Chapter 29 - Elliott
Her eyes are wide as she gazes back at me, cheeks flushed from embarrassment and lips swollen from my kiss. I immediately find myself wanting to kiss her again but if I do, I'm not sure I'd be able to stop myself.
"You can keep it." She says primly, refusing to look at the small foil wrapper.
I decide to spare her anymore blushes, no matter how adorable I might find them, and tuck it into the back pocket of the seat in front of me.
We sit in silence for a moment, "So did you have that address?" Jake asks with another snort of laughter.
"Oh, yes. Sorry." Phoebe mumbles passing the bit of paper into the front.
As we set off, I find myself watching her. I've never been so entranced by a girl twirling hair around her finger, but I can't tear my eyes away.
It takes a moment, but she finally glances at me, noticing my attentions. I wait for her to ask me why I'm staring or get embarrassed and look away. I have perfect lines and reactions for both, but she doesn't do either. Instead she returns my stare with a fiery one of her own.
She's such a contradiction. Clearly nervous, her chest rising and falling quickly with each breath. But still she stares, refusing to back down.
It has become more like a challenge than a flirty look. Finally, I can stand it no longer and unclip my seat belt.
Her forehead creases into a frown, "Hey, that's not safe-"
I silence her scolding with a kiss. It's soft, a light brushing of my lips on hers.
They part in surprise and I seize the opportunity to dart my tongue to touch hers, just like she did earlier to me.
The tension leaves her body as I kiss her and I feel a sense of satisfaction. Her body shifts under me at the same time as we go round a corner.
I lose my balance, falling into her lap.
"I told you it wasn't safe." She giggles above me and I roll in her lap so I'm looking up at her.
"Maybe this is where I wanted to be?" my voice is husky and she shivers, refusing to meet my eyes.
"Silly." She gives me a little poke to emphasise her point and I burst out laughing.
She rolls her eyes but I see her lip twitch with a barely hidden smile.
I spend the rest of the journey like that, laid in her lap watching her lashes, her lips.
She avoids eye contact but her hand rests on my shoulder, drawing light circles with a finger tip. Too soon Jake announces that we've arrived and I peer out at the fancy looking block of flats. "Would you like me to walk her up?" Jake asks.
I sit up quickly, "No, I can do that."
He nods but gets out anyway, opening Phoebe's door for her and I feel a surge of annoyance. I want to be the one to do those things for her. I jump out quickly and hurry round. "Thank you." She nods gracefully at Jake, blessing him with one of those beautiful smiles as he returns the little note with the address on.
He grins back, nods again and then gets back into the car. I look at Phoebe with uncertainty. What level are we on? Hand holding? Arm round the waist? Arm round the shoulders?
She makes the decision for me, shyly offering her hand and I take it. Her tiny fingers curl around mine and we begin walking up the steps to the entrance. Who knew holding someones hand could feel so right?
At the top we are confronted with a locked door and I glance expectantly at her. "Oh yes." She says after a moment, fumbling with the keys.
"No rush." I murmur back.
It opens on her second try, "I'll be alright from here." She says softly, stepping inside.
"Can I kiss you one more time?" I ask before she can close the door.
She hesitates and for a long moment I think she is going to say no. Then she darts forward, pressing a quick chaste kiss to the corner of my mouth.
I turn my head, capturing her lips and slips a hand round her waist to pull her to me.
I will never get tired of kissing her. The thought comes into my mind without warning and I realise to my surprise it's true.
We break apart and she moves back a step, as though the distance will somehow defuse the attraction between us.
"Thank you for this date." She sighs, "It really has been magical."
"You deserve this and more. I'm glad you enjoyed it though, especially as you were so against it." I laugh so she knows I wasn't really bothered by her reluctance.
Her face flushes, "I should be going up I don't want Cara to worry."
If Cara's foiled wrapped gift was anything to go by, she wont mind a few extra minutes of kissing. I keep that thought to myself though and smile. "Alright. Goodnight, I'll message you tomorrow?"
"Okay." Her face lights up with another smile, "Goodnight."
Then the door closes and she is gone. I feel oddly bereft as I make my way back to the car.
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