Chapter 3: Re-do
Your pov:
I got on stage and everyone cheered.
"How are yall feelin tonight!?" i asked the audience. The musicians play and the crowd gets louder.
🎶" Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark
o one knows it's you, Miss Jackson
Found another victim
But no one's gonna find Miss Jackson, Jackson, Jackson." 🎶
The strobe lights go crazy.
🎶"You put a sour little flavor in my mouth now
You move in circles hoping no one's gonna find out
But we're so lucky,
Kiss the ring and let 'em bow down
Looking for the time of your life (ain't always gonna find out)
A pretty picture but the scenery is so loud,
A face like heaven catching lighting in your nightgown,
But back away from the water, babe, you might drown
The party isn't over tonight (lighting in your nightgown)
Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her anyway
I love her anyway
I love her anyway
Out the back door
But I love her anyway"🎶
The strobe lights go crazy once more.
🎶"Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Are you nasty?
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Are you nasty?
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Are you nasty?
Are you nasty?
I love her anyway
Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her anyway"🎶
The strobe lights stop.
🎶"Way down 'til the fire finally dies out
You've got 'em wrapped around your finger
Watch 'em fall down
There's something beautiful and tragic in the fall out
Let me say it one more time
(tragic in the fall out)
Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door,
But I love her anyway
I love her anyway
I love her anyway
Out the back door
But I love her anyway."
The lights once again they strobe.
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Are you nasty?
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Are you nasty?
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Are you nasty?
Are you nasty?
I love her anyway
Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her any...
Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark
No one knows it's you, Miss Jackson
Found another victim
But no one's gonna find Miss Jackson, Jackson, Jackson
I love her anyway."🎶
The strobe lights run wild.
🎶"Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Are you nasty?
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Are you nasty?
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Miss Jackson,
Are you nasty?
Are you nasty?
I love her anyway
Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her anyway."🎶 i pose
Everyone cheers.
The lights go off and i get off stage and the dj plays music while i take a break and wait for my next set. I sit at the bar.
"Aay!Starlight you did awesome up there!" jim tells me.
"The regular?" he asked.
"One nice ice cold water yes please."
"Comin' right up." he says.
Soon someone sits beside me.
"I saw you up there that was magnificent may i add you look just as beautiful up close."
I giggle and turn to the stranger."oh thank yo- Dean?"
"(Y/n) what are you doing here?" he questioned.
"Its pretty obvious i work here im a performer."
"Have you told sam?"
"Yes he already knows Delilah is his i told him already."
"No does he know you sing here?"
"No and he doesnt need to know tell him and i swear on Castiel i will break your neck."
"How do you know about Cas?!"
Soon i hear the flapping of wings and here he is.
"Is everything ok (y/n)?" he questioned.
I facepalmed."Cas everything is fine." i smile.
"Wait hold up Cas did you know sam had a daughter?!"
"Yes. He knew and i made him swear not to tell until i was ready!" i say.
"Is Delilah ok? where is she?" cas questioned.
"Cas relax shes at the house with sam." i say.
"Here's your water." jim says handing me the water. I take a big gulp of it.
"(Y/n) when was the last time you slept?" cas questioned.
"Cas i cant sleep right now i have three more sets to do but i cant remember the last time i slept and it doesnt matter." i say.
My phone rings.
"More business calls.Excuse me." i get off the stool and answer the call.
Dean's pov:
"How long have you known?" i asked cas.
"I was there to take her to the hospital."
"(Y/n) was hunting with her friends when she went into labor and i took her to the hospital. I helped her take care of Delilah."
"Excuse me jim was it? Give me your strongest drink." i tell him.
"You got it boss!"
I downed it faster than i ever have.
"Ill be back." cas says.
"Wait cas-"
He was gone.
Sam's pov:
I was fixing Delilah chicken nuggets when cas teleported in.
"Cas are you crazy?!" i asked."you cant just teleport in whenever."
Delilah ran in and gasped.
"Oh um Delilah-" i was trying to think of an excuse.
"Puppy!!!" Delilah ran and cas got down on one knee and hugged her.
"Hey Del." he says smiling.
"Puppy?" i questioned
"Daddy!Daddy this is puppy hes a real angel!!!" Delilah says excitedly.
"I know um come on Delilah time to eat." i set the plate of chicken nuggets on the table and she sits down.
"Castiel can i talk to you outside?" i asked.
He walks outside the kitchen.
"How long have you known (y/n) had a kid?"
"I was the one to tell her she was pregnant."
"Youve known that i had daughter and didnt tell me?!"
"(Y/n) made me promise not to tell. She was broken and scared!"
"Still cas i still expect you to tell me reguardless of who told you not to say anything."
"Then i wouldve lost (y/n)'s trust she needed someone to trust at the time!"
"Daddy im finished!" Delilah called.
"Ok!" i call. "We will all talk about this when (y/n) gets home." i tell cas.
"Sam i just came to tell you to be careful."
"I dont want to see (y/n) pretending to be happy." and like that he was gone.
Soon Delilah was done eating i started her bath.
"Alright get undressed and get in." i tell her.
"Daddy arent you gonna help me get my toys?" she asked.
"Um yea! Of course!" i say acting like i knew."how could i forget?!" i help her put all her bath toys in and i leave so she can get undressed and get in the tub i clean up all the toys and put them in a pink chest thats had the words.
'Del's toys"
On it. I clean the kitchen table and wash off the plate Del ate off.
"Daddy im ready to get out of the tub!" Delilah called.
"Oh ok! Im coming!" i run and look for towels. "Um Del where are the towels?" i asked her.
"Towels are in the hallway closet silly daddy!" she giggled.
"Right!" i go into the hallway and grab a towel and open it up in front of her to cover her up. She still sat in the tub.
"Come on its ok to get out." i reassure her
"Thats not my princess towel." she says."mommy always wraps me up in my princess towel."
"Oh um wait here ill get it." i run back to the linen closet and look for a princess towel then i found it "Bingo!"
I run back to the bathroom and wrap her up in the towel and carry her to her room she gets dressed in her pink night gown.
"Alright bed time!" i say.
"Daddy not yet you have to dry and brush my hair!" she giggles.
"Oh right! Duh." she sits in front of her dresser which had lights all around the mirror and pictures of her and (y/n) in every corner of the mirror.
Delilah gives me the haie dryer.
I turn it on and dry her hair. She then hands me the brush. It was a little rough but i brushed her hair until it was silky smoothe.
She yawns."alright princess bed time..right its bed time now right?" i ask just to be sure.
She giggle and nods.
I carry her to bed and tuck her in.
"Alright good night." i say smiling at her. I get off her bed.
"Daddy?" she says.
"Can you tell me a story?" she gave me big irresistible puppy dog eyes.
I sigh. Yea she definitely picked that up from me.
"Ok fine."
"Yay!" she cheers.
I sit on her bed."once upon a time there was a...lovely beautiful princess named Delilah. She helped the queen and king rule candy land-."
"Are you and mommy the king and queen?" she asked.
"Uh yea i guess we are." i say blushing. "But one day the sugarplum fairies had a huge problem the magical candy dust factory machine stopped working. So they called princess Delilah for help.They said.'oh dear princess Delilah please come to our aid the candy dust machines wont work.' " i say in the highest voice i could manage.
Delilah giggled.
"And So the nice princess said.'oh worry not fairies i will help you.' and so princess Delilah helped find the problem with the machine and being the amazing princess that she is she found the problem.'oh my there was a candycane stuck in machine!' the lovely princess took it out of the machine and the fairies were happy.
'Oh princess Delilah we are forever grateful but alas how did the candycane get in the machine?' the head sugarplum fairy asked. Soon an old gingerbread woman came in. 'Oh my there is my cane ive been looking for it all day! Wherever did you find it?' the old gingerbread woman asked.'it was stuck in the magical candy dust machine!'Delilah said.'oh now i remember i put it on the conveyor belt so i could look for my glasses i couldnt see a thing! im sorry deary it wont happen again!' the gingerbread woman said and so the machine was fixed and they lived happily ever after the end!" i said.
When i looked down she was fast asleep i kiss her forehead and go into the livingroom and turn on the table.
This was more exhausting than hunting.
Before knew it i myself fell fast asleep. An hour prior to falling asleep i heard someone calling me.
"Daddy?" i slowly wake up to see Delilah standing in front of me with tears in her eyes.
I automatically shake myself awake.
"Hey honey what's wrong?!" i asked.
"I had a nightmare." she said rubbing her puffy eyes.
" it'll be ok it was all just a dream." i reassure her
She nods.
"Now go back to sleep ok?"
"Daddy can you sing me the
nightmare song?" she asked.
"The nightmare song?"i questioned.
"Mommy always sings the nightmate song to keep all the monsters and nightmares away before i went to sleep and when i have a nightmare."
"I dont know the nightmare song but i can sing a song my mom sung to me and my brother is that ok?"
She nodded happily.
"Alright come here." i pat the seat beside me.
She hops next to me and snuggles into my side i wrap my arm around her. " Hey, Jude, don't make it bad
ake a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
Hey, Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
And anytime you feel the pain,
Hey, Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder."
And once again we were both sleep.
Your pov:
I was finally done with work dean had just left some hours ago with some busty brunette. I guess thats what sam meant by busy. Soon i got in my car and drove home.
When i arrive i see Sam and Delilah cuddling on the couch while the tv was on.
I take a picture of them together then when i go to pick Del up so i could carry her to bed Sam points a gun in my face.
"Relax its just me (y/n)." i say.
"How do i know that?"
"Underneath the carpet is a devil's trap i have a sigil underneath the wallpaper warded against everything you can think of and i have an anti-possession tattoo."
He puts the safety back on then puts the gun down."im so sor-"
"Hey its ok you were being cautious. Well im gonna carry the little one to bed." i sat picking her up.
"How about you settle in and relax ill tuck her in."
"No its fi-"
"(Y/n), im tucking her in im gonna be apart of her life i want to do everything with her even small things like carrying her to bed."
I smiled and handed her over to him i watched as he carried her down the hallway into her room
I took off my heels.
Sam came in.
"Alright your turn missy."
"What? No youre Del's dad not mine."
"Well im gonna be everyone's father today."
"What?" Sam picked me up and slung me over his shoulder i squeal."Sam put me down!" i say laughing.
He carries me into the room and right before he put me down i grabbed his collar bringing him down on top of me.
We laugh then realize our position and blush.
"Um s-sorry sorry." i say.
"No its fine." he said getting off of me and laying beside me.
"So i just wanted to thank you for staying with Del while i went to work."
"So seriously just catch me up on everything."
"Where do i start?"
"What's Del's full name?"
"Delilah Marie Winchester"
"How'd you sign for Winchesters if i wasnt present?"
"Very sly but helpful tip from a nurse." i sigh.
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"I mean i know the basics of Del she's 6 has an obsession with disney princesses and has an amazing mother but i know nothing about her amazing mother."
"Well im a full time mother part time performer and huntress."
"Oh wow whats your favorite color?"
"Um (f/c)."
"I like blue."
"Good to know."
"How did you meet cas?"
"Oooh so im guessing he popped in?"
"Yea you have this place warded against everything except angels? You know angels can be bad too?"
"I know but they dont seem to have a problem with me. But um cas is actually the one to tell me i was pregnant."
"Yea i mean i didnt find out through a normal way."
I was hunting a wendigo.
Running for my life when i fell and cut my arm on something.
I grabbed my arm."gah fuck!"
I heard something like the flapping of wings then i seen a man with dark brown hair and blue eyes in a suit and trench coat.
"What are you?" i asked.
"An angel of the lord." he holds me and teleports me home then touches my forehead and the pain in my arm goes away. "You cant be careless! youre with child." he warns.
"What?" i questioned.
"You are carrying a baby a future Winchester."
"You mean to tell me that im pregnant with Sam Winchester's child."
"Yes do i have to explain further?" he asked.
"No i understand completely im just in shock." i say holding my stomach.
"The child of a winchester is of great value in heaven and hell you have to refrain from hunting you need to make this place safe and warded."
"Woah woah ok i know youre not human and you may not understand but this is too much to handle at once! Whats so special about the Winchesters?!"
"They've both cheated death many times. Both been to hell and back.Sam has opened lucifer's cage. They've also tried to shut the gates of hell permanently.They've kinda befriended the king of hell.started then ended the as you see anybody with that kind of record would leave quite the legacy for their child."
"Oh god." i say "im gonna be sick."
He sits me down.
"Who are you and how do you know a this?"
"Im castiel angel of the lord and i have accompanied the Winchesters on many of these events."
"You must have seen some shit then."
"I have like you humans say seen some shit."
"Well castiel just whatever you do please dont tell sam im not even ready for all this!"
"But sam is like my brother."
"Castiel please i dont want him to know yet im scared cas im scared." i cry uncontrollably.
Cas pulls me into a hug. "I wont tell him and will help you take care of her."
"Its a girl?" i asked smiling.
He nods.
I hug him."thank you cas!" i say.
"Dean is praying to me for help i must go. Remember im only a prayer away."
Like that he was gone.
"So he's been there all of her life?" sam asked.
"No really mostly when she was a baby afterwards he rarely visited us like one every two months."
"I knew i should've stayed that day."
"What do you mean by that?"
"That day i left you something in me was begging and screaming for me to stay."
"Sam, lets make an agreement."
"What is it?"
"We will never discuss the past we both have regrets on how things turned out. But for Del's sake we will only focus on the future and the present."
"So a do over?"
"Something like that."
"Well i guess you cant really fall into my arms all over again but a proper introduction is a good start."
I chuckle.
"Hi there im Sam Winchester."
"Well hello Sam Winchester im (y/n) (l/n)."
He smiles at me.
"How about some hot chocolate?" i asked.
"Id love that."
I go into the kitchen and fix two mugs filled with hot chocolate and big marshmallows and carry them to my bedroom. Sam grabs one of the mugs and takes a sip.
"Thats some good hot coco." he compliments.
"Thanks i added actual chocolate syrup dont ever tell del that though shell ask for three servings of it in one cup before bed time."
He chuckles."Del's a good kid though."
"Yea she is she's a straight A student gets terrific kid almost everytime."
"To have raised her on your own you did pretty good."
"Thanks" i say smiling.
"Do you by any chance still have that flannel i let you have?"
I blush and go into the closet and pull out his flannel that was neatly hung on a hanger and show it to him.
"When its cold i usually sleep with it on its really comfortable."
He laughs.
We talk and drink hot coco after a while he fell asleep and so do i.
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