Discovery of a Sanctuary, and a Very Special Gift
The Yeti roared and beat it's chest at (Y/N) and his group of Minions, (Y/N) fixed the Yeti with a determined glare as he sent the Browns ahead to attack the wall of fur, the Browns and their Wolf mounts attacked the Yeti, but it didn't seem affected by the blows, of the fireballs from the Reds, until it pounded the ground so hard the Browns and Reds fell over, and it ran off towards a row boat full of barrels, the Yeti jumped into the boat, and the two Elves on that side of the platform jumped down to fight the Minions.
"Strike down the infidels" one of the Elves said as he jumped down and went to attack (Y/N), only to be set on fire by the five Reds hurling their fire at him, while the Browns savaged the other one, after they killed off the two Elves and stole their stuff, the Minions charged to the two winches that would raise and lower the boats into the water, the Minions smashed these winches and made the boat fall, forcing the Yeti to jump off and land on the platform, where he was attacked again.
"You've gone too far this time, man" one of the last two Elves said, waving his Cutlass at them before the Yeti jumped up onto the next boat, and the two Elves jumped off to fight the Minions and (Y/N), however one was quickly killed by the Wolves and the Browns bowling into him.
"Our bodies may descend but our minds rise to a higher spiritual plane" the last Elf said, sounding very tripped out.
"Just shut up and die!" (Y/N) yelled angrily as he hurled a Fireball at him, setting him on fire and making the Elf scream before he died, the Minions then repeated the motion of destroying the winches with the second boat, making the Yeti jump again, as soon as the Yeti landed the Minions surrounded it and beat it up, until with a final roar, the Yeti fell onto it's butt, panting tiredly.
"Alright, now to put this collar on and..." (Y/N) said as he approached the Yeti, holding a spiky collar and chain.
"No! No! Stop this at once!" Florian demanded as he directed the Elf ship to get closer, stopping at another platform with a gap inbetween.
"Grr, you again?" (Y/N) said in annoyance, as he glared at the Elf over the Yeti's shoulder.
"This noble beast belongs with us! Come here, come here boy!" Florian called out, the Yeti seemed to regain some of it's energy and hit (Y/N), sending him sprawling onto the wooden platform, allowing the Yeti to get a running start and jump across the gap to the platform that Florian just landed on, when it landed the Yeti did a rollie-pollie and was now sat in front of the kneeling Elf.
"Hey! That Yeti belongs to my Mistress!" (Y/N) said angrily as he got up off the ground, brushing snow off of his robes as he took out his staff.
"As if we magical folk didn't have enough problems of our own with Atlas, Salem, and the Empire, without the likes of you trying to expunge us!" Florian said, as he took hold of the Yeti's massive hand.
"Oh cry me a river, just hand over the Yeti, and I'll have our Mistress make your deaths... mostly painless!" (Y/N) threatened, with the Minions jeering and hissing angrily too.
"Ha! It's not like you can reach us, now let's go, set sail for the Sanctuary!" Florian said as he jumped back onto the boat, which also had a bunch of Baby Seals too.
"Ankwoo!" the Yeti said as he sat on the deck, holding one of the Baby Seals in his large hand, gently petting it's head with one of it's fingers as the ship sailed out of the cove.
"Oh wonderful, if only we still had the Blue Minions here! Oh well, guess we'll just have to follow them back to this Sanctuary of theirs, and get back our Yeti!" (Y/N) growled, the Minions growling too, when a scream came from close by, (Y/N) looked to where it was and then his eyes went wide.
"Oh no, QUAVER!" the Sorcerer said before he took off in a full blown sprint toward the place he heard Quaver scream from, with the other Minions not too far behind him, they ran through the trees toward where the scream came from.
"Get offa me you brutes! Or I'll give ya a good walloping!!" Quaver said angrily, as he was tied up on the ground, standing around him were some of the Hunters that were on their way to the Hunting Grounds, but there were some other people there as well, they were dressed in Roman-style armour, carrying green, oval-shaped shields and swords, and wore green tunics under their armour.
"Hehe... yeah right, pipsqueak, why don't you just tell us where your Sanctuary is, and your cleansing will be as painless as possible" one of the Roman soldiers said, looking at the poetic Minion with disgust.
"What're you talkin' about?! I ain't telling you nothing!" Quaver snapped, giving them a defiant glare.
"Oh yes you will, or I'll-" the Soldier said, as he raised his fist ready to punch Quaver.
"You'll what, you son of a Troll?" came a voice from behind the group, they turned only to see (Y/N) glaring hatefully at them all, holding a Fireball in his hand, with his ten browns on Wolf-back, and the five Reds hissing angrily.
"There's more of them!" one of the Hunters said in surprise.
"And there's a Wizard among them!" one of the Empire Soldiers said.
"Get 'em! We'll collect the reward from the Empire, bringing in this lot!" one of the Hunters said, as they stood on a high platform, he and one other readying their Harpoons to throw.
"Charge!" (Y/N) commanded the Browns charging ahead on their Wolves to meet the charging Humans, they two sides crashed into each other, one of the Empire Soldiers was sent flying into the air as the Browns hacked and slashed and beat the Humans, with the five Reds giving ranged support with their fiery projectiles.
"Hurry! Kill those Red Devils!" the Hunter on the Platform yelled as he hurled his Harpoon at the Reds, the spear planting itself right next to the feet of one of the Red's, making it yelp and jump back.
"Not on your life!" (Y/N) growled as he used his Magic and cast the Shield Spell, which protected himself and the Reds from the Harpoons that were being thrown at them, while (Y/N) kept the Reds safe with his Shield Spell, the Browns and their Wolf Mounts were slaughtering the Hunters and Soldiers, one of the Wolves knocked down an Empire Soldier and started ripping into his flesh as his rider beat the man's head in with a club, one of the Hunters in the fight was on fire from the Reds attacks and was trying to put out the flames, soon enough the numbers started to fall.
"Destroy that platform!" (Y/N) ordered, some of the Browns obeyed and charged along with their Wolves, they started hacking at the wooden supports as the Hunters stood on the platform felt them attacking the supports and went to throw their Harpoons, however they were too late.
The supports broke apart and the platform fell, the two ranged Hunters on the platform fell ten feet and hit the ground hard, before they were mauled by the Browns and their Wolves, soon the snow was spattered with red blood, and the bodies of Soldiers and Hunters were left in the cold, as the Minions looted the bodies, gathered the Gold and Life Force, and the Wolves had a good meal of warm, Human flesh.
"Me smell magic!" one of the Browns said, (Y/N) ended the Shield Spell he cast and then started to smell the air too, being a Sorcerer and learned in the ways of Magic, he could smell it too.
"Hmm... he's right, there's magic in the air and it smells... bleagh! Like light magic! That means that Sanctuary that foolish Elf spoke of must be close by!" (Y/N) said, disgust evident in his voice, the natural hatred between creatures of Dark magic and Light showing.
"Perhaps in this 'ere cave?" Quaver said as he pointed to the entrance to the cave, which had two large bonfires burning, indeed this Magical scent came from down there.
"Good work Quaver, let's go boys!" (Y/N) said as he took out a large flask of Mana Potion and drank it down, he would have to make more for himself very soon, he was down to the last small vials.
He and the Minions approached the mouth of the cave, but then the Wolves stopped, they started to whine and whimper in fear before they shook their riders off of their backs, making the Minions fall face first into the snowy ground as the Wolves ran a few feet away from the fire.
"Oh, that's right, Wolves are afraid of fire... well, I suppose we could always have them go to the Nether World, go! Go to the Nether World Gate, and make yourselves at home I guess" (Y/N) commanded, the Wolf's tails wagged as they sprinted off back the way they came, following the scent and tracks left behind.
"Alright Minions, onward!" (Y/N) ordered as he led the Minions into the cave, to find their Yeti.
We walked into the cave, and we came to a passage and kept walking, finding that the inside of this cave was actually quite warm, compared to outside at least, we continued on down the tunnel, however as we walked I looked to the left and saw a clear sign that Magical Creatures were close by.
"What is it (Y/N)? You see somethin'?" Quaver asked as he went to look too, only for the Browns to shove him out of the way to look in as well, inside this little nook grew some large, pink crystals.
"Fairy Gems, these crystals grow in places with a lot of Light Magic, their power can also be used to empower weapons and armour forged in the Nether World, the only thing with more power, would be the Dark Crystals" I said, I knew just how rare Dark crystals were, and how much time it would take for them to form, but... these would be useful to the Mistress.
"Get in there, and break those formations, bring me those Crystals!" I ordered, the Browns rushed in and started bashing the Crystals, until they shattered and they gathered up the Magical Gems, and brought them to me, I took them and smiled when I felt the untapped Magical Power within.
"Alright, move out! Let's go find this Sanctuary, and give those Elf's a good kick in the pants!" I said as I walked ahead, with the fifteen Minions following close behind, we walked down the path until we soon came across a small clearing, there was a river that cut through the rock, with a giant root as a bridge, there was an arch on the bridge which was obviously crafted by Elves, and across the river were several Magical Creatures.
There were three Elf's there, as well as two fairy's, they were very small, and quite pudgy, their most noticeable feature being their ridiculously large breasts, they might even be bigger than Yangs! Their, "assets" were barely covered by flowers, they also had caps and skirts made of leaves, their big bellies showing proudly, and they had two pairs of leaf-like wings.
"Um, (Y/N), I think we might've found that "Sanctuary" you were lookin' fer!" Quaver said as he looked up to me, I nodded and walked closer to the bridge, but I stopped on my side.
"Welcome to the Sanctuary, Creatures of magic" said another Magical Creature, it had a humanoid appearance, however it's legs were a trunk and roots, it's skin was blue and it had large leaf-like appendages on it's back, it also had little tendrils on it's head in place of hair.
"Hmm, a Dryad, and Fairy's too, looks like we found a Nest of light magic, it's so... repulsive!" I muttered to myself, feeling hatred burn inside of me from seeing all of these Light Magic Creatures here.
"No! Do not let this barbarian, or his Goblins in, Dryad, he is an enemy to all that is fluffy and adorable, like this poor fellow here" came a voice I hated, I looked over to see that swishy Elf there on his ship, with our Lady's Yeti sitting on the deck, I saw the Yeti yawn and punch one of the Elf's into the water.
(Okay, that sell's it, he must be the Mistress's pet!) I thought to myself as I turned to face that Elf.
"Hey you soppy, fluff hugger! Hand over the Yeti!" I called out, but the bastard just sailed the ship into the sanctuary, and that pesky Dryad blocked off the entrance with roots! And the annoying part is that the only way to kill a Dryad is to kill the pod that it is connected to, which is probably on the other side of this barrier, and out of reach!
"Bunch of light magic fairy pussies... just you wait, we'll be back! And when we do, you'll all feel the wrath of Evil!" I yelled, the Minions joining in on my threat.
"I think not, Sorcerer" came a strong, feminine voice, there was a flash of blue light, teleportation magic, then I saw a woman standing on the other end of the barricade, she wore a long, blue dress, dark blue with ice blue accents, her hair was also blue, but what really caught my attention, was the amount of Magical Power I could sense within her.
"Queen fay!" one of the elf's said, sounding like he was enraptured by this woman.
"Ugh, wonderful, a Fairy" I said, feeling annoyed and about this, and also a little nervous, this woman far exceeded me in Magical Power...
"I shall not permit your Darkness to defile this place, you shall leave, or I will force you!" this Fairy Woman said, before she raised her arms and used her Magic, suddenly the cavern started to shake! The Minions and I were doing our best to stay on our feet, but the shaking was getting worse, and large chunks of rock started to fall around us!
"Uh oh, (Y/N)! I think she's trying to bring the tunnel down on us!" Quaver said as he clung to my leg, a rock smashing into the ground very close to us! Then there was more rumbling and I looked back to see a part of the wall under some large roots collapse, revealing a hidden tunnel!
"Hurry up guys! There, through the tunnel!" I shouted, before the Minions and I ran towards the tunnel, I heard the Elves and that Fairy saying something as we ran, but the ceiling was still collapsing around us!
We ran through the tunnels as fast as we could, having to try and avoid the falling rocks, and collapsing paths, several times I had to pull one of the Minions away from a ledge, and we had to hurry along, soon we started running uphill, still avoiding falling rocks and ice, soon though we saw a light at the end of the tunnel, we sprinted for it until we jumped out just before the opening collapsed.
"AAAAAHHH!!!" we all screamed as we flung ourselves out of the tunnel, and ended up landing in thick snow, I sat myself up brushing snow off of myself as the Minions also started getting up.
"Badeew! That was fun!" One of the Browns said, as he jumped up and started dancing around in the snow.
"Again! Again, again!" one of the Reds said, as his heated body melted the snow slightly.
"NO! Never! EVER! Again!" I yelled, this was not an experience I wanted to repeat!
"Awww..." the Minions sighed, sounding a little disappointed.
"Well, we're out of the collapsing tunnels at least, but..." I said as I stood up, brushing off more snow from my Robes, only to get hit by a strong wind.
"... we're lost!" I said, my voice echoing across the damned mountains, this was going to be very annoying and difficult.
"Hey Yang?" I said as I sat up in my bed, just waking up from a nap.
"Yeah Ruby? What's up, do you need more milk?" Yang asked me, as she walked closer to the bed, she'd been sticking close to me today to make sure I was okay, but... why didn't (Y/N) come to visit me?
"No, I'm just wondering, where's (Y/N)? How come he hasn't come to see me at all?" I asked, I was a little upset that he hadn't come to see me, but maybe he was off making that potion he was talking about?
"Huh, now that you mention it... he must still be working on his plan" Yang said, as she looked around my personal room.
"Plan? What plan?" I asked, feeling curious about what this plan could be.
"I maay have told him about it being your birthday yesterday, and he's gone to try and make it up to you for not celebrating it" Yang said, then I thought about it and I realised she was right, I forgot my own birthday!
"Oh yeah, I forgot that too..." I said, feeling embarrassed that I'd forgotten something like that.
"Seriously? How do you forget your own birthday?!" Weiss asked me, sounding annoyed that I would forget this as well.
"Hey! It's not easy being an Overlord, you try ruling over the whole Nether World!" I said to her, giving her an annoyed look.
"I'm guessing your stomach ache is gone now?" Blake asked, as she walked into my room.
"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better now, do you know where (Y/N) is Blake?" I asked her, hoping he wasn't too worked up from missing my birthday, especially since he didn't know.
"I'm sure he's just at the Minion Burrows, probably planning a surprise party or something" Weiss said casually.
"Actually... I was there a little bit ago, and I didn't see him at all" Blake said, this got everyone's attention.
"Why were you at the Minion burrows?" Weiss asked, turning her head to look at Blake, who was leaning against a wall.
"I went there to find a quiet place to read, though it was difficult with the Minions harassing me, speaking of which... there seemed to be a lot more than before, like a bunch of new ones were made" Blake said, as she put her hand to her chin in thought.
"And a pack of new Wolves appeared in the Throne Room, left dirty, bloody paw prints all over the nice clean floor too!" Weiss said, complaining about these new Wolves, but... where did they come from?
"Let's go take a look around, maybe he's at the Battle Rock, or the Foundations?" Yang suggested as I got myself out of bed to help look for him.
"Let's go check" I said, Weiss, Blake and Yang nodded and we went to search for him.
"I don't understand, where could he have gone?!" I said to myself, I had chosen to stay here and check the Throne Room, but I couldn't find (Y/N).
"Is, something bothering you, Master?" came a female voice from behind me, I turned to see Doris, my new Personal Baker stood there with a pair of Browns standing behind her, holding weapons to her, she was holding a plate of cookies in her hands with over mitts on them.
"Oh, Doris! We're just trying to find (Y/N)" I said as I looked at the cookies on the plate hungrily.
"Oh! You mean the Sorcerer? He left the Nether World" Doris said, at this time I saw Weiss, Yang and Blake come back into the Throne Room, after checking out the other places in the Nether World.
"WHAT!??!" we all yelled at her, me in shock.
"Um, yes! He left with that Minion that makes songs and poems, said something about getting a pet for the Mistress, to make up for not knowing it was her birthday!" Doris said with a smile, it looked a little strained, probably from the Halberds pointed at her back, I took one of the cookies and took a bite, it was good!
"Oh no, you mean..." Weiss said, a look of horror on her face.
"(Y/N) and Quaver, have gone to the surface..." Yang said, her face going to realisation.
"To do something for Ruby..." Blake said as sweat dropped around her face.
"Oh no!/That's so sweet!" we all said, though I just realised that I said that out loud.
"What?" Weiss, Blake and Yang said, all sounding confused.
"Um, nothing! But no need to worry, I can talk to him with my Helmet!" I said as I walked back up the steps and into my Private Quarters, I walked to the armour stand and picked up the Helmet, I looked at it and took it back down into the Throne Room, I walked past my friends and Doris, and sat in my Throne, before I placed the Helmet on my head, then I closed my eyes and concentrated.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N), can you hear me?" I said, hoping that this link worked two ways...
"Oh, hello Mistress, how's your tummy doing?" (Y/N)'s voice came from within the Helmet, it worked!
"It's fine, where are you right now?" I asked, worried that he might have done something dangerous to try and make me happy or something.
"Currently, Quaver, my Minions and I are lost on a mountain!" (Y/N) said, I started to freak out a little.
"He's on a mountain?" Weiss asked, sounding confused, since my eyes were closed I guessed that everyone must be confused.
"What!? Why are you on a Mountain?" I asked him.
"Ah, well funny story actually... you see, Quaver and I came here to capture a Yeti for you to have as a pet, but we ran into a spot of bother... namely some horrible Elves taking our Yeti, and bringing it into some kind of "Sanctuary", then there was a cave in, a very crazy escape with lots of running, jumping and boulder dodging, and now we're on a snowy peak!" (Y/N) said, and I heard the sound of wind from his location.
"Oh man! You had an awesome adventure without me!" I said with a pout, crossing my arms and huffing in my Throne, I missed out because of that belly ache!
"I'm sorry my lady, if you want I can throw myself off this cliff as an apology?" (Y/N) said, I suddenly panicked.
"No, please live!" I yelled, making Yang, Weiss and Blake wince from how loud I was, I really didn't want him to try hurting himself just because of this!
"Mistress, try closing your eyes and concentrate, there's something you should see" (Y/N) said, I was wondering what he wanted to show me, but perhaps I should try doing what he says?
"Um okay... well my eyes are already closed" I said as I then started to try concentrating, suddenly the darkness was replaced by white, and then... I saw an amazing view! I saw miles and miles of snowy land, I was seeing what (Y/N) was seeing!
"Whoa! This is amazing!" I gasped in wonder, this was just like one of those parts from one of those books Yang would read to me.
"I know right, this only works for a short time, it's quite a view... and very soon, all of it will be yours, Dark Lady!" (Y/N) said, I felt my face heat up from his promise, and my heart beat fast in my chest.
"N-Now's not the time for that, (Y/N)!" I said, feeling my face was red hot, my eyes opened and I saw Yang and Weiss looking at me, while Blake was sat on the steps reading again.
"Can you get to a Nether World Gate?" I asked, I hoped he could get back to the Nether World, I didn't want him or his Minions to freeze!
"Unfortunately no, the pathways up here are far too narrow, and might cause an avalance, we'll need to find a space for Grubby and the Minions to build a new one, which means we will have to go higher and find a wide enough space" (Y/N) said, I really didn't want to cause an avalance! It looks like (Y/N) will have to find a good spot, at least I can contact him with my Helmet if I get worried.
"Okay... good luck, come back safe!" I said, he hummed back and started walking, then the sight faded to black and I saw my throne Room again, now all I could do was wait for him to find a place and come back...
"Don't worry Ruby, (Y/N)'ll come back" Yang said, as she walked over and placed her hand on my shoulder, rubbing my shoulder to try and make me feel a little better.
"Yeah, he has the Minions with him, and Quaver!" Weiss said, for some reason, I felt a bit more nervous when I remembered he had Quaver with him.
(Please don't do anything too crazy (Y/N)!) I thought to myself, as I slumped in my Throne, maybe eating the rest of those cookies Doris made will help me feel a little better?
"Ruby, don't you dare! You only just got over a stomach ache from eating too many sweets!" Weiss scolded, I really hope (Y/N) comes back soon!
"Brr, the cold winds up here really wake you up! And the VIEW, so... INSPIRING!" Quaver said, as he started prancing around and looking at the view, looking like he was getting inspired to write more songs or poems.
"Throw Quaver over cliff! hehe hahaha!" one of the Browns said.
"Make into coat!" another one said.
"Any of you try anything, I'll kick the lot of you off this mountain!" I threatened, I was already annoyed with being stuck out here in the cold, last thing I need is them trying to mess with each other!
We walked along the icy paths, having to walk through thick snow, which seemed to have not been touched for a very long time, climbing higher and higher to try and find a wide enough space for the Nether World Gate, so we could get out of this frozen hell! After an hour of climbing and walking, we soon reached a plateau that overlooked the mountain range.
"Ah look, we've reached a plateau! This is a good place to build a Nether World Gate, and there's a cave to wait in for now!" I said as I noticed the large cave that was on the plateau, it would be a good place to get out of the cold for now.
"Mistress! We've found a good location for the Gate, send Grubby here please!" I said, focusing on making a connection with the Mistress.
"Okay! Just try to stay warm until then, okay?" my Dark Lady said, I was happy she was so concerned, it made me feel all warm inside.
"No worries Dark lady, we have some Reds with us for warmth!" I said, it was annoying that I didn't have anything for the Reds to burn, at least this place would keep us out of this snow and wind!
I walked into the cave, with the Minions following close behind, Quaver also followed us, but stuck close to me since the others didn't like having him around, Quaver suddenly ran ahead slightly, looking around the dark cave.
"(Y/N), look, this cave goes rather deep! HelloooOOOOOOO!!!" Quaver said, before he shouted down the space, his voice echoing slightly, however, as I looked around I noticed that this cave wasn't made naturally...
"Wait a second... these rocks, they seem like they've been, melted..." I said as I ran my hand along the rock, parts seemed like it was melted and the rest seems to have been dug or gouged out by something large.
"Big foot! Big foot, hehehe!" one of the Reds said, as it stood in the middle of a large, footprint, I looked at the track and froze in fear, the claws, the melted rock, it all pointed to one thing!
"Oh boy... Quaver, we're in a Dragon's lair!" I exclaimed, as I looked around, listening out in case it was here, Gnarl's lessons on Magical Creatures helped, but now I was very nervous.
Dragons are very dangerous Magical Creatures, despite most of the peasants ideas, there is nothing noble about a Dragon, it's ten tons of flaming muscle powered by a brain the size of a gooseberry, if I encountered a fully grown Dragon, I'm very sure the Minions and I wound be dead!
"DRAGON?! Where? Where!?" Quaver said in a panic as he sped back over and hid himself behind my legs, shaking in fright at the thought of being near such a deadly Creature.
"Hmm... this footprint looks a few days old, we must be cautious, though I think this lair might be abandoned" I said as I looked around the tunnel, still keeping an eye out for any fire, or the sounds of ten tons of angry Dragon rushing at us.
"Perhaps yer right, lad! , we'd be little piles of ash right now..." Quaver said as he hopped and danced around, seeming to have lost his fear now at my reassurances.
"Hmm, why don't we go further in? Perhaps we will find something worth while here? Like left over riches" I said, rubbing my hands together, some extra gold or jewels would always be good for out Mistress's coffers.
The Minions and I walked further into the cave, as we walked, we found the charred bodies of Humans, they seemed to have been cooked alive, we followed the trail until we found the main chamber, in it was a large corpse, a Dragon, it had been slain... the bodies of men laid everywhere, too burned to make out who they could be, the Dragon had various wounds all over it's body, so it must have put up a very good fight before it perished, however... it's head was missing.
I looked around to see that the chamber was also empty, whoever these people were, they must have also looted the treasure left here, Dragons are notorious for the riches they hoard, perhaps this is what drew these people here?
"Now this... was a BIG pile of flaming muscle! It looks like it was slain by one of those, do-gooders! Just an Evil creature trying to settle down and start a family... lousy Heroes!" I cursed, I walked closer to the corpse and placed my hand on it's cold, scaly body, I swore I could still feel some power in this thing's corpse, Dragon's can sometimes produce rare ingredients for Alchemy.
"Well... if it's dead, it doesn't need any of the gold left here, right (Y/N)?" Quaver said, as he stepped closer and looked up at the huge corpse.
"Yes, spread out, try to find anything of value that remains, it would make better use in our Mistress's hands, that staying up here in this frozen cave" I ordered, the Minions spread out to search for any left over treasure.
A little later on, the Minions managed to make a small pile of treasure in the middle of the chamber, enough to fill a treasure chest at least.
"Not too bad, not as much as I would have hoped for a Dragon Hoard, but still pretty decent" I said, before a rumble came, and a crash came from outside of the cave.
"Weheew! Nether World Gate ready!" came a familiar voice at the entrance to the cave, it was Grubby, which means that crash was a Nether World Gate being opened, we could finally return to the Dark Tower!
"Okay Minions carry this loot back to the Tower!" I commanded, the Minions eagerly gathered up the treasure in their claws and rushed to the Gate, to send these riches back home, I went to follow them, when something odd caught my eye.
"Hmm? What's that?" I said, as I walked closer, when I got there, my eyes widened at what I saw, it was perfect, it was like the forces of Evil conspired to bring us here just for this reward!
"Yes! This will be Perfect!" I said with glee as I reached down, to pick up the real treasure that was in this cave, he looked back to the giant, headless corpse
"Woah, looks like they managed to find some treasure on their adventure!" Yang said as she saw piles of Gold and Precious Gems land on the floor of the Throne Room, only to be gathered up by the Minions and taken upstairs to Ruby's Private Quarters.
"Where's (Y/N)?" Ruby asked worriedly, wanting him back right now, after worrying about him for so long, she even passed up more cookies due to her worry! Suddenly, there was a shriek as Quaver fell back into the Throne Room and hit the floor hard, only to jump up like nothing had happened.
"Fear not, oh great Mistress of Darkness, the Minion Master shall be right with us!" Quaver said as he started dancing around, a huge, toothy smile on his face as the Magic started to work, then a familiar robed figure descended into the Throne Room, letting out a sigh of relief at feeling the warmth of the Nether World.
"Ah, finally, home sweet home!" (Y/N) said, with a big smile on his face, glad to be out of the freezing cold mountains and in the dark warmth of the Nether World.
"(Y/N)! I'm so glad your okay! Your in big trouble mister!" Ruby said as she jumped out of her Throne and rushed to him, only to grab his ear and scold him with a pout on her face.
"Ow! Ow, ow ow, my Lady please be careful, I don't want to drop your birthday gift!" (Y/N) said in a pained voice as he tried to hide the gift in his robes.
"(Y/N)... you didn't have to get me anything! I mean, you kinda got me a personal Baker, I'd think that's my Birthday and Christmas all rolled together" Ruby said as she let go of his ear, letting him stand up straight.
"Really...?" the Sorcerer asked, looking at his Dark Lady in disbelief, he'd also forgotten about Doris for the most part.
"Yes! You worried all of us for nothing! I hope your going to apologise, you dolt!" Weiss scolded, as she directed the Minions to wash away the paw prints left by the Wolves from earlier.
"So, I went out there, chased a Yeti around the Hunting Grounds, fought an army of Hunters, got humiliated by those... wretched Elves, and almost froze, for nothing?" (Y/N) said, sounding more dejected with each experience he told her about.
"Oh man, I didn't think you'd go off and do that!" Yang said, feeling bad about her plan now.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)..." Ruby said as she hugged him around the waist.
"It's fine I suppose, though the question now is, what am I supposed to do with this?" (Y/N) said as he took something out of his robes, Ruby let him go and stepped back as he took out what looked like a scaly rock, this caught the attention of all four girls.
"Um... (Y/N), what is that?" Blake asked, looking at (Y/N) with her usual stoic face.
"This? It was going to be the Lady's birthday gift" (Y/N) said, as he held the rock gently, like it was a delicate treasure.
"A rock? You went all the way up into that mountain, to get her a rock, that's a terrible idea for a gift!" Weiss said, sounding very unimpressed with what the Sorcerer had brought.
"Is it a Geode or something? I could crack it open to see the crystals?" Yang said as she punched her fists together, however (Y/N) pulled it away, protecting it.
"It's not a rock! This, is an Egg" (Y/N) said, sounding awed by the discovery, as he brought it out once more, letting Ruby see it.
"Oohh, what kind of egg is this (Y/N)?" Ruby asked as she gently took it into her hands, holding it close and secure in her arms, careful not to drop it.
"Well Mistress, that... is a Dragon's Egg" (Y/N) said proudly, Ruby, Weiss, yang and Blake all had looks of utter shock on their faces, it seemed... they would have an interesting guest very soon.
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