Chapter 33 - Elliott
I watched silently as they made their plans for our morning. Hearing Phoebe speak to her Nanna reminded me just how little we really knew about each other. I knew her Nanna raised her, but I hadn't realised just how close they were and how this situation might affect her family. Phoebe didn't really know me either. She didn't know my deep dark secret, my weakness. If she did would that change things for her?
Had I been selfish for not even considering the impact that this would have on Phoebe's life. I was used to the paparazzi and their intrusiveness. In all honesty I hardly noticed them anymore. Phoebe was not and I felt a twinge of uneasiness. My life wasn't likely to change any time soon and if Phoebe couldn't adjust then we likely wouldn't work out.
The pang of sadness that sent through my chest shocked me. I had only known her a short time but already she was having a big impact on me. I shook myself mentally, there was no point thinking about that now. I just needed to focus on managing this as best I could to give us the best chance of our relationship going somewhere.
I forced myself to tune back into the conversation. "-but I don't want them to take hundreds of photos and discuss what I'm wearing." Phoebe protested and I bit back a smile.
I was pretty sure I had said something similar about not wanting to be a designer clothes horse when we started out.
"It doesn't matter whether you want it or not, that's probably what they will focus on." Sam argued.
"You don't need to change your style but just let us get you dressed up a little. If they're taking pictures, you are going to want your hair and make up done." Cara said diplomatically.
Phoebe groaned, tipping her head back in frustration, "Fine. Yes to make up and a top but I'm wearing my trainers and I'll do my hair."
Cara looked like she wanted to argue but like everyone else in the room, I think she saw that Phoebe was reaching her limit.
I slipped an arm round her shoulders and tucked her against me. For a moment she stiffened, and I nearly moved away again before the tension left her and she relaxed into my side.
"Where are we going then?" I asked and four sets of eyes glared at me at they realised I hadn't been listening.
I felt Phoebe shake and looked down at her in alarm, but she was laughing. "And they thought I was going to be the difficult one." She sniggered.
I smiled back and poked her side causing her to let out a squeal. I tucked away the knowledge she was ticklish and looked at Victoria expectantly.
She sighed before reciting the plan, "You're going to sit in a café. We will let the press know, Phoebe will walk up and you will have coffee and cake before heading your separate ways."
"Why can't we turn up together?" I asked.
"Because then they'll think you stayed the night." Phoebe said, looking a little horrified.
I shrugged, not really seeing the issue with that. I might have been offended by the face she was pulling if it weren't for the fact, I had seen her face after our kisses.
"It's already ten so if you'll excuse us, I need to get Phoebe ready. You can show yourselves out." Cara said dismissively, as she got up.
"I think she looks great as she is." I said, reluctant to let her leave my side.
Phoebe laughed and stood to follow her. "Trust me, Cara will fix all this." She gestured to her face and then moved to follow Cara.
I wanted to stop her going and protest that she was stunning the way she was but instead I just said, "I'll see you later then?"
She smiled, "See you later."
I had chosen a seat by the window as Sam instructed me to and pulled my baseball cap low so it covered most of my face. Although the goal here was to be noticed by the press, I didn't particular want to be recognised by any fans. Especially not whilst I was out in the open like this.
Jake sat two tables away, his eyes constantly scanning the room for threats. The bell attached to the door rang out and I swivelled in my seat to see if it was her. The elderly couple who entered seemed surprised that I was staring, and I quickly turned to face forward again in my seat.
Why was I so nervous? This wasn't our first date. We had met and spoken to each other a number of times now. So why did it feel like just before I went on stage at one of our shows?
A waitress appeared at my side to take my order and I mumbled that I was waiting for a friend without looking at her. Fishing my phone out I glanced at the time. I had only been sat here a few minutes but it felt like hours.
The bell rang again and this time when I turned, I saw her. I smiled in relief and she did the same, moving round the tables to join me. "Hey." She said shyly.
"Hey," I grinned, "Thank God you're here. I beginning to wonder if I was being stood up."
Her expression filled with sympathy and I remembered the story she had confided in me. My hand reached for hers across the table and we met halfway. "I would never do that." She promised.
"I know." I reassured.
"So what do we do now?" she asked after a moments silence.
"Ok, so the statement has been up for about twenty minutes now and the fans are shipping us so hard." I winked at her.
"I saw," she laughed, "They're calling us HawkBee."
"Love it!" I snorted, "so I'm guessing the paps are going to be here soon. You sure you're ok with this?"
"Not ok but I can handle it. Plus Cara did all this work on me, she'd be upset if I wasted it." She gestured to her face and clothes.
Although Phoebe always looked good, right now she was stunning in a understated sultry way but somehow managed to still look like her. I was no expert on makeup but the look she had gone for was total girl-next-door and I loved it. I knew how long it could take to create these "natural" looks and I was impressed by what Cara had done. Phoebe's hair was in a high ponytail that was neater than it had been earlier and her top had been changed for an expensive looking cream jumper.
"You look amazing." I murmured.
She blushed immediately and I laughed, it was so easy to make her embarrassed. "Can I get you guys some drinks?" the waitress was back.
Phoebe shot her a smile, "Could I get a hot chocolate please?"
"Would you like cream and marshmallows with that?" she asked, noting it down on her little notepad.
"Yes please." Phoebe glanced at me to see what I would order.
"Could I get the same thanks." I said quickly.
I saw the moment recognition lit the waitress's eyes. "Are you-"
"Yes. Yes, it's me. Please keep it quiet." I said desperately, looking her in the eye for the first time since I had got here.
She looked like she might faint as she nodded slowly, still staring at me. "Did you need anything else?" she whispered back.
"No, that's everything. Thank you." Phoebe smiled sympathetically and patted the girl's arm.
She took a couple of steps back and then turned and dashed for the kitchen. I tensed, ready to run if she revealed my secret.
"It's ok, she was just star struck, poor girl." Phoebe laughed, squeezing my fingers.
A flash outside alerted me to the arrival of the paparazzi. From Phoebe's relaxed expression she still hadn't noticed them, and I didn't want to be the one that took that peace from her.
"So what are you doing after this?" I asked.
She propped her chin on her hand, "Going to see Nanna. I've neglected her over the last couple of days." Her face creased into a frown as she thought about it.
"I'm sorry." I offered, feeling guilty.
If I were just a normal guy, we would be going on normal dates and getting to know each other, rather than this staged nonsense.
Another camera flashed outside and Phoebe flinched, she had definitely noticed that one. I saw her shrink down in the seat and reached out, catching her hands in my own. "It's ok, we can leave whenever you want, just say the word and I'll get you out of here." I soothed.
She gave a grateful smile, "I'm ok."
I watch her take several more deep breaths before she forces herself to relax and straighten in the seat.
Before I can check if she's sure she doesn't want to leave, the waitress appears with our hot chocolates. I can see her hands shaking as she lifts them off the tray to place in front of us, "Did you need anything else?" she doesn't meet my eye but I can tell the question is directed at me.
"I think we're good," I say with a smile, before adding "Thank you."
Her face flushes and she backs away muttering something about how excited she is but the words are not coming out in the order she intends. "Me, excited, fan, am."
I smile again, "Always good to meet a fan."
When she has finally stopped her weird backwards walk away from us and vanishes into the kitchen, I return my focus to Phoebe.
She is watching me with an amused expression hovering on her lips. "What?" I asked with a frown.
She smiles wider, "You just can't help but dazzle them all can you?"
I shot her a wink, "I'm naturally charming, what can I say!"
The eye roll that followed said it all, I could almost forget that we were staging this for the press. For the first time in a long while I felt that pang of longing for the life I had before the fame. So that we could go on simple dates anywhere without fear of being recognised stalking our every step and a bodyguard always nearby.
I let out a huff of irritation as the crowd of paparazzi grew on the pavement outside. "Don't let them get to you." I glanced up in surprise as Phoebe lay a hand over mine, "I know it's hard but Sam thinks this will make them back off and I really need that to happen."
Her words were exactly what was needed to soothe my temper. This wasn't about me; it was about us. Us. That little word sent a thrill through me. What had happened to me? Even a few months ago I was with a new girl at every show, now the thought of that made me feel sick. I never believed those stories that said when you found the right person it would change you and you wouldn't even mind. Although back then, I didn't think much beyond my next drink and the girls were just a means to an end. They helped me to scratch and itch and that was all. Their faces blurred together in my mind, I had no idea how many there had been.
I placed my other hand on top of Phoebe's, so she was captured between them. "What did I do to deserve you?"
A flush of pink stained her cheeks at my comment and she ducked her head in a movement that usually allowed her to hide behind a curtain of hair. With her hair up and pulled back from her face there was no hiding.
She pulled her hand back with a shy smile and took the nearest mug of hot chocolate. Her small hands look even smaller in comparison to the huge jam jar style mug and she took a small sip before letting out a contented sigh.
I realised how creepy I probably looked just watching her and hastily picked up the other mug and took a sip. But with my eyes still focused on Phoebe, I misjudged the distance of the mug and ended up dunking my nose in the swirl of squirty cream and marshmallows that topped the drink.
Phoebe giggled at my startled expression setting down her own drink and leaning over the table to dab at the mess I had made with a tissue. "What is it about you? I turn into an awkward teenage boy with zero social skills." I gave a half-embarrassed laugh.
It seemed blushing was going to be her permanent new look as another flush burned her cheeks. "If this is you being awkward then I don't think I can handle the full Elliott. I already feel totally out of my depth as it is. I mean I'm obviously punching. You're this incredible, attractive celebrity and I'm"
I shook my head; she was so wrong. Did she not see how incredibly beautiful she was? As much as I understood her shyness, especially given her limited and negative past experiences, but surely she couldn't miss the adorable face that greeted her in the mirror every day?
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