Reunion's and Farewell's
I had been waiting around for five minutes fanning my face to make the redness on my cheeks go down a little, I still felt all warm and tingly all over my body from when (Y/N) saved me from my fall, recalling the memory made my blush come back full force.
"Oh man, I feel so warm right now... I don't understand what's going on with me, why do I always get like this around (Y/N)?" I mumbled to myself as I played with my cloak, I was paced around in the courtyard in front of the statue waiting for Yang, Weiss and Blake to arrive.
"U-uhm... Ruby?" came a quiet voice behind the me making me look over to see Velvet standing there.
"Oh hey Velvet, sorry about the minions abducting you like that... " I said laughing awkwardly as I played with my cloak.
"Oh no it's fine... they didn't do anything bad, I was just a little surprised" Velvet said with a small, awkward smile on her face.
"So... what's with the new outfit?" Velvet said indicating to my shiny new armour.
"Oh this? It's the armour that goes with my helmet" I answered as I pointed towards my spiky helmet, Velvet still looked a little confused.
"Well you see during one of my missions I found this helmet and put it on, then I became a dark lord or something... and those little brown's and (Y/N) said they would work for me!" I said happily.
"Oh yeah... so that boy called you his mistress because he works for you?" Velvet asked with a light blush on her face.
"Yeah, why did you think he called me his mistress?" I asked tilting my head slightly and raising a brow, although Velvet probably couldn't tell with the helmet on.
"N-No reason!" she said as her face turned red, I just shrugged my shoulders and we talked for a little bit, suddenly I heard yelling behind me and I turned around to see the team looking at me with teary eyes.
"RUBY!" Yang yelled as she sprinted towards me as tears fell down her cheeks and enveloped me into a crushing hug, I was having some trouble breathing as Yang's bone bending embrace just got tighter around me.
"I-I'm so happy y-your okay!" Yang snivelled as she rubbed her head against my cheek that was covered by the helmet, Weiss and Blake arrived and tried to pry Yang off of me seeing that I was suffocating in her hug.
"Yang! Let Ruby go your going to strangle her!" Weiss said in her usual haughty voice, although I could swear that I hear some relief in her tone, Blake just smiled down at us wiping a tear away from her eye.
"R-Right, sorry..." Yang said with a small chuckle, she loosened her grip and stood up bringing me with her still wrapped up in her arms, I was really happy to see her and the others after being away for a few days and hugged back.
"Are you okay Ruby? Are you hurt at all?" Yang asked as she let go of me and started looking all over for any injuries.
"No, I'm fine Yang I promise" I said with a small smile.
"Well that's a relief!" Weiss said before punching me over the head, however I didn't feel a thing.
"OW! OUCH OUCH OUCH!" Weiss yelled as she shook her hand quickly with the knuckles turning red from hitting the metal.
"Hehe... sorry Weiss" I said nervously.
"What the hell is that thing made of?! And why the hell are you wearing that armour anyway?!?" Weiss yelled angrily as she held onto her wrist as her hand throbbed.
"Yeah Ruby, what's going on with you?" Blake asked with concern in her voice, Yang looked at me with a sad yet hopeful expression waiting for me to answer.
"I-I decided to help (Y/N) and the minions..." I said all of their eyes widened in horror, Yang suddenly ran right in front of me with a hard look in her eyes.
"Why would you do that Ruby!?" Yang yelled sounding confused and hurt.
"Ruby he's a bad guy, you can't help him!" Weiss said still holding onto her hurt hand, Blake just stayed silent and watched.
"He's not a bad guy! He's actually kind of... sweet" I said as my face got hot again, I looked up to see Yang's jaw hanging open and her eyes wide open.
Uhm... Yang? Are you okay?" I asked.
"W-What do you mean by sweet?" Yang asked me in a worried voice, Weiss and Blake looked a little worried too.
"Well... he looked after me while I was staying in the nether world, and he got me a lot of cookies, and he's just kind of..." I trailed off after that feeling embarrassed for some reason, my face getting warmer as I think about (Y/N).
"NOOOOOOOOOOO! My baby sister's fallen in love, with a bad guy!" Yang yelled dramatically as she fell to her knees and threw her hands up towards the sky.
"L-Love!?" I screeched loudly, I had no idea what love felt like, I'd read about it in the books Yang had for me but I never thought that I would feel it so soon!
"What?!" Weiss yelled in shock as the throbbing in her hand slows down a little, Blake yelled too looking horrified which surprised all of us.
"Ruby... is this true?" Blake asked sounding kind of unsure of how to handle the news I just told them.
"NO we're just friends! I mean I-I don't know! I've never been in love before, well except for my baby... but I don't know! I mean I've never even had a crush before so... maybe?" I said feeling very awkward at the interrogation my friends were putting me through.
"She's just confused that's all!" Yang suddenly yelled getting back up.
"Let's tie her up until she knows what she's doing!" Weiss shouts pointing at me and making me nervous, Blake nodded her head and they all looked at me making me worry.
"Oh look I've gotta go do something bye!" I said before dashing off with my semblance.
"GET HER!!!" WBY yelled chasing after their wayward leader, meanwhile Velvet just let out a giggle and skipped off to find her own team.
Ruby was running through the hallways towards her room as her teammates chased after her.
"Ruby, Stop!" Blake shouted as she Weiss and Yang chased her.
"Get back here you dunce!" Weiss yelled in a high pitched voice.
"Come back, we just want to help you!" Yang shouted sounding a little guilty, she didn't want to tie her sister up but she couldn't let Ruby run off alone with someone who preaches evil.
"NO! Stay away!" Ruby screamed in fear, she then jumped onto a wall and used it as a springboard to propel herself down the hall.
Ruby was going down a familiar hallway only a little bit more then she'll be back in the room!
However as she turned the corner she saw team JNPR blocking her way, she kept running and overheard Jaune on his scroll.
"We've found her Yang, hurry up! Guys we've gotta keep her here until her team arrives!" Jaune said taking out his shield and sword, Nora giggled and shot her Magnild in grenade launcher form at the small girl blowing holes in the floor.
"Nora! Don't destroy the dorms!" Ren shouted in exasperation, Nora whined in disappointment before shifting her weapon into it's hammer form.
Ruby picked up her speed dramatically jumping into the air and adding a spin to her speed turning herself into a red arrow, she shot past team JNPR and the force of the air behind her blew the four students back into a wall.
"Not... this... again..." Jaune said as he and his team were plastered into the wall so hard they left body impressions in the wall, Ren, Nora and Pyrrha groaned in pain in the wall.
"Sorry!" Ruby yelled as she ran down the hall towards her room, where (Y/N) and the minions were hanging out.
"Ruby!" came the voice of Yang, Ruby looked back to see her sister using her Ember Selica to catch up with large blasts from her gauntlets.
Ruby was almost there almost at the door, she stopped by the door and saw Weiss and Blake running at her from the other direction, she looked back in horror to see her big sister running to her making the small girl really scared now.
Ruby grabbed the doorknob and flung the door open she was about to run inside but she saw something that made her freeze, suddenly she was tackled into the room by her teammates they all looked up and gasped at what was happening.
"Control yourselves Minions! Scabby don't you start whittling!" I yelled in annoyance at the browns as they entertained themselves while waiting for Ruby.
Suddenly the door burst open making me whirl around ready to throw a fireball at the intruder, only to see that it was just Ruby looking at the mess the minions were causing with wide eyes.
"Apologies mistress you see-" I began before her three friends smashed into her knocking her to the ground, they all looked up and gasped in shock and to be honest I didn't blame them...
In the room two of the Browns were bouncing on the bed, the mattress splitting making stuffing come out and feathers flying all over as they hit each other with the pillows, one of the Minions bouncing on the bed had a yellow bra on it's head covering it's ears while the other on had some of the feathers stuffed up it's nose.
Another Minion was doing high kicks on the desk with a pair of white and blue panties covering it's face like a mask, it's arms were crossed over it's chest as it danced and giggled.
Another one was on Blakes bed looking at a copy of Ninjas of love it had found under the pillow, it giggled at the pictures and scowled at the small words in anger.
And the last one was swinging off the ropes that used to hold up Ruby's bed yelling in a Tarzan shout.
"Apologies my lady, they tend to do this when they get bored..." the young Sorcerer said with a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his head.
"WHAT THE HELL!!" Yang, Weiss and Blake screeched in horror.
"A-Are those my panties!?!" Weiss screamed in horror pointing at the brown with the underwear over it's face as her own pale face turned scarlet.
"Is that my bra!?" Yang yelled as her eyes turned red with rage.
"Hey thats my-" Blake began before shutting herself up with a blush of her own, she was probably talking about the book.
While the three girls ran to get their things back from the browns I walked over and offered my hand to Ruby who was still on the ground.
"Are you okay my lady?" I asked in concern, she looked up at my hand before grabbing it allowing me to pull her up onto her feet.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine..." Ruby mumbled as she looked at our hands, I tried to let go but she didn't seem to want to let go.
"Give me back my underwear back you little monster!" Weiss screeched as she chased the brown around the room, she bumped into us both making us fall over as she chased the little imp.
I looked down and saw that I was on top of Ruby with my hands on either side of her head, we looked into each others eyes I felt the blood rush to my face as I was mesmerised by those silver eyes.
"Ahem" I heard behind me, I looked back to see Yang standing there with a hand on her hip tapping her foot on the floor in anger, hanging from her grasp was her yellow bra.
"Oh! Uhm... I apologise mistress, allow me to get off!" I said as I scrambled back up, I could have sworn that I saw disappointment flash across her face before she too stood back up.
"What the hell are you and these little monsters doing in our room!?" Yang demanded jabbing a finger into my chest.
"Mistress Ruby asked us to wait here to talk with you all, she wanted to ask you something, and then everything sort of... happened" I replied, I could feel the heat coming off of her like a furnace, she'd get along very well with the reds!
"Why the heck do you keep calling her mistress? She's not royalty you know!" Weiss yelled as she and the brown played a game of tug of war with her panties, said underwear stretching considerably from being pulled so roughly.
"She will always be royalty to us..." I replied in a shy voice feeling my face get hot again, I heard a gasp and saw Ruby hiding her face under her hood and her teammates looking at me shocked.
"Oh no he's got it too..." Yang said as she fell into a chair with a hand over her eyes in despair, I looked to Ruby with a raised brow she just shrugged her shoulders pulling her hood further down her face.
Weiss pulled hard and the panties ripped in half causing her to fall down onto her back, she huffed as she tossed her ripped underwear aside with her face turning red in embarrassment.
Blake however was didn't seem to be fighting with the brown reading her book, she tried to gently take her book back but the brown bounced up onto Yang's bed and kept on flipping through the pages, Blake tried to get up after the brown but had her bow stolen by the brown with feathers up it's nose exposing her cat ears.
She tried to cover her ears in panic but then seemed to remember that she was with her friends and left them uncovered, the browns looked at her with wide eyes and goofy little smiles on their faces, the one with her book dropped it and jumped onto her shoulders.
"Hey, what are you doing?!" Blake yelled as the brown got hold of her ears and played with them making her blush.
"Oh jeez... Gribbley! Don't play with strange cats, you'll get clawed again! Just like that time with the tiger!" I yelled making Weiss, Yang and Ruby look at me confused, the brown didn't listen he just kept on playing with Blake's cat ears as the girl tried to get him off.
"She'll be fine... anyways I do need to talk to you all, it's very important!" Ruby said with authority, getting Yang and Weiss to look at her.
"You see I wanted to ask you guys to-" Ruby began before Weiss stopped her by raising her finger up.
"We know what your going to ask us Ruby, you want us to go with you and help this rapscallion with his evil plans!" Weiss said in a haughty voice sounding like she was going to say no immediately.
"Hey! Don't insult him without getting to know him, he's really nice!" Ruby said stomping her metal clad foot on the floor.
"And I'm not a rapscallion, I'm a dark sorcerer" I said crossing my arms in annoyance.
"I don't care what you are, we're not helping you or those little monsters with your schemes!!" Weiss shouted pointing her finger at me, the Browns all looked at her with anger, they do not like someone insulting me or Ruby.
"Well I'm going to help him..." Ruby said with a stern voice.
"No your not, your going to stay here and be our leader like you should be! Right Yang!?" Weiss yelled in her annoying voice, Yang however didn't respond she just looked down at the floor her blond hair covering her eyes.
"Yang?" Ruby said in a worried voice, getting a little closer to the girl who had yet to answer either of them.
"Ruby... are you really going to give up becoming a huntress? For this?" Yang asked indicating to me and the Browns with a sad look on her face, Ruby looked down at the floor in thought I felt a little worried about this, it was one thing to tell that to Ozpin but it would be very difficult with Yang since she's family.
"I'm not giving up anything Yang... I'm still going to become a hero and make mom proud, I'm just going to do it in a different way than everyone else! I see that (Y/N) and the Minions can do a lot of great things, all they need is someone to lead them and I'd be proud to be the one to lead it, but it would be even better if I had my team... my friends and my big sister with me for the journey!" Ruby said with steel in her voice which really surprised everyone in the room, even (Y/N) was surprised at how adamant she was to help him and the nether world.
"Maybe we can try to find your mom too..." Ruby said, she knew that Yang was looking all over for her mom looking for answers as to why she left, she didn't know how she would do it but she might just find her with the help of the Minions and (Y/N).
"But Ruby, he kidnapped you! And held you hostage for two days! Why would you want to work with him after that?!" Yang asked with tears beginning to brim in her eyes.
"I didn't kidnap her nor did I hold her hostage, I told you before that she had to stay in the Nether World for her new powers to take hold, and that it would take at least two days to happen, if I hadn't taken her to the Nether World those powers would have killed her, now she's back alive and well and in command of an army and new powers which she will soon master, with your help if you so choose..." (Y/N) said, Yang looked to Ruby who nodded at Yang quickly, Weiss looked worried because Yang wasn't trying to get Ruby to stay at Beacon, and Blake had given up trying to get the Brown off her ears and just sat down in defeat while the brown nibbled on the tip of her ear making her blush crimson.
"Please Yang? I really, really want you to come with me, you could help me find the right way to do things..." Ruby said giving the best puppy dog eyes she could and a smile on her face, she stretched out her hand to Yang with a hopeful look on her face.
Yang looked very conflicted, she wanted to look after her baby sister like she always had, she was worried about the path that the sorcerer would lead her little sister and wanted to keep her from doing anything too risky, she looked between Ruby and (Y/N) seeing the sorcerer look at her expectantly looking a lot less threatening than earlier on, even the minions that were still messing around in the room seemed more friendly.
"Okay... I'll come with you Ruubes!" Yang said taking Ruby's hand and pulling her in for a hug, Ruby flailed around in Yang's grip trying to breathe again.
"YANG, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!" Weiss yelled at the blonde girl in shock, her eyes bugging out of her head and moving her arms so fast they were white blurs.
"I'm sticking with my sister Weiss, I promised that I would always protect her and and that we would do this together, and if this is how she want's to do it... then I'll be right there supporting her!" Yang said in a big sisterly tone, Ruby was very touched by her sister making such a selfless decision, she jumped onto Yang's back wrapping her legs around her waist and hugging her tightly.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you Yang!" Ruby said now very happy and excited to start her adventures.
"See my lady, I told you it would be good to ask first, even if these two don't come you'll have your big sister with you" (Y/N) said with a smile, the browns all cheered loudly some of them pelvic thrusting in happiness.
"Blake? What about you... would you come?" Ruby asked, Blake looked down holding onto her arm with a worried look on her face, she had followed someone like this once before and she had ended up getting in deep trouble, she did not want a repeat of that to happen again.
"I-I don't know Ruby... I want to keep trying to make it as a huntress and represent Faunas everywhere" Blake said she looked up to her leader with unsure eyes.
"You can still do that Blake, we'll do it together with the help of our new friends!" Ruby said, looking to Blake with an hopeful expression on her face, Blake felt some of her resolve melt away only for the rest to crumble when she looked to her partner Yang, she nodded her head at the two sisters getting a happy squeal from the smaller sister.
Suddenly Blake was tackled into a hug by Ruby her body pinned down by Ruby's armoured body, only to get smothered by the five browns glomping her too giving her licks and playful punches.
Ruby stood back up with a small smile on her face she turned to look at Weiss who was glaring at Ruby, Yang, Blake, (Y/N) and the minions with so much anger she looked about ready to explode.
"Weiss?" Ruby asked nervously, she was still worried about the heiress's temper tantrums.
"NO RUBY! I'm not going to leave Beacon just to follow some punk in a grand evil scheme, I'm staying here and I'm going to become a huntress the right way!!" Weiss yelled angrily at the girl making her flinch, Weiss acted tough but (Y/N) could see tears coming to her ice blue eyes from the loss of three of her friends.
"If you want to go so badly... then just leave! And don't ever come back!!" Weiss yelled as she ran out of the room slamming the door behind her, the room went deathly quiet Ruby was looking down in sadness and Yang also looked sad, Blake didn't let anyone see her face even the browns all looked down.
Ruby took in a deep breath and stood up straight, she walked over to the closet and began to pack all her things into a small red dufflebag not saying a word to anyone, Yang also packed her stuff into a suitcase taking all her stuff, Blake took all of her books out from the bunk bed and stood ready with her friends.
They opened the door and walked out together, leaving the room almost completely empty apart from Weiss's dust cases and luggage, they walked down the halls passing the imprints of team JNPR in the wall making them all laugh a little before they all exited the dormitories and stood out in the open air, the browns gathered around them waiting for orders.
"It's time mistress..." (Y/N) said in a calm voice, Ruby looked up to him and the sorcerer was shocked to see tears start to form in her eyes.
"I guess... this is the end of team RWBY..." she sobbed as the tears began to fall, immediately Yang enveloped her in a hug trying to comfort her and stop her tears, Blake walked forwards and hugged her too.
"Hey, hey no it's okay sis! Maybe Weiss will come around..." Yang said trying her best to reassure her baby sister, she was hoping that her partner would come with them and help, if they stayed together then they could keep Ruby from straying to far into a bad path, but with her partner acting like that she was worried she might do something she would regret while she was upset.
"Yeah Ruby... she just needs some time, maybe she'll call you and ask to come with us after she thinks about it a little" Blake said trying to help Ruby feel better, although she thought she wasn't very good at it.
"That's right mistress! There's nothing stopping her from changing her mind another day and begging to come with you, even if she won't come you've got so many people to support you now... you've got me, your sister, her partner and all the browns you'll spawn along the way, I promise you'll never be alone mistress" (Y/N) said knelt down in front of Ruby looking into her widened silver eyes.
"Yeah, I promise I'll never leave you Ruubes! We'll be together forever!" Yang said with a sad and soft look to her face, she had to admit that (Y/N) was growing on her after comforting her sister like that even Blake was starting to like the guy.
Suddenly the browns began jabbering and trying to make Ruby laugh, wanting their leader to be smiling again like she always was.
she let a small smile come to her face at the browns antics, not really laughing but still feeling a little better, she walked along with her sister her cat eared friend and the sorcerer towards the airships to Vale, they all stopped to take another glance at the academy before turning away and walking onto the ship.
"Well, I guess this is it... goodbye Beacon hello nether world" Yang said with a smile on her face, you could tell that her smile was strained she was still worried about what would happen and wanted to see what would happen next.
"Don't worry Yang, We've got a room with a good view set aside for you and Blake over here, you can get settled in and explore the nether world with your sister, then we will begin our search for the reds..." (Y/N) said trying to cheer her up.
"Reds?" Yang asked with a raised brow, the talk also caught Blake's attention.
"Basically like these guys, only with red skin and can throw fire, they'd love you" (Y/N) said with a smile, the browns ran around jabbering and giggling as they looked around the courtyard while they walked to the air ships.
As they walked to the ships up in Beacon's tower Glynda and I watched three of the most promising team of huntresses to come to my academy leave the campus on an air ship.
"Glynda, go and check on miss Schnee, she may need some comfort" I said she quickly nodded her head and walked to the elevator, the doors closed and I knew what I had to do now, I walked to my desk and made a call.
"Hello?" came a voice from the console.
"Hello Qrow, how's the mission going?" I asked trying to lighten the mood before telling him.
"What's wrong Oz?" Qrow asked over the console, I felt a small smile come to my face I had forgotten that Qrow could pick up on when something is wrong rather quickly.
"I'm afraid we have some bad news, but there is one other person I need to call" as I said that I made a second call to another old friend, the image of a familiar man with blonde hair appeared, he smiled when he saw me.
"Hey Ozpin! How's things going at Beacon? How are my girls?" Taiyang asked in a carefree way.
"Actually that is what I was calling you two about..." I said in a cryptic voice, a frown coming to my face.
"Two of us?" Tai said in confusion.
"Hey Tai! How's Zwei doing?" Qrow asked in a drunken slur.
"Okay when Qrow is involved I know something is wrong, what happened?" Tai said into the console with a worried look on his face.
"I'm afraid a new overlord has risen in the nether world..." I replied, the two men went quiet at the news Taiyang looked very worried and Qrow was unreadable.
"But how could there be another one? I thought after the last one passed there would be no more..." Tai said in a sad voice, he was still upset about what had happened with the previous overlord, what it had cost him and his family.
"I'm afraid it would be better if I showed you..." I said sending them both a video file of my talk with Ruby and her 'friends', Taiyang had a look of pure horror on his face and from the sound of it Qrow had probably spat out a drink he was enjoying.
"Is that my little girl! What is this Ozpin?!?" Taiyang shouted through the screen, his face twisted into one of pain and rage all directed at me, I took in a deep breath before opening my mouth to explain.
"I'm afraid that your daughter has become the new overlord" I said in a no nonsense tone of voice.
"No, no no no no, my baby girl can't be the next overlord, she's too focused on being a huntress like her mother!" Taiyang yelled through the console, he looked ready to jump through the screen and throttle me.
"But I'm afraid she is Tai... she even refused to stay here saying that she gave them her word that she would help them" I explained, Tai looked conflicted he couldn't believe that his baby girl was the next scion of darkness.
"W-What about Yang!? Surely she tried to stop her!" Tai said in hope, however his hope was dashed when he saw the look of pain on my face.
"No..." Tai said as the reality set in.
"Yes Tai, I'm afraid... your eldest daughter and her partner Blake Belladonna have left with her to the nether world, they have both left their teammate miss Schnee behind and gone to find a nether world gate" I told him, Tai fell back into his chair with a devastated look on his face.
"Both my baby girls are gone... we have to get them back Ozpin!" Taiyang cried out hitting the desk hard making the screen flicker slightly.
"We will do our best Tai, it may be best if you come here and assist us with the work" I said trying to cheer him up, he silently nodded his head and ended the call.
"You didn't want to tell him?" Qrow asked, I knew he was still there but damn him and his silence.
"I couldn't... he just lost both of his daughters to the darkness, he cannot take too much more right now" I said, I could hear Qrow scoff on the other end of his scroll.
"He'll find out eventually you know, what do you expect him to do just get blindsided!?" Qrow yelled angrily in the call.
"We will both explain it to him when you arrive, how long until you get here?" I asked in a tired voice.
"I'm in the far reaches of Mistral right now Oz, it'll take me a while to get there, at least a week at the shortest" Qrow said as I heard the sound of wind rushing by his scroll, he then hung up leaving me alone in my office with my thoughts, I couldn't believe that the small, honest soul that could help to defeat 'her' has slipped through our fingers.
The five browns sprinted around the trees hitting each other with their clubs while Ruby, Yang, Blake and (Y/N) walked through the forest towards the nether world gate, the three girls holding their packed bags.
"So... what do you have to down in the nether world?" Yang asked, trying to lighten the mood.
"We've got a battle rock, a huge arena for fighting! And a forge to make loads of weapons!" Ruby said in excitement, her body shaking in excitement having been cheered up by her friends and her sister.
"Oh cool! Do you guys have any video games or bars?" Yang asked sounding excited about seeing the nether world now.
"Do you have any new books I can read? Maybe somewhere quiet to read them? Blake asked hopefully.
"Unfortunately no... we could get something installed in the nether world though for games, and for booze we'd have to make a stop somewhere and grab some, and as for books and somwhere to read you could sit in the private quarters with Ruby's permission" (Y/N) said as he kept an eye on the browns that had fallen in step behind Ruby.
"Ah well it can wait for now, I want to see the place we are going to stay in" Yang said Blake let a small smile come to her face as they walked through the forest.
Then the girls saw a familiar gate ahead, the three people stopped and the browns sprinted around the clearing giggling like maniacs as they threw rocks at birds as they flew over them.
The three humans walked to the bright blue light, Yang and Blake stopped at the bottom of the steps looking at the light with worry.
"It isn't going to hurt right?" Blake asked.
"No it'll be fine, (Y/N) and I used this and it didn't hurt at all!" Ruby said happily, (Y/N) agreed with a grin holding a thumbs up.
"Wait!" came a few voices behind the three students, they turned to see team JNPR and CFVY running over to them fast, they stopped in front of the three kids trying to catch their breath.
"Are you guys really leaving Beacon?" Jaune and Pyrrha asked sounding unsure of what to do, Yang and Blake just nodded their head to the question.
"We've gotta follow our leader ya know?" Yang said nodding her head at Ruby.
"It would be better if we did this together..." Blake added.
"What about Weiss, is she going with you guys?" Jaune asked looking around for the white clad heiress.
"She's not coming..." Ruby said sadly
Their friends looked surprised that she wasn't going with them, but they also looked sad that their friends were leaving, however they all seemed to notice that (Y/N) was standing there and jumped back in surprise.
"Look out it's him!" Pyrrha said as she drew her weapons, the rest of her team also got into a battle stance but (Y/N) stood unmoving with a smirk on his face.
"Wait! Don't hurt him..." came a quiet voice, everyone turned to see Velvet come out of hiding behind a giant of a man with a blank look on his face.
"H-Him and his little creatures saved me from Cardin and his friends... he's not bad" she said nervously with a pink blush on her face.
"So he's the guy you were talking about... love the outfit" Coco said lowering her sunglasses to peek over them at (Y/N).
"Thanks I'm (Y/N) what might your name be?" (Y/N) asked the fashonista.
"I'm Coco Adele, that's Fox and the big guy is Yatsuhashi" Coco said with a grin on her face.
Suddenly Velvet was tackled to the ground by the five minions, making her yelp in surprise.
"Velvet! Are you okay?" Coco asked in worry only to get Velvet's giggling to answer while the minions tickled and poked her laughing themselves.
"Ahahahahah Coco-o-o-o-o.... help! hahahah I can't take it! hehehehe!" Velvet giggled out as the browns tickled and licked her, one playing with her ears it's long sharp nails scratching them in just the right way.
"Uhm... (Y/N), what's going on?" Yang asked clearly confused by the browns behaviour.
"Yeah, I don't get it either..." Ruby said as she giggled a little at the browns tormenting the poor Rabbit Faunas.
"Are they raping her?!" Nora asked randomly, making everyone look at her with a wtf look, except for Ruby who seemed a little worried that there would be a fight.
"Hmmm... if I could make a guess, I'd say they have a crush on the girl" (Y/N) said placing a hand on his chin in thought.
"What!?" the kids all said, except for Velvet who had no breath in her lungs from laughing so hard, her face almost as red as Ruby's cape.
"They probably think she's a tall, sexy Brown Minion, it's the long ears and the brown clothes she's wearing" (Y/N) explains while one of the Browns ran over and lathered Velvet's red face with it's tongue, making the poor girl squeal in disgust and laughter.
"But she looks nothing like a brown minion" Ruby said in confusion.
"Unfortunately browns have very tiny brains, they have trouble doing anything beyond smashing and killing, and they can be pretty gullible when it's someone they trust..." (Y/N) said with a frown on his face.
"Hmmm... well that's okay, as long as they watch where their hands go!" Coco said sternly making her knuckles crack loudly, however the Browns paid her no mind too busy snuggling up to a breathless Velvet after their attack on the girl.
"The minions have no sense of danger I'm afraid, they'd probably not listen if anyone apart from Ruby or I told them to stop" (Y/N) said keeping a close eye on the Browns.
"So you and the squirt are their bosses? That must be fun, right cutie?" Coco asked with a wink aimed at the sorcerer, Ruby puffed up her cheeks at the name and felt really angry at Coco for some reason.
"Okay, well... It's time for us to go now!" Ruby said grabbing onto (Y/N)'s arm protectively, she dragged the confused young man towards the open tower gate followed by Yang looking at her sister with a smirk on her face, and Blake shaking her head while following them.
"Well goodbye everyone! I'll see you around soon okay?" Ruby and Yang said as they stood on the edge of the glowing light.
"Wait mistress! We need to send the Browns back into the Minion Gate!" (Y/N) said in a trying not to fall flat on his face from Ruby pulling him, she was a lot stronger than she looked.
"Oh right! Come on guys time to go home" Ruby said in a tone full of authority.
"Awwwww..." the Browns said sadly, then the one known as Gribbley ran over waved for (Y/N) to kneel down to his height, the young man complied and Gribbley whispered into (Y/N)'s ear, the young man stood up and turned to Ruby.
"Gribbley and the others want to ask if they can take Velvet back with us, to live in the burrows with them" (Y/N) said Ruby, Yang and Blake looked at the boy with wide eyes, team JNPR and the rest of team CFVY got on the defensive ready to prevent their teammate being kidnapped, Velvet however was still trying to catch her breath.
"She's not a stray cat (Y/N)! We can't just take her away from her life here!" Ruby said earning a glare from Blake about the cat comment.
"You heard her Minions, no to having the bunny staying with you guys" (Y/N) said to the Browns, they all got sad and all their ears drooped down some of them making sad whines at that.
"Hey maybe she can come visit us sometime, but we can't just keep her like a pet okay guys?" Ruby said in a grown up sounding voice, Yang looked at her little sister with an approving face, Velvet sighed in relief while her friends stayed alert with the browns around.
"Okay you little gremlins! Time to head back to the Nether World, get into the Minion Gate!" (Y/N) said and with that the Browns perked right up and sped off towards the gate, they all dived into the hole, before Gribbley jumped in he blew a kiss to Velvet making her blush before diving head first into the hole.
"Good grief..." (Y/N) said as he facepalmed shaking his head.
"Well I guess it's time to go..." Ruby said sounding sad, and so began a long goodbye between her and the gathered students, Jaune seemed especially broken up by Ruby leaving giving her a hug that made (Y/N)'s eyes narrow.
"We'll all miss you Ruby, Yang take care of yourselves okay?" Pyrrha said with tears in her eyes.
The girls gave a final wave before walking up the obsidian steps, followed by (Y/N) but he was stopped by Pyrrha grabbing his arm in a strong hold.
"If you hurt them, I'll make you pay... understand?" she said in a sweet voice, the sorcerer wasn't fazed by her tone and simply shrugged her off.
"As if I'd ever betray my mistress of darkness, or her beloved big sister and friend! See you around missy" the sorcerer said with a smirk before flicking her forehead and running off towards the glowing portal.
"WAIIIIT!" came a familiar voice the assembled students and the young man turned in shock to see Weiss standing there panting heavily with a big luggage cart behind her, piled high with cases and boxes.
"Weiss, what are you doing here?" Yang asked in surprise.
"I-I've decided that I will accompany you all to the nether world, your all my team and where you go, I go!" she said in mock annoyance, inside she didn't want her best friends to leave her behind all alone.
The clearing was hit with a loud, high pitched squeal of joy , followed by a red flash tackling Weiss into a pile of leaves and rose petals, Ruby had a strong hold on Weiss and was crushing the wind out of her as tears came down her metal clad cheeks.
"You came baaaaack!" Ruby sobbed happily, Yang and Blake stood back laughing happily at the way Weiss tried to get Ruby to let go of her, (Y/N) let a smile of his own come to his face at the adorable scene.
"I-It's not like I missed you all or anything! I just didn't want you all messing around in that place and getting sloppy! I'm still a part of this team and I refuse to allow my teammates to become lazy slugs!" Weiss said after finally getting Ruby to loosen her hold around her ribs.
"Heheh, okay Weiss, so shall we go?" Ruby said indicating the tower gate, which Weiss eyes in an unsure way.
Seeing the massive luggage cart (Y/N) summoned a bunch of browns and had them run over and lift the cart off the ground.
"What are you doing?!" Weiss screeched in anger as the browns walked past her and Ruby, grunting from the effort of carrying the heavy baggage towards the glowing tower gate.
"Simply helping you with your luggage Ice Queen, browns are very strong" (Y/N) said as the minions began to place the cart down, however they just let it drop and the cart hit one of the browns toes making the little imp hop around on one foot yelling swear words.
"Hmph! I could have handled it just fine, thank you! And don't think this makes us friends, I still don't fully trust you!" Weiss said waving a finger in the young man's face making him laugh awkwardly.
"Yay! Team RWBY is united again, and we've made lots of new friends!" Ruby cheered, Yang punched the air happily and Blake let a smile come to her face as her cat ears twitched in the breeze.
"So let's get going, it's time for team RWBY and their new friend (Y/N) to begin their grand adventure!" Ruby said in excitement raising an armoured fist into the air, Yang and Blake also raise their fists in a salute with big grins on their faces.
Weiss sighed at her friends antics but let a small smile come to her pale lips, she knew for sure if she'd stayed behind she would have missed them dearly...
Finally the five people stepped into the light allowing the magic to envelope their bodies, then with a bright flash the five vanished towards the nether world and the gate grew lifeless.
With that the assembled students slowly walked away back to Beacon academy, Team JNPR crying from sadness already missing their friends and neighbours while the members of team CFVY tried their best to comfort them.
Beacon would become a lot less exciting now...
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