A Pest Problem and New Allies
Deep down in the Netherworld Blake sat on the steps in the Private Quarters reading her copy of Ninja's of Love, as she read the book the Minions moved around cleaning the room and repairing the cracks on the floor.
In the distance the sound of yelling could be heard, it was Weiss directing the Minions on proper cleaning etiquette, she twirled around the massive Throne Room sweeping up the floor with the Browns trying, and comically failing to mimic her moves some slipping over and crashing to the floor making the other Browns laugh at them, others simply wandered off chasing rats and vermin to get rid of them quickly.
"Hey! Don't run off and leave this mess behind!" Weiss yelled angrily, the Brown in question caught the rat with his claws and chomped it in his fanged maw, his sharp teeth crunching the small bones and causing blood to drip to the floors.
Weiss watched on with a horrified expression as the Brown messily ate the now-dead rat, the other Browns giggled at the messy display.
"Ugh... that's so disgusting..." Weiss said before gagging when the Brown held the half-eaten rat above it's mouth and squeezed the remaining insides into it's mouth before popping the rest in and swallowing it loudly.
Suddenly the fingers of Netherworld Rock above the Throne Room began to spread open and closed like a giant hand as magical energy arced between the rocks, Weiss moved back covering her eyes as the magic turned into a bright light, when the light faded away Weiss opened her eyes and saw a crane sitting on the platform, along with two big bags filled with gold and treasure.
"What in the world is..." Weiss said before a group of Minions rushed towards the newly arrived objects, two groups of five Minions grabbed the bags of gold and carried them up towards the Private Quarters while more Browns grabbed onto the crane and brought it out of the Throne Room to the floating rocks.
"Hold on a second!!" Weiss yelled as she chased after the Minions, she watched the Minions as they placed the crane on a larger floating rock and sent it downwards into the darkened abyss below.
"Where the heck did that go to?" Weiss asked herself, she quickly stood up and brushed herself down before returning to the Throne Room to oversee the Minions work maintaining the cleanliness of the main room in the tower.
Meanwhile Blake was getting to an very racy part of the book when she heard grunting coming towards her, she looked up to see two groups of five Browns walking towards her with two big sacks full of gold and treasure, Blake's eyes widened at the sight of the valuable treasure and she quickly moved aside as the Browns moved past her and into Ruby's room.
Feeling curious she watched as the Browns walked to an alcove that had been carved into the wall and had the image of a roaring dragon's head above the entrance, the first group of Browns walked forwards and dumped the treasure into the alcove with two others gathering up any spilled coins or jewels and tossing them inside, the process was repeated with the second sack until the two small groups were satisfied with their work and they left clutching the now empty sacks.
"Wow, I guess (Y/N) was right... Ruby is going to do well" Blake said as she looked back to the alcove that now held treasure, she walked away from the entrance to Ruby's bedroom and walked out onto the balcony to continue to read her book.
I walked my way along the dirt road next to the grassy meadows with Ruby at my side, we were also accompanied by the two horde's of brown Minions, and Ruby's big sister Yang.
"You see mistress, using your newly acquired magical powers will require some practise, but I have no doubt you will master them in no time" I said as we walked further along the road, suddenly we came across the same village we passed by earlier, only now it was full of people.
"Hey! It's the people we rescued from the Halfling Camps, I didn't know this was where they lived!" Ruby said in a happy voice, she grabbed the sleeve of my robes and dragged me after her as the Minion's followed after us along with Yang.
We stood at the border of the village and some of the people recognised us immediately.
"Look! It's them people that saved us from the work camp!" said a tall man wearing a farmers outfit and carrying a pitchfork.
"So it is! Come in my Lady, come on in!" said a small Deer Faunas that stood beside him.
"You and your little creatures are welcome here anytime!" the man said as he showed us inside, as we passed through the village the people came out and cheered for us, some of the children running to Ruby and talking to her and laughing as well as playing with the Browns and Yang, some even came over to talk to me, I had to admit I wasn't very good with children and I felt very uncomfortable with so many of them around me.
Then we heard the sound of someone playing a lute or something nearby, Ruby and I walked away from the small crowd of people followed by five of the Browns, when we arrived we found a well dressed man in a purple coat with two long brown coat tails and brown pants and shoes, he had long brown hair which covered his eyes and he was strumming a lute as he walked towards a very large pumpkin.
"Oohhhh your fat and your round and you don't make a sound. With such a gourd I could never be bored. You grow on a vine... oh dear pumpkin be miiiiine" the strange man sang to the very large pumpkin, suddenly one of the Browns jumped onto the table and grabbed the pumpkin.
"No wait don't-" Ruby called out but the Minion smashed it over his head causing pumpkin guts and juice to slather all over it's body.
"Gah! Oh well, she never loved me anyway" the man said as the Brown started reaching out for something to hold onto, since it couldn't see anything through the pumpkin, as this happened Ruby and I walked over.
"Ah, hello there! I'm Nym, and this is the Pumpkin Shack" Nym said as he gestured towards the town hall, on the bench the pumpkin headed Minion was reaching for anything to hold onto while a second one started doing Russian kicks on the table as it giggled manically.
"I hope you can do more for this town that the Huntsmen in this area, they seem more interested in protecting business than the people" Nym said.
"That's horrible! Huntsmen and Huntresses should protect people, not leave them to be slaves or killed by Grimm!" Ruby said in an angry voice.
"Pft! Heroes, never around when you need them! This is why you should always trust in a good villain, at the very least we will keep this town in order" I said as I walked over and pulled the pumpkin off of the Brown's head, he shook himself like a dog splattering Pumpkin guts everywhere.
"Perhaps you could do something about the Wolves? They've overrun the woods and are threatening the town!" Nym said.
"What, like Beowolves or something?" Ruby asked.
"No, like actual Wolves, the little blighters have been attacking the sheep around here, and what with the Halflings stealing most of them we need the ones that are left!" Nym said before walking away into the Pumpkin Shack.
"He's quite right my lady, no one will be worshipping you from inside a Wolf's stomach, I suppose this calls for a walk through the woods..." I said.
"Let's go, (Y/N)!" Ruby said as she unfurled Crescent Rose and called the browns over to her side.
"What about Yang? Shouldn't we go get her?" I said as I remembered that Yang was with us, it might be bad for my health if she thought me and her little sister sneaked off together.
"Oh, right! Let's go get her, then we'll go deal with those Wolves" Ruby said before walking away with me and the Minions to find her.
We walked around and were congratulated by more of the villagers, I did my best to stay on task while Ruby stopped and talked with some of the villagers, eventually we found Yang arm wrestling some very burly guys and winning!
"Hey Yang! We're going on a mission for the villagers!" Ruby called out to her big sister.
"Okay! Give me a sec!" Yang said as she effortlessly held the burly man's arm, he was straining and sweating to push Yang's arm down but she didn't even budge, in the space of a second she slammed his arm down into the table smashing the table and nearly breaking his arm, the crowd cheered at Yang's win and she received a pot full of gold coins while she raised her fist in victory.
"She's pretty strong..." I said with some amazement in my voice.
"Yeah, she's the best!" Ruby said happily, Yang walked over to us swinging the pot of gold in her hand happily.
"Look at this Rubes! Imagine all the upgrades I could get for Bumblebee!" Yang said excitedly.
"Congratulations Yang, where are we going to put it though? Won't it be a bit difficult carrying it around with us?" Ruby asked, Yang then looked a little worried about what she was going to do with her newly won money.
"I happen to know a spell that could transport it back to the tower, it'll appear in the Mistress's room and you can retrieve it when we return" I recommended.
"Wow, I didn't know you could do magic like that (Y/N)!" Ruby said as she slapped my back.
"Wait a minute! If you can do that, why don't you magic the missing tower stuff back too?" Yang asked.
"It can only work with small objects, unfortunately..." I said , I knew that if I tried to magic away a tower object I would cause some massive damage to myself.
"Oh, okay, then go right ahead and do your magicky thing" Yang said as she set the gold down on the ground, I closed my eyes and gathered the mana in my hands before casting the spell towards the pot of gold, the gold began to glow blue before it vanished in a small flash of blue light.
"Awesome! Now, let's go hunt down some Wolves!" Ruby said as she raised a fist into the air and ran towards one of the other gates out of the village, Yang and I followed close behind along with the Browns.
We walked out of the gates and into the woods, the trees were old and grew high towards the sun, their thick canopy of leaves and branches keeping the sun from shining through making perfect territory for dark creatures such as Wolves.
"Wow, it's really dark here..." Ruby said in a nervous voice.
"Don't worry little sis! Your safe with me here" Yang said as she patted Ruby on the shoulder.
"Plus you've got me and the Minion's too, my Dark Lady" I added.
Ruby, Yang, (Y/N) and the browns continued to walk through the woods keeping their senses alert in case the wolves tried to ambush them, they stumbled across a clearing in the woods and paused when they heard the sound of feet hitting the ground.
"Up there!" Yang said as she pointed towards a rocky outcropping, with a large tree growing above in forming an archway with it's roots, from the arch came a large brown-furred Wolf that looked at the group hungrily.
"AWOOOOOO!" the large Wolf called out, it's voice echoing throughout the darkened woods and more howls answered the call, the howl was cut off by a loud gunshot and the sound of a body falling to the ground.
"That's one down!" Ruby said in a triumphant voice.
"Yeah, but how many are left?" Yang asked as she got her Ember Celica ready for battle.
"By the sound of the paws hitting the ground... I'd say lots" (Y/N) said.
Suddenly a large group of Wolves burst from the bushes and rushed to attack the group, Ruby and (Y/N) sent the Minions to attack some of the Wolves while Ruby shot at some with her Crescent Rose, (Y/N) cast the Anger Spell to boost the Minion's strength and armour and Yang ran into the battle swinging her fists and sending Wolves flying.
The Minion's were faring better thanks to (Y/N)'s Anger Spell even when a Wolf would bite down on one of their arms or bodies, the Browns quickly began to overwhelm the Wolves and the ones that were left alive whimpered pitifully and retreated back into the thick foliage.
The clearing was littered with the bodies of at least 30 Wolves, many of them brown or grey furred and they were all very large and looked stronger than normal Wolves, the Minions ran around the dead Wolves gathering the life force and bringing it to Ruby while others took pieces off of the dead Wolves, after a few minutes some of the Browns had Wolf tails wrapped around their faces like scarves and a few wore skinned Wolf heads over their own.
"Well... that's what I call a dog day, eh? Guy's? AmIright?" Yang said with a big grin on her face.
Some of the Browns and (Y/N) laughed a little at the pun while Ruby shook her head at the terrible joke.
"Well I at least we sent them to the dog house, eh Yang?" (Y/N) said as he lightly elbowed Yang in the arm, the two laughed at their shared joke.
"You like pun's too, (Y/N)?" Yang said with a very big grin on her face.
"Yes, I think their very punny" (Y/N) said in response, causing him to laugh a little again.
"Okay that settles it, Ruby you've gotta marry this guy! If you don't I'll have to snatch him up for myself~" Yang said in a teasing voice.
"Yang! Don't!" Ruby said as she dashed over and pulled (Y/N) away from her big sister, meanwhile (Y/N) was blushing and lost in the fantasy of being married to Ruby, them having a family in the tower and surrounded by the Minions.
"Relax Ruby, you know I'm only teasing" Yang said in a reassuring voice.
Ruby looked down and saw that she was holding onto (Y/N)'s hand and felt a blush creep over her face, she quickly let go and jumped back slightly.
"I-I'm sorry (Y/N), I didn't realise I was still holding onto your hand like that!!" Ruby said quickly as she waved her arms around.
"Oh no, it's fine Mistress... really, no problem at all" (Y/N) said back as he tried to hide the redness in his own cheeks.
"Hey, lovebirds! We should get back to the village right about now, don't ya think?" Yang called over her shoulder with a chuckle.
"YANG!" Ruby shouted as she pulled her hood over her head and dashed off, she quickly climbed onto her sister back and started messing up her hair making the taller blonde thrash around trying to dislodge her little sister, (Y/N) could only watch the madness unfold and had a small smile on his face while the Minions pointed and giggled at the hilarious display of sisterly affection.
After finally managing to pull her little sister off of her beloved hair, Yang used her fingers to comb it back into place and walked off with a huff, followed by Ruby who wore a triumphant smile on her face and (Y/N) who walked behind the two with the Browns who were jabbering and laughing as they walked.
After a quiet walk through the darkened woods we arrived at the edge of the forest and walked the rest of the way back into the village, we saw the people in the village working and laughing and being happy as we walked back to the Pumpkin Shack.
Yang and I hung back as Ruby walked over towards Nym, who was sitting on the bench tuning his lute, Ruby was flanked by three Brown minions since the rest were staying with us or running around the town causing mischief.
"Wonderful, Lady, wonderful! The bounty from the town coffers is here for your greatness to do with as she pleases" Nym said as he bowed before Ruby, she smiled happily as the Minions around her kept a careful watch.
"As extra thanks from the town, we also offer your ladyship a mystic relic..." Nym said as he gestured his arm towards a carved Idol shaped like a Minion's head, my eyes opened wide in amazement, it was the first tier to the Minion spell: the Anger Spell!
"Thank you very much Nym, we're happy to help!" Ruby said, I slightly cringed at her words hoping that this didn't mean we would end up helping everyone with everything.
Ruby sent some of her Browns to pick up the Anger Spell's carved idol and started to carry out of the village back towards the Nether World Gate, some of (Y/N)'s Browns also carried two chests of gold back to the Tower as well.
"Um, there's a young lady in town who wishes to speak to you all. Wearing a red cloak, kind of like yours my lady" Nym said.
"Sounds like you've got a fan Rubes!" Yang said as we walked over to her and Yang hugged her tightly making Ruby struggle in her big sister's death grip of a hug.
"Perhaps we should go and see what this is about, after all it could be interesting..." I said with my hand on my chin in thought.
The group walked through the town towards the centre of town where a big plinth stood empty, when they arrived they saw a small girl around the age of five skipping around humming a song, she was indeed wearing a red cloak similar to what Ruby wore and a short blue dress with a red sash, and tiny red shoes with white socks, she had brown hair and blue eyes with little freckles in her cheeks.
Ruby, (Y/N) and Yang walked forwards with three Brown Minions following them and they stopped before the little girl, she stopped skipping and looked up to Ruby with very innocent eyes.
"Hello Lady Knight! I do hope you can help me. You see, I need to travel through the woods to grandmother's house" the little girl said as she moved her hands around, I could swear I saw her eyes change slightly when she saw the Wolf parts that the Browns were wearing.
"But the woods are dark and scary and I don't want to go through them alone" the little girl said as she covered her cheeks with her hands, then she wrung her wrists as she gazed at Ruby worriedly.
While the little girl was looking at Ruby one of the Browns started picking it's nose right out in public, (Y/N) saw this and swatted the Brown over the head giving him a warning look, the other two Browns laughed at the one (Y/N) smacked as it rubbed the back of it's head grumbling to itself.
"Would you and your funny little creatures be able to help me, pleeeease?" the little girl said as she made puppy dog eyes at the group.
"Sure, it's probably still a little dangerous right now, might still be some Wolves around" Ruby said as she petted the top of the little girl's head.
"Yeah! We'll keep ya safe until we reach your grandma's house!" Yang said as she pounded her fists together with a grin on her face, (Y/N) kept his eyes on the little girl as she hopped up and down in happiness.
"I'll wait for you at the edge of town Lady Knight" the little girl called as she ran off towards the gate leading to the woods.
"Isn't that just precious? You've got a double Ruby!" Yang exclaimed.
"I-I didn't think I'd have people trying to copy me so soon..." Ruby said with a small blush on her cheeks, which was covered by the helmet on her head.
"Ah, grandmothers! They mean heirlooms, my Lady, and pots of gold under the bed! Go ahead let her lead us to granny's..." (Y/N) said with a big grin on his face, Ruby nodded happily before she and Yang walked off towards the gate that the little girl ran off to, followed closely by the Minions who quickly stopped messing around and returned to Ruby followed by the ones that were carrying the Anger Spell back to the Nether World Gate, at the same time the ones under (Y/N)'s command returned to him as well.
"But the only ones we'll really be helping... are ourselves!" (Y/N) said with an evil chuckle, he quickly ran on to catch up to Ruby and Yang.
The three humans and the small crowd of Minions reached the gates, Ruby saw the little girl standing beside the large wooden doors waiting for the group and quickly walked over to her with the others.
"Hello, Lady Knight! Let's get going" the little girl said as she grabbed the hood of her cloak and began to run off towards the woods with a big grin on her face, Ruby and Yang laughed a little before following after her while (Y/N) and the Browns ran after them.
The group went into the darkened woods and began to walk through the paths in the forest until they arrived in the clearing where they fought the Wolves earlier, the bodies were being eaten by carrion birds and smaller Nevermore's.
"Huh, didn't take long for the crows to come and eat, they will be full for days" (Y/N) said as he looked around, he looked over and saw that the little girl was looking around at the dead Wolves with the hood of the cloak covering her head, and he noticed that her fists were clenched hard.
"You okay kiddo? There's no need to be scared, we'll protect you from the Wolves I promise" Yang said as she walked over to the little girl.
"Okay, it's right this way, come on" the little girl said suddenly seeming much more cheerful than before, the little girl skipped over to a massive boulder and looked at it in annoyance.
"Who left that silly little thing lying there?" the little girl asked as she looked up at the massive boulder, she started climbing up the boulder until she reached the top and jumped to the other side.
"Hey! What about us?!" (Y/N) yelled in an annoyed voice, then much to the surprise of the group the boulder began to move, with a few grunts of exertion the little girl managed to shift the massive boulder out of the path.
"There we go, nasty old boulder. Come on" the little girl said before suddenly dashing off into the woods, the others had to run to keep up, Ruby managed to keep pace easily but (Y/N) and the Minions were having a hard time keeping up, while Yang was having a little difficulty.
Suddenly Yang was stopped in her tracks when some of her long, golden hair was tangled in a gnarled tree branch, she turned and tried to carefully untangle it but it was difficult with the knots that were forming, (Y/N) turned and saw Yang in trouble so he stopped and went back to help Yang while most of the minions stayed with Ruby.
"What happened?" he asked as he came over.
"My hair's caught in these stupid branches!" Yang said in annoyance, she looked over and saw Ruby getting further and further away.
"Well, I guess you could say this is a 'hairy' situation" (Y/N) said with a chuckle.
"Not now (Y/N)!" Yang snarled, (Y/N) apologised for the badly timed pun and looked to see what he could do to free her.
"Hurry we've got to do something! I don't trust that kid anymore, not after what she just did with that boulder" Yang said as she tugged on her hair trying to untangle it.
"I could cut it and free you right no-" (Y/N) was cut off by Yang grabbing the collar of his robed and pulling his face close to hers, her eyes had turned red and her hair was starting to produce embers.
"No one. Touches. My. HAIR!" Yang said angrily before pushing (Y/N) away.
"Just go quickly, follow Ruby and keep her safe, if she get's hurt I'll kick your ass!" Yang said as she pointed towards where Ruby and the Browns ran off to.
"Okay, very well, see you later Yang, I'll be sure to come back and get you out!" (Y/N) called back before dashing off to keep his Mistress safe.
(Y/N) ran deeper into the woods following the Minions that were still with him, suddenly he heard a loud, shrill scream from nearby and rushed towards the sound, when he arrived he saw Ruby and the Browns surrounded by more Wolves, some of them looked like the ones that ran away earlier.
"I'm gonna hide in here! Try not to get eaten!" the little girl said before rushing into the house and slamming the door closed.
The door slamming seemed to be the signal for the Wolves to attack, because they all charged at Ruby and her Minions nearly overwhelming them with their numbers, (Y/N) knew he had to hurry or she might get hurt!
"Mistress, use the Anger Spell! It'll power up your Minions and help them die less!" (Y/N) called out before hurling a Fireball at one of the Wolves setting it alight and making it panic.
"O-Okay, how do I do that?!" Ruby asked as she slashed at three Wolves that jumped at her with their fanged maws wide open.
"Remember how you tapped into your power and threw a Fireball? Imagine something similar, only instead your projecting your own anger into their tiny minds, make them go wild Mistress!" (Y/N) said as he threw more Fireballs at the Wolves.
Ruby nodded her head and closed her silver eyes and began to use the new spell, suddenly the Minions under her command gained a yellow aura around their bodies and they started fighting harder, the Wolves fangs didn't cause as much damage as they did before and the Browns hit harder than before.
Ruby quickly regained her senses and swung Crescent Rose in circles slashing up Wolves as the Browns savaged the beasts, (Y/N) cast spells at the beasts ranging from Fireballs that made the Wolves panic from their primitive fear of fire, after a hard fought battle the last of the Wolves fell down dead and the Minions started gathering up the life force for Ruby.
"Wow, Lady Knight, I can't believe you surv- er, protected me from all those Wolves! Come inside and grandmother will reward you all" the little girl said from within the house.
"Something seems a little off here, be careful my lady..." (Y/N) said in a cautious voice, Ruby nodded her head before they opened the door to the cottage and went inside.
Ruby and (Y/N) walked into the cottage and looked around the large open room, there was a destroyed desk with broken plates and rusted cutlery on it as well as a fine layer of dust, there was also a pile of broken chairs and furniture by the door and an old worn down bed with torn sheets and pillows.
"Through here Lady Knight! Grandma's got your reward right here!" the little girl's voice echoed from a very large hole in the back wall, Ruby and (Y/N) looked at each other then back to the tunnel.
"Hmmm... slightly non-standard decor for a grandmother, but anyway just think heirlooms my lady" (Y/N) said as he gathered Mana into his hand ready to cast a Fireball spell at short notice, Ruby held her Crescent Rose tightly in her hands as she walked towards the tunnels the two humans were followed by the Browns as they both walked deeper into the house.
I was getting very pissed off with this stupid branch! I tried to untangle my hair and it was still knotted onto the gnarled branch and wouldn't let go.
"This is ridiculous! Come on branch, let go of my hair!" I yelled as I tried to untangle it without damaging it, as I got angrier my hair started to catch fire and the branches caught fire breaking off and finally freeing my hair.
"Yes! FINALLY! Now I better to find the others" I said to myself as I smoothed down my hair and looked around, I saw the path (Y/N) and the Browns ran down and went after them.
As I ran I called out Ruby and (Y/N)'s names, the path took several twists and turns I was starting to get really worried, I knew that she might be fine since she had (Y/N) and the Minions with her, but being her big sister I wouldn't stop worrying until I was there with her.
I ran further into the woods and realised I was completely lost!
"Ruby! (Y/N)! Where are you guys?" I called out as I looked around, there was a rustling from the nearby bushes.
"Ruby, is that you?" I asked as I looked over, only to see a very large man wearing the White Fang uniform step out with a massive sword slung over his broad shoulder, he had a white mask covering the top half of his face and I noticed that he had a large pair of moose antlers on his head.
"Definitely not Ruby!" I said as I extended my Ember Celica and got ready for a fight, the tall man stepped out of the bushes gripping the sword with both hands and swinging it at me with a loud yell, I ducked under and went to punch him in the jaw but he kicked me in the stomach sending me back into a tree.
I looked up and saw the tip of his sword coming towards me, I quickly moved aside as the blade sliced into the trunk of the tree sending bark over the area, the Faunus effortlessly pulled the blade out of the tree and swung it at me again nearly catching me with the sharpened blade, as we fought I heard the sound of footsteps emerging from the surrounding woods and I aw more White Fang goons along with several Wolves.
"What the he-" I was interrupted by a horrible pain in my back, I stumbled forwards and looked back to see a Dog Faunas holding a shock baton that crackled with electricity, the bastard had hit me in the back!
Before I could recover a shadow fell over me and I was hit in the back of my head really hard, I fell to one knee and both of my arms were quickly grabbed and pressed into my back, I looked up with my eyes half-open and saw the large Moose Faunas towering over me as I was forced to the ground on my stomach, the flat of his blade had some of my blood on it and I knew he had smacked me with it to incapacitate me.
"I bet Grendal will give me a promotion if I bring him your head..." he said in a grim, gravelly voice that sent fear through me.
(NO! I can't die here, I can't leave Ruby here all alone!) with that thought in my head I struggled harder as the Moose Faunas raised his sword up above his head in an executioners pose, my eyes widened in horror and all I could do was close my eyes and brace myself as I saw him swing the blade down towards my neck.
Suddenly there was a loud boom from a gunshot and a scream of pain from above me, I opened my eyes and saw the sword clatter to the ground far away from me as the Moose Faunas fell down with a loud thud as he held his bleeding shoulder, the White Fang around me were shocked at what had just happened, there was the sound of machinery whirring and I saw a person with a pair of pistols rush towards the group of White Fang goons.
Suddenly there was a series of loud gunshots erupted as the figure rushed towards us, the figure was holding two Punisher 1911 pistols and used a tree limb as a springboard to jump up high into the air above the group of White Fang and Wolves while firing the two pistols at the ones holding me down, both men fell down and I quickly stood up throwing them both back and into their comrades, the person landed beside me and I got a proper look at them.
I saw a young woman who was around the same height as me with long, platinum blonde hair that went down to her breasts which looked quite big, her skin was a pale white colour and her eyes were a deep, ocean blue colour, she was wearing an ice blue, form fitting t-shirt and a pair of grey cargo pants with a lot of pockets in the legs and a pair of professional looking running shoes, however what I noticed were the pair of fluffy white ears on top of the girl's head as well as a long white tail both the ears and the tail had grey and black spots on them indicating that she was a Snow Leopard Faunas, my eyes widened as I recognised her.
"No way! Tundra, Tundra Frost, is that you?!" I said with some happiness in my voice.
"Hello Yang, how are things going?" Tundra asked me with a smirk on her face.
Before I could answer the remaining White Fang soldiers and the Wolves rushed at us, Tundra aimed both of her Punisher 1911's at the oncoming enemies and fired the dust infused bullets knocking out the goons and killing or wounding the Wolves, I joined in with my Ember Celica blasting them back with my shotgun blasts and punches and a few kicks.
As the fight went on my Semblance kicked in and my hits steadily got harder as my hair blazed, I looked over to Tundra and saw he use her own Semblance to draw water from the puddles in the path and quickly made it into a sword of solid ice, Tundra slashed and jabbed with her ice sword while shooting with one of her pistols at the ones that were a good distance away, we both worked together to drive the White Fang and the Wolves away.
Finally after a hard fought battle I had to sit down because I suddenly felt dizzy and I was bleeding from the back of my head, I felt someone get close to me and I saw it was Tundra who looked at me concerned, she saw the blood on the back of my head and she reached back and pulled my hair apart to look at the wound.
"Heh... your lucky I know you so well Tundra... I don't usually let people... touch my hair..." I said as I panted from the exertion and the concussion, Tundra chuckled slightly as she looked at the wound and sighed in relief.
"The wound is almost fully healed, it's a good thing your Aura's so strong Yang" Tundra said with a smile on her pink lips.
"Yeah it is, so what are you doing here? Last I saw of you, you had to leave Beacon thanks to those idiots from CRDL..." I said sadly, not too long ago she had gotten into a fight with Cardin Winchester after she found him bullying her friend Velvet, she had beaten him black and blue, nearly breaking every bone in his body, unfortunately Glynda had dragged her to Ozpin's office and she had been expelled even though she had a good reason for her actions, I had to admit I was really sad the day she left and I really missed her, she was one of the most fun people I had ever hung out with, and she was always very reliable, she even offered to help me find my mother when we graduated.
I jumped forwards and hugged her tight, she seemed surprised at this but quickly relaxed and hugged me back, I felt safe and happy in her arms and I did feel a strange sense of loss when she let go.
"Truth is Yang, since I had to leave Beacon I was originally going to return to Menagerie, but since I didn't have any family or a home there I decided to wander around the four kingdoms helping out as I travelled, I've saved a lot of people and fought lots of powerful Grimm, I was passing through when I heard the blasts from your Ember Celica, I went to investigate and I saw that moose bastard about to decapitate you, I had to save you after all your my best friend" Tundra said and I saw her cheeks turn red as she spoke, I smiled at how she remembered me even after all this time.
"I need to get going!" I said as I stood up quickly, suddenly I was hit with a wave of dizziness and almost fell over but I felt arms wrap around me and hold me up.
"Woah there Yang! You're not going anywhere until that concussion's been dealt with" Tundra said in a scolding voice.
"No, I can't stay here, Ruby's in trouble I-I've got to go help her" I said as I lifted my head and looked at Tundra with an intense look, she looked back at me and I could swear I saw her cheeks flush again.
"Okay, I'll help you find your little sister, after all I'm kind of looking forward to seeing her again" she replied as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and another one went under my knees, I yelped in surprise as she started running with me in her arms in a bridal carry.
I felt a very strong blush creep over my face but I was glad she was going to help me find my little sister, I wrapped my arms around her neck and looked forwards as she ran with me in her arms.
Ruby, (Y/N) and the Minions walked through the tunnel until they came to a large chamber that was littered with bones, near the end of the chamber was a very large, deep crack in the ground and on the other side were two cages that held two small children a little boy and a little girl, and behind the cages was a darkened cave.
"H-Hello? Little girl? Grandma? Where are you?" Ruby called out as she walked into the cave, 10 Minions following behind her, (Y/N) stayed close by with his own Minions looking around for any threats to his Mistress.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk Lady Knight you really shouldn't go off with strange little girls, you know" came the voice of the little girl from earlier but as she talked her voice changed, becoming slightly deeper and more adult sounding.
"I don't like this mistress..." (Y/N) said as he called a Fireball into his hand, Ruby gasped when she saw a pair of large red eyes glaring at her from the darkened tunnel, the two children in the cages shivered and whimpered in fear.
"And you really shouldn't have killed my WOLVES" the voice said angrily when suddenly a massive Wolf with black and grey fur jumped from the darkened tunnel and landed in front of the group, around the Wolf's neck was the tattered remains of the little girl's cloak and the giant beast snarled at the group as drool dripped form between it's massive fangs.
"Oh dear... it's a Wolf Queen!" (Y/N) exclaimed in surprise.
"A what?!" Ruby called out as she kept her eyes on the Wolf Queen.
"A Wolf Queen my lady, nasty creatures made with magic, they can shape shift into a human disguise and lure people into their lairs where they devour them, they are also known to lead large packs of Wolves" (Y/N) explained.
"Hehehe, and that's only the beginning!" came another unfamiliar voice from the tunnel, they looked over the Wolf Queen's back and saw a tall man wearing the uniform of the White Fang, he carried a pistol and a whip on his belt and he had a smug smirk plastered on his face, he also had a pair of pointed, brown furred wolf ears atop his head and a wolf's tail with similar fur.
"Who are you?!" (Y/N) demanded angrily.
"My name is Grendal, and it would seem you've stumbled across out little pet project here, so I'm afraid you'll have to die now!" he said as he raised his pistol up and took shots and the group, (Y/N) conjured up the shield spell and deflected the bullets.
"(Y/N)! Take your Minions and go after that guy, I'll handle the Wolf Queen with the ones I've got!" Ruby said in a commanding voice.
"As you wish, my Dark Lady!" (Y/N) called out, he threw the fireball at a creaky wall and the wall collapsed making a pathway up for him and the Minions, (Y/N) and his 15 Minions ran up the newly created pathway towards Grendal, the Wolf Queen noticed this and howled loudly making a stalactite fall on the fallen wall and blocking the two forces off from one another.
"More fun than eating grandmothers! Hehehe" the Wolf Queen said in a growly voice, she charged at Ruby snapping her jaws but Ruby jumped back before slashing at the Wolf Queen with Crescent Rose.
Meanwhile (Y/N) and the Browns went to attack Grendal who was taking shots at the small group with his pistol, however (Y/N) was able to deflect the bullets with the shield spell until they reached him and the Browns went on the attack, Grendal unfurled his whip and lashed it at the oncoming Browns lashing some and leaving bleeding cuts from where the tip of the whip lashed them, seeing the Browns getting wounded angered (Y/N) and he threw four Fireballs at the attacking Faunas, Grendal managed to dodge two of them, but one hit him in the face burning his mask and the second one struck him in the chest leaving a very big burn mark.
Ruby jumped into the air and shot at the Wolf Queen hitting her in the shoulder and making her whimper in pain, then the Wolf howled and made the roof shake and suddenly a trio of Wolves rushed into the cave and fought the Browns under Ruby's command, Ruby reversed the grip on Crescent Rose and fired at the roof to propel herself towards the Wolf Queen and slashed the massive, magical beast across the face taking out one of her eyes and making her yelp and roar in pain.
Suddenly the Wolf Queen bit onto the shaft of Crescent Rose and wouldn't release the hold, it shook it's head violently ripping Crescent Rose from Ruby's fingers, the Wolf Queen looked at Ruby hungrily and jumped at her with it's maw wide open, Ruby quickly activated her Semblance and super sped away from the monster's gnashing fangs, she quickly got an idea and went to put it into action.
She ran at the Wolf Queen and jumped up into the air, she landed on the Wolf Queen's back and the wolf reacted by running around trying to knock her off and savage her, but Ruby used the tattered cloak around the Wolf Queen's neck to hold on as the massive Wolf jumped around twisting it's head around to try and bite into her leg and drag her off.
Grendal was trying his best to defend against the Browns assaulting him but heard the Wolf Queen snarling and snapping, he turned his head and saw what Ruby was doing to the creature he had made, he growled under his breath and aimed his pistol towards Ruby lining up a shot on the unaware girl.
(Y/N) saw what he was doing and commanded the Browns to attack quickly, the Browns rushed to obey (Y/N)'s command and jumped on him making the Wolf Faunas lose his balance and miss his shot, the Browns bit into his arms and ripped the gun from his hand but he growled and punched at the Minions trying to get them off, (Y/N) got closer and punched Grendal in the face making him stumble and fall back as the Browns swarm over him landing punches and kicks.
Finally Grendal was defeated, he lay on the ground all beaten and bloody as the Browns kept on kicking him in the ribs and giggling at the beaten Faunas, (Y/N) looked over to watch the battle between Ruby and the Wolf Queen only to see Ruby get tossed off the monstrous Wolf's back and onto the ground close to Crescent Rose, however the Wolf Queen had just recovered from the assault and was going to attack her again.
"Mistress! Use the Anger Spell, hurry!" (Y/N) called out, Ruby nodded her head and concentrated on the Browns that she commanded, suddenly they were all enveloped with a glowing green aura and started growling and yelling angrily as they beat the last of the Wolves to death, then all ten pair of eyes turned to the Wolf Queen and they charged to attack her keeping her away from Ruby as she scrambled to retrieve Crescent Rose.
The Wolf Queen shook herself violently and grabbed one of the Browns in her jaws before jumping up onto a ledge and trying to savage the Minion who was holding her jaws back as he kicked against her, Ruby saw this and quickly slammed the blade of her scythe into the ground and aimed at the Wolf Queen, she cocked the gun and fired a fire dust bullet towards the Wolf Queen hitting her in the shoulder and causing the tattered cloak on her back to catch fire.
The Wolf Queen whined and snarled as she glared at Ruby, the Wolf Queen sprinted to the edge of the ledge and leaped into the air with her jaws open wide for a final bite, Ruby was surprised but reacted quickly by retracting Crescent Rose into what looked like a red, box-shaped shotgun and fired right into the Wolf Queen's chest, the Wolf Queen's body shook as she was struck by the bullet and she hit the ground hard a few feet away from Ruby, it struggled back onto it's feet with a pained growl as it swayed back and forth before it looked up and howled towards the roof of the cave, the Wolf Queen's howl was so loud that the roof began to rumble and collapse sending large rocks and stalactites down towards the Wolf Queen.
The Wolf Queen staggered and stumbled before she fell to the ground on her side, she let out one final whimper before the falling rocks crushed her body and buried her out of sight, with that the remaining Wolves in the cave ran away in fear leaving the victorious Overlord and her comrades to have a breather.
(Y/N) looked down and saw that he would have some trouble getting back over to Ruby and her Minions, he saw a incline leading downwards towards the cages with the two kids in them and he carefully made his way down and stood between the cages.
"(Y/N)! Are you alright?" Ruby called over from the other side of the crack.
"Yes Mistress, I'm fine and so are the Browns with me, we managed to catch that guy Grendal and he's..." (Y/N) said as he looked back only to see that the White Fang Alpha had vanished.
"Oh for the love of all things evil! He's slipped away!" (Y/N) yelled angrily.
"Don't worry about that right now, can you open those cages?" Ruby asked looking at the two children in the cages either side of the Sorcerer.
"I can try, give me a second" (Y/N) replied he gathered mana into his hand and went to throw a Fireball at the lock of the cage.
"NO (Y/N)! You'll burn the kids if you do that!" Ruby called over, (Y/N) sighed and dismissed the mana, then he directed one of the browns to smash the lock but the Minion's weapon didn't break it.
"Damn, where's Yang when you need her and her monstrous strength?" (Y/N) asked himself aloud, there was the sound of a click like a bulled being loaded into a gun when a loud boom rang out across the cave.
Suddenly Grendal flew out of the darkened cave where the Wolf Queen emerged from and he landed at (Y/N)'s feet, he looked up in surprise to see Yang walk out of the darkness with one of her arms slung over an unfamiliar girl's shoulder.
"Somebody call for me?" Yang said with a grin on her face.
"YANG!" Ruby shouted happily as she waved her hands in the air to catch her big sister's attention.
"Hey sis! I'm glad to see your okay" Yang waved over with a big grin, Ruby looked at the girl standing beside Yang and her eyes went wide with shock and happiness.
"TUNDRA!? Is that really you! It's been so long since we last saw each other!" Ruby cheered happily.
"Hey Ruby, it's good to see you again" Tundra said with a big grin of her own, she looked at (Y/N) and the Browns with curiosity in her eyes.
"And who might you all be?" Tundra asked the sorcerer and the Browns.
"I am (Y/N), Ruby's devoted servant of darkness, and I am the Minion Master of the Nether World, and these are my Lady's loyal Minions" (Y/N) said, the Browns cheered slightly as they waved their hands in the air.
"I was going to say Ruby, you seem to have changed your look since the first semester, looks pretty cool" Tundra shouted across the massive crack in the ground.
"Thanks Tundra, do you think you or Yang can open those cages?" Ruby asked, Tundra and Yang looked and saw the two scared children in the cages, they looked at each other and nodded their heads as they each went over to a cage.
Tundra used her Semblance to form a huge hammer made of ice, she raised the hammer above her head and brought it down on the lock shattering it and opening the door for the little boy to escape, Yang simply drew back her fist and punched the lock on the little girl's cage and helped her get out, then (Y/N) grabbed Grendal and tossed him into one of the empty cages and Tundra used her ice to lock the cage.
"Chill out for a bit, you'll be with Mistral's police very soon..." Tundra said as she pulled out her scroll and dialled in the number.
The two children cheered happily and sped across a plank of wood that was extended across the crack in the ground, the two children ran towards Ruby looking very happy.
"Look Merv, her and her little dogs killed that big ol' Wolf Queen!" the little blonde haired girl said as her friend Merv ran up behind her.
"She was going to eated us!" Merve said, the Browns walked over to stand beside Ruby as the children talked to her.
"Hey... why don't you got no Red Dogs?" Merve asked Ruby, at the mention of Red Dogs Ruby looked towards a Brown Minion wearing a Wolf's head on top of his own.
"Yeah, like that fat Halfling and the scary man in the mask had!" the little girl mentioned.
"Hold on now kids, tell me about what happened" Ruby said in a motherly voice as she crouched down to the kids level.
"We were out playing when we saw some of those Halflings steal food from a nearby farm, we followed them and ended up near the Halfling Village and saw them all moving the food into a big house with a really fat Halfling shouting at all the little ones, and there were a bunch of weird looking people with them, but we got caught by those guys in the masks and given to that Wolf Queen and she said she was going to eat us for spying on them" the little girl said in a fast voice, somehow Ruby managed to understand since she also spoke pretty fast on occasion.
"And what about those Red Dogs? Did you see them with the Halflings too?" Ruby asked, that part of the conversation caught (Y/N)'s interest and he strained to listen.
"Yeah, there was a bunch of them in a big cage, and the people were carrying this big glowy rock thing in a wagon, but it got all burnded up and the Halflings had to carry it in with a big metal cart with wheels" Merv said.
"Come on Merv! Let's get back to town or Ma'll tan our hides!" the little girl said before she and Merv sprinted away towards the tunnel that would lead to the cottage, Ruby stood back up and looked over to the others who were trying to find a way over to her.
"How are you guys going to get over here?" Ruby called over to them.
"The Minions can walk over that bridge thanks to their small size, but for us we'd probably fall into that black abyss below us" (Y/N) answered.
"Maybe we could jump it?" Yang suggested.
"Yeah I guess, it's only a few feet wide, I'm sure we'd make it" (Y/N) said as he measured the distance of the opening in the floor.
"Oh no! Yang you still have a concussion, there's no way you can jump over that gap, you'll fall!" Tundra said in a very protective voice, this kind of surprised Yang but she quickly recovered and let a smug smile come to her face.
"There's no way I'd fall, if you carried me" Yang said, at the suggestion Tundra blushed slightly and looked away as she ran her hand through her long, platinum blonde hair with a small smile on her face.
"I-I suppose I could... carry you over there" Tundra said shyly, as Yang and Tundra had their little chat (Y/N) directed the Browns under his control across the bridge and made them stay with a stern look, (Y/N) looked at the far edge of the crack and took a few steps back to get a running start and he sprinted towards the edge of the crack.
"B-Be careful (Y/N)..." Ruby called out in a nervous voice, this was very unfortunate timing since he had just jumped when she said that and the sudden show of worry startled him, he almost made it to the other side of the crack but only managed to grab hold of the ledge with his arms as his chest slammed into the rock while the rest of him hung off the edge.
"(Y/N)!!" Ruby, Yang and Tundra called out in a panic, (Y/N) couldn't find any footholds and he was losing his grip fast, his eyes widened in panic as he tried to grab hold of something to stop his fall into the black abyss below, letting a string of curses out as he felt himself begin to fall.
Suddenly a pair of gauntleted hands wrapped around his right arm and tried to pull him up, he looked up to see Ruby straining to pull the sorcerer back up onto safe ground, Yang looked over to Tundra and they both quickly nodded at each other and they sprinted towards the huge crack in the ground, when they arrived at the edge Tundra grabbed Yang's hand and threw her across the opening and she rolled on the other side before rushing over to help her little sister, Tundra walked backwards and jumped over herself landing a little distance away.
Yang reached the ledge quickly and grabbed hold of (Y/N)'s other arm and started to pull him up, she was quickly joined by a bunch of Browns that grabbed hold of any part of his robes they could and pulled as hard as they could, (Y/N) was quickly pulled to safety and he let out a breath he was holding in relief.
"Are you alright (Y/N)?" Ruby asked in a worried voice as she put a hand on his shoulder.
"Y-Yeah... that was just really startling, I haven't fallen off a ledge since I was four years old. And that was one hell of an experience!" (Y/N) said as he regained control of his breathing.
"Well I'm glad your okay!" Ruby said as she hugged (Y/N), the sorcerer felt his cheek turn bright red at Ruby's touch while Yang and Tundra smirked down at them both.
"Awww, that's so cuuuute!" Yang squealed, Tundra laughed and nodded along with Yang.
(Y/N) stood back up and brushed the dirt off of his robes while the Browns looked up at him with relief on their little faces, Ruby stood up as well hiding her blushing face under her helmet and hood, she had to admit she was more than happy that (Y/N) was okay and she didn't ever want a repeat of the panic she felt when he almost fell.
"Thank you mistress, and thank you too Yang, and all of you as well" (Y/N) said as he knelt down to the Brown's level and rubbed their heads, the Browns jumped up and down cheering at the praise.
"It's no problem (Y/N), glad your okay" Yang said as she slapped his back.
"And good work with that Wolf Queen, Mistress!" (Y/N) said, Ruby shyly held onto her elbow as she ground the toe of her boot into the dirt with a grin plastered to her face, she didn't understand why compliments from (Y/N) seemed to make her so happy.
"Hmm, those children mentioned seeing some 'Red Dogs', could be our Red Minions" (Y/N) said as he held his chin in thought.
"This is great news! Now we know where to go to get the Red's back!" Ruby cheered.
"I'm sorry, but I don't understand what's going on here, what are these Reds your talking about?" Tundra asked in a confused voice.
"Basically, Ruby's become some kind of ruler of this really awesome place called the Nether World, and (Y/N) and those creatures are her subjects, they do whatever she asks of them" Yang said in a to-the-point kind of way.
"Wow, congratulations Ruby" Tundra replied with a big grin on her face.
"Thanks Tundra, it's really good to see you again! Did you miss me? Did you miss me?!" Ruby asked as she sped over and latched onto Tundra's chest with her face buried in her cleavage as her legs wrapped around her waist, Tundra blushed at the compromising position she was in but smiled and hugged back.
"Of course I missed you Ruby" she said as she looked down at Ruby.
"I don't mean to interrupt this reunion..." came (Y/N)'s voice, the three girls looked over and saw him looking away with some red on his face and the hood of his robes covering his face.
"But I believe it's time we move on, perhaps return to the Nether World for some rest and to retrieve your teammates to assist in the upcoming battle" (Y/N) said.
"Your right (Y/N), let's go" Ruby said as she let go of Tundra and landed feet first on the ground and turned to the Minions.
"On to the Netherworld!" she declared dramatically before walking towards the tunnel that the two kids ran through.
We walked through the tunnel until we reached the abandoned cottage and walked out of the doorway, however I was stopped short when I saw a very large group of Wolves waiting for us outside!
"Oh for Pete's sake, HOW MANY MORE OF THESE ARE THERE!?" Yang shouted as her hair was set ablaze, I knew how she felt because I was a little annoyed by this as well, however I noticed that the Wolves weren't attacking us rather they were looking at us with worry and respect in their eyes.
"H-Hold on... something's up with these Wolves, why aren't they attacking us?" I asked as I saw the Wolves stand up and look at us intently.
Suddenly I was pushed forwards and I ended up standing in front of three very large, brown furred Wolves, I looked back to see (Y/N) looking at me in an encouraging way.
"Just what the hell do you think your doing!?" Tundra yelled as she grabbed a fistful of his collar and glared at him angrily.
"Don't you see what's happened here?" (Y/N) said in a calm voice, although I could see some worry in his eyes.
"What are you talking about, you better have a good reason for pushing my little sister towards those Wolves!" Yang joined in as I saw her eyes turn red.
"Look at the Wolves, they've been cowed and want to serve the Mistress now!" (Y/N) said quickly, as he said this I felt something lick my hand, I looked down to see one of the Wolves looking up at me with puppy dog eyes as a soft whine came from it's mouth.
I slowly turned around and saw several of the Wolves looking at me with earnest faces, I reached my hand out carefully, getting ready to pull my hand back if they snapped at me, but the Wolves all sat down on their haunches and looked as if they were awaiting orders.
"H-How is this possible? Why are they listening to me?" I asked as I looked back to (Y/N), who was smiling happily.
"It's simple Mistress, that Wolf Queen you killed was their leader, since you killed her to them your the stronger leader and they wish to follow you so they don't end up Beowolf food, it's a basic survival instinct amongst pack animals, it's especially strong with these Wolves since they have been altered with magic" (Y/N) said, Yang seemed to calm down but Tundra still seemed a little peeved at him.
"Next time, tell us before you shove a 15 year old girl in front of a pack of slavering Wolves!" Tundra growled as she released his collar and calmed herself down.
"Yes, I apologise for that Mistress, I guess I got a little carried away..." (Y/N) said as he looked at me.
"It's okay, I'll admit it was a little scary but I knew you wouldn't do something to hurt me" I replied with a small grin.
"Sooo... what are we going to do with these Wolves?" Yang asked as she looked at the Wolves that seemed to perk up and wag their tails now that Ruby had accepted them, suddenly there was a loud crash and I saw a very big man with moose antlers walk into the clearing holding a massive sword.
"You again!? Persistent thing aren't ya?" Yang said as she cocked her Ember Celica.
"This time, I'll take your head for sure... and the others!" the Moose Faunas yelled as he pulled up his sword, the clearing was filled with very intimidating growls and snarls as the Wolves looked at the Moose Faunss with hunger in their eyes.
Suddenly the Wolves charged towards the White Fang guy and he tried to swing his sword at the Wolves, however they dodged the attack and piled on top of him biting at his limbs and his throat before shaking their heads violently as they mauled him to death.
"Awww, pretty Wolfies!" one of the Browns called out in a joyful voice.
"So playful!" called out another one.
"Okay... their version of 'play' seems a little messed up" Tundra observed, I looked between the Browns and the Wolves as they savaged the massive Moose Faunas.
"Me ride Wolfie!" one Brown cheered happily before he bounded off towards one of the Wolves.
"Wait, what are you-" I called out with worry, however the Minion jumped up and landed right onto the Wolf's back using one hand to hold onto the scruff of it's neck as he swung around his weapon in jubilation.
I was amazed at what I had just seen, and I turned to see if (Y/N) had any answers and I saw him with a big grin on his face, I also saw Yang and Tundra looking on with amazed faces, I also saw other Browns looking on in jealousy at their brother who was sitting on the Wolf's back with a smug grin.
I was curious to see if this applied to all the Wolves but I didn't want them to get savaged! However I saw (Y/N)'s Minions rush towards some of the Wolves and they easily mounted their backs just like the first one, I felt a surge of glee go through my body as I sent my own Browns towards the remaining Wolves and they also mounted them.
"Wow, I've got the Browns little mounts! I wonder if I could make them like Zwei?" I asked myself as I watched the Browns have the time of their lives with their new mounts, I had to admit they looked pretty cool on wolf-back.
"Those Wolves will be very useful to us, my Dark Lady, for one thing they can jump across ledges and onto opposing platforms, meaning they could reach places we couldn't before, good for collecting treasure or attacking enemy archers or gunners" (Y/N) said happily as he watched the Brown's play with one another on their new mounts.
"But how are we supposed to use them if they are only in this forest?" I asked, true these Wolves would be useful but I can't come back to these woods whenever I need them.
"Simple, we'll send them to the Nether World, just have the Minions make some Wolf pens in the Brown's section of the Minion Burrows to keep them in, that way we can ensure they will remain loyal to you" (Y/N) suggested with a grin, I had to admit that sounded like an excellent idea!
"Okay, let's get going!" I said happily, I walked on with the others following behind me, I saw the Browns with the Wolves very close to me and (Y/N) while Yang was hanging back with Tundra talking and catching up.
The group emerged from the darkened woods with the Browns still riding their Wolves, the group cut through a large field of wheat and ended up as a wheel that lowered a bridge to the other side of a river, Ruby sent ten Browns to turn the wheel and after a few quick rotations the bridge lowered allowing the group to cross over, after a short walk they arrived at the Nether world gate and got ready to return to the tower.
"Well I'll see you guys around" Tundra said as she turned to walk away.
"What?! Wait, Tundra!" Ruby called out, Yang walked over to her and put her hand on the Snow Leopard Faunas's shoulder making the girl blush at the contact.
"Come on Tundra, can't you come back to the Tower with us for a little while? I'd really love it if we could catch up a little..." Yang said with a small hint of red on her own cheeks.
"I-I'm sorry Yang, but I can't... I've been hired for a job in Vale, I have to get there very soon or I might lose out on a big pay" Tundra responded sadly, in truth she really wanted to go and spend time with Yang and to confess her feelings to the blonde bombshell, however her fear of being rejected made her want to put it off, at least for a little while so she could gather her courage.
"Why not come with us, we can get you to Vale easily!" Ruby suggested helpfully.
"NO! I-I mean... I'd rather travel on an airship, enjoy the view a little, you guys know how much I love travelling" Tundra responded, (Y/N) raised a brow at her, he could tell she wanted to go with them but didn't say anything since it wasn't his business, and he was worried Tundra or Yang would put a hole through his face for getting involved.
"Oh... okay, maybe next time... we could go out dancing and drinking again, maybe have another bar fight, yeah?" Yang asked with disappointment and sadness dripping from her voice.
"Yeah... next time, it's a promise!" Tundra said as she took hold of Yang's hand and squeezed it lightly making them both blush slightly, she quickly turned around and sped off towards the city of Mistral to catch a ride to Vale and do her job.
"Shall we go now my Lady?" (Y/N) asked snapping Yang out of her sadness, she quickly pushed down her feelings of disappointment and walked into the light of the Netherworld Gate to return to the Dark Tower along with Ruby, )Y/N) and the Wolves, and get ready for the battle against the Halflings, who also seemed to be working with the White Fang.
As the three humans and the pack of Wolves vanished in a flash of bright light, only one thing was certain...
Things were about to get very interesting.
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