Shower Mishaps, and an Unusual Bed
Weiss looked around the Throne Room with a satisfied smile on her face, she and the Browns had spent the last few hours cleaning and polishing the room making it look more regal and royal, more like the kind of place a ruler would call home.
Even if that ruler happened to be Ruby...
"Phew, finally it's perfect! Those Minions are pretty useful when given the right directions" Weiss said as she wiped her brow with her sleeve.
"You did a good job Weiss, but is it really a good idea to have it this clean?" Blake asked from her perch on the railing above the main floor, a book open in her hand as she read.
"What do you mean? We should always maintain a level of cleanliness in this tower, this place may be a bastion of evil, but that doesn't mean we should allow it to become decrepit and cluttered!" Weiss said as she looked around the room admiring hers and the Minions work.
"Well... since the Minions are kind of childish, I imagine that they will mess the rooms up again in no time, not to mention Ruby" Blake said as she skimmed across the pages.
Suddenly the room was filled with intense blue light as the transportation magic worked to bring something to the Nether World.
"I wonder what she sent back this time?" Weiss asked herself as she watched the light, Blake closed her book and looked towards the center of the Throne Room as shaped took form in the light.
After a very bright flash of magical energy Ruby, Yang and (Y/N) floated down to the floor of the Throne Room, surrounded by a pack of very large, hungry looking Wolves that started rushing around the Throne Room barking and howling.
"RUBY ROSE! What the hell did you do?!" Weiss screeched as she noticed the muddy paw prints that the Wolves were leaving on the Throne Room floor, suddenly one of the larger wolves jumped on top of Weiss and licked her on the face with it's tongue making her shriek and struggle to get the massive canine off of her.
Blake had gotten so scared of the Wolves she had used Gambol Shroud to hang from one of the rafters, just below her two of the Wolves tried to jump up to her to play while she shivered in fear holding onto the ribbon of Gambol Shroud.
The Minions cheered and danced around as the Wolves explored their new home, some with Browns on their backs that swung around their brooms and dusters like flails as they cheered, Ruby chuckled nervously as she watched Weiss get angrier and angrier, Yang had fallen to the floor clutching her stomach as she laughed at the chaos that was going on, pounding the floor with her fist as she laughed uncontrollably.
(Y/N) had a small smile on his face as he watched the Wolves and the Minions galloping around the Throne Room, and causing some mischief with Weiss and Blake, there was a sound from the roof and he looked up to see Blake fall from the roof and into a pack of Wolves that mobbed her when she hit the ground. Blake started screaming and hissing as the Wolves jumped on top of her and licked her with their slobbery tongues.
"Awww, they like you guys! That's wonderful!" Ruby cheered before sitting down on the steps, one of the Wolves walked up to her and nuzzled against her before laying it's head in her lap, Ruby giggled and scratched the large beast behind it's ears making it's tongue hang from it's mouth as it happily panted.
"Mistress, I believe it would be best if we moved the Wolves to the Minion Burrows now, before they wear everyone out too much" (Y/N) said, Ruby pouted slightly before nodding her head in agreement.
"Okay Wolves, time to go to the Burrows, Follow me!" Ruby said as she stood up and ran out of the Throne Room towards the floating rocks, the Wolves perked their heads up at Ruby's command and followed after her, some with Browns still on their backs cheering happily.
Weiss got up spluttering as she wiped the Wolf spit off of her face with her sleeves, she looked down and saw muddy paw prints on her white dress and huffed in annoyance, Blake lay on the ground in the fetal position twitching and mumbling to herself fearfully as she was covered in Wolf saliva, Yang was also on the ground trying to regain her breath from laughing so hard, and (Y/N) followed after Ruby to assist in digging a home for the Wolves in the Minion Burrows.
"I think that went well!" (Y/N) said as he stepped onto an extra large floating rock, standing beside Ruby as the Wolves huddled together fearfully in the middle of the rock as they watched the Nether World move around them.
After a few minutes of being airborne the rock stopped next to the ledge of the Minion Burrows allowing Ruby, (Y/N) and the Wolves to jump off into the Burrows only to be surrounded by a group of curious Browns.
"Okay, let's go find you guys a new home!" Ruby said as she walked off with (Y/N) beside her, the Wolves padded after her revelling in the affection and attention the surrounding Browns gave them.
The two humans walked past the little Brown Minion Fortress towards a wall that had a collapsed cave in it, the cave would make an excellent lair for the Wolves if they could clear away the debris.
"This will work!" Ruby said proudly.
"Yes Mistress, however we'll need to clear those boulders to make a home for the Wolves here, shall I gather the Browns to get to work?" (Y/N) said as he looked towards Ruby.
"Okay, I don't think this should take too long... let's get to work!" Ruby cheered happily, the Browns cheered and giggled, the Wolves panted happily as they wagged their furry tails as they were fussed over by their new-found friends.
Then the group started to work to clear out the cave-in and set up a new home for the Wolves, groups of Browns carried away rocks and boulders while (Y/N) used some of his magic to move the really large boulders either side of the entrance, a group of browns with hammers and chisels ran forward and carved large, Wolf's heads into the rocks to show it was their home.
Finally after a few hours of clearing out the cave and moving the rocks and boulders to better places, the brand new Wolf Caves were finished and the Wolves happily rushed into their new home howling and barking in joy.
"Yay! Their all done, now we can keep the Wolves" Ruby cheered happily, the Browns happily danced around while (Y/N) looked on happily, suddenly Ruby dropped to the ground with a tired sigh with her arms and legs spread eagled.
"Now for a break..." Ruby muttered tiredly.
"Feeling tired mistress?" (Y/N) asked as he sat down beside her.
"Yeah, after all that fighting and working to clear out this cave, I need a nap..., and a shower" Ruby replied as she tried to wipe her forehead, only for her armoured hand to meet the helmet she wore.
"AH! Oh no!" Ruby suddenly exclaimed, startling (Y/N) and some of the Browns and Wolves.
"What's the matter Mistress!?" (Y/N) asked in a worried voice.
"How am I supposed to have a shower in my armour!? Do we even have showers down here? Oh I don't even know..." Ruby said in a dejected way as she drew random patterns in the dirt with her finger, (Y/N) sweatdropped at her childish pouting.
"Well... we don't have showers, but we could fix up the bath in your Private Quarters for your usage my Lady" (Y/N) said, Ruby sat up and looked at him hopefully.
"However, it might take a while, it's got a very big crack in it and can't hold water right now" (Y/N) answered, Ruby sighed sadly as she fell back down.
"Then how do you keep yourself clean?" Ruby asked with a raised brow.
"I use the river and the waterfall over there" (Y/N) said as he pointed towards the large river that flowed towards Mortis's well.
"Well I guess that'll be okay..." Ruby said as she stood up and started walking towards the river followed by (Y/N).
"Uhmmm... (Y/N)?" Ruby said in confusion.
"Yes Mistress?" he answered.
"You know boys can't take baths with girls right?" Ruby asked nervously, for some reason she felt very self conscious about being naked around the Sorcerer.
"Well, we've not really had any girls down here, so I've never bathed with any" (Y/N) answered, Ruby mentally face-palmed, she forgot that he pretty much lived down here all his life and didn't know about being careful around girls.
"Well you can't bathe with me at the same time, besides Yang would probably try to kill you" Ruby said as her cheeks went pink under her helmet.
"Don't worry Mistress, I'm just showing you to a private area of the waterfall, wouldn't want to be seen naked by anyone, am I right?" (Y/N) answered.
"Oh o-okay..." Ruby said nervously.
"But how do I remove the armour? I don't think I'd be able to get myself clean with it on" Ruby asked.
"I'll have the Minions assist in taking off the armour, you can also remove the helmet now if you wish" (Y/N) said.
"Oh that's good I really want to wash my hair... WAIT! I could have taken this off whenever I wanted to?!" Ruby shouted in annoyance as she grabbed hold of (Y/N)'s robes and shook him.
"Yes Mistress, you can remove it when within the Nether World, however the Helmet has to remain on your head when outside, in order to maintain your command over the Minions" (Y/N) explained calmly, he wasn't bothered in the slightest about her sudden outburst.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" Ruby exclaimed as she let go of his robes and pouted at him.
"I thought it was obvious, how did you think your predecessor took bathes and such?" (Y/N) asked, when she thought about it she actually saw that he was right.
"So I can walk around in my regular clothes as long as I'm in the Nether World?" Ruby asked just for clarity.
"Yes you can, when you get more powerful, you'll be able to walk on the surface world with no armour too, but I wouldn't recommend it, you never know when someone might try to attack you, my Lady" (Y/N) said as he lead Ruby to the ledge beside the river, he looked over the edge of the cliff and saw a ledge below it, it was the ledge he would normally use when he has to wash himself, but he didn't mind Ruby using it until the bath was repaired.
"Right this way my Lady" he said as he jumped down and landed on the ledge, Ruby dropped down but stumbled slightly and to her horror was beginning to tumble over the ledge with no way to catch herself!
Quick as a flash (Y/N) reached out and grabbed Ruby around the waist and pulled her back against him, Ruby gasped when she felt her back hit something solid and stumbled back before landing on top of something, she turned her head and saw (Y/N) behind her looking at her with concern as his arms were wrapped around her stomach, and she then noticed she was sitting between his legs with her back pressed against his chest.
"Are you alright Mistress?" he asked in concern as he looked her over.
"Y-Yeah... thanks (Y/N)" Ruby said as she looked into his eyes, she felt herself drift off as she stared into the Sorcerers (E/C) eyes, a warm smile coming to her face under the helmet as her cheeks turned pink.
All too soon she felt herself getting picked up and set back onto her feet, she looked up to see (Y/N) turn his face away from her and brush off his robes, she could have sworn she saw some red on his cheeks as well before he turned back around fully.
"N-No problem Mistress... d-do you need anything else?" (Y/N) asked as he tried to recollect himself.
"W-Well... I need some help with th-this armour, I don't think I can get it off myself" Ruby said in a shy voice.
"Oh... well uhm... I'll go get the Minions for you, they can help remove it for you then I'll leave you to clean yourself up, see you back at the tower your majesty!" he said before climbing back up over the ledge and rushing off as fast as possible as he tried to keep his racing heart under control, meanwhile Ruby placed her hand on her chest over her heart as her cheeks turned pink.
"W-What was that just now...?" Ruby asked herself quietly, the then placed her hands on the helmet and tried to pull it upwards and let out a surprised gasp when the helmet rose up slightly, she took a breath and slowly slid the helmet the rest of the way up, revealing her black hair with red highlights and finally revealing her face.
"Heh... at least now I can wash my hair" Ruby said as she took a strand of her black/red hair and twirled it in her fingers, there came a sound above her and she saw some of the Browns had arrived to assist in taking off her armour, the browns helped to remove the grieves, cuirass and pauldrons, leaving Ruby in her normal huntress attire that was a little sticky from her long day out with the others, the Browns climbed back up the cliff and scurried away leaving Ruby to strip off her clothes and walk under the fast flowing waterfall to wash the dirt and grime away.
I quickly walked away from the ledge where I had left Ruby, rubbing my warm cheeks to get rid of the blush that had creeped over them.
"I can't believe that just happened! I saved her but then she fell against me, it felt really nice holding her like that... NO! Bad (Y/N)! She's your Mistress and leader, you cannot be having those kind of thoughts about her!" I scolded myself as I slapped the sides of my head to dispel the fantasies that were in my noggin, I managed to walk over to the Brown Minion hive and I sat down trying to forget about the feelings that rose up from having Ruby so close to me.
I managed to get everything under control but I felt depressed at the role I had to play, the fact was that Ruby was now the Overlord and Queen of the Nether World, and I was just her adviser and number 2, it would be wrong of me to want to be with her in a way that's more than just working for her, I mean she clearly isn't interested in anything like that so it's not really a problem, but...
"Damn this thing I'm feeling, I can't keep letting myself get distracted when I'm with her, I just have to accept it and move on..." I said sadly, so I leaned back and decided to take a nap as I waited for Ruby to finish.
"SHIT! I forgot to give her towels!" I exclaimed, I had to hurry before she finished and had to sit on the ledge naked!
I quickly rushed to the floating rock and flew back to the Dark Tower, I rushed through the Throne Room, passing Weiss as she angrily cleaned up the mess the Wolves left, and Blake who sat huddled on the steps mumbling about the Wolves being hell hounds to herself, I reached the Private Quarters and hurried to grab some towels for the Mistress as well as her shampoo and such only to run into Yang on my way to the steps.
"Hey (Y/N), what are you doing? Going for a bath?" Yang asked curiously as she looked at the towels.
"Actually they are for Ruby, she's at the Minion Burrows washing herself in the river" I said, her jaw dropped and she looked at me in shock.
"What!? Your letting her wash herself, NAKED! In front of all those Minions!? What is wrong with you!" Yang said as her eyes turned red.
"No, she's on a lower ledge away from prying eyes, it's just until the bath here is repaired completely" I said as I tapped the broken bath with my foot, Yang still seemed a little upset over Ruby bathing in public but she calmed down, her eyes turning back to their normal lilac colour.
"Well make that a priority, I do NOT want my baby sister to have to wash herself in a waterfall, we've no idea where that water came from!" Yang said in a big sisterly voice as she took the towels from me and walked away.
"Going to see the Mistress?" I asked as I walked beside her down the steps.
"Yeah, I kind of need a bath myself from all that fighting, so I think I'll go bathe with Ruby, there better not be any Minions peeking at her when I get there" Yang said as we arrived in the Throne Room.
"I assure you, none of the Minions would dare look at their master like that, they know they would be in massive trouble if they did" I replied, Yang simply nodded her head and jumped onto a floating rock and flew towards the Minion Burrows.
"Well, I suppose I'll have some free time this evening, best go and get some reading done" I said to myself as I walked away to find myself a book to read.
I stood under the fast flowing water from the river above us, the water was pretty cold making me shiver slightly, I was surprised that the Browns could deal with bathing in such freezing water, had they not heard of hot water before!?
As I sat under the waterfall letting the water hit me I heard footsteps coming towards me, I quickly covered myself with my hands in case it was (Y/N) or one of the Minions, however I was kind of happy when I saw Yang drop down holding some towels and my favourite strawberry shampoo and bodywash.
"Hey Yang, what are you doing here?" I asked as I stepped out from under the waterfall.
"Wow, your really out of that armour! I was worried I'd never get to see this adorable face again!" Yang said as she dropped everything and rushed over to me before pinching my cheeks painfully, I struggled to get her to let go as she started hugging and tickling me until finally she stopped and I tried to catch my breath.
"(Y/N) told me that you were taking a bath, though I'd bring you some towels and stuff, and I kind of need to wash myself as well" Yang said as she picked up the stuff she brought with her, she walked over and set down the towels and stuff then started stripping off her clothes, when she was naked we both sat under the waterfall together.
"Kyaa! That's freezing cold!" Yang yelped as the water hit her body, I giggled a little at her reaction to the cold water.
"Yeah, I guess they don't have hot water in the Minion Burrows..." I said as she managed to get used to the temperature of the water, I sat down at the edge of the fall and dipped my head into the water holding in a shriek from the cold water hitting my head.
"Maybe it's because they don't have those Red Minions (Y/N) talks about, seems like the Nether World needs all the Minions together to work properly, it must have been a real pain for (Y/N) when they all scattered" Yang said as she sat behind me, I hear her squeeze something into her hand and felt her hands massaging into my hair, the smell of strawberries making me smile.
"Yeah, it must have been really hard for him to keep all this under control..." I said, I felt bad for the poor guy, he lost the guy that was teaching him and then he had to try and keep a place like this running until he found me, he must have worked really hard to keep this place stable.
"Well not anymore, he's got the four of us helping him now!" Yang said as she stopped scrubbing my hair, I leaned forward and rinsed the shampoo out of my hair with the water from the waterfall.
"Yeah, he does" I replied, we sat under the waterfall talking about things, about the Nether World, ways to improve it like maybe getting signal hundreds of feet underground, the small things.
"You know, I'm actually kind of glad I came here, maybe we can do more good if we have (Y/N) and the Minions helping" I said as I sat on the ledge with my feet dangling over the side, swinging in the open air.
"Yeah well just be careful, okay Rubes? I don't want you getting hurt or anything" Yang said as she washed her own hair, I smiled at how she was so worried about me, I started thinking about dad and Zwei, they were probably really worried about me since Yang and I had left Beacon, I should probably write them a letter.
After Yang finished washing herself we went to get ourselves some towels to dry ourselves off with, then we realised we didn't bring a change of clothes!
"I guess we'll have to wear our old ones, at least until we get back to the tower..." I said, I wasn't happy having to wear those again they were dirty and stank of sweat, I didn't want to get dirty again after I had just washed myself!
"Well, we can't walk there with just a towel on, maybe we can call Weiss or Blake to bring us our pyjamas!" Yang said in a proud voice.
"No signal, remember Yang?" I said, it was true we were so far underground I don't think our scrolls would work, so we're pretty much stuck here...
"Oh, I know! Maybe one of the Minions could help!" I said happily, the Browns serve me so maybe they could get (Y/N).
"Yeah! Good thinking Rubes, give it a try" Yang said as she wrapped a towel around herself, I put my fingers to my mouth and whistled loudly.
"MINIONS! I need help, come here quickly!" I shouted out, not long after I heard the sound of many clawed feet on stone, then a bunch of little brown faces peeked over the ledge at us, looking eager to do as I asked.
"I need you to get (Y/N), tell him Yang and I need some clothes please" I said, the Browns nodded their heads and scurried off, suddenly one of the Wolves from earlier arrived and jumped down with Yang and me.
"Hey there! How's it going boy?" I said as I started scratching behind his ears, the Wolf's back leg started kicking showing he must have been enjoying it, Yang walked over and started to play with him as well while we waited for (Y/N) to come over, after a little while I heard the Minion's come back and they tossed down some badly made clothes, they looked like bits of cloth and leather that had been stuck together with string or something.
"What the hell is this supposed to be?!" Yang yelled in anger, I looked up and saw the Minion's giggling and smiling at us happily.
"No guys, I asked for you to get (Y/N), not bring these things..." I said, the Browns just looked at us both before dashing off again, I really hope they bring (Y/N) this time...
I was sitting in the Throne Room reading a book beside Blake while Weiss huffed and growled as she and several of the Minion's cleaned up the room, Blake had calmed down from her little encounter with the Wolves and was reading a book beside me, although I could tell she was still keeping her eyes and ears open in case they came back.
"What are you reading there (Y/N)?" Blake asked as she looked over my shoulder.
"It's a book on properly maintaining a bastion of evil, my former master Gnarl would write down ideas and such in this book to suggest to his master, I'm trying to figure out ways to get the things my mistress needs, like this Wifi she and Yang talk about" I replied as I flipped the pages, trying to figure out what to do to make their stay more comfortable.
"Your really trying hard to make this place good for Ruby, why do you choose to serve her instead of ruling the Nether World by yourself?" Blake asked.
"Because I don't have the birthright to do so, and besides if she's good enough to lead you and the others at her age, then she must be worthy of leading us too" I said, I heard the sound of a broom clattering to the ground and I saw Weiss standing still with her hands raised.
"Okay, I'm going to have to stop you right there buster, what in the hell makes Ruby more worthy of ruling this rocky health hazard?! She's just a child, she couldn't possibly run this place effectively!" Weiss snapped as she fumed about this.
"Well so far she's managed to bring some money into the Tower, as well as those Wolves, and we're steadily building up the Minion Army, very soon she will recover our missing Reds and we can really begin the fun" I said in excitement, Weiss went to say something when a couple of Minions dashed into the throne Room and stopped in front of me and Blake, they started babbling and hopping around.
"Right, wait here" I said as I stood up and walked away up the steps to the Private Quarters.
"What did they say?" Blake called out as I walked away.
"Apparently the Mistress and Yang forgot to bring a change of clothes with them, so they need me to bring them some" I answered as I vanished up the steps towards the Private Quarters, after a few minutes I reached the room and was making my way towards the Mistress's room where I could find her pyjamas, as I was about halfway through the room I heard footsteps coming up the steps quickly, I looked back to see Weiss and Blake rushing after me before they stopped a few feet away.
"What do you mean they need a change of clothes?" Blake asked as we kept on walking until we passed the curtains for Ruby's room, I saw her suitcase laying on the floor by her bed.
"Well, they went to have a shower together and-" I said before I was cut off by Weiss.
"And why didn't you tell me you had showers here?! I could use one too!" Weiss complained.
"Well it's more like they're bathing in a waterfall together, since the mistress's personal bath is kind of broken" I said as I pointed outside, Weiss and Blake looked out and saw the bath with the massive crack running through it.
"But they can't bathe in a water fall, it's unsanitary!" Weiss complained, I managed to finally take out a set of pyjamas for Ruby, but I didn't know where Yang's things were.
"Well that's all we've got right now, at least until the bath is fixed and the Reds can make hot water for mi' lady's use, I don't know what I can get for Yang can one of you handle that?" I asked as I stood up and started to walk away, I walked out of the room with the other two following after me, when we reached the Throne Room one of the left probably to fetch Yang's clothes.
I kept on walking until I reached the ledge where the floating rocks would stop, I looked back and saw Weiss standing behind me with her arms crossed, she was giving me a look like I had committed a big sin I hope I'll be able to make other's look at me like that, especially those poncy Elves!
Eventually Blake came back and we all stepped onto the Rock and flew towards the Minion Burrows, Weiss got startled as the rock flew and grabbed hold of my robes to keep herself steady as we flew.
After a short ride we arrived at the Minion Burrows, Weiss finally let go of my robes and the three of us jumped off of the rock, I saw several Browns dashing around holding freshly skinned animal hides that had been horribly stitched together, some of the hides were still bleeding that's how freshly skinned they were, while some of the Wolves ran around with the Browns.
"Right this way ladies" I said as I started to walk down the incline towards the river, when we arrived I saw some of the Browns stitching the bleeding hides together while some stood at the ledge looking down, those cheeky little!
"OI! What do you think your doing!?" I yelled angrily making the Browns jump into the air before looking at me sheepishly, dropping some of their bloody patchwork things on the ground.
"(Y/N)? Did the Minions finally get you?" came Ruby's voice from the ledge, Weiss and Blake dashed over with worry on their faces and I quickly followed after them, when I reached the ledge I saw Ruby and Yang sat below us wearing nothing but towels.
"Are you okay mistress? Did those little dogs try peeping on you as you bathed?" I asked in a strict voice, if those little blighters were watching the mistress bathe naked I'll throw them off the ledge into the abyss below!
"Uhm, no... they were tossing down these things though, I think they were trying to make clothes, but they were all bloody and stuff" Ruby said, well at least the Browns didn't try peeping on her.
"Ruby? How did you get out of that armour?" Blake asked calmly.
"Oh, well it turns out I can take it off down here in the Nether World, but I have to wear it when I'm on the surface" Ruby replied.
"Never mind that what happened to you and Yang?" Weiss asked.
"Ah, well... when I brought the towels and stuff for me and Ruby to use I kinda... forgot to bring a change of clothes" Yang said in embarrassment, making the others sweatdrop at her.
"We brought your pyjamas with us, we'll have to talk about a few things back at the tower though" Blake said as she passed down Yang's clothes while I knelt down and passed Ruby hers.
"Here you go Mistress, nice and clean!" I said as I lowered them down to her.
"Thank you (Y/N)" Ruby said as she reached up to get her clothes, however as she reached up her towel came undone and fell away from her naked body, I was so shocked I froze in place and stared at her until she screamed and covered herself with her arms, suddenly Yang started yelling and went to punch me when her own towel fell off, making her shriek and cover herself as I stood up quickly and rushed off before she could kill me.
I stood a little bit away holding my nose to stop the blood from dripping out, however I couldn't get the images of both Yang and Ruby naked out of my head making the nosebleed worse, the Browns crowded around giggling and jabbering as I tried to get control of myself.
"Oh boy... this is gonna be trouble..." I said as I tried keep the bleeding under control, I heard someone stomp towards me and I was grabbed by the collar of my robes and turned to face Yang whose eyes had turned red and her hair had been set ablaze.
"You saw my little sister and me naked! I'm going to pound the images out of your head!!" she yelled as she pulled her fist back, I closed my eyes and braced for the impact.
"Wait! Don't hit him Yang, it wasn't his fault!" came Ruby's voice, I opened one eye and saw Ruby hanging off of Yang's arm which she had pulled back ready to punch, I'm just really glad she wasn't wearing her gauntlets!
"Ruby, he saw you naked! He saw me naked too, even if your okay with it I'm not!" she growled angrily, the way her hair burned and her attitude made her look like a human dragon to me.
"But it was an accident! If anyone's to blame it's me, I didn't tie my towel up properly and it fell off when I reached for my pyjamas, besides your fell off because you tried to hit him so it's really your fault" Ruby said as she tried to calm her big sister down, Yang turned her angered gaze back towards me before she sighed in annoyance before her eyes turned back to their normal lilac colour and her hair stopped burning.
"Okay fine, you get a pass this time, but if it happens again I'll punch a hole in your head, clear?" she threatened, I felt really nervous at that threat because I saw that she could actually do it.
"C-Crystal..." I said nervously, Yang let go of my collar and my feet hit the ground letting me sigh in relief, my heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to calm myself down.
(Note to self, don't piss of Yang!) I thought to myself before I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked over and saw Ruby looking down at me with her towel back on.
"Are you alright (Y/N)?" she asked me as she looked at me, her silver eyes gazing into mine with concern and worry, I felt myself comforted taht she was worried about me, that was quickly forgotten when what just happened fully sunk in.
"Y-Yes, mistress, and I apologise for looking at you naked, feel free to gouge out my eyes as punishment for my transgression against you" I said as I let out all of my panic at what I had done.
"No! No, no, no, no! No gouging out any eyes!" Ruby said frantically as she jumped on me giving me a hug, I saw Weiss, Blake and Yang looking at me in shock.
"H-Hey dude... I didn't mean anything, there's no need to remove your eyes" Yang said with worry in her voice.
"That's a little extreme don't you think? I mean it was an accident" Blake said in a monotone voice, although I could see the worry in her eyes at what I had said.
"You complete dolt! Don't say such reckless things!" Weiss said angrily as she smacked me over the head.
"But I-" I began to argue when Ruby shushed me.
"It was an accident! You don't need to go blind because if that okay?" Ruby said comfortingly, it felt weird having my master act so caring towards me, from everything Gnarl had taught me the masters are usually pretty cruel and selfish when they put on the helmet, I do hope she isn't merciful to everyone she meets though.
"Now, let's go to bed, I'm tired" Ruby said cheerfully, I stood up and followed after the four girls until we reached the floating rock, we all got onto the rock and it started to fly towards the tower, however Weiss grabbed hold of my robes again and held onto me with her eyes screwed shut.
"You okay there Weiss?" I asked her, she looked up and tightened her hold on my robes.
"I-I just don't think this is very safe! I mean we're floating above an abyss, on a tiny rock with no rails to stop us falling off! It's irresponsible!!" she said angrily, I heard Yang chuckle while Blake stayed stoic, however I saw Ruby puffing her cheeks out as she looked at me and Weiss with her eyes narrowed.
"You okay there Rubes? You look a little upset" Yang asked as she kept her balance easily.
"What, n-no, I'm fine..." she said as her cheeks turned red and she looked away from us, we reached the Tower and we all jumped off of the big rock, then a second rock arrived with a group of Browns, carrying Ruby's armour in their claws.
"Okay, Minions bring the lady's armour to her Private Quarters, then we'll try to find a suitable place for you three to sleep" I said as the Browns walked off carrying Ruby's armour.
"Actually, I was hoping they could sleep with me tonight? We used to share a room at Beacon, so it'd make me feel a little better..." Ruby said bashfully.
"Well your the Master here, so if that's what you want then go ahead, besides we've got a big day tomorrow we start our war against the Halflings, and hopefully get back our Reds!" I said excitedly, it would be good to take out those greedy little pigs and it would be most satisfying to make their stuff ours!
"War? What war? You started a war with someone Ruby!?" Weiss said in shock and horror.
"NO! Well... not really, they attacked us first and the people in the village we went to said they've been doing horrible stuff" Ruby said.
"Really, like what?" Blake asked.
"They've been stealing food from the villagers, leaving them nothing to eat, and they killed some of the villagers that fought back!" Ruby said in anger.
"And they were kidnapping the villagers, and making the work like slaves at work camps and to grow them food, like working them to death!" Yang said, Blake and Weiss looked horrified at that.
"Their enslaving people?! T-That's horrible!" Weiss said.
"We've got to help those people, what did you do about the Work Camp?" Blake asked.
"We totally freed all the people and kicked some Halfling ass!" Yang said as she pounded her fists together.
"And we fought a Troll, then we went into the woods and found those Wolves that work for us now" I said, Blake shivered at the mention of the Wolves while Weiss gave Ruby and annoyed glare which made her chuckle nervously.
"well, we can't leave those Halflings to kill people and steal their stuff, we'd be neglecting our duties as Huntresses if we allowed then to keep doing what their doing" Weiss said in a determined voice.
"All right then! Team RWBY, along with their fearless friends (Y/N) and the Minion Army, we'll stop the Halflings and protect the people from the Grimm!" Ruby declared.
"Oh yeah! I love it when you get feisty!" Yang exclaimed with a big grin on her face.
"Well I suppose it'll be a good cause..." Weiss said, it seems she was still getting used to working from this Tower instead of Beacon with that man Ozpin.
"It'll be good to free some slaves, and help people" Blake said.
"As long as we can find our missing Tower Objects and Minions I'll be glad to assist, we might even make some money as we go along" I said, the girls all looked at me like I'd said something wrong.
"Anyway... let's get some sleep, we'll begin tomorrow!" Ruby declared, before they all started to walk to Ruby's bedroom, I went to go sleep in my Iron Maiden which I had moved into the Throne Room.
"(Y/N)? Where are you going?" I heard Ruby call out, I looked over and saw her and her friends looking at me confused.
"I'm going to bed, I'll see you tomorrow bright and early mistress" I said as I opened the Iron Maiden and stepped inside.
"Wait, (Y/N) don't!" Ruby called out while her friends looked on in horror as I shut the lid and locked it, the spikes missing my body and keeping me comfortable as I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep, although I could swear I heard someone pounding on the outside of my Iron Maiden as I drifted off...
I saw the lid of the Iron Maiden closing over (Y/N) and fear came over me, if he goes in there he'll die! I dashed towards the Iron Maiden with my Semblance but the lid slammed shut and I heard something that sounded like it locking in place.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!, are you okay?!" I called out as I hit the outside of the Iron Maiden, Weiss, Blake and Yang ran over as well.
"I-Is he dead...?" Weiss asked, suddenly a loud snore came from within the Iron Maiden.
"Is he seriously sleeping in an Iron Maiden?" Blake asked incredulously, I put my ear against the cold metal and heard him snoring from inside the torture device, but I wasn't sure if he was okay or not.
"Step aside little sis, I'll get it open!" Yang said a she crashed her fists together, we all stepped back as she got her fist ready, but Blake quickly stopped her.
"Wait Yang, you might make the spikes in that Iron Maiden go into (Y/N) if you punch it like that!" Blake exclaimed worriedly.
"Well we can't just leave him in there! What if he's hurt?" I said with a lot of panic in my voice.
"Look at the bottom of the thing Ruby, there's no blood so I'm sure he's fine" Blake said as she pointed at the bottom of the Iron Maiden, I looked down and didn't see any blood there so maybe she was right and he wasn't hurt?
"The lovely lady speaks true Master, our Minion Master has slept in that Iron Maiden for many years now, he's perfectly safe" Quaver sang as he danced a little jig making the bells on his hat and club jingle and jangle.
"Are you sure? I mean it's a big thing full of spikes!" Weiss exclaimed as she waved her arms around.
"Most definetly, oh queen of the ice!" Quaver said as he bowed to her.
"Hey!" Weiss said angrily, I looked back at the Iron Maiden with worry, I could hear him snoring peacefully from inside the torture device and wondered how he could find that comfortable?
"So... what do we do now?" Weiss asked as she looked at the dusty old Iron Maiden with annoyance, she'll probably be polishing it all day tomorrow if she stays behind.
"I guess we could try and move it into the Private Quarters, that way we can check him when we wake up?" Yang suggests.
"I don't think that's a good idea Yang, if we try and carry that thing we might hurt him, it's probably best if we leave it here until morning, then we'll see how he is" Blake said calmly.
"Okay, I guess we'll leave him in there until morning..." I said as I looked back at the Iron Maiden.
"Come on Rubes, let's go to bed" Yang said as she rested her hand on my shoulder, Weiss and Blake were also trying to bring me along to bed, but I wasn't too happy letting (Y/N) sleep here alone...
"You guys go ahead, I'm going to stay here" I said as I turned around.
"But Ruby, why are you staying here?" Weiss asked as she looked around the Throne Room, there were several Browns running around cleaning up the room with brooms and feather dusters.
"I think she doesn't want to leave her boyfriend alone down here~" Yang said, I felt my cheeks burn hot and my heart hammered in my chest.
"Yang! Don't! He might hear you and get the wrong idea!" I said as I jumped on her trying to stop her from embarrassing me further, I still wasn't sure if this was love I was feeling but I would say I was... attached to him.
"Okay, okay, I was just kidding sis, but I don't think we need to worry, after all (Y/N)'s got some of the Minion's around if anything happens, we'll come right back down and see him in the morning okay?" Yang said as she tried to reassure me, I looked back at the Iron Maiden then to Quaver who gave me a thumbs up.
"Don't worry mi' lady, if it'll make you feel better you can ask some of the Browns to keep guard until he wakes up" Quaver said as he danced around happily, I really wanted to stay here and be near him but I guess they were right...
"Okay" I said as I walked a little bit away, I snapped my fingers and two Browns with heavy armour and large pole-axes ran up to me, I ordered them to guard (Y/N)'s Iron Maiden until tomorrow morning and they both saluted before marching to the device and standing guard in front of it.
"Come on Ruby, let's go to bed" Blake said as she took me by the shoulders and walked me towards the Private Quarters, I looked back again to see the Browns guarding the Iron Maiden before we walked the rest of the way up to the Private Quarters, we all changed into our pyjamas and climbed onto the very big, and very comfy bed and slept together.
Meanwhile back at Beacon Academy, Headmaster Ozpin, as well as his assistant Glynda Goodwitch were waiting with Ruby and Yang's father Taiyang for Qrow to arrive, Taiyang however had just about had enough waiting.
"Damn it Oz, just tell me what happened to my girls already! I get here to find their dorm room empty and their friends telling me they left Beacon, what exactly happened?" Tai demanded angrily.
"It's as I said I'm afraid, your youngest daughter, Ruby Rose has been made the next Overlord of the Nether World, from what I've seen she's already commanding the same creatures her predecessor commanded" Ozpin said as he pulled up videos of the Browns getting up to mischief, as well as Ruby and (Y/N) commanding them.
"This is the worst thing possible... my baby girl fell victim to that evil role, and now she's causing chaos with those creatures, how could this have happened?" he said as he sat back down with his head in his hands, Ozpin looked to Glynda before he turned back to the distraught father sitting opposite him.
"It would seem that during a mission I had assigned them, miss Rose found the Helmet of the Overlord and put it on, when she did that a young man appeared and assisted her and her team with their mission, after he took her away and she took the powers in she accepted the role as Queen of the Nether World, after that she came back here to reveal that she would be leaving us and taking up her position as Overlord" Ozpin said, he then brought up footage of Ruby and (Y/N) as well as the Minions and their antics around campus, Tai looked up with worry at Ruby who was wearing the Armour of the Overlord and talking with (Y/N) who was wearing (F/C) Sorcerer's Robes.
"There has to be a way of getting my baby girl back" There has to be!!" Taiyang said worriedly.
"We won't stop until we think of a way to bring her and her team back, you have my word Mr Long" Ozpin said.
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