ready for the beach!" i say.
We drove to the store and got bathing suits and a sandcastle making kit as well as some snacks and sunblock. Then we were on the road.
Listening to music singing along and we finally arrive at the beach.we all get dressed:
And then we run into the waves i paid close attention to Del as we played in the water. Splashing each other and what not. After a while another family came along and Del made two new friends and just as easily forgot about us. The mother and father said it was ok they had no problem watching her. They seemed like trusty people but we still stayed close.
Sam and i were just splashing around and talking when Sam pulled me by my waist bringing us close.
"Sam what are you doin-"
"Please just listen to me. I know that you may be scared that im going to make you fall for me and then leave and you have every right to think that because i did it last time but i love you and i want to be apart of Del's and your life 100%."
My heart was racing. "S-sam i dont know-"
"Just give me a chance to prove myself just please let me in."
He looked at my lips and he leaned in i reluctantly leaned in kind of pulling away but when i felt his lips on mine i easily melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I quickly pulled away blushing like mad.
"Uh k-kids." i sounded so idiotic.
Uh k-kids?!! I freaking stuttered??! Gaaaah!
He chuckled."Right."
"I-its getting pretty late we shoud walk the pier a bit, eat and go home."
"Yea so are you gonna hold onto me the whole time or..?"
I blushed and untangled my arms from around his neck and my legs from his waist and we swam out with Del of course and we walked to the pier. We grabbed a couple of corndogs and walked the pier.
I felt someone rubbing their hand against mine. I looked over and realized it was Sam it seemed like he was hesitating as if he was unsure of his decision i grabbed hisq hand and squeezed it he smiled and squeezed back. We took a couple of pictures and then we drove home sometime along the way Del fell asleep.
I look back at her and smile."Shes out like a light." i tell sam.
"Shes had a long exciting day." he said smiling.
I giggle."Thank you Sam for everything especially for making Del happy beyond belief."
"Hey she's my daughter too i want her to be happy...and i want you to be happy too."
I blush." As long as Del is happy im ok."
"That's good to know but are you really happy or do you just tell yourself that every night to get by."
"To be honest for a long time ive been telling myself that but now i think im beginning to actually be happy again."
Soon we arrive at the house and Sam carries Del to bed and i get a call from her teacher.
"Hello?" i answer
"Hi Ms.(L/n) this is Ms.Bell Delilah's teacher."
"Oh Hi Ms.Bell."
"I just wanted to check and see that you were aware that Delilah wasnt in class today."
"Im fully aware her dad is here and i just felt it was best that she spend atleast one full day with him before he'll have to leave in a week."
"Oh! Well thats delightful! What'd you guys do?"
"Oh we just went to the beach we just got back."
"Wonderful she mustve been so happy about that!"
"Oh yes she was and probably still will be tomorrow morning."
"Oh while i have you. I just wanted to remind you about the show.we hope to see you there!"
"What show?"
"Oh Delilah mustve forgotten this Thursday Delilah and the class will be putting together a small little chorus concert!"
"Oh what time?"
"At 6:30"
"Is their anything she'll need in particular."
"Just a white dress and a little white flower crown."
"Ok gotcha she'll have it before thursday!"
"Great cant wait to see you then!"
"See you then! Have a nice night"
"You too!" i hung up.
"We have to go shopping tomorrow after Del get's home from school she has a littlle concert this thursday. I have to work double time the bill is due Friday ugh!" i say.
"Hey! Hey! Dont stress it ok everything is gonna be fine in the end." sam says reassuringly.
"I hope so." i say.
Sam hugs me and kisses my forehead.
"Well im done for im ready for bed." i say.
"Me too."
His phone goes off.
"gotta answer that first." i joke.
He smiles."ill answer goa ahead and take a shower ill be in there soon."
"Like i would wait for you." i say sarcastically then i go into bathroom and take a hot steamy shower but it really didnt seem to melt my stress away at all.
So i just got out and put on my pajama shorts on as well as a crop top and hop in bed just staring at the ceiling sooo many bills, jobs, gigs, questions. Floating around in my head. This happens every single night. Suddenly i felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist i knew it was sam. With that knowledge all my stress went away.
"Everything's gonna be ok." sam says.
I smile and drift off to sleep.
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