Chapter 5 - Elliott
Victoria, the director and Cara were all discussing the planned shots whilst we had our make-up done. My eyes drifted to the desk where the little mousey girl studiously focused on ignoring me. She stood and walked jerkily to the printer, then to the door, putting up a sign on the outside before scurrying back to her spot hidden behind the desk.
I would have taken it personally if I hadn't known that she had no idea who we were. It was a novelty really.
I tried to push her to the back of my mind as we prepped for the shoot, finding the perfect lighting between the rows of books.
"Ok, and....action." the director shouted.
Instantly the song filled the space and the pretty model in front of me flicked her honey blonde hair, all pouts and sultry smiles. She span so her back was to the bookshelf and stretched in a way I assumed was supposed to be sexy.
I hesitated before launching into the opening verse, "I met her in the library/ My silence is golden girl / Hushing me with a finger / I just wanna please her now."
She flicked her hair as I approached, catching me in the face. "Owww." I clutched my eye, spinning away.
"Cut! Cut!" the director yelled storming over.
I tilted my head back so Victoria who had appeared at my side could get a better look.
"For God's sake Madison, eye injuries aren't sexy." She huffed at the girl, probing around my face gently.
I righted my head and blinked rapidly to clear my watering eye and establish I hadn't been permanently blinded. Big doe eyes looked up at me and they didn't belong to whip-my-hair-back-and-forth Barbie.
"First aid kit." She said, so quietly I almost missed it, thrusting the small green and white box into my hands and then darting off again.
A moment later we were rolling again, nearly at the chorus when I waved my hand to cut, "This isn't working."
The director, clearly irritated at me taking over his shoot called out "What?"
"She's not right. The girl is supposed to be shy, unassuming, a librarian. Not some sex kitten in horn-rimmed glasses."
I glanced around, trying to think how to explain it better. How I had pictured her.
My eyes landed on the mousey girl, a stack of paperbacks tucked under one arm, trailing a finger along the shelf across the room.
"Like this." I grinned and stalked over to her.
"I met her in the library / My silence is golden girl / Hushing me with a finger / I just wanna please her now." I sang out.
She jumped, spinning to face me, with the same wide-eyed look she had when I got in her personal space earlier. I dimly thought I heard someone say 'roll' and the music started but she had my full attention as I continued, "I can't waste another day / Without tasting your kiss / Mussing up that perfect hair / Honey it's my only wish."
Her breath hitched and cheeks flushed bright red as I trapped her against the shelf with my arms and leaned in close, as though about to whisper a secret. "I'm long overdue baby / Overdue for knowing you / Checked you out so many times / Your stamp card must be full. / So kiss me between the stacks darlin' / I know you're wilder than you look / Behind those little glasses / Your bedroom eyes have got me hooked."
I leaned back so I could see her face again, her breath was coming in short pants, and her tongue darted out to wet her lips. She was about to speak I realised and span away, taking the stack of books from her. Instead of speaking she let out a little noise, a cry of protest as her hands reached for the books.
I hid the stack behind my back and moved slowly away from her, "Tellin' me I've been bad / I think you said I'm fine / My library books were overdue / Just like that kiss of mine / I've been dreaming of that body / Underneath those baggy clothes / And I know you've caught my heart now / And I think you know / I'm sure you know."
She kept reaching for the books, following me until I was pressed against the other shelf. I grinned as she darted forward trying to grab them again. I held them just out of her reach, and she stumbled, her hand landing on my chest to keep from falling.
She looked at it slowly and then moved up to my eyes before returning to the hand again.
She snatched it back like I had burned her and span on her heel, grabbing another stack of books and trying to pretend she was putting them away instead of looking at me. I grinned, glancing at the camera which had followed us. Victoria gave me a thumbs up to continue. "I'm long overdue baby / Overdue for knowing you / Checked you out so many times / Your stamp card must be full / So kiss me between the stacks darlin' / I know you're wilder than you look / Behind those little glasses / Your bedroom eyes have got me hooked / You've got me hooked." I followed her progress down the shelves.
That blush on her cheeks spread to her ears and through the strands of hair escaping her messy ponytail, I could see it went down her neck as well. I caught her elbow, turning her to face me. Her lips parted in surprise as she gazed up at me. The books tumbled from her hands, "If silence is golden honey / Then you've got 24 carat lips / And I want a kiss."
I leaned in closer, "You know I'm overdue / For your kiss." I whispered as she tilted her head up to mine, she moved closer to me, our lips almost touching.
I could have sworn she shivered but then she shook her head, breaking our eye contact and the spell we were under. Dropping to her knees she picked up the discarded books, her eyes down and hands trembling.
"Cut!" the director shouted, "That was amazing, just brilliant! Can we do it one more time, exactly like that so we can get another angle?"
Mousey girl's head shot up. This time there was a fire in her eyes as she stood stiffly books cradled reverently in her hands. I wasn't the only one who saw it.
"Can I just speak to you a sec Pheebs." Called out the woman who had introduced herself as Cara as she bustled through the camera crew and caught mousey girl's arm, marching her away.
I ran a hand through my hair and took an unsteady breath, it would seem our little moment had affected me as much, if not more than her.
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