Chapter 45 - Elliott
"Hello London!" I shout into the microphone as soon as we bounce onto stage.
The cheers and screams that follow tell me that Phoebe was right and I'm so glad I listened to her.
The band were shaken when they realised what had happened as all they had known was I got a phone call and ran out shouting Phoebe needed me.
They hadn't had any idea how serious it was. How serious it could have been.
My eyes scan the crowd until they land on her. She is sat between Cara and Kyle's sister Lindy. I'd recognise that shock of red hair anywhere.
"Now I've got someone very special in the audience today." I say slowly, my entire being focused on her.
The screams grow, "This song is for you my love."
She's too far away for me to see the expression on her face but she jumps to her feet and I just know she's screaming.
"We are True Outlaws and this is Overdue." Erik calls into his microphone as they start playing.
I grin over at Kyle who is looking at me like a proud Dad and shake my head.
"I met her in the library, my silence is golden girl," I sing out, "Hushing me with a finger, I just wanna please her now."
The band are laughing and singing the lyrics but in my head it's only us again, "I'm long overdue baby, overdue for knowing you. Checked you out so many times, your stamp card must be full. So kiss me between the stacks darlin', I know you're wilder than you look. Behind those little glasses, your bedroom eyes have got me hooked."
I dance across the stage, "Tellin' me I've been bad, I think you said I'm fine," I waggle my eyebrows at the crowd and they lose it all over again. "My library books were overdue, just like that kiss of mine."
Suddenly remembering I'm supposed to be entertaining a whole crowd and not just her I blow a kiss to the front row and see a wave of girls, who all seem to think it's for them, melt.
When I hold out the microphone to the crowd they need no encouragement to sing the lyrics back to me.
We have our whole lives for me to sing how much I love her. The songs she inspires in me are exciting and scary and I cannot wait to hold her in my arms again.
I pull the microphone back to my mouth and lean towards the crowd for the finale,"You know I'm overdue....for your kiss." I whisper and the stage goes dark.
Despite the darkness making it difficult to see, my eyes are still focused on where I know she is sat.
Every song tonight, every song I have ever, or will ever sing, they are all for her.
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