Chapter 2:So uh hi meet your daughter.
"Winchesters. Um howd you find me." i step outside and close the door a bit.
"We're working a tough case and we got a tip from another hunter from the area if we needed some help with research to come to this address. I thought you were in-" sam started.
"Yea i was moved after the incident."
"Can we come in?" dean asked.
"Oh um uh yea." i say i open the door and we all go inside.
"Follow me to my office please."
I lead the way and go inside the office and i sit at my desk
"So um describe what youre goin against at the moment." i tell them.
"Ok at first glance it looks completely normal it looks human but when you look at its reflection it has a freak like face."
"A freak like face dean?" i questioned.
"Yes its freaky grey skin no eyes no mouth."
"Now i think i know what youre talking about freak like face wont cut it but grey skin and no mouth and eyes is helpful." i turn around in my swivel chair and quickly tuck my hair behind my ear and go into my files and find what im looking for."aaah bingo! You two are dealing with a nasty creature called a changeling.known as the replacements for real children who are stolen away by fairies or other creatures and fed on. The changeling looks the same as the original child, but is evil in most cases and may abruptly return to the fairy family when older. Changlings true form is discolored, slimy skin, hollow eyes and round mouth with many teeth. A changlings true form form can be seen only in reflection in a mirror.
The only way to kill a Changeling is by fire. Burning them to death." i tell them.
"Are you sure thats it?" dean asked.
"Hollow eyes? Grey skin? A hole for a mouth thats it." i say.
"Thanks lets go sammy." dean says.
"Uh you go ahead out ill meet you outside." sam says.
"Ok hurry up." Dean left.
"Soo how have you been?" he asked.
"Ive been fine um i dont wanna hold you up on the case. We can talk later." i say.
"No its fine dean will call me if anything urgent happens."
"Dammit." i mutter under my breath."hey sweet heart." i say.
"Why are people coming in the house?" she asked shyly.
"Who's this?" sam asked me smiling.
"Uhm this is my daughter Delilah." she hides behind my leg.
Sam crouches down."hey im not gonna bite i promise." he jokes.
I look down at her and smile she peeks from behind me and smiles at him. He smiles back.
"Who's the lucky guy?" he asked.
Soon i hear a car horn."i better get going ill come by later though." he says.
"Ok cool."
He unexpectedly hugged me. I hugged back and take in his scent and it hasnt changed. Then i walk him out of the door.
"Are you ok?" sam asked."you seem a little nervous and gittery."
"Everythings fine ill talk to you later." i lie.
"Ok." he finally leaves i go inside and quickly close the door.
Sam's pov:
I got in the impala and dean drove off.
"So how old is she?" dean asked.
"What?" i asked confused.
"The kid how old?five?six?"
"I dont know why are you asking about the kid?"
"You cant tell?" he asked.
"Tell what?" i asked.
"Even if she doesnt tell you its pretty obvious the kid is a winchester."
"Dean seriously come on man not funny." i say.
"Am i flinching?" dean asked.
"Dude (y/n) would have called if it was mine i told her to call if anything bad ever happened."
"Who's to say she didn't think it was bad?"
"Whatever dean." i say.
That couldnt possibly be my kid i wouldve known!
Your pov:
"Mommy who was that?"
I look at her."That." i sigh moving away from the door."was your dad."
"Really?!" she asked excitedly.
"Yea Del."
"Is he coming back?" she asked hopefully.
"Yes he is." i say.
I smile happy that she was happy. But scared to death of how sam would react. I didnt tell him for a reason. It was a one night stand deal i didnt expect him to come back or to have a baby! How was he gonna react to this i dont know!! This is exactly what i was afraid of.
I get a suddenly got a headache one day so eventful and later i had to go perform for this club. Like singing not stripping!! Its not that kind of club its like a regular bar,people dancing and etc.
Either way im doing whatever i can to make money and pay for this house.
"Did you finish your homework?" i asked her.
"Yes ma'am."
"Ready for that tea party?!" i asked excitedly.
"Can we wait for daddy?"
"What about your cookies dont you want to have everything ready?" i asked.
"I want daddy to help."
"Um ok then wanna watch max and ruby?" i asked.
"Yea!!" i turn on the tv and we cuddle and watch her favorite show. I had to keep going to the office to answer business calls soon poor little Del fell asleep. I pick her up and carry her to bed and tuck her in. There's a knock on the front door.
My heart began to pound the closer i got to the door. I put my hand on the knob and slowly open it and look up here he is.
"Hey Sam." i say letting him in.
"Who's the father?" he immediately asked.
"Sam Delilah is sleep can we please take this to my office?" i asked.
I grab his hand and lead him to the office.
"(Y/n) who is her father?"
"Give me a moment im in shock here!" i accidently yell."im sorry." i say apologetically.
"Its fine is Delilah.......mine?"
I couldnt bring myself to say it for some reason.
"Is she my daughter yes or no?"
"Yes sam! She is yours!" i say.
"Why didnt you call?i told you to call me id there was an emergency!"
"Sam we had a heat of the moment deal you and dean came in and saved me from the hookman and then one thing lead to another i didnt expect to get pregnant and even if i told you there's nothing you couldve done youre on the road 24/7 hunting monsters i didnt want her to grow up scared that her daddy would ever come back i felt it was better she just didnt know who her dad was."
"No child should grow up without a mother and father."
"And no six year old child should have to worry that their daddy might die sam like i said before it wouldnt have mattered that night meant nothing in fact answer this if you knew i lived here and there was never a case here would you have came?"
"Exactly you obviously dont think about what happens to the people you save after you save them! Or have sex with them for that fact."
"Dont bring this down on me i told you to call me."
"Would you really have cared?"
"Yes! i dont want to be a dead beat dad the last thing i ever want is for my daughter to grow up thinking her dad neglected her!"
"That is the last thing i want too ive never told her anything bad about you ive always told her that you were out fighting for us to live a safe life and that is exactly what you do sam! I just wanted a normal life for her i didnt want her to know monsters existed!"
"But then again you are researching and helping hunters!"
"Yea because i also want a safe home after the hookman incident i was no longer oblivious to what was around me i was scared ok?!" i felt tears fall down my face."i was gonna have a baby and the last thing i wanted to do was lose her so i did what i had to do i entered the supernatural world yes! But i did it so she can have a childhood and a safe home. The last thing i ever thought about was whether or not her father was willing to be apart of her life the last thing i wanted the last thing i ever wanted was for her to have to deal with was her father walking in and out of her life like mine did!" my head started hurting again i leaned against the desk and rubbed my temples. "Im sorry that i didnt notify you ok and ill be honest the fact that she didnt get to see you was my fault ok i let all my fear and anxiety get the best of me i didnt know how to respond at the time hell i spent the last six years of her life constantly scrolling over your contact thinking if i should call you i was so scared of what would happen i got physically sick to my stomach to do it. Im horrible for this yes but i was just doing what i felt was best for her." i finally just let my tears flow all the tears i held back. "God Im just so stupid." i growl at myself.
I felt Sam lift my chin up and wipe my tears away.
"Dont say that yes im a bit upset that i didn't know i had a daughter but you were doing what you thought was best you were concerned with her well being and her happiness and thats all that matters here right?"
I nodded."thats all i could think about."
"Well you done good so far." sam says. "And just so you know that night was more to me than a heated moment." he says.
I blushed.
"Where is she?" he asked.
"She fell asleep she tried to stay up and wait for you so we could all have a tea party." i say laughing.
He laughed."Well i actually came her cause dean is kinda busy at the hotel so i was wondering if i could maybe stay here till the morning?"
"Yea its fine." i look at my watch."oh holy moly i have to get to work! I have to drop Del off at Ms.montey's!!-"
"Woah slow down whats going on work then dropping Delilah off where again?"
"Oh um Ms.Montey's this nice lady near my job she babysit Del for me."
"I can babysit her." sam says.
"Are you sure Sam i mean you just found out and she still might be shy an-"
"(Y/n)..relax ive taken care of a baby before its nothing new. Shell warm up to me too!" sam assures.
"Ok well let me atleast tell her."i say reluctantly. We go into her room. I shake her awake gently.
"Hey sweetie mommy has to go to work but youre not going to Ms.Montey's youre staying here with your daddy."
Sam comes in the room and crouches down beside me near her bed.
"Hey Delilah im your dad." he says.
She gets up and wraps her arms around his neck and brings him into a hug.
I feel a tear fall down my face a happy tear.
"Im gonna get dressed." i say smiling. I go into my room and take a shower.
🎶"I missed you dearly, thought i was nearly there forever at last together.
Is our time fleeting?
Is even meeting
A healthy idea, or am I getting too near?
Don't try to fight it
I'm here for tonight
And I'll be waiting for you
Until we meet again."🎶
Sam's pov:
Me and delilah were in the living room play tea party she had me wrapped in a feathered scarf. Suddenly i heard a voice.
"Delilah do you hear that?" i asked.
"Yea mommy always sings in the shower!"
"Really?" i asked her.
"Yea wanna listen?" She asked.
"Yea." she got up and used both of her hands to help pull me up.
I chuckled and got up she pulled me to the bathroom.
I know it's scary
But don't be wary
If we don't have that long
Let's not waste it feeling wrong
This isn't the end
I'm your lifelong friend
Sure it's been a while
But I'll be here when you smile
So don't try to fight it
I'm here for tonight
And I'll be waiting for you
Until we meet again
Would you mind staying?
It's getting late, but I will visit you soon
So just try to get through
And don't try to fight it
I'm here for tonight
And I'll be waiting for you
Until we meet again
I'll be waiting for you
Until we meet again"🎶
She turned off the faucet and we ran back to the living room and pretended nothing ever happened though Delilah's constant giggling gave us away.
"What were you two doing?" (y/n) asked placing her hand on her hip. She was in a silky robe.
"Daddy wanted to hear you sing!!" Delilah blurted.
"You really do have a beautiful voice." i complimented.
She slightly blushed."Thank you, now if you excuse me i have to get dressed." she disappeared down the hall.
Your pov:
I went to my room and got dressed:
And you did your hair like this:
I zipped up my jacket.
I grab my purse and head down the hall.
"Alright so i honestly dont know how long ill be gone but Del you know the drill bath by 8 bed by 9 i have chicken nuggets in the freezer you can have those for dinner."
"Woah mommy you look pretty!" she says.
Sam looks at me."yea you look..... beautiful."
"Thank you." i say kissing Del's forehead."both of you." i say smiling at sam.
"Mommy you have give daddy a kiss too!"
"Um Deli-" sam started.
"Of course." i kiss his forehead he blushes.
"Well uh i better get going cant be late" i walk out the door and get in my car and drive to the club. I go back stage and get set up the musicians tune up their intruments and i do warm ups.
Sam's pov:
"Del do you know where mommy works?" i asked worried.
I just hope she wasnt a yknow...hooker.
"Mommy told me she sings for people."
"Oh ok thats cool." i say relieved.
"Daddy what do you do?"
Uh oh."um i save people."
"Mommy told me you were a hero!"
I smile and blush."does she now?"
"Yes she also says i have your puppy dog eyes!" she giggles.
That i can see.
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