Chapter 14: The wedding
Febuary 8th
4 hours until the wedding...
Your pov:
Today's 'The Day' the one of many very important days in any woman's life. Every little girl's dream.The day i commit my love to one person for the rest of my life. Have even more kids and grow old with one person. Known to many little girls and woman as a wedding.The supposed start of happily ever after and i couldnt be anymore nervous than i am right now.
I wake up alone. Sam and Dean got a hotel near the chapel where the wedding's taking place. But in Sam's usual spot there was a rose and a note.
Morning love,
I cant wait to marry you today.
I bet youll look beautiful in your white dress walking down the aisle.
I cant wait to make your name even better by changing (L/n) to Winchester.
Your Future Husband
Sam Winchester.
I smiled as i read the note. I felt my stomach flutter in delight. I got up and turned on some soft music. I grabbed something simple to wear.
Just until i get to the chapel and make sure everything was in order.
I wake up Delilah.
"Wakey wakey darlin! Today youre gonna be a flower girl!" i say to her.
She hops out of bed like a ball of light.
"Im gonna be a flower girl! Mommy's gonna be a Bwide!!!"
I giggle. "Yes i am, now lets get you showered. We'll put on dresses when we get to the chapel ok?"
"Ok!!, mommy?"
"Can we match again?"
"We sure can princess."
I give her a simple dress like mine.
We get dressed:
I get all my make up, our dresses and my heal and put them in the car and we drive to the chapel.
Ellen, Jodie, Claire and Alex were helping me set everything up.
"There she is the bride to be and her beautiful flower girl look at the both of you so gorgeous!" Ellen says taking my hands.
"Thank you." i say smiling.
"Well we have the chicken alfredo being prepared in the back so it should be hot and ready by the time the ceremony is over we also got some garlic bread and for the appetizers we have wings. And for the little flower girl we made sure to have cookies." she said.
"Thank you ellen you are a life saver." i tell her.
"No problem! We have all this under control so you should go get ready."
"Ok thank you so much Ellen."
Me and Delilah go into the back.
I do Delilah's nails a simple white.
Then i do her hair and she gets in her dress:
Afterwards Alex and Claire helped me get ready. Why did i put so much trust and faith into two college girls i have no idea...but i was glad i did in the end:
And now the grand moment had arrived. Delilah ran down the aisle throwing white pedals to the ground.
"Are you ready?" castiel asked.
I nodded and smiled.
He smiled at me and i swear i saw a tear. "Im glad youre finally happy (y/n)"
"Thank you cas." i kiss his cheek i hear the wedding march play everyone.(even though it was just about 4 people sitting.) turned around and looked at me with awe. I smile and look straight ahead Sam with the priest. Dean his best man and jodie my matron of honor. Cas walked me down the aisle successfully and i stood in front of sam.
"You are gorgeous." sam whispered.
"This is one awkward ceremony since i am god and im going to be marrying the both of you and the ceremonial script i made is too much ill have to remind myself to update this later." God/ chuck tossed the wedding script to the side.
Everyone laughs.
"Since you two are so very much in love i will let you both recite vowels from the heart."
"Well where do i start?" san questioned
"From the beginning." i jokily reply.
"I guess thats a good start, (y/n) all my life all ive ever wanted was to be normal. But it seemed that trying to be normal always backfired on me and after many tries i gave up hope for having a life outside of hunting. But then little did i know. That i would meet a wonderful woman in a case and that. That case would change the rest of my life. Bringing so much happiness to my miserable life it gave me even more reason to keep fighting to fight even harder. Bringing me a wonderful beautiful daughter and once we reunited for once in my crazy life i felt normal and happy. You bring so much joy and happiness to my life. (Y/n) you are my happiness."
"Dammit i cant believe im crying i swore i wouldnt cry." dean muttered turning away to wipe his tears.
We all laughed.
"Sam i never thought that i was destined to live happily ever after until i met you then i felt like i had a shot at it. I actually dont believe in fairtytale endings but if i did id say you were my knight in shining armor who i get married to and live in a giant castle with."
He smiled.
"So you both promise to love, cherish, care for, trust trust is a big thing, uh."
"Chuck?" i questioned
"Huh?" he said.
"Are you thinking of these on the fly?"
"Yea have to create that new wedding script somehow."
We all laughed.
"Anyways do both promise to love and do right by each other for as long as you both live?"
"We do." Sam and i say at the same time.
"Great! Lets see those rings cas." Cas brung the rings out on a pillow and we take the rings and place them on each others fingers.
"Its official! This marriage is legally and heavenly binded. Thats a good line ill have to remember that one. Um congratulations you may now kiss the bride."
Sam cupped my face and planted a soft kiss on my lips i returned the kiss.
Everyone cheers and claps.
We pull away and sam takes my hand we face the 'crowd' and we walk down the aisle midway sam picked me up bridal style and carried me down into the reception hall.
Everyone got a plate of food an what not we all had a good laugh.
Soon sam and i cut the cake:
Then after everyone got a slice and ate gifts were given then Sam and i left to the bunker to pack for our trip.
I even changed into something different and more comfortable:
"Sam where's my-"
"You mean these?" sam dangled lingerie in front of me. It was a gift from alex....i blushed and snatched it.
"No not that have you seen my slippers?"
"I put those in your bag already you asked me to earlier remember?"
"No i dont im in such a rush that i dont know whats coming out of my mouth anymore."
"Shut up smart alleck!" i joke throwing one of my socks at him. He chuckles and throws it back and i put it in my bag plus the lingerie.
"Alright so we got everything packed?" I asked.
"Believe so."
"Did i leave Dean the list for Delilah?"
"Mrs.Winchester, Relax even though dean is...dean i know he will take great care of Delilah...with Cas' help of course".
I blushed at my new name and nod.
"But im still leaving a list."
"Ok im gonna go put our things in the car ok?"
He kisses my forehead and leaves the room with bags in hand.
I take a pen and paper and write a simple note
Hey there Dean and most likely Cas,
If you are reading this. That means you are 9 times out of 10 youre completely lost on where to start when dealing with Delilah.
Shes not a difficult child to deal with.
She has a simple schedule try your best to follow:
Schooling starts at 7 but you can start at 8 if youre really tired.
It all ends at 3pm.
Schooling schedule:
Play time/ recess
I have printed two weeks worth of review on all of the subjects so you dont have to teach her anything. All review will be on the table in the library.
After all is done she is free to do whatever she wants until around 8pm which is dinner time shes can eat anything she wants. She has no known allergies thankfully but no candy or sweets after 8! After that she. Has bath time and after bath time is bed time. After bed time youre free. In advance.
Thank you for taking care of her.
Love your new sister,
(Y/n) Winchester
After im done with the letter i use one of the magnets and put it on the fridge.
"Ready to go baby?" sam asked.
"Yea lets go." he grabbed my hand and we walked to the car where dean and delilah were waiting for
Our departure Dean seemed happy but delilah seemed teary eyed.
I knelt down in front of her.
"Hey princess whats wrong?"
"Are you and daddy weally leaving for two weeks?"
Thats when it hit me Delilah has never been without me for no longer than a day.
"Yea darlin we are but two weeks will be over before you know it." i tell her.
"But mama i dont want you to go." a tear rolls down her face.
I pull her in for a hug. "Oh baby girl dont cry. Im not gonna be gone forever i promise Uncle Dean and puppy will take good care of you ok? And you can call me anytime."
She nods and i kiss her forehead.
"Love you princesa."
"Love you too mommy."
I give dean a hug.
"Be safe out there ok?" dean said
"We will dean."
"Salt the place down put a demon trap under the welcome mat and an angel ward-"
"Dean we know." i say.
"Just being sure...and keep a gun near at all times."
"Ok dean!" Sam and i say at the same time.
"Alright so we're all set." sam gave dean and delilah a hug then opened my door for me and i got in.
"Take it easy on her k Sammy its probably been a while." dean joked.
Sam and i blushed."Shut up Dean!" sam said.
He got in the car and we drive off hand in hand to our destination.
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