The Second Encounter, and a Tour of the Nether World
I raced through the roads of Vale towards the area where the creatures were attacking, I sped through the barriers that the VPD had established to keep people away towards the creatures, I turned a corner and saw them in the distance still looting the stores.
I grit my teeth as I floored the accelerator towards the creatures, bumblebee was roaring towards them as they paused in their vandalism and looked at me with wide eyes, I hit the brakes making my bike screech to a halt feet away from the stunned monsters.
I jumped off the bike and flew towards the creatures activating Ember Celica and loading the explosive dust shells, I threw punch after punch towards the creatures firing the explosive shells towards them, the brown skinned beasts screeched and ran around waving their arms frantically trying to avoid the shots, however a few got blasted back into the ruined stores one slamming into a parked car leaving a body impression in the metal.
I ran towards them trying to grab one as they sprinted around I managed to grab one by the neck and hold it in front of my face, the creature looked at me with wide yellow eyes the pupils shrunken almost into pinpricks as it looked at me.
"WHERE'S MY SISTER!?" I yelled into it's face, shaking the creature violently it babbled incoherently before I suddenly felt something hit me in the head, I turned and saw one of the creatures standing there with a umbrella a look of anger on it's face, then all the creatures came and surrounded me cackling and snarling.
I threw the creature I had at one of them and looked around, there were at least ten of them surrounding me right now normally I would be enjoying myself with a fight like this, however any sort of enjoyment I could have had was smothered by my need to rescue Ruby from that guy and his monsters.
"What you want some!? Then COME AND GET IT!!" I roared loudly, my hair blazing bright as I cocked Ember Celica to fight the creatures off, The creatures shrank back when my hair burst into flames but quickly went back to snarling and snapping before they charged me.
One tried to hit me and I punched it in the face sending it flying back, they all charged me and hit me I punched back hard but they just kept getting back up and charging me, how durable are these things!?
I felt the hits begin to pile up they were all attacking me at once, I felt my power begin to rise as I took more hits but it still hurt damnit! I gave a strong punch to another one and it flew through a wall it laid on the ground with little stars dancing around it's head.
Suddenly I was hit hard in my chest making me fall down, one of the creatures was standing above me with a sharp toothed smile, I reached up and grabbed it by the ear trying to pull it off me but suddenly they all piled in and pinned my arms and legs down.
"GET OFF OF ME! LET ME GO! AND GIVE ME BACK MY SISTER!!" I thrashed and yelled trying to get them to let go of me however they had one hell of a strong grip, one of the creatures got right up into my face and yelled at me.
Suddenly the creature was blasted away by a gunshot that clanged off it's armour, I looked up and saw Pyrrha crouched down with Milo in it's rifle form shooting at the creatures, they released my arms and legs and ran back I punched one as it backed off making it fly back.
"Yang!" I heard Blake and Weiss yell as they ran over to help me, they and team JNPR ran over and surrounded me keeping their weapons aimed at the creatures, the creatures looked at us with a mix of anger and hesitation looks like they lost their nerves!
"Thanks for the help guys..." I said, Weiss smacked me in the back of the head with a scowl.
"What were you thinking? Running off on your own like that, are you nuts!?" Weiss yelled, the creatures laughed at me getting hit but shut right up at a glare from us all.
"We can continue this later! For now we should capture these creatures and find Ruby!" Blake said aiming Gambol Shroud at them in it's katana form.
"Yeah! We'll get Ruby back once we've got them and their leader" Jaune said.
"Indeed mister Arc, we shall..." came the voice of miss Goodwitch a she walked over to us with her crop, she looked around with an annoyed look on her face before looking back to where she walked from.
"Well, come on young man! Assist us in capturing these creatures!" she said sternly, another set of steps came out when...
I walked out of the shadows a few feet away from the assembled huntresses and hunters, a look of shock washed over three of the girls as they saw me.
"THAT'S THE GUY THAT KIDNAPPED RUBY!!!" they all screamed so loudly that everyone's ears rang.
"Hello ladies, nice pipes you've got!" I said sticking my pinky finger in my ear to stop the ringing.
Suddenly there was a loud explosion and I saw the blonde haired one I knew as Yang come flying towards me with her fist raised, her eyes a deep crimson and her hair blazing like a meteor!
"OH SHOOT!" I exclaimed before smashing the ground and creating an invisible forcefield, she slammed into the shield and was propelled back violently from the force of her punch shattering the shield.
"Phew! I'm glad that didn't hit me!" I said wiping my brow in relief, I saw the three girls aim their weapons at me along with the tall blonde in the cape, four other kids were keeping their focus on the browns however I only saw ten of them, that means there are five more unaccounted for!
"You! Your the one who took miss Rose? Who are you!?" The tall woman demanded, adjusting her glasses as she swished her crop at me.
"I am (Y/N), minion master of the nether world, and devoted servant to the overlord!" I said with a bow.
"Overlord? who's that?" asked a ginger haired girl with a massive hammer.
"Why... little red is of course, hehehe..." I answered, this seemed to cause some worry for the assembled people.
"What are you talking about? What have you done to miss Rose!?" the blonde woman asked me.
"We've done nothing to the young mistress, she is the most important one in our hearts and minds after all" I replied, as I spoke I saw the other five browns arrive out of sight of the assembled warriors.
I sent a mental Command to the minions to walk around out of sight, they dutifully obeyed and snuck around the children keeping low and quiet, as they got into position I turned my attention back to the woman and kids.
"And what is that supposed to mean?! What are you planning to do with Ruby!?!" the girl in white I knew as Weiss yelled.
"She will become our unholy mistress of darkness! she will hold the command and power of the nether world and lead us in war and conquest!" I said, clenching my fist causing my knuckles to crack loudly, I smiled at the thought of future conquests and the browns getting into position to ambush the unsuspecting children.
"RUBY IS NOT A DARK LORD, OR ANY OF THOSE THINGS! SHE'S MY BABY SISTER AND SHE'D NEVER SERVE AN EVIL POWER, I WANT HER BACK!!" Yang screamed loudly, her hair blazing brightly once again and clenching her teeth.
"Ah yes, Yang... good to see you once again! Your sister says hello by the way" I said, letting a smile come to my face as I pull out Ruby's letter.
Yang's face turns to one of confusion at the sight of the letter, I walk towards her without fear.
"Stop right there or I'll-" Glynda is cut off when the browns I had sneak around them jumped on her, one wearing a flower pot on his head jumped onto her shoulders wrapping it's legs around her neck and grabbing hold of her hair and trying to pull her over, another one with a scarf around it's face grabbed her arm with the crop and hung off it like a bar, two of them wearing metal armour grabbed hold of her cape and yanked on it trying to pull her down and the last one clung to her leg like a child.
She suddenly fell down dropping her crop the minions swarming over her and trapping her, Weiss and Blake went to try and help her while Yang stood frozen, I walked over to her casually and tapped her shoulder she turned and tried to punch me but I hit her with a slow spell.
"Yang!" Blake yelled, that caused the other four kids to turn away from the browns, two of them a guy in green and the ginger haired girl from before charged towards me along with Weiss and Blake, I used slow again and trapped the boy in green while the browns engaged the rest in battle as I fought the ginger haired girl.
The blonde boy with the sword and shield was taken down by some of the browns, the little devils stole his sword and shield running around with it cackling madly, the red haired girl saw this and got angry throwing her shield at the poor little bugger and knocking him over.
The other minions looked at her with angry glares before charging at her with their weapons raised, she switched her weapon into a rifle and shot at them as they charged however one of them snatched the blonde boys shield and hid behind it as it charged, the others followed behind the shield towards the red head who had switched her weapon to a sword again and retrieved her shield.
The minions split up seven of them staying to fight the red headed girl while the others ran after Weiss and Blake, the minions surrounded the two girls jumping and jabbing at them with their improvised weapons, Weiss suddenly stuck her weapon into the ground causing ice to form around them as a barrier from the minions.
Back with the red head she had engaged the one that had stolen her friends shield and sword, it seemed like she was trying to take them back but was having trouble with the minions around her, she raised her hand and the shield was pulled into her hand with the minion still attached!
However the minion didn't let go rather it tangled it's claws into her hair and refused to let go, as she tried to untangle the minion from her long red hair the others jumped on her and pulled her down, she still struggled but the minions eventually managed to tie the girl up with ropes and started laughing at her manically, one of the larger browns took her weapon and shield as well as she struggled to escape her binds.
They then turned their attention to Weiss and Blake's ice barrier running over and hitting it with their weapons trying to break it, however the two girls leapt out and attacked the minions Blake's katana morphing into a gun while Weiss's rapier began to glow red.
The two girls started fighting the assembled brown minions all fifteen of them had engaged the two girls, unfortunately for me my mana was starting to wane and my slow spells were going to wear off!
I was going to recast but I had to leap away from a powerful slam from that girls massive hammer, I rolled out of the way and stood getting ready to fight back she swung again and a big pink explosion erupted from where the hammer struck!
"Sweet jumping jelly beans!" I cursed as I was thrown back from the force of the blast, she didn't relent though and kept on trying to smash me with the oversized chunk of metal, this fight was getting out of hand!
"No choice..." I said as I released my slow spells on Yang and the green boy, the two kids recovered quickly with Yang spitting a curse word as she realised what had happened, her teammates called out to her and she ran to help them.
"Nora!" the boy in green called as he ran over shooting at me with twin machine guns, I pulled up a shield again and waited.
"Ren! Your not slow anymore!" the girl I now know as Nora shouted happily, before trapping the young man in a hug.
"Now... let's break his legs!!" Nora said with a pretty scary look on her face.
"Oh dear..." I said as I pulled out a glowing blue bottle, I quickly uncorked it and gulped down the mana potion restoring my lost mana, I readied my next spells to fight the two kids while the browns fought Ruby's friends.
I ran towards the kids and used my magic to fly towards the browns, I quickly cast the slow spell again trapping the three girls and freeing the browns to assist me.
Nora giggled as her hammer suddenly became a grenade launcher and she fired grenades at me and the browns! I quickly threw up a shield and blocked the explosions I then quickly cast the anger spell on the minions, they started snarling and hopping around in a hyper state before pelting off towards the two children.
I followed close behind hurling fireballs at the two kids as the browns got close enough to attack them, they quickly overwhelmed the boy in green however Nora was a lot more difficult she would send minions flying with her hammer, laughing as she swung the damn thing!
I sent a mental command to the minions to attack all at once and eventually Nora tired out and she collapsed, the minions quickly pinned her down and grabbed her hammer much to her dismay.
"I must say, Nora is it? your pretty impressive!" I complimented, she might be an enemy but she's definitely an interesting one!
"Thanks... I try..." she said taking deep breaths, I let a smile come to my face and sat down beside her telling the minions to release her.
"I always appreciate meeting a fellow anarchist! Not a lot of people who appreciate a little chaos..." I say to the ginger haired warrior.
"Aww thanks!" she said with a big grin.
"Perhaps we'll see each other again someday, go destroy some stuff! What do you say?" I offered.
"Well..." Nora said, she seemed to be considering it!
"MISS VALKYRIE, DON'T YOU DARE!" the blonde woman yelled sternly, suddenly she shrieked making me look back at what was going on.
"Mouldy! I've told you not to hump random women! You've no idea where she's been!!" I yelled at the minion, the minion sheepishly scurried away from the tied up blonde but not before tearing off part of her purple cloak and tying it around his head like a turban, said woman's face a deep shade of scarlet, the shade reminded me that we had to return.
"Well it's time for us to leave! the slow spell should last until we've reached the gate, farewell friends!" I yelled before me and the browns pelted off to the woods.
The minions and I sped through the forest with the last cart full of whole milk and cookies, five of the browns picked up the cart and carried it to the gateway, we reached the gate and dropped the cart onto the gate it quickly vanished in a flash of light.
"And there we go! a big supply of cookies and milk for our young master!" I proudly said, the minions around celebrating and dancing.
"Indeed... but how would miss Rose feel if she knew how you acquired those?" came a very wise sounding voice.
I turned and saw an old man with a cane staring at me and the minions with interest, he seemed to have an air of authority I recognised him from all those years ago back when I was younger.
"Ozpin... long time no see" I said, crossing my arms on my chest as the minions watched the old man carefully.
"(Y/N)... you've certainly grown into a fine young man, how's the nether world been?" he asked.
"You mean since our previous master was taken from us? It fell apart after her loss..." I said sadly, it had been a harsh decade and a bit since that day.
"How old are you now?" he asked, walking closer to us.
"18, what do you want Ozpin?" I asked, I kind of knew what he'd ask but still.
"I want to ask for the return of my student, miss Rose" he said with a stern voice.
"You mean our new dark master? I'm afraid I cannot do that, she will be the one to rule the nether world now!" I said with a proud smile.
"Has the title of overlord truely fallen so far? That it is given to a 15 year old girl as opposed to an adult with years of experience?" Ozpin scolded, he was standing very close to us now.
"You know as well as I do that not just anyone could take up the title, anyone without those certain traits would have been killed by the power of the helmet, only a silver eyed warrior strong of spirit and an iron will could wield these powers!" I yelled back, how dare this man besmirch the title of our master? The gall!
"Indeed the fact that she could wear the helmet speaks volumes of her ability, which is why she should be allowed to continue to train as a huntress and not become an overlord, at least not yet" Ozpin tried to reason with me.
"No ozpin! we already lost our previous overlord due to your war with the Grimm, we won't allow you to sacrifice what could be the last silver eyed master in all existence for your 'plans'!" I said with determination, the minions backed me up with their enthusiastic babbling.
"(Y/N) you must understa-" he began, however I quickly interrupted him.
"No Ozpin, you must understand! she's already been granted her powers, they are irreversibly tied to her soul and cannot be removed! She WILL become our new dark lord! And lead us back into glory against our enemies!" I said my anger and sadness getting worse and worse.
"Wheather you like it or not... she's with us now, and we will not surrender her to anyone! even a leader of a kingdom..." I said darkly before walking away to the nether world gate.
"(Y/N)... I understand that it must have been difficult to maintain the nether world in the absence of your master, and I can only guess what you felt when you saw that helmet return to the alter... as well as the death of your teacher..." Ozpin said, I only felt anger and hollowness as he recounted his wrongs against us, I clenched my hands making my knuckles crack loudly and clenched my teeth hard enough to make my jaw ache.
"Do not take away this worlds small, honest soul for simple revenge, we will need her to end the threat of the Grimm, and save the world!" he emplored, I stopped before the gateway and looked back to him with narrowed eyes.
"This is not about revenge! This is about... setting things right. Ruby Rose will lead us into a dark future, and you've got no say in the matter, wheather or not she slays the Grimm... and saves 'your world' is up to our master" I said.
"HEY!!" I heard a familiar blonde yell loudly.
I sighed loudly in annoyance before turning around to see Yang, Blake and Weiss running towards the clearing, I was in no mood to play anymore after talking with Ozpin.
"What do you want now Yang?" I asked, the annoyance clear in my voice as the minions got more agitated.
"You know what I want! I want my sister back!" she yelled charging towards me with her fist raised, I scowled at her darkly before getting a spell ready.
I cast the slow spell once again trapping her in the magic, she slowly landed close to me before coming to a halt before me the assembled browns swarmed over Yang piling ontop of her rapidly, her teammates attempted to help her but I quickly stopped them with a well placed fireball that set the leaf litter ablaze.
I knelt next to Yang and undid the slow spell, she immediately tried to break free but there were three browns holding down each limb as well as the three sitting on her chest and stomach, she glared at me with red eyes and gritting her teeth with the effort of trying to throw the minions off.
"You need to understand Yang... she's got a destiny to fulfil one that will ensure glory and greatness, unlike the destiny 'he' has in store for her..." I said moving my head towards Ozpin, she glared at me more but had stopped struggling.
"All we want... is for her to lead us back into a good place, to fulfil her role as a silver eyed master. She will bring order back to the nether world and eventually the surface world" I said, the blonde kept her glare.
"I don't care! She's my baby sister and I want her back!" she yelled, trying once again to thrash out of the minions hold.
I shook my head and looked towards her friends, they were both standing back and watching us with worried eyes, they could easily get past the flames but were worried about what I'd do to Yang.
"If you want to see her so badly, then come to the nether world tomorrow. You'll be there for her dark coronation!" I said with a joyless smile, I pulled out the letter she had written and placed it in Yang's hand.
She looked at the letter with confusion before looking back to me, I petted her on the head and stood up walking away from her towards the nether world gate, I raised my hand and commanded the minions to return to the nether world each of them jumping into the minion gate.
I ran to the gate as Yang's friends ran over to her, I stood in the gate's bright blue light and waved as I vanished back to the nether world.
The brown creatures released my arms and legs and sprinted off towards the gate, I was tempted to shoot after the little beasts but Weiss and Blake stood in front of me blocking my shots, I had to watch in despair as the guy who took Ruby once again escaped along with a chance to rescue her.
I smashed my fist into the ground hard screaming loudly in frustration, I couldn't believe that he had gotten away again!!
Blake and Weiss grabbed me and stopped me from hitting the ground anymore, it was then I remembered the letter that the guy had placed in my hand, I looked at it in worry.
"Yang, What is that?" Blake said as she had her hand on my shoulder.
"I-It's a letter... from Ruby" I said with uncertainty, Weiss and Blake looked at it with wide eyes, if Ruby was able to write us a letter... then does that mean that she's truly turned evil?"
"Miss Xaio Long, perhaps it would be best if you opened it and see what she's said..." I heard the voice of Professor Ozpin say, where was he during that fight?
I looked back to the letter and tore open the seal, before unfolding the paper and glancing over Ruby's familiar handwriting, I felt tears of relief come to my eyes as I read her message.
{Dear Yang it's me Ruby}
{How are things going on the surface, and at Beacon? I'm doing okay (Y/N) has been very helpful with getting me used to my new powers, tomorrow at midday I can leave the nether world and come see you guys! Yay!}
{Also the nether world is amazing! I've been playing with the minions, and (Y/N) has been showing me around, I can't wait for you guys to come down and see it for yourselves!}
{Also please tell Blake and Weiss I said hello! And not to worry I'm perfectly fine.}
{I look forward to seeing you all again soon... Love Ruby}
I let the tears fall onto the paper in relief, my baby sister was okay!
"Yang, what is it? Is Ruby okay?!" Weiss yelled sternly, but I could hear the worry laced into her voice.
"S-She's okay! She's okay guys!" I said still crying slightly, Weiss snatched the letter and read it Blake reading it over her shoulder, both girls let out a sigh of relief and smiled at me.
"That dolt! See Yang, we told you she would be fine!" Weiss said, Blake nodding behind her.
"That is indeed true..." Ozpin said, walking over to us.
"However, we must still endeavour to rescue her from her captors, did he mention anything of their plans for miss Rose?" Ozpin asked, I thought about it and remembered something.
"He said something about me being invited to her coronation tomorrow! Maybe we can save her then?" I said getting up onto my feet.
"A coronation? That's not good Yang! You can't go alone, you'll be surrounded by those creatures!" Blake said with worry.
"Well we can't let this chance pass us by!" I yelled, my eyes turning red again at the thought that they didn't want to take this chance to rescue Ruby.
"We will go with you!" Weiss said with determination.
"Three huntresses are better than just one..." Blake said, a look of her own plastered to her face.
I let a smile come to my tear stained face as the two girls came closer and embraced me, we all turned and looked at Ozpin he was staring intently at the massive stone gateway, he looked very troubled...
I had gotten bored of sitting in my throne waiting for (Y/N) to come back, I decided to go to my private quarters do do some drawing and maybe play with the minions, I was sitting on my bed reading a book when I heard the jangling of bells coming towards me.
"GREETINGS MASTEEEEEEER!" came a loud yell as a brown minion, wearing a very colourful hat with jangly bells and carrying a stick with more bells, tripped and flew into my room before sliding across the floor and crashing into the wall with a loud boom.
The minion was laying upside down against the wall it's little clawed feet sticking up in the air, it's eyes were rolling around in it's head as little Nevermore's flew in circles around his head, I jumped off the bed and ran over to the poor little guy to make sure he wasn't hurt.
"A-Are you alright!?" I asked the little guy.
"I'm excellent master! Thank you for asking!" the brown said excitedly.
He suddenly jumped up onto his feet and turned his wide eyes back to me, one of the eyes was the normal glowing yellow that all the minions had but the other one was a dull, lifeless white colour.
"So your the new candidate for our dark master? My, my your a young one... but! The young ones are usually the best for these kind of things!" the minion said, a manic grin on it's face showing it's pointed fangs.
"Y-yeah... that's what everyone seems to be saying, that I'm the best one to become the new overlord, I wonder why that is though?" I mused to myself, the brown minion looking at me with interest when suddenly there was a loud boom coming from the direction of the throne room.
"AH! The minions and (Y/N) have returned! I'd best go greet them!" the brown yelled as he sped off out of my room.
"(Y/N) is back! I can't wait to see him!" I said with a smile, I ran towards the stairs and sped down them with my semblence, however I stopped before I got to the throne room feeling my heart race wildly at the though of seeing him again.
I didn't understand why I would get these weird feeling around (Y/N), my heart would start to race, I'd get nervous a lot, and somehow he'd always manage to make me smile and blush.
"Hmmm... maybe I'll ask Yang what these feeling are when I see her next, yeah I'll do that!" I said before I casually walked down the rest of the stairs and stopped next to the throne, I looked around but I didn't see (Y/N) anywhere I saw the minions milling around some looking kind of sad even the jester minion looked kind of down...
"Um, guys? Where's (Y/N)?" I asked, the little jester one looked at me with downcast eyes.
"Oh our potential master, it seems minion master (Y/N) has fallen into a sad state! He returned and ordered the minions to drop off your cookies and milk in your private quarters" The little brown minion said, pointing towards the four big carts filled with boxes of cookies and bottles of whole milk.
I drooled at the sight of so many cookies, I wanted so badly to eat them! However since he went to all that trouble to get them for me, I wanted (Y/N) to eat some with me...
"What was he sad about?" I asked the brown minion.
"Apparently he ran into someone he didn't get along with, the man who cause our previous master to disappear!" the little minion yelled, shaking his head and bells making a loud jangling noise.
"Really!! T-that's terrible! who was it?!" I asked, if someone had tried to hurt him I'd take them down with my baby!
"It was a man called Ozpin..." the little minion said sadly.
My jaw instantly hit the floor, Professor Ozpin caused the previous overlord to disappear?!
"R-Really? Uhm... how does he know for sure it was him?" I asked nervously, I couldn't believe that Ozpin would do something like that.
"The last minion master, Gnarl, told him so, since he was there when our last lord and master fell... it was a very sad day for us minions..." the brown said, his voice going soft with sadness.
The other minions around seemed to get depressed as well, some standing still hunched over with sad looks, others sitting down and poking at the ground with frowns on their little faces.
I'd never seen the minions with a sad face before and was very worried for (Y/N), if the minions were this bad what about him?
"Where is he? I should go find him, make sure he's okay!" I asked, worry very prominent in my voice.
"He'll be at the minion burrows, the Battle Rock or in his chambers, those are the places he usually goes to when these moods take him, master..." the little jester said.
"Thank you, uhm what's your name by the way?" I asked, I felt kind of bad just calling them minions.
"Oh! it's Quaver master!" the little jester said happily before breaking into a jig.
I laughed at his funny dance and went to go find (Y/N), I thought that he probably wasn't in his chambers where ever they were in this tower, so he's either at the burrows or at the Battle Rock.
"I think I'll check the burrows first, after all he did seem quite happy with the minions" I said as I walked outside and stepped onto the floating rock, I stood still on the rock and flew towards the burrows.
The rock stopped by the cliffside and I stepped off, I looked around and saw that the minions had gathered around the place where Mortis lived, I went down to see what was happening and saw a very sad sight...
(Y/N) was sitting by the rushing water, throwing fireballs at the rats that were running around on the floor, a look of depression etched onto his face.
"H-Hey, (Y/N)... are you okay?" I asked as I passed the minions and sat down beside the sad scorcerer.
"Oh hello master... just getting my spirits up..." he mumbled as he threw another fire ball hitting another rat, the creature dropped down dead and one of the browns rushed forwards and grabbed the carcass, it pulled it's belly open and scraped out the guts making me feel queasy as it popped them into it's mouth and gulped them down greedily, then it placed the still bleeding carcass onto it's head as a makeshift hat!
(Y/N) chuckled at the minions little snack, and it's new head wear, he looked around for another rat to roast but I grabbed his hands and made him look at me.
"(Y/N), Quaver told me that you met Ozpin while you were up on the surface... and that he took away your last master, i-is that true?" I asked, still unsure if it was true.
He looked away towards the abyss, standing up and walking towards the ledge and gazing over the view.
"Yes it's true master... Ozpin was the one that made us 'lose' our last dark master, I will never trust nor forgive that man, neither will I allow him to try to interfere with your role as our ruler!" he said, clenching his fists in anger, I felt somehow flattered that he was so protective of me bringing a pink blush to my cheeks, I quickly hid under my red hood so that he wouldn't see.
"B-but how? What did he do to make the last overlord go away?" I asked, I wanted to hear the story from his side, he looked hesitant to tell me but I dug in my heels and stood up in a commanding way.
"As your dark lord I command you, tell me what's wrong!" I said pointing my finger at him, he looked a little surprised at my declaration.
"That man, he came to our master and convinced her to fight in his war against the grimm, we lost hundreds of minions in those battles... and eventually our master was killed too. I wasn't there personally, but my teacher and the former minion master Gnarl, was there with our lord in her last battle... he saw her fall and returned to the nether world mortally wounded." (Y/N) said, the emotion in his voice getting worse and worse it broke my heart to see him like this.
"He... died a few years later from his wounds, I guess... I'm just worried that the nether world will fall apart. After our old master went away I spent the last ten or so years trying to keep everything going, however it's difficult to do that when you know your not the master, I did try but the nether world still fell into disrepair... the reds, greens and blues still disappeared... and we almost lost all hope that we'd get a new master to serve" he said with a sad tone of voice a tear sliding down his cheek, I could also see the other minions coming round trying to make him feel better.
I quickly wrapped him up in a hug surprising the scorcerer greatly, he stuttered as I hugged him and the minions kind of looked like they wanted to help, slowly the other minions came over and jumped in hugging us both.
"Well you don't have to worry anymore, I'm here now! And I swear we'll get the nether world looking better than ever!" I said looking right into his (E/C) eyes.
Suddenly I felt us leaning back and with a surprised yell me, (Y/N) and the browns fell over onto the ground in a massive heap, The browns were piled on top of us both giggling manically, I opened my eyes only to be met with a pair of wide (E/C) ones, somehow during the fall I'd landed on top of him and our faces were inches apart!
His face was turning scarlet and I felt the blood rush to my face as well, my heart was pounding a mile a minute as we gazed into each other eyes.
(Wow... he's got really nice eyes! He looks pretty handsome) I thought to myself as I looked at his face, I tried to get up but the weight of all the browns on top of us kept me pinned against his body.
In truth I didn't mind being up against his body like this, it actually felt kind of good I wanted to stay like this a little longer but the wiggling mass of brown minions on top of us kind of ruined the mood.
"U-uhm... minions, could you please get off of us?" I stuttered quietly, the minions didn't seem to hear me because they didn't move.
"GET OFF US YOU PUTRID PILES OF DUNG!!" (Y/N) bellowed loudly, the minions ears perked right up and they quickly jumped off of us they stood back and looked at us happily, I felt (Y/N) shift underneath me and we both stood back up.
"Apologies master, sometimes the minions get a little over excited" he said brushing dirt off of my outfit and his own robes.
"It's okay, they're funny" I giggled, the minions laughing happily along with me.
"(Y/N)... I mean what I said, I promise you we will make this place greater than ever before! We'll make it so great that it will look as good as beacon" I said striking a proud pose holding Crescent Rose out.
He looked at me with a small smile and laughed, the minions joined in seeming happy that their minion master was back in good spirits.
"Thank you master, I needed the cheering up. So shall we return to the tower? You still have to enjoy your cookies!" he said with a wide grin.
I jumped for joy at the thought of eating the cookies with (Y/N), I ran over to him and grabbed his arm leading him towards the floating rock, I stopped close to the ledge and looked back to the minions.
"Thanks for helping guys, the hugs really helped!" I said with a big smile.
The browns all giggled and waved at us as we walked away, we stepped onto the floating rock and flew away towards the tower.
When we arrived I instantly bolted off dragging (Y/N) behind me at such speed that he wasn't touching the ground.
we sped into my bedroom and my eyes instantly went to the mountain of cookies sitting in the big cart, I instantly felt my mouth water at the thought of tasting these sweets!
I ran over and grabbed a box tearing it open and stuffing them into my mouth, I looked up to see (Y/N) watching me with a devilish smirk, it was weird knowing he was watching me made me feel kind of self conscious about eating so many cookies.
I walked back over to the cart and took another tin of the cookies and offered them to the scorcerer, he looked at them unsure but I just placed them into his hands and walked him over to sit on my bed with me.
He opened the tin and looked at the cookies unsure what to do with them, I giggled at the face he was pulling and sat closer to him.
"Your supposed to eat them (Y/N), go ahead they won't poison you!" I said, with a smile.
He picked one of the chocolate chip cookies up and took a bite out of it, his face instantly lit up in wonder and delight at the taste, he just crammed them into his mouth making satisfied noises as he ate greedily.
I laughed and ate my own cookies happily beside (Y/N), suddenly I heard a couple pairs of feet running towards my room, and I saw some of the minions standing there along with some unique ones.
I saw Quaver and Mortis, along with a particularly big minion wearing a metal mask over it's face and carrying a big hammer, beside him was a brown minion wearing a headsmans hood and a big executioners ax.
"Hello Quaver! Hello Mortis, who are your friends?" I asked taking a bite out of another cookie.
"I'm minion gladiator Gash, I run and maintain the Battle Rock master" said the minion in the hood with a growly voice.
"And I forgemaster Giblet!" said the big minion, waving his hammer happily.
The minions were all looking quite happy to see me and (Y/N) looking happier, I saw them looking at the cookies we were eating with a look of longing, I sighed happily and pointed towards the cart full of cookies.
"Go ahead and have some, theres plenty for everyone!" I said, the minions instantly ran over and each grabbed a box.
So it was me, (Y/N), Quaver, Mortis, Gash and Gibet as well as a couple of the regular browns sitting in my room and eating cookies, while drinking big jugs of milk.
Eventually we were all lying on the ground moaning at our sweet filled bellies, I had a small stomach ache but it was so worth it!
"I guess we ate too many master" (Y/N) said with a grunt of pain, making him clutch his stomach.
"I REGRET NOTHING!!" I yelled pointing towards the ceiling, before curling up into the foetal position from my tummy ache.
The scorcerer chuckled at my declaration and the minions joined in with their own manic giggling, I moved myself up to get comfy in my bed I felt exhausted from my day today, and (Y/N) looked almost ready to collapse into sleep right then and there.
"Let's all get some sleep, we've got a big day tomorrow!" (Y/N) said, he stood up to leave but I grabbed the sleeve of his robe making him look down at me with a raised brow.
"W-Why don't you all stay here for tonight?" I asked, giving my best puppy dog eyes.
"O-Oh! Yes very well master, if that's what you wish of us!" he said grabbing his stomach again in pain.
And so (Y/N) laid down and instantly fell asleep, Quaver, Gash, Giblet, Mortis and the random browns slept at the foot of the bed.
I looke dover to (Y/n) and saw his sleeping face, he looked so peaceful...
I blushed as I stared at him, I wanted to get closer.
(W-Well it's n-not like I'm hurting him right?) I thought to myself as I inched nearer to the sleeping scorcerer.
I wrapped my arms around his chest and snuggled into his warm body, just as my eyes were starting to close I felt his arms close around me!
I looked around worried before looking to see (Y/N) with a contented smile on his face, I let a small smile of my own come to my lips before I laid my head down onto his chest, and let myself slip into a blissful sleep...
(It won't be long until I can see my everyone again...) I thought as I let my dreams take over.
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