Incubation, and Investigations Begin (Short)
"Wait a DRAGON'S EGG?! That's impossible, Dragons don't exist!!" Weiss exclaimed in disbelief, refusing to believe what (Y/N) had just said was true.
"Well, except for some of the Grimm Dragons that we hear about" Blake said, they had learned of some of the more Dragon-like types of Grimm, but this was different, it seemed like (Y/N) was talking about an actual Dragon.
"Don't be so daft Weiss, Dragons do exist, they're just very rare now, thanks to people like Atlas, and the Dragon Hunters, lousy Humans..." (Y/N) said, muttering the last part in annoyance, it seems he doesn't like most other Humans.
"What do you mean, (Y/N)?" Yang asked curiously, wanting to know what the story was behind the fact there weren't any Dragons around now.
"I was told by my Master Gnarl that the Dragons used to be far more numerous, but they were hunted down by Humans, usually the people of Mantle, who saw then as nothing more than savage Beasts that could be used as weapons, but when that failed... they just decided to wipe them all out, this was years ago, during the War between the Kingdoms" (Y/N) explained, the girls were sad about this, people had killed these creatures off because they were scared, it was rather sad.
"Woah... so Dragons were real? Cool!" Ruby said as she held onto the Egg like it was a baby, cradling it against her body.
"Wait, if there were Dragons, then why was there no evidence? Like no bones, skeletons or books? Why didn't Atlas talk about it?" Blake asked, wondering why, if Dragons did in fact exist, there was nothing about them at all.
"I'm certain if Atlas did slay or capture Dragons, I'd know about it" Weiss said in an arrogant way.
"Simple... they were told not to mention them, by a certain Wizard, who spoke to them when the Peace Talks began, after the defeat of Mantle and Mistral, he made the Kingdoms swear to never speak of them or any of the Magic Creatures that still roam Remnant" (Y/N) said, Gnarl had told him that story, about how said Wizard wanted to keep the existence of things like Dragons, Elves and such a secret.
"A Wizard? There's Wizards?!" Ruby asked, sounding surprised and excited, as she was still holding the Dragon Egg in her arms.
"Yes, though they mostly serve a "good" cause, like all these other "Heroes"" (Y/N) said, sounding bitter and the mention of the word Heroes.
"You really don't like Heroes, do you?" Ruby asked sounding a little worried, she'd always wanted to be a Hero, and this boy she had feelings for seemed to really dislike the idea of Heroes.
"What's to like? They act like they're better than you because of their beliefs or morals, and they go around killing things like myself and the Minions to make themselves look good" (Y/N) said, disgust evident in his voice as he spoke about Heroes, and the things they did.
"But... don't we do the same? I mean, we got rid of that Wolf Queen, and Melvin and Doris" Ruby asked, tilting her head in confusion, this made (Y/N) blush slightly because of how cute she looked.
"That's different mi'lady, we're doing it because YOU are the one, true evil, smaller Evils should bow and serve your cause, rather than trying to take away your followers, or steal your power" (Y/N) said, this made the girls sweatdrop, since technically what they did was similar, only, they didn't go around preaching about how good they were.
"Well... there's also the fact that those Heroes seem to have turned Evil now, it's like that saying: you either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain" Blake said as she was sat on the steps of the Throne, reading a book on famous quotes and sayings.
"Well that doesn't concern our Mistress, after all she's already Evil" (Y/N) said with a chuckle, as some of the Browns also cackled in joy.
"Yeah... that's true" Ruby said, as she rubbed the back of her helmet, she wondered what her mother would think if she could see her now, leading an army of evil Minions, and ruling over a Dark Tower in the Nether World.
"So... what do I do with this Egg? Is it like a Chicken Egg, just keep it warm and it'll hatch?" Ruby asked as she cradeled the Dragon Egg in her arms, being very careful not to drop the egg on the ground.
"Yes, you need to keep it warm, soon enough it shall hatch, and you will have a new way to sow terror and discord!" (Y/N) said, sounding excited at the idea of having Ruby ride on the back of a Dragon, spewing fire everywhere and reducing kingdoms to ash.
"Yeeeeah... that sounds good?" Yang said, as she scratched the back of her head, hoping that Ruby wouldn't try burning down any towns or cities with this Dragon.
"Where should I put it though? Maybe we could make a little nest out of blankets or something?" Ruby asked, thinking about if blankets and pillows would be enough to keep a Dragon's Egg warm enough to soon hatch.
"You dunce, you should put it in an incubator!" Weiss said, sounding annoyed with Ruby, again.
"Yeah, with what electricity, ice queen?" Yang asked, sounding annoyed with Weiss's attitude towards her little sister.
"Stop calling me that!" Weiss said angrily, only to shut up when Yang cracked her knuckles, the threat very obvious from the blonde brawler.
"I'm afraid not Mistress, Dragons require a lot of heat to hatch their Eggs, since they could breathe fire and all, if I could make a suggestion, I'd suggest we leave it at the Red Minion Burrows, let the heat from the Reds and their Lava keep it nice and warm" (Y/N) said, smiling at the idea of Mortis and the Reds looking after Ruby's new pet.
"Won't that just boil it?" Blake asked, sounding curious about how an Egg could survive lava.
"Not if we have it carefully watched, and make sure the Egg doesn't actually fall into the lava, then it will just absorb the heat and grow the baby Dragon within" (Y/N) said as he smiled at the Egg, he had learned a lot about magical creatures both of the Light and the Dark.
"What will this Dragon look like I wonder?" Ruby said as she held the Egg in her arms, looking excited about having her Egg hatch.
"We'll only know once it hatches, which will take... probably a few days, or weeks, depending on how long it was left alone as it was when I found it" (Y/N) said as he smiled to himself, feeling glad that he got such a good gift for Ruby.
"Well I just hope you can control that beast when it hatches, I will be very mad if I find it burning my stuff, or trying to eat my Dust Ruby!" Weiss said, before she flinched as she noticed all of the Minions in the room glaring at her, as well as both (Y/N) and Yang giving her an evil look.
"Alright, calm down Weiss... come on, (Y/N), let's go to the Minion Burrows and put this little guy somewhere nice and warm" Ruby said happily, not noticing that her big sister and many of the Minions were closing in around a very nervous looking Weiss.
"Of course Mistress, let's be off" (Y/N) said, as he walked with Ruby to where the floating rocks were, looking back and giving Weiss an evil smirk as they left the Throne Room, Ruby and (Y/N) stepped onto the floating rock that would take them to the Minion Burrows and began to fly away, just as they heard a scream from the Throne Room.
"What was that? (Y/N), did you just hear someone screaming?" Ruby asked, sounding a little concerned as she looked around the expanse of the Nether World.
"Why, no Mistress, I didn't hear anything at all" (Y/N) said with an innocent smile on his face, Ruby shrugged her petite shoulders and nodded, as she turned her attention back to where they were going, soon enough, the rock stopped at the edge of the Minion Burrows, allowing Ruby and (Y/N) to step off and begin to walk to where the Red's called home.
The two of them walked past the area assigned to the Browns, with several of the Minions greeting them both as they passed them, the Minions showing happiness as they saw the two walk through their Burrows, they passed the empty area that belonged to the Greens and soon reached the Red's area.
"Is it just me, but... does the Minion Borrows suddenly seem smaller?" Ruby asked as she looked around, holding the Dragon Egg carefully in her arms.
"It's most likely due to how many new Minions we have, perhaps a visit to the Foundations is required, to expand the Barracks in the Minion Burrows?" (Y/N) suggested, they had saved up quite a bit of Gold, and gathered some Magic Crystals to help expand the tunnels.
"Alright, that sounds like a good idea!" Ruby said cheerfully as they approached the spot, the Red Minion Hive was sat on the statue of the Dragon, Ruby looked at the statue and her mind filled with images of what her new pet Dragon could be.
(I wonder if he'll puke lava too?) Ruby wondered to herself as she glanced down to the egg, smiling as she gently ran her fingers over the hard shell.
"Where would be the bets place to put it?" Ruby asked as she looked around at the area, to see if there were any spots she could use.
"Right here, we'll put it over this lava pool" (Y/N) said as he pointed to a small alcove between two small sets of steps, Ruby nodded her head and walked over, (Y/N) pulled out a small metal frame and set it up over the lava pool.
"It's really hot..." Ruby said as she carefully placed the Egg on the metal frame, just above the lava to keep it warm.
"Waheeew! Roast Rats!" came a voice from above, (Y/N) and Ruby looked up, and saw Mortis with a couple of Reds.
"Ah, it's good to see Mortis showing a little more life again, now that the Reds are back" (Y/N) said with a smile on his face as he saw then stick some Rats onto the blade of Mortis's Scythe, before they used their fire to roast the Rats into toasty little snacks.
"Yeah... really, cute" Ruby said as she cringed slightly as one of the Reds bit into the crispy critter, getting a bit of a crunch from the overcooked Rodent.
"So, let's go to the Foundations!" Ruby said as she grabbed the sleeve of (Y/N)'s Robes, pulling him along with her back to the Floating Rock, where they flew down into the Nether World Foundations, Ruby and (Y/N) went to the section for expansion and construction.
"So, does expanding the Barracks just make room for more of the Minions?" Ruby asked curiously while she was looking between (Y/N) and Giblet, who would order the renovations.
"Well, it will also help the new born's to grow stronger before they emerge to serve you, my Lady" (Y/N) said as he showed Ruby what to do, she had managed to get the first expansions for both the Browns and the Reds.
"Let's go back now, Mistress, it's time we plan our next move to establish your rule over the world" (Y/N) said, feeling pleased that Ruby cared for the Minions, the girl nodded her head and they left Giblet to begin the expansions, the two of them walked onto the Floating Rock and made their way back to the Dark Tower.
The two soon reached the Dark Tower, and saw the Minions had tied Weiss up and were dropping beetles on her and down her clothes, making the Heiress shriek and shout, as she squirmed, trying to remove the Bugs from her clothes, while Yang was smirking at her distress.
"Yang! Please, I-I'm sorry! Please untie me! Get these Bugs off of me!" Weiss said as she was trying to shake a Beetle off of her head, which seemed to be tangled up in her long white hair.
"I'll only do that if you apologise to Ruby, I'm getting really sick and tired of listening to the way you talk to my little sister!" Yang said with an evil grin on her face, as the Browns had more Beetles to torment Weiss with, well... at least the ones they didn't eat.
Ruby sweat-dropped at the sight and sighed, while (Y/N) was grinning ear-to-ear at the sight of the Minions tormenting the Ice Queen.
"Ah, it's so nice to see them getting along... almost brings a tear to my eye!" (Y/N) said as he wiped a fake tear off of his face, still smiling as the Minions stuffed another Beetle down Weiss's dress, making her shriek in disgust and fear.
"Blake! Why aren't you doing anything to stop them?!" Ruby asked as she looked at Blake, who was just casually reading her book while Weiss was being tormented.
"It's not my problem..." Blake said absentmindedly, as she flipped to the next page of her book, ignoring how Weiss was begging and close to crying from the Beetles in her clothes and on her body.
Ruby quickly ordered the Minions to untie Weiss, and remove the Beetles from her clothes and body, soon Weiss was sulking in the corner, looking like she wanted to shout, but didn't want to risk Yang or the Minions doing worse things to her, now Ruby was sat in her throne, while the Minions, (Y/N) and her team were waiting to see what their next move would be.
"What do you think we should do next, (Y/N)?" Ruby asked as she looked to the Sorcerer, who was stood at the bottom of the steps leading up to the Throne.
"Perhaps we could root out those White Fang, I've been hearing about?" (Y/N) suggested to Ruby, this caught Blake's attention and she closed her book and looked at (Y/N), with a serious look on her face.
"Where did you hear about them?" Blake asked seriously, worried about what he was planning to do.
"Velvet said it when the Minions were playing with her, also Weiss has mentioned them a few times" (Y/N) said as he motioned to Weiss.
"Disgusting Animals! Hahaha!" one of the Browns yelled loudly, making everyone turn to look at Weiss.
"What?" she asked as she noticed everyone looking at her, including yang and Quaver, who were holding Beetles again.
"Weiss, please don't teach the Minions bad words..." Ruby sighed as she shook her head and face palmed, or more accurately, had her hand on the front of her Helmet.
"Well it could be useful to stop them if their causing trouble, like that time before when they ambushed us" Yang said, as she remembered how she, Weiss and Blake had been captured and almost killed or worse by the White Fang in that cave.
"Yeah... but, now that we have back up, we can really put a wrench in their plans!" Ruby said excitedly, as she raised her fist into the air, getting a cheer from the assembled Browns.
"Back up? Surely you don't mean the Minions, right?" Weiss asked, only to shrink back when the Browns growled at her.
"Who else would I be talking about?" Ruby asked as she tilted her helmeted head, making Weiss sigh to herself.
"Well... they might be useful if we get cornered again..." Blake said, as she remembered how the Browns had massacred the White Fang in that cave, she felt bad that those Faunas were killed but, she also knew that if they weren't stopped she would have seen her teammates killed, and herself given to Adam.
"That's... okay yeah, that's a little fair..." Yang said, as she also remembered how she was captured, and how scared she was for Ruby when she was missing, she didn't want a repeat of that during a mission, ever.
"So what do we do, go back to Vale and look around for them?" Weiss asked as she stood back up, and slowly walked so she was in front of the steps to the Throne, Blake and Yang also looked up to Ruby.
"That would only waste time, my Lady, perhaps we should have some of the Minions keep an ear out for any trouble?" (Y/N) suggested as he stood at the bottom of the steps, with Weiss behind him, Ruby smiled under her Helmet.
"Alright then, let's do that" Ruby said as she stood from her Throne, the Sorcerer then turned to the Throne Room and gave off an air of authority.
"Form up you useless sacks of pus! Make your Master proud!" (Y/N) yelled in a commanding voice, instantly a group of Browns and Reds rushed into the Throne Room, several of them were new born Browns, wearing nothing but loincloths and holding clubs, while the rest were carrying armour and weapons from their past excursions.
The Minions stood at attention, giving their Dark lady their full attention as they awaited their orders.
"Minions, go to the surface, keep a listen out for anything about people wearing white masks causing trouble, if you hear anything, then come right back and tell (Y/N) or me!" Ruby commanded, her voice having adark undertone to it as her eyes had a slight silver glow to them, Yang, Blake and Weiss looked surprised at this while (Y/N) ginned to himself.
The Minions all cheered before they rushed off to find tunnels that would let them go to the surface, giggling and chattering as they ran off to obey Ruby's orders, while Yang, Blake and Weiss sweat dropped, worried about just how serious the Minions would take this Mission.
Meanwhile, far away in the land of Anima, hidden from view of the capitol city of Mistral was a large city, it's buildings, walls and streets made of a strong white stone, made in the style of Romans, the people living there wore white Toga's, and sandals, wearing little else underneath.
Meanwhile, in the Palace of this large city, a man wearing a white and red toga, with black hair and wearing a monacle over his right eye, his teeth were also really crooked, he walked through a darkened hallways, heading towards a chamber that glowed with a bright blue light.
"My Emperor, it would appear that the Sentinels have detected traces of Magical Creatures, in the Dragon's Nest we raided a few days ago, it would seem we may have to return to Nordberg, and see if this Magical being is hiding there" the man said as he bowed down before the shadowy figure, who was floating in the air, bathing in the blue light that came from below.
"No, Nordberg is a dismal, worthless little town... send your brother Borius instead, with some of our Soldiers that are not as useful, they should be more than enough to capture a worthless village who only sell Seal Meat" the Emperor said, he wore very regal clothing, and a golden mask that covered all of his face except for his mouth and chin.
"O-Of course, Emperor Solarius! I will see that it will be done! And might I say, it is a brilliant plan to have my useless brother lead such a far... distant little backwater..." the man said, as he gave the Emperor a crooked grin, showing his crooked teeth.
"See that it is done, Marius! I will not allow a Magical Creature to escape us and disrupt my order!" Emperor Solarius ordered loudly, Marius bowed again and quickly hurried off to execute his Emperor's order.
"Soon, I shall have everything I deserve, and more! Hahahahaha!" the Emperor said as he continued to bathe in the blue glow.
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