Chapter 4 - Phoebe
"One moment please." I murmured, not looking up from the screen.
I had to finish placing this order to request back our books from other libraries that had borrowed them, and the portal kept timing me out before I finished. This was supposed to be part of Richard's job, but he had passed it onto me again before disappearing off on an errand twenty minutes ago.
I added two more from Greenhithe library before clicking complete. Watching the tiny hour glass loading symbol turn slowly three times before the little green complete box popped up.
Hitting finish I glanced up at the person who had been waiting with a smile, "How can I help..."
My voice died in my throat before it could complete the thought and the guy in front of me gave a dazzling smile. "I'm sorry?" he purred.
His voice had a rich quality to it and it affected my ability to think in ways no one had before. His lip curled into a smile as if he knew it too. He was enjoying this. I swallowed, "How can I help you today?" I asked quietly.
My eyes flicked to the group behind him. Sinfully attractive, these were clearly city boys, so what were they doing here?
The one in front of me had black jeans that sat low on his hips and a short sleeved grey shirt that clung to him like a second skin. The others were dressed similarly but none of the wore it quite the way he did. He just exuded confidence. A presence about him that commanded attention.
Down girl, it was clear I didn't get out of the village enough if I was panting over the first strangers I saw.
"Hiya, I'm Victoria. You must be Phoebe, Cara told me about you." Said a pretty brunette, stepping forwards and saving me from my own awkwardness. My cheeks burned with embarrassment but I stood and took her outstretched hand, shaking it.
"You must be the ones who booked out the meeting room." I said recovering some form of ability to communicate when it wasn't with him. "Cara isn't here yet but I can show you through so you can get settled." I gave a nervous smile and stepping around the desk, beckoning them to follow me.
"Actually," Victoria said, "we've booked the entire library."
I turned, "The whole thing?"
"Yep, makes it much easier to film when you don't have people wandering through."
"Oh," I said by way of a response as I stepped into the room and started pouring cups of water and setting them around the table.
What were they filming? The introvert in me wanted to run and hide but occasionally my curiosity won. It seemed like this was one of those times. "So filming? Which college are you from? North West Kent? I think they've got a media department." My brows knitted together as I tried to think of others.
The hot one looked at me for a second and then burst out laughing, "Do I look like a college student?" He asked raising an eyebrow his eyes sparkling.
I cocked my head to one side. Now that he mentioned it, not really, but I wasn't about to admit that. I shrugged, "Kinda."
This sent the other boys into peals of laughter whilst the first boy's smile dropped and he examined me carefully, searching for signs this was a joke. "Don't you know who I am?" he asked softly, stepping into my personal space in a way that stole my breath.
"God you sound like a right dickhead." One of the other boys said and they all cracked up again.
He was so close I had to tilt my head up to meet his stare. Deep blue-grey eyes bored into me and I felt naked under his gaze.
I glanced sideways at Victoria appealing to her with my eyes for help, but she was barely restraining laughter too.
This small meeting room felt even smaller with him in it. Who was he?!
He had asked me that question, but I was sure that I would remember that face if I had seen it before so instead, I shook my head mutely. Silence ticked by and no one moved.
"Oh gosh, Pheebs I'm so sorry I'm late. Thanks for taking care of everyone." Cara's familiar voice called out, taking the boy's attention long enough for me to retreat a safe distance.
"You're welcome. I-I'll leave you to it." I stammered, darting between the strangers and out the room as fast as my jelly legs would let me.
- - -
"Are you ok?" Cara's concerned face popped around the ancient computer I was aggressively typing at.
I jumped, clapping my hand to my heart dramatically.
She laughed, "I'm sorry hun, I should have warned you they were coming. But it was pretty last minute. I knew Tori at university and when she mentioned they needed a pretty library for their next music video. I just knew this would be perfect."
Alongside her job as assistant to Richard, Cara ran an events company. She had been trying to persuade me to leave this job and work full-time for her for almost a year now.
"Who are they?" I asked.
Cara blinked, looking at me as though I had just sprouted horns and announced my intention to become a goat for the rest of my days. "Do you listen to any current music? Watch the news? Read the papers?"
I shook my head, "I read the local paper to my Nanna but that's about it."
I hadn't really had time to keep up to date with all the latest music for well over a year now. I worked all day and then completed chores and cared for Nanna the rest of the time.
Me time involved a hot chocolate and a good book. No other distractions.
"True Outlaws?" she asked.
I shook my head, "Never heard of them."
"Jesus Pheebs I swear you are the weirdest kid I've ever met. I need to get you out of this town someday." She chuckled, massaging her temples.
I watched the door as a procession of what I was pretty sure were models strutted in. The blonde at the front wore a tight white shirt and tartan skirt looking like a cross between a sexy student and pornstar. Way to make me feel inferior Mrs legs-for-days."Most girls your age would kill for the opportunity to work with these boys. Remember that today and be helpful!" she warned.
"Always am."
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