A Sorcerer's Quest
(Disclaimer! This chapter will contain some mentions of Seal Killing, if your overly sensitive, and cannot stand the thought of fluffy animals being killed, then LEAVE!)
"Well this is rather unfortunate..." (Y/N) said as he stood by Ruby's bed, seeing her laying on the bed, clutching her stomach in pain.
"It's her own fault for eating so much candy" Blake said.
"Yaaang, my tummy hurts!" Ruby said, pain evident in her voice.
"She is such a child..." Weiss said, as she pinched the bridge of her nose, contemplating her decision to follow Ruby, and how she could possibly be expected to rule the Nether World properly.
"I told you not to eat too much candy Rubes, but you just had to stuff yourself" Yang said in the big sisterly way.
"But it was so good, Ugh... why does something so sweet have to cause so much pain?" Ruby complained as she clutched her aching belly, a look of pain on her face as she lay in her bed in her pyjamas, her armour on a stand close to the bed.
"That's what happens when you overindulge yourself! You should show more patience and restraint!" Weiss lectured, though Ruby obviously wasn't paying any attention.
"Mistress, if you wish we could try to ease your pain?" (Y/N) said, as he bent over slightly to look Ruby in her eyes.
"You know how to do that?" Blake asked, looking at the Sorcerer suspiciously.
"Of course! It is part of my duties, to ensure our Overlord's health, both on and off the battlefield" (Y/N) said, ignoring the looks of doubt on Yang, Weiss and Blake's faces.
"O-Okay... please do, (Y/N)" Ruby said, showing complete faith in her adviser.
"Wonderful! I shall have the Minions prepare the alter!" (Y/N) said with a big grin on his face, before he left.
"Wait... alter, what alter? Why do you need an alter? (Y-Y/N)?!" Ruby asked, she went to get up and follow him, but stopped when she had a bout of stomach pain.
"I think we should go and see exactly what he'd doing!" Weiss said, Yang and Blake nodded and they hurried after the Sorcerer, leaving Ruby to lay down and rest, they caught up to him at the stairs to the Throne Room.
"(Y/N)! Hold on, what do you need an alter for!" Yang asked as they stopped him at the top of the steps.
"For the ritual of course!" (Y/N) said as he stopped and turned around to speak to the three girls.
"What Ritual?" Blake asked, sounding suspicious.
"The ritual to make a potion, to ease the Mistress's upset stomach, it just requires a few ingredients..." (Y/N) said, smiling to himself because getting the ingredients would also be quite fun!
"What would those ingredients be exactly?" Weiss asked, not sounding too convinced on using a Potion to cure a belly ache.
"Nothing too bad, just some Troll Flesh, Unicorn's Blood, one or two Dark Crystals, and the heart of a Succubus, the resulting potion brewed from it will restore our Dark Lady's vigour" (Y/N) said, already planning where to get these things from.
"There is NO. WAY I'm going to let you give her something like that! It sounds like it'll make her worse!" Yang said, absolutely putting her foot down, that mixture to her sounded vile!
"Not at all! I saw Gnarl prepare it for the Mistress's predecessor when he fell ill, it led to some incredible smiting after the pain subsided!" (Y/N) said defensively, feeling offended that they'd think so little of his ability to care for Ruby.
"If it's all the same to you, I think we'll go with the way we normally help an upset stomach" Yang said.
"What might that be?" (Y/N) asked curiously, though still annoyed with the girls for their comments.
"Well, back on the surface our dad would give her whole milk, and a video game to distract her" Yang explained, this made Weiss mutter about just using medicine.
"Hmm... perhaps, though we don't have any electricity in the Nether World, or Cable..." (Y/N) said, with his hand on his chin in thought.
"Perhaps we should try and have it installed?" Weiss said, though Blake and (Y/N) simply deadpanned at her.
"I don't think they have a cable plan for deep under the ground, Weiss..." Blake said, making Weiss huff and pout to herself, feeling like an idiot.
"Well, I suppose the Minions and I can care for her, perhaps seeing some people horribly tortured will lift her spirits?" (Y/N) suggested, an evil glint in his eyes that made the girls nervous.
"No, no, no, no! There's no need for that! I'd be more worried about... about um..." yang said, racking her brains for some kind of excuse that would get (Y/N) out of her hair so SHE could care for Ruby properly.
"Ruby's Birthday!" Weiss suddenly suggested, Yang then remembered, it was actually Ruby's birthday yesterday! On Halloween!
"The Mistress's birthday? Is it close?" (Y/N) asked, actually interested in this bit of information.
"Actually... it was yesterday" Yang said, while she made a face to Blake and Weiss, saying to go along with what she was saying.
There was a silence in the room as (Y/N) seemed to pale, looking like he was having an "Oh shit!" moment, the sort guys would get when they forget an important day in their lover's life, like an anniversary.
"What...?" (Y/N) said, sounding a bit worried.
"Y-Yeah! Ruby's birthday was yesterday, you didn't know?" Blake said, going along with yang's plan to have him not be involved in caring for their sick leader.
"U-Um... of course I knew, what self respecting Minion Master wouldn't know their Lord or Lady's birthday?" (Y/N) said, trying to cover for the lack of knowing when Ruby's birthday was.
"Oh good, maybe getting her birthday present will help her feel a little better?" Yang suggested, smiling inside that it seemed like her plan was working.
"Yeah... birthday gift, could you excuse me for a bit, I think I have some things to do" (Y/N) said, looking like he wanted to leave badly.
"Sure, see you later" Yang said, before (Y/N) walked away, seeming calm, but now sweating slightly from worry.
"Was it really her birthday yesterday?" Weiss asked, a little surprised that her suggestion might have been true.
"Yeah, she usually makes a big deal about it to everyone, but I guess that whole situation with the Halflings, and running the Nether World made her forget" Yang said, confirming that it actually was Ruby's birthday.
"I hope (Y/N) doesn't try and do something crazy or evil to impress Ruby" Blake said, now kind of worried again.
"I'm sure it'll be fine, he'll just made some kind of evil cake and have a party in the Minion Burrows, no big deal..." Weiss said, sounding pretty uninterested in what he might do.
"Yeah, now then, I'll go get the whole milk, and find something to help her feel better" Yang said before she left to find said milk, and perhaps a book or two to read to her?
(Y/N)'s POV
Meanwhile in the Throne Room, (Y/N) was beating his head against one of the stone pillars, muttering insults to himself, while some of the Browns in the Throne Room copied him, and others just giggled at what their leader was doing.
"Stupid (Y/N), forgetting your Mistress's birthday..." (Y/N) said, as he kept beating his head against the black rock, making thumps with each hit.
"Oy, (Y/N), is something troubling ya?" Quaver asked, as the jolly Jester jangled his way over to the Sorcerer, who stopped hitting his head and turned around to look at the Minion.
"Yes Quaver, it would seem that our Mistress's birthday was yesterday..." (Y/N) said, as he rubbed his forehead, trying to relieve the forming headache that he caused himself.
"Our Dark lady's day of birth is on one of our favourite holidays?! My joy and jubilations! This just makes her all the more perfect for the role as Ruler of the Nether World!" Quaver said as he started to jingle and jangle from dancing around in happiness.
"Yes, indeed it does, however, I was unaware of it being her birthday" (Y/N) said as he rubbed his forehead.
"Oh boy... girls get pretty peeved when you forget things like that!" Quaver said, sounding like he pitied (Y/N).
"How would you know?! As far as I know, you've never left the Nether World!" (Y/N) said, sounding annoyed.
"Aye, that maybe so, but I am an artist! I know the whiles of women well, perhaps you can placate the lass, maybe with a pet?" Quaver suggested, this idea caught the young man's attention.
"A pet?" the Sorcerer asked, looking to Quaver for more details.
"Yes, something to lavish her attention upon, and protect her too!" the Artistic Minion said, as he tapped his shillelagh on the stone floor.
"Well, we do have those Wolves..." (Y/N) said to himself as he reached into his robes and took out a vial of the same potion he was going to make for Ruby.
"No no no! Those Wolves are mounts! Our lady deserves something... truly special" (Y/N) said as he opened the vial and drank down the potion, the pain in his head quickly fading, as he tasted the Troll and Succubus in the mixture.
"If it's something special you be wanting, I 'appen to know such a beast!" Quaver said excitedly.
"Really? What kind of Beast?" (Y/N) asked, intrigued to know what kind of Beast Quaver would recommend.
"Over in Atlas, in the cold, snowy mountains, I hear that a Yeti has been sighted, it would make a most PERFECT gift for out Dark Mistress!" Quaver said, dancing around on the floor with a big grin on his face.
"A Yeti? Aha... yes that would be a good pet, warm and furry, something for her to snuggle up with, and they are tough, so it could protect her, Quaver your a genius!" (Y/N) said with a grin on his face to match Quaver's own, giving Ruby a pet would be really good.
"I am? I mean, yes! I AM!" Quaver said, surprised and jovial from such high praise.
"Alright then, where exactly is this place?" the Sorcerer asked as he walked closer to the Throne, the map of Remnant fell from the ceiling of the Throne Room, showing the whole of the world to him and the musical Minion.
"Riiiight... there! It's also a Hunting Ground, so watch out for any Hunters while your there!" Quaver said as he pointed to a section of Atlas, which was a mountain close to the shore.
"What do you mean? Your coming with me" (Y/N) said as he looked down at Quaver pointedly, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at the jovial Minion.
"I am?!" Quaver asked in surprise, holding his claws to his chest in surprise, as the bells on his hat jingled.
"Yeah, I mean, your always saying how you wanted to be on the field of battle, the roar of the Beasts, the smell of the Minions, right? Plus, you could get inspired while we're up there!" (Y/N) said, since Quaver had such a love of art, like making poems and such, then perhaps a trip to the surface might inspire him to write better songs and tales.
"Well... I guess yer right! let's get going!" Quaver said excitedly as the map was rolled back up, the Sorcerer and Quaver walked to the middle of the room and the Magic of the Nether World brought them up, both (Y/N) and Quaver being lifted up to begin their next adventure.
The Hunting Grounds, a place where the Hunters of the town of Nordberg went to gather pelts and meat from the local wildlife, it was also close to the sea, to feed the town and sell to Atlas, this Hunting Season promised a rich bounty, with it being Seal Breeding season, however, the Hunters were having a few issues...
Close to an ice flow in the shore, was a cave, the cave suddenly flashed with a bright blue light, the smell of Magic permeating the air as the light faded, then came the sound of clawed feet running along cold stone, before the sound of clawed feet came, along with giggling and whooping, then a pack of Minions emerged from the cave, ten Browns and five Reds.
"Brrr, Gnarl was right, these winds go right up your nethers!" (Y/N) said as he shivered from the chill wind, rubbing his upper arms for warmth.
"My word! These cold winds are really bracing!" Quaver said as he started running around, checking out everything.
"Now then, the mission is this, search the Hunting grounds, find that Yeti, and catch it! If any of the Hunters try anything, feel free to kill them off!" (Y/N) said as the Minions stood around him, the Reds sticking closest to keep the Sorcerer warm.
"Righty-o! Let the hunt, BEGIN!!" Quaver said, as he rushed off ahead, the other Minions muttered things about him, hoping he would fall into the icy water and other things, while the Sorcerer walked after the excited Jester.
A little bit ahead, they found a small cove with ice everywhere, however the sight that greeted the group filled them with disgust, it was full of, small, fluffy, bif eyes... Seal Pups!
"Yuck! Fluffy Rats!" one of the Browns said in dusgust, watching as one of the Baby Seals pulled itself toward a Fish, and ate it in front of the group.
"See! Poor fishie!" one of the other Minions said.
"DIE!" another said as he raised up his club menacingly.
"Die smelly furball!" the Minion yelled as he chased the Seal Pup, aiming to beat it to death.
"Lumpy! Don't go running off, curse you!" (Y/N) called out, not wanting the Minion to get too far ahead, just in case he was caught alone and killed off.
"These fluffy monstrosities, would prove most useful in providing us with more Life Force, right (Y/N)?" Quaver said, as an evil grin settled on his face.
"Hmm, your right, the Life Force would be helpful in boosting the Number of our army, and I suppose we should perform a little pest control, okay lads, it's time to show 'em whose top of the food chain!" (Y/N) said, making the Browns and Reds cheers loudly, before they charged off to start culling the fluffy ones from the world!
A few minutes passed and several Baby Seals lay dead on the ice with Minions eating them, Reds cooking the blubbery meat for a snack, (Y/N) also tried some, remembering how much Gnarl enjoyed Deep Fried Baby Seal Nuggets, the Reds walked to the young man and gave him some of them, he took them and popped the warm blubbery meat into his mouth.
"Mmm... these are quite tasty, no wonder Gnarl loved them so much!" (Y/N) said as he kept eating them, with the Reds cheering at the approval, before a loud roar came from close by!
"What in Earth was that?!" Quaver said, looking around for the source of the noise, then they saw their target, the creature was at least eight or ten feet tall, had a human-like body that was covered in black fur and was very muscular, it also only had one eye and a tuft of black hair on top of it's head, and small, pointy ears.
"It seems we found our Yeti, and he seems rather fond of these disgusting balls of fluff! Pile in lads! Knock him senseless!" (Y/N) ordered, the Minions charged at the Yeti, only for their attacks to be useless against him! They beat him whacked him and tried punching with their fists but none of the attacks worked!
As the Minions tried to attack the Yeti, it grabbed huge armful's of snow from the ground, the Yeti pulled it up, rolling it into a large snowball, before the Yeti threw it at (Y/N), he yelped and dove aside, the giant snowball bowling over the Browns and burying Quaver in snow!
"Woah! That's "snow joke"!" (Y/N) said as he dusted snow off of his robes, getting ready to attack the Yeti, and find a way to defeat the hardy Beast.
"Is something wrong Yang?" Ruby asked, sitting on her large, queen sized bed, surrounded by cushions and drinking a glass of Whole Milk, while Yang sat on the bed next to her, in her pyjamas, holding a book called The Dark Legend.
"My Pun senses are tingling..." Yang said as the small curl of blonde hair on top of her head twitched, acting like a kind of Spidey-Sense, accept for Puns.
"Your so silly sis" Ruby said, before she took another sip of her milk, and got comfy to hear more of the story, hearing about the rise of the son of a disgraced Duke, called... Lord Gromgard.
"Hey! Stop you!" (Y/N) said, as the Yeti smashed a glacier and went to escape ahead, before the young man, and his Minions pursued, until they came across the Yeti stood there as a man wearing the pelts of various animals was stood in front of it, the man also wore thick winter clothes, and had a rag covering the lower half of his face, however the Browns were a little pissed when they saw the skin of a Wolf around the Hunter's shoulders, the Hunter was brandishing a spiked club, probably for killing Seals, and completely useless against a Yeti.
"Hey, where'd you come from?" the Hunter asked as he stepped closer to (Y/N) and his Minions.
"We came from the tunnel back there, now what do you think your doing?!" (Y/N) demanded, pointing his finger at the Hunter, fixing him with a glare.
"I got a permit from Atlas and the Empire to hunt on these lands, this is my Yeti, I saw it first, get lost!" The Hunter said dismissively, making the Minions and (Y/N) angry.
"Minions ki-" (Y/N) started to order them, before the Hunter did an oopsie, he hit the Yeti in the chest as herd as he could, however this just annoyed the Beast, who roared angrily before he punched the Hunter into the snow up to his waist, before the Yeti then punched the man, sending him flying into the air!
"Oh, well that sorts that out, now to- hey!" (Y/N) said as he saw the Yeti wandering off ahead, he and the Minions quickly started chasing the Yeti again, only to stop when Quaver skidded to a halt, looking at something across the icy water.
"Oh my lord! Look at that abomination!" Quaver said as he pointed across the water, (Y/N) looked over and cringed at what he saw, it was dozens of Baby Seals! They were all flocked around some kind of banner which had a picture of what looked like a peace symbol of some kind.
"Yes, it is rather disgusting! But, it is also a lot of potential Life Force... perhaps we should try to find a way to that area?" (Y/N) said, as he thought about the potential Life Force they could harvest, and the death they could sow against the fluffy ones.
"Ah! An excellent idea! Let's do it!" Quaver said with a cackle, they then turned and started to walk further along, but then a pair of Adult Seals attacked them, (Y/N) threw a Fireball at one of the Seals, making it flip onto it's back as the Minions attacked it and the others.
One of the Seal made a grunting sound and raised it's tail up into the air, before it spun around rapidly, knocking back some of the Minions, before more piled in and started bashing and stabbing it, until eventually the second Seal was killed and it's Life Force harvested, they continued on until there was a scream from above.
The Hunter that the Yeti had sent flying earlier was falling back to the ground, slamming head first into the ice, and getting buried so that only his legs stuck out of the snow, then, the Browns grinned as three Wolves came running and started to bite and chew on the dead Hunter.
"Ah, Wolves! Excellent, saddle up Minions!" (Y/N) said as he directed the Minions toward the Wolves.
"Aye now, aren't you a fine Beast, perfect to carry me into battle!" Quaver said as he jumped onto the Wolf's back, only for the ravenous canine to snarl and snap at the poet's legs, before running around and rolling in the snow to get him off, apparently not liking the jingle jangle of his bells, however as they went on, they ended up at the edge of a Hunter's camp, with a bunch of igloo's, (Y/N) and the Minions caught up, and saw the Igloo's, and Wolves trapped in cages.
"Cursed Hunters, let's break these Wolves out of these cages, and show these Hunters whose boss!" (Y/N) commanded as he used the Frenzy Spell to enhance the Minions fighting power and speed, he then swept the Browns into the camp, the Hunters tried to fight back with their clubs, but the ten Browns, and the fireballs from the five Reds helped to kill them off fast, with (Y/N) using his Mana to maintain the Frenzy, after the Hunters were all dead (Y/N) stopped the Frenzy Spell and looked to the Igloo's seeing more Hunters starting to climb out of them.
"We'd best flatten these Igloo's, or there'll be more Hunters to deal with!" (Y/N) said, before he commanded the Minions to destroy the Igloo's, making sure to smash them so no more Hunters would come out to cause problems.
"It looks like that barricade is blocking us off, and that Yeti's on the other side! Perhaps those Fluffy abominations will draw him back over?" (Y/N) said as he turned his sights back toward where the ice flow was, that had that banner and the gathering of Seal Pups.
"This way Minions! Reds, stay close" (Y/N) ordered as he pointed to an alternate path, this small area had several more Wolves all in cages, barking and snarling for freedom, the Browns charged ahead, smashing the cages and freeing the Wolves, who quickly let their saviours jump onto their backs and ride them into battle.
"Aaaiiieeeee!!!" Quaver screeched as he and the Wolf he rode rushed at a Hunter that was close to an Igloo, the Wolf jumped and snapped at the Hunter's throat while Quaver bashed him over the head with the skull on the end of his shillelagh, the weight of the Wolf pushed the Hunter down and allowed it to tear out his throat, while Quaver cheered and jangled.
(Y/N) directed the rest of the Minions to smash the Igloo, revealing a wheel, four of the Browns on Wolf-back turned the wheel for the group, lowering a small drawbridge with more peace sign banners hanging over it.
"Onwards Minions, we have Life Force to harvest, in the name of our Mistress!" (Y/N) commanded, some Baby Seals were laying on the ice close to the bridge but saw the Minions charging across, before they were brutally killed off, and their Life Force harvested.
"What do you think you're doing?! Cease this barbaric slaughter, at once!" demanded an Elf on a ship, he was wearing brown pants and a short vest, showing his pecs, which were also covered in green leaf-like armour and a cloak on his back made from red leaves, he also wore a yellow and red sash tied around his stomach, and a big, rainbow coloured sock-like hat for his hair, which was blonde and braided, he was holding a sword in his hand.
"Who are you to be tellin' us what to do?" Quaver said as he shook his shillelagh towards the boat where the Elf, and his cohorts were.
"I am Florian Greenheart, and these are the soldiers of the Sanctuary, valiant protectors of the Sanctuaries and all creatures of Magic and Nature" The Elf, now known as Florian said as he and two other Elves jumped off of the ship, and struck heroic looking poses in front of the Sorcerer and his Minions.
"Ugh... terrible Elf, this is what happens when you spend too much time hugging things, how about you all get out of my way, before I add Elves to my hunting list!" (Y/N) said, disgust evident on his face and in his voice, he somewhat inherited a hatred for Elves from his mentor.father figure Gnarl.
"Soldiers, stop this savage! Protect the fluffy ones!" Florian ordered, sending four of the other Elven warriors to fight with the Minions and protect the Baby Seals.
"Perhaps all he needs is a hug?" one of the Elves said, before he was blasted by a Fireball from the Sorcerer's outstretched hand, the Elves then started jumping along the broken pieces of ice towards the group, with Florian jumping back onto the ship.
When the Elves got closer though, they were met by the Reds throwing their fire at them, setting one of the remaining three alight! He prances around before jumping into the water to put out the flames, the other two made it across the ice, only to be knocked down and savaged by the Wolves and their Brown Minion riders.
Seeing that their soldiers were killed, the Elves quickly set sail and left the Baby Seals and their parents to their fate, the Minions cheered and roared as they managed to get new equipment, two of them getting the Elf's swords, and some tearing off strips og their clothes to wrap around their faces.
"Now that those prancy, tree huggers are gone, let's get to business!" (Y/N) said as he turned and sent the Minions against the gathering of Seals, what came next was a massacre, as the Minions and the Wolves worked together to slaughter the Seals, and gather their Life Force, as this was happening, the Yeti they were chasing had come back and was trying to stop this killing spree by throwing giant snow balls at the Minions, but so many of them were running around that soon all the Seals were dead.
"New hat! New hat! Hahaha!" one of the Browns said as it wore a Baby Seal's head on top of it's own, like a furry hat, this got a lot of Life Force into the Nether World, then there was a loud crash from the path ahead, followed by a roar.
"(Y/N), look me boy! Our quarry is escapin'! We 'ave to chase after it!" Quaver said, as he pointed toward the path they were on before, the Yeti had smashed down a part of the barricade and made a path for himself to escape!
"Yeah, otherwise those Hippie Elves might find it and take it away!" (Y/N) said as he gathered the Minions together and they went to rush after the Yeti, it was quite easy with the Wolves carrying the Browns, and Quaver riding close to (Y/N) and the Reds.
They passed the broken barricade and went into a new area, which seemed like a resting place for the Hunters, the Yeti stomped it's way to the left going through the Hunter Camp, (Y/N) and the Minions chased after it, but were stopped by more Hunters emerging from their Igloos.
"How many of these damned Hunters are there!?" (Y/N) said in annoyance, he then sent the Browns against the Hunters while the Reds supported them, as he and Quaver started smashing the Igloo's, however, another group of Hunters slid down from a high ledge on some ice, the fight was hard, but soon the Minion's strength, started to overpower the Hunters, especially since (Y/N) was using his magic to destroy the Igloo's and Quaver assisted by bashing the Hunters as his mount snapped and bit them.
After a quick fight, the Minions had finally managed to kill off all of the Hunters, some of the Browns had little furry hoods for themselves from the dead Hunters furs, (Y/N) approved of the destruction, which brought in more Gold and Life Force, some of the gold going to (Y/N)'s pocket in case he needed to buy anything, they carried on, going up a snowy slope and finding the Igloo that the Hunters who slid down came from, they quickly smashed the Igloo and carried on, seeing the Yeti going on ahead of them, they stopped when they reached the top of the path, and (Y/N) shaded his eyes with his hand and look out ahead, seeing what looked like a town ahead.
"Hmm, that looks like a town, perhaps it's the place all these Hunters came from, perhaps this could be a new territory for our Mistress to claim?" (Y/N) said to himself in thought, he then heard the Yeti roar again, they looked to see it running down the path, with more Hunters throwing Harpoons at it, which bounced off of the Yeti's touch hide.
"Hey, stop throwing Harpoons at that Yeti, you worthless Peons!" (Y/N) shouted before he threw another fireball at one of the Hunters, setting them on fire, as the Minions charged the ones on a raised platform, the Wolves mauling the Hunters until all of them were cleared out.
(Y/N) then looked further down the path and saw the Yeti was in another hunter Camp, with six Igloo's, however it seemed that Hunters were either asleep or too scared to confront the Yeti, who was pissed and the dead Baby Seals that were being roasted on an open fire, like pigs on spits.
"There he is, charge!" (Y/N) commanded, the Browns charged ahead along with Quaver, on their Wolves, they quickly started smashing the Igloo's, the Hunters then started coming out to defend their Igloo's, but were quickly overwhelmed by the Wolves, their riders and the Reds fire attacks, while they dealt with the Hunters the Yeti ran ahead onto a docking platform, he stopped and roared, deciding he'd had enough and would fight his aggressors who killed all the fluffy Baby Seals.
As the Yeti roared and beat his chest in challenge, the same Elf ship from before sailed into the cove, dropping off four Elves to help the Yeti kill off the Dark Creatures.
"Oh no, those damned Elves are back! Hurry up!" (Y/N) commanded, not wanting to lose the Yeti, he and the Minions charged onto the platform, only to see the Yeti ready to attack them.
"Oh boy, he looks a little peeved, (Y/N) hurry and stop him!" Quaver said, then in an unfortunate accident, the Yeti charged and swung at them, the Wolf ducked, but Quaver wasn't so lucky and was back handed off the Wolf and into the distance!
"Quaver!! Alright you walking rug! Time to throw down!" (Y/N) said, angry at the Yeti being defiant and sending poor Quaver flying away like that, he got the ten Browns on Wolf back, and five Reds with him ready to fight the giant beast, and finally claim it as Ruby's pet!
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